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IPSC Planning Letter/'Advert' In Irish Times On Palestinian Situation

category national | anti-war / imperialism | news report author Wednesday January 21, 2009 20:53author by ec Report this post to the editors

I got this in my mail and it seems like an initiative worth supporting considering that Palestinian Activists seem to be seeing this as a moment when the pressure for Boycott, Disinvestment and sanctions should be Increased. Will be in the paper on saturday.

We believe this is not the time to relax but to intensify the pressure that is building especially introducing new BDS actions so that we can once and for all end the 61 year injustice against the native Palestinians (Israel must be made to comply with all Palestinian Rights especially the rights of refugees to return to their homes and lands). We also believe the International community should not be paying for Israel's war crimes and must hold Israel accountable.

Please begin to or expand your work in your community for BDS (see and and develop legal, media, and out reach strategies to build up the isolation of Israel like we did with South Africa so that such atrocities that have been ongoing for 61 year are ended and we move to a post-Apartheid era of Peace with Justice. For resources and tools, we are listing below links to: pictures and video, facts on Gaza, Declarations by the UN and human rights groups, political analysis, and the link to 25 actions to do.


Dear Friend

The recent Israeli onslaught on the population of Gaza has once again focused the eyes of the world on Palestine for the most tragic of reasons. In the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign we have issued numerous statements over the past few weeks calling for action in relation to the horrific situation in Gaza.

We now believe that at this time, it is important to focus minds on the core of the problem; the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, its failure to abide by international law and its continued takeover of Palestinian land.

We have prepared a statement which will form the basis of a one-page advert in the Irish Times newspaper on Saturday 24th January. We are asking you to sign up to this statement and to pay €100 towards the cost of the advert.

This is a unique and historic opportunity to add your name to the widespread call across Irish society to express solidarity with the people of Palestine and call for justice for the Palestinian people. The statement is attached with this email.
If you would like your name to be added to this statement list; please email confirmation to
[email protected] and cc to [email protected] by Thursday 22nd January at 6.00 at the very latest but preferably long before as we need to confirm space with the Irish Times.

Please lodge €100 in the IPSC bank account: Bank of Ireland, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. Account No: 423 27706 Sort code 90-00-84 or send a cheque to the IPSC, Room 5, 64 Dame St. Dublin 2. If we do not receive your contribution to the advert, we cannot include your name.

If the Palestinian people ever required our solidarity – they need it now. Please join this mass call from Irish society.

Best wishes

Marie Crawley

Chair, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC)


Irish Call for Justice for Palestine

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has killed over 1,200 Palestinians, a third of them children. Thousands have been wounded. Civilians taking refuge in clearly marked UN facilities have been killed.

This military assault on Palestinians in Gaza comes in the wake of years of economic blockade by Israel, a blockade which has destroyed the Gazan economy and condemned its population to poverty. According to a World Bank report last September, “98% of Gaza’s industrial operations are now inactive” – only 23 out of 3,900 were active. This Israeli blockade is illegal under international humanitarian law.

The most recent assault in Gaza is only the latest phase in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people and appropriation of their land.

The Israeli state has continuously expanded at the expense of the Palestinian people and today encompasses 78% of Palestine. In 1948 over 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes to make way for the creation of the state of Israel. Today millions live dispersed through the region as refugees. This refugee population is recognised and guaranteed a right of return to Palestine by UN General Assembly Resolution 194.

In 1967, Israel occupied the remainder of Palestine: the West Bank and Gaza. Contrary to Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, it has built and continues to build settlements on Palestinian land. Today, nearly 500,000 Israeli settlers live in these illegal settlements in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), and the number grows daily as Israel expands its settler programme.

Israel has resisted pressure from the international community to comply with international human rights and humanitarian law. It has refused to comply with UN Security Council demands to cease building settlements and remove those it has built (Resolutions 446, 452 and 465) and to reverse its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem (252, 267, 271, 298, 476 and 478).

Since September 2000, over 5,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military; almost 1000 of them minors. 11,000 Palestinians languish in Israeli jails having been ‘convicted’ by Israeli courts, including hundreds of minors. Every year hundreds of Palestinian homes are demolished. The Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza lives imprisoned by walls, barriers and checkpoints that prevent or impede access to shops, schools, workplaces, hospitals and places of worship. They are subjected to restrictions of every kind and to daily ritual humiliation at the hands of occupation soldiers and checkpoint guards.

