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17yr old Activist Assaulted & Threatened by Circus

category national | animal rights | press release author Wednesday September 17, 2008 23:29author by Laura Broxson - National Animal Rights Associationauthor email naracampaigns at gmail dot comauthor address PO Box 11019, Dublin 2 Report this post to the editors

On the evening of Wednesday 17th September, a member of the National Animal Rights Association was assaulted and threatened while peacefully leafleting outside the Great European Circus (which is also known as the Royal Russian Circus), where they are currently staying on the Trim Road in Navan, Co Meath.

Contact N.A.R.A. Spokesperson: Laura Broxson, 086 8729 444

"Shortly after arriving, the activist - who is only 17years old - was greeted with verbal abuse by members of the circus" says Laura Broxson, spokesperson of N.A.R.A.

"A man from the circus then came out and grabbed his arm, held it behind his back, and proceeded to shove him onto the road"

"The activist was then told that they would 'kill him if he ever came back' "

"This is just typical of the type of people involved in animal circuses. If this is how they react to one compassionate young man leafleting, just imagine how they must treat the animals used in the circus. What they did was totally unacceptable, and we will be legally pursuing the matter as far as it will go. We have already been in touch with Navan Garda Station" she added.

This circus has been investigated by both CAPS (www.irishcircuses.org) and PETA (for info on previous cruelty convictions and abuse see: http://www.circuses.com/fact-great.asp).

"Animals don't belong in circuses - a fact which should be obvious to most people. But sadly, hundreds of animals continue to be enslaved in these travelling menageries every year.

Examples of the animals used include elephants, tigers, rhinos, horses, giraffes, llamas, camels, wallabies, alligators and snakes - all of whom have been used in circuses touring Ireland. They are abused and beaten into submission, and through fear are forced to perform mindless acts - all for the entertainment of people.

Is it normal for an elephant to stand on its head? Or for a tiger to jump through a ring of fire? Or for horses to walk around on their hind legs 'dancing' to music? These are all unnatural and painful acts which animals should not be forced to do. They should be free, and in their natural habitats.

Circus animals, who in the wild would spend the majority of their days travelling and exploring new areas, spend 22 hours a day locked up in cages and pens so small, that they barely have room to turn around. This, coupled with their constant state of fear leads them to exhibit the stereotypical psychosis found in all captive animals. They self-mutilate and display repetitive behaviour, such as swaying back and forth.

Animal circuses should be a thing of the past. The animals wouldn't be suffering if people weren't still paying for it to continue. By attending these 'shows', you are directly responsible for letting this cruelty exist.

You can help these animals and take a stand against cruelty - BOYCOTT THE CIRCUS!" - National Animal Rights Association

Related Link: http://www.naracampaigns.org
author by wtfpublication date Wed Sep 17, 2008 23:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it's disturbing that a lot of these animal circuses still get taxpayers' money from the arts council.

author by Catladypublication date Thu Sep 18, 2008 17:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indeed WTF,

How the Arts council can go on funding these people, who on top of numerous conviction, are prepared to attack teenagers at random, is a total disgrace. But then isn't the woman responsible from a circus background herself??? I believe so although I can't seem to recall her name. hardly an unbiased judge of what constitutes art then, is she?

author by Fred Johnstonpublication date Sat Sep 20, 2008 13:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have often thought it ludicrous that the Arts Council should begin to fund Circuses, thus making State-sponsored organisations mythically famous for being one's last escape from the conventional. Ironically, during the week at least one TD, as I recall, was protesting about circuses and how animals were treated in them; nonetheless, the Arts Council, appearing to wish to 'umbrella' every last item of creativity and/or entertainment and leave nothing that can operate independently of - effectively - State sanction, will no doubt continue to fund circuses, whatever the complaint. It is worth noting that their usual reply to protest is silence. The Council tend, outside Dublin, to take advice on what is and isn't worthy of funding from Arts Officers, which, in some cases, has the makings of disaster and money uselessly spent. One way, and perhaps the only way, to get Arts Council attention is to protest in writing directly to the Minister.

author by Ciaránpublication date Sat Sep 20, 2008 16:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As this is a Russian circus, it isn't funded by the Irish Arts Council, so that point is facile. In relation to local authority Arts Officers: they play a valuable role in informing the Arts Council what's going on on the ground in the different areas, otherwise more public money would be wasted on failed arts projects such as the one you can read about at the link below.

Related Link: http://www.gaelport.com/index.php?page=clippings&id=654&viewby=date
author by Catladypublