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Care Watchdog: Girls Should Share Rooms With Boys Who ID As Female Sun Mar 16, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred
Scotland's care watchdog has sparked outrage by saying vulnerable girls in care must share rooms with boys who self-identify as female.
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Chancellor Spending Hundreds of Thousands on Legal Fees Defending Her VAT Raid on Private Schools Sun Mar 16, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred
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Shakespeare Set to Be Decolonised at His Own Birthplace Sun Mar 16, 2025 11:00 | Sallust
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Comments (4 of 4)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4The Church shld take immediate action & order a full enquiry into allegations; to delay or avoid the issue brings shame on innocent, hard-working priests & religious, who are the majority.
Parallel abuse in the UK (outside families, that is) was mainly committed by secular staff in children's homes in decades past, who enjoyed the same unquestioned corrupting power.
When you are one of the largest organisations in the world with your own Canon Laws, Canon Lawyers, Diplomats and Embassies around the world and your Canon Law is supposedly above the law of the land what hope is there ever going to be for full accountability and transparency within the Catholic Church.
When they have such powers and money to continue to cover up anything they wish to hide, and can pay off their victims with the money donated by Churchgoers, things will never change.
Added to the fact especially here in Ireland that there was such interlinking of Church and State because most Government members had been brainwashed into Catholicism from the cradle to the grave, the laws of the land usually aided and abetted the Church in their cover ups and that history has continued to repeat itself.
It is time now for the complete separation of Church and State in all countries and because of the untold damage the Church has done with such an arrangement in the past they only have themselves to blame for the drop off in Church attendance and people running in the opposite direction to the Church door as fast as they can.
Brainwashing has been seen for what it is and the citizens have wised up.
..Never a word of a lie in what you write regarding the bad apples within the Catholic Church who should be known as 'buttsies' if you get my drift'.
Jesus almighty , where is this corruption that you write of going to end , Time To Call In Saatchi And Saatchi i think .
I do have a heart a home and health and happiness within, but spare a thought for the decent Priests who it has to be said are going through their own
version of Hell On Earth as they brave the inhuman elements and working conditions associated with being a serving Catholic Priest in modern day
Ireland of the New Century .
I am not a gambling man as such, but i would not be at all surprised if the New Year of 2009 is a Major Turning Point in attitudes deriving from this
Dying Religous Order who has lost the bloody plot .
Every thing is for Sale at a price as my old and dear friend Paddy Doody used to say ,but a pig in a poke is a job for the Ad Boyo's .
AT Present 'you could'nt Give the Church AWAY Let alone Sell It .
Dermo and his buddies had better shake a leg and get the show on the road to give people something to believe in , Start By practicing what they
should be preaching ,try and start at home and stop codding people who are sick to the teeth of Lie's and More Lie's .
Enough is Enough
Those in high places, corrupted by power, betray the faithful & make it difficult for honest priests to do their job, & for people to have faith in them. But it surely takes the creaking superstructure of the Church a long time to face mistakes, let alone apologise. Certainly there should be separation of Church & State.
You can only judge the Church by your own & friends' experiences, & I've been fortunate to know some good & hard-working nuns & priests.
Blessings & best wishes to all who are working to make things better; for those busy covering up, come off it!