Invasion, occupation and plantation of their land is the reality that Palestinians have faced for decades and still face on a daily basis, as their country is reduced remorselessly. Unless and until this Israeli aggression is halted and reversed, and the democratic rights of the Palestinian people are vindicated, there will be no justice or peace in Palestine. Israel’s 40-year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza must be ended.

The occupation can end if international, political and economic pressure is placed on Israel by the international community. The Palestinian people continuously call on the international community to intervene.

We, the undersigned call for the following:

• The Irish government to cease its purchase of Israeli military products and services and call publicly for an arms embargo against Israel.
• The Irish Government to demand publicly that Israel reverse its settlement construction, illegal occupation and annexation of land in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and to use its influence in international fora to bring this about.
• The Irish Government to demand publicly that the Euro-Med Agreement under which Israel has privileged access to the EU market be suspended until Israel complies with international law.
• The Irish government to veto any proposed upgrade in EU relations with Israel.
• The Irish people to boycott all Israeli goods (those with a barcode beginning 7290) and services.

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

author by palestine petitionerpublication date Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

anyone know what the story is with this?

no sign of it in the irish times this morning and the ipsc have yet to communicate on it.

author by ecpublication date Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Don't know what happened here - will try to find out and let you know.

author by Boycott Morrissey - Pers. Cap.publication date Sat Jan 24, 2009 15:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

First and foremost people who know me should know by my pseudonym above who I am.

Below I have also attached an update from the Irish Call For Justice on what is the current situation regarding the placement of the ad in the Irish Times. However I also want to use this opportunity to call for a boycott of Morrissey. So indulge me please (I don't want to detract from the thrust of this thread)

I am calling for people to boycott Morrissey as he played a gig in Tel Aviv, Israel last summer. This despite the widespread international call for an economic, cultural, artistic, and academic boycott of Israel. Morrissey can not claim to be unaware of the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel, nor the calls for the boycott. Nor can he not be unaware of the widespread flagrant human rights abuses, ignoring of countless U.N. resolutions, and the International Criminal Courts ruling that the "Security" (see Apartheid, Land Grab) Wall is illegal under international law. Nor can he claim ignorance that Israel flouts every single international law regarding human rights in it's occupation, and treatment of the Palestinians it illegally occupies. Incidentally the week before he played the Israeli gig the Israeli Offense Forces shot dead a 10 year old Palestinian boy in the head for being part of a protest against the Apartheid Wall.

I have been a life long Smiths/Morrissey fan since I was a kid (of the nintinee haties). I put The Smiths up there in the super league of most significant, creative, influential and important bands of the 20th century (that's how much they meant to me). I forgave Morrisseys quirks, eccentricities and often ambigous views on issues like national identity (or his feelings of loss of "englishness" despite the fact he is the son of Irish immigrants) down to his "outsider" role in the music industry. But often those views jarred with me, and sat very uncomfortablly with my own vision of a better world. Increasingly over the lasy year or two I began to see his views as those of your average Daily Mail reader, despite his efforts to appear radical. I now totally understand why the leader of the Tory Party considers himself a Morrissey fan.

Now to put my call to boycott Morrissey into even further context. On his last world tour he outrightly refused to play Canada , because of the Canadian policy of its annual seal cull. So in my eyes already Morrissey set the agenda for him to be judged upon. Slightly earlier in his solo career he also recorded a song that is considered one of his rarer songs. It is called "This Is Not Your Country". The song is about the British occupation of the six counties. It is a rather haunting, and clearly unambigious song in which Morrissey makes clear his own republican views and where his sympathies lay At the time he announced the Tel Aviv gig, I was aghast that he was even considering playing Israel when you take the Canadian boycott into account, and his stated republican sympathies. Neither has Morrissey ever been afraid to nail his political colours (when suits) to the mast in denouncing Bush et al at his concerts (now I wonder is it just to be controversial for the sake of it). Me thinks so.

