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Benedict 1916 Ratzinger readmits Holocaust Denial Bishop to RC Church.
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Saturday January 24, 2009 19:17 by no platform
news for Latin Speakers Pope Benedict XVI has today revoked the excommunications of four schismatic bishops, of the kind of flock who like to say Latin Mass & one in particular whose comments denying the Holocaust not only provoked recent outrage but did so without getting proper Irish media coverage. I daresay it was on Facebook as well and quite probably has a place in the recent Microsoft worm you download inadvertendly off your MP3. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21I suppose it's a bit ironic for those who like a good mass said in latin and their women folk in chunky-medium heels who these last weeks have been praying for diplomatic reactions to the slaughter in Gaza - that today the Israeli Rabbinate broke all relations with the Holy See ( Vatican in diplo-lingo ) until they get a formal apology from Pope Ratzinger clarifying the oven thing & if there is no apology from the German Shepherd there will be no Catholic Jewish world forum this summer, an annual bash which allows elderly men in european hats and beards rub shoulders with elderly men in middle eastern skullcaps and dresses & argue over how Islamic their God might actually be.
which is why I suppose that he (the pope) has expressed "full and indisputable solidarity" with Jews in a speech this morning, thus in the words of the BBC, who don't do kiddy appeals, distancing himself from a bishop who denies the Nazis used gas chambers.
Quite he was in fact distancing himself from bishop Williamson who was until last week excommunicated and as far as you could sort of get from the pope who can not only receive communion wafers but give them & has an assured place in heaven.
irony is such a ludicrous word.
you admit someone back into your fold who was previously persona non grata coz they like to say Latin mass & then you have to distance yourself from what they say in English.
........cue the nazi pope illustration.
Even for those of us who hold such religiosity in small intellectual esteem, the notion that the same man who as "God's rottweiller" under the nice friendly and popular polish pope excommunicated not only those who preferred to say mass in Latin and canonise people like Franco and Hitler ------- but also excommunicate those who accepted the Quran as a divinely inspired document -------- (not forgetting to mention the little detail about how he forget to mention the nightly trips through his town where he was stationed as a hitler youth of convoys of slave labour in his biography)...................
must be interesting.
Put it this way, the countries of Europe with the highest catholic paid up interest are Poland, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Hungary Portugal, Spain & Malta. And of those countries with the exception of Ireland, Spain and Portugal antisemitism and neo-nazism and extreme right activity have had a field day in the last years..........
since the last pope died.
The only person he mentioned in his will was the rabbi of Rome and the only prelate of a non-christian faith he ever prayed with was the imam of Damascus.
theology is like irony.
the German Shepherd, Josef Ratzinger, Benedict XVI forgave a "persona non grata" in Latin to remind us how much of a "persona non grata" he was in English, Hebrew, German & so on - so forth.
all i'd like to know is.....................where do palestinian innocent kids go when they die?
would it be the limbo of frosty non-diplomatic relations?
you'll never get a BBC or SKY charity appeal on that kind of basis.
Abba, Rabbi, do innocent dead palestinian kids go the same place as learned holy men when they die?
Yesterday Ratzinger promoted Gerhard Wagner to the post of bishop of Linz in Austria. Gerhard Wagner as well unfortuanately sharing a name with the doctor in charge of sterilising the handicapped during the 3rd Reich has made his name recently for insisting and preaching that sexually permissiveness in New Orleans was the cause of Hurricane Katrina & the subsequent suffering of mostly black people as seen on live telly not to forget the subsequent failure of the US Federal emergency services and total incompentence of GW Bush's administration......
were the wrath of God.
for those of ye interested in how the nazi bishop thing ended, bishop Williamson wrote a letter to the Vatican "regretting any unnecessary complications and embarrasment caused to the Holy Father by his interview with Swedish radio" Ye shall note that he has not retracted his Holocaust Denial....... just qualified its airing "on air" indeed as complicating and embarrasing the Holy Father. (that's Ratzinger to you and me).
as she put it :-
"This is not just a matter, in my opinion, for the Christian, Catholic and Jewish communities in Germany but the Pope and the Vatican should clarify unambiguously that there can be no denial"
Merkel would have more credibility on this issue if she would properly acknowledge the holocaust being visited on the Palestinians instead of turning herslef into a political prostitue in her efforts to appease Israel.
"No Platform" mentions Limbo in his piece.
I would like to inform him that Limbo has been decommissioned.
The their Christian Charity... no longer commits little unbaptized babies to eternal darkness.
. For those who follow folkloristic twists and turns this spells bad news for any hope of the excommunications on the Palamarian Order*, who are also of the sedevacantists turned conclavists ilk, being lifted soon. Coz they canonised Hitler & Franco but oddly enough not Mussolini. ( * )
Look up your dictionary and see what a HOLOCAUST really means
before you use it so freely to describe present day events
Matan Vilnai's poor grasp of Hebrew ...
Firstly Sean Og, I once read the Old Testament right through (and a long time it took me) and gathered that 'holocausts' were sacrifices of animals and other food made on altars or outside temples as offerings to the God of Abraham and atonment for transgressions of the mosaic law handed down with the covenant.
The Holocaust (shoah) as it came into historical and political coinage from the 1970s refers specifically to the liquidation of the Jews as a deliberate Nazi policy of genetic 'cleansing' by industrial means in the specially constructed and equipped camps like Sobibobor, Belsen, Mauthausen, Treblinka and Auschwitcz. I've read books about it by Lord Russel of Liverpool, S.M.Finer and Primo Levi and have always accepted that 6 million Jews were liquidated. I don't know where this oddbod Bishop Williams gets his reduced figure of about 'only' 300,000 from.
This chap with the plummy accent must surely be aware that many other people were liquidated in various camps too - polish catholic priests, German social democrats and communists, German 'confessing church' lutheran pastors like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and other christians who raised their voices against nazi race ideology,assorted slavs (regarded as untermenschen), mental defectives and the physically handicapped (some of them killed with lethal injections in hospitals), homosexuals (who wore pink triangles), gypsies and convicted criminals among other 'undesirables'. I always understood that these liquidations amounted to 5 million, making the total numbers of liquidations 11 million. Now whether these 11 million were liquidated by gas, by shooting and hanging, by hunger, by being worked to death or by diseases aggravated by living and working conditions in the camps is a quibble. The point is that the nazis organised mass murders. The shootings and burials of peasants and villagers in forests and the machine gunning of captured Russian soldiers on the eastern front also go to make up the numbers of millions. The liquidation of the 5 million is not termed a holocaust, and why not might be an interesting linguistic aside.
Here on the french Le Monde daily the English Bishop Williamson is quoted as saying in a recent interview given to german magazine Der Spiegel:
""Il s'agit de preuves historiques, pas d'émotions. Et si je trouve des preuves alors je rectifierai. Mais cela va prendre du temps", affirme-t-il dans une interview à l'hebdomadaire Der Spiegel à paraître lundi 9 février et mise en ligne samedi."
Trans: 'It's a question of historical proof, not emotions. And if I find proof then I'll correct my mistakes. But that could take time." Very calm chap, that Bishop Williamson, eh?
If you read German here is the link to the Spiegel story:,1518,606088,00.html
In the Le Monde article William is quoted as having said in an interview to a Swedish TV station: "Je crois qu'il n'y a pas eu de chambres à gaz (...) Je pense que 200 000 à 300 000 juifs ont péri dans les camps de concentration mais pas un seul dans les chambres à gaz." Au Spiegel il a affirmé avoir "fait des recherches dans les années 1980" sur ce sujet et avoir été "pour cette raison convaincu de l'exactitude" des positions qu'il défend. "Je dois tout réexaminer encore une fois et voir les preuves", dit-il. Et d'ajouter: "toute ma vie, j'ai toujours cherché la vérité".
Trans: I don't think there were gas chambers (...) I think 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in concentration camps but not one of them in a gas chamber. In his Spiegel interview he said he had done research in the 1980s and for this reason was convinced about the accuracy ('exactitude') of the position he defends..." etc
From all that I'd conclude that Bishop Williamson's historical 'exactitude' could be much improved if documentation from the Nuremberg war crimes trials etc were to be supplied to him by historians willing to enlighten him. On a YouTube interview he seems like a quiet hesitant guy who wouldn't say boo to a goose - but he seems very detached and out of touch with the grim realities of the awful twentieth century.
Argentinian news reports the ultra-conservative Society of St Pius X is relieving the British-born Williamson of his post as the director of its seminary in La Reja, Argentina. Seemingly his thoughts do not reflect "those of the congregation".
Argentina has ordered an ultra-traditionalist British bishop who denies the Holocaust to leave the country or face expulsion. The interior ministry said Richard Williamson had been given 10 days to leave Argentina.
you've got to 10 days to offer him asylum and get a Latin mass for free or else he'll have to find somewhere else to hole up... now where would that be?
Iran? or perhaps he will simply travel the well trod Argentinian route of nazi types backwards and find himself in the Vatican?
Maybe His Lordship could get help from RTE 1 at Montrose. They could put him up in a hotel at Montrose in return for co-operating on a new Hidden History programme.
whats the 1916 thing about in the title of this piece. dont get it
Funny that the Telegraph blogs editor Damian Thompson is the only one firing a shot across the
bows on the trundling on of the SSPX scandal:
I reckon thats because Thompson is a bit of a Catholic snob who plays classical music
and doesn't like feminists or Low mass, he really fetishes on garment too- doesn't change
the fact that there's a heap of crap added as coda to the whole sordid affair and that
Williamson is again enjoying the Protection of Rome. Now if someone could find the seminarian
who attended Williamson school and quit that'd be great. He blogs and comments in the RCC
Thompson's sites quite regularly.
maybe it's not a *Coda* because Irish catholic peasants don't really get classical training and have
abusive clergy--- who knows?
The pope will visit Britain, invited indeed by Brown , who though unappreciated by Blair seems to have gotten more results for british catholics. Blair's cultivation of libyan links being a cause of stress. l wonder if dr williamson and david irving will be waving flags as the controversy over SSPX continues :
Most Germans,including the present pope,were conscripted.
For a young teenager to refuse to be conscripted in Nazi Germany was to face certain death.
He would have been shot for cowardise as an inferior specimen of " Viking-Germanic Manhood.".
Just last year a German pilot returned to the English city of Bath to apologise to the people for bombing them.
Story here:
He is typical of most decent Germans....who were ultimately blameless for the murders.
when a former member of bomber command in the RAF visits Dresden to belatedly apologise for the carpet bombing of Dresden. Es tut mir leid: Ich bin ein Dresdener, he might say in his best school German.
"Author by Luftypublication date Wed Sep 23, 2009 23:28Report this post to the editors
When a former member of bomber command in the RAF visits Dresden to belatedly apologise for the carpet bombing of Dresden. Es tut mir leid: Ich bin ein Dresdener, he might say in his best school German."
That bombing was wrong.
But Fury innoculated the English.
Not even the English say that the the bombing of Dresden was a logical act.
The Germans had just wiped out the English city of Coventry.
The Romans said:
"Furor Germanicus"
The English said against the Germans:
"Furor Englandicus".
Such is war.
Benedict represents Berlusconi's Italy who are in trade cahoots with Libya, who got a bomber back
via Blair's arrangements with the British trade missions.
it's all about missions and cementing relations, but Brown got the coup by actually
bringing the big bavarian to britain, which poor old Blair could not achieve. Mervellous!!
Irish parishes shall do package deals, Old Dr Williamson will wave his little flag and
the rest of us will have wall to wall idolatrism for the whole time he's here.
They may even ban erotica and beer for the duration like they did when he went to Poland. (o dear)