Now back to Palestine. I won't take up any space in this post to state the reasons why the state of Israel should be independently investigated (and not investigaged by itself, as it always does) to see if it has a case to answer to for war crimes and in my opinion genocide. Incidentally I had a passing conversation with Prionsas De Rossa (a man I wouldn't vote for even if his name was the only one on a ballot paper, but thats just a personal opinion). Even Mr. De Rossa has said "there's no arguement here" when I said I know what the definition of genocide is, and knowing the defintion of genocide accordingly I beleived what Israel has been carrying out is nothing but genocide in Palestine. I do hope he will have the courage of his conviction to verbalise that view on public platforms and call it genocide. Failing that, if someone from either the floor of a public forum or the platform he might share with in a discussion on Palestine calls it genocide, that he will publicly agree.

So to my last word on Morrissey. Aside from viewing him now as having become something of a parody,(see Elvis Vegas years) and going through the motions of making shockingly lyrically weak, musically predictable songs (see Throwing My Arms Around Paris, That's How People Grow Up, All You Need Is Me),. The song titles get longer while the lyrics become more mundane, bland and uttery meaningless and the music and chords like muddy snow as it turns to slush, more indistinguable from the last song. He parades himself as the eternal outsider, (a good marketing ploy Morrissey), but this is one fan that may have taken their time to eventually see through it, but see through it I finally have. As far as I am concerned you played a gig in Israel, you said nothing about the Palestinians the state of Israel oppresses, and you can not claim to be unaware of it. You have the blood of dead Palestinians on your hands. Something I will never forgive you for. Your nothing but a little Englander. As much as you "rally" against the establishment, ultimately you are a part of the establishment. A parody indeed.


And now to the email I recieved from the Irish Call For Justice.

"Dear Friend

Many thanks for signing up to the statement on Palestine to be printed in The Irish Times. We have been delighted with the response and with the speed with which people have signed up. So, thank you.

We have decided to defer the advert until next week, Saturday 31st January, following feedback from many people that the timescale to organise payment etc. was too short. We have also tightened up the text a bit, correcting two inaccuracies and improving the style, but without changing anything in content, the demands etc. (text attached).

Thanks again for your support. Please pass the request for signatures (with the text) onto your friends and colleagues. We must make this a strong statement of support for justice for the people of Palestine - and every signature matters!

Best wishes

Marie Crawley

IPSC Chair"

author by Philip O'Connor - IPSCpublication date Sat Jan 24, 2009 15:39author email media at ipsc dot ieauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear all,

Apologies for the confusion concerning the non-appearance of the IPSC statement in today's Irish Times. Minor changes had to be made to the text and also, to allow people more time to add their names (they had only been given three days' notice originally!), it was decided to defer it until next Saturday's Irish Times (31st January). A message explaining this was circulated by the Chair of IPSC to all people who had already signed it (several hundred so far). Below is that message and the amended text is attached. - Philip O'Connor

Dear Friend

I am writing to you as the Chairperson of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
We have prepared a statement –attached to this email-which will appear as a one-page advert in The Irish Times on Saturday 31st January. We are asking you to sign up to this statement.

The recent Israeli onslaught on the population of Gaza has once again focused the eyes of the world on Palestine for the most tragic of reasons. We believe that at this time, it is important to focus minds on the core of the problem; the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian territories, its continued takeover of Palestinian land and its failure to abide by international law.

This is a unique and historic opportunity to add your name to the widespread call across Irish society expressing solidarity with the people of Palestine, and calling for justice for the Palestinian people.

To add your name to this statement list; please email confirmation to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] no later than Thursday 29th January at 6.00pm (though preferably much sooner!).

The cost of this advertisement is being borne by the subscribers themselves as IPSC does not itself have reserves to meet it. We would therefore would ask you to lodge €100 towards the cost of the advert into the IPSC bank account:
Bank of Ireland, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
A/c No: 42327706 NSC 900084
(IBAN: IE16 BOFI 9000 8442 3277 06 BIC: BOFIIE2D)
Northern Ireland: IPSC-Fermanagh,
A/c No:33094226 Sort Code: 90-50-45
Bank of Ireland, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh
Send a cheque to the IPSC, Room 5, 64 Dame St. Dublin

If the Palestinian people ever required our solidarity -- they need it now. Please join this mass call from Irish society.

Best wishes
Marie Crawley
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC)
[email protected]

PDF Document Irish Call for Palestine 0.02 Mb

Related Link:
author by Was itpublication date Sun Feb 01, 2009 20:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Was it in the Irish Times on Saturday the 31st.If not where has the money gone

author by ecpublication date Sun Feb 01, 2009 20:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

see the front page here for details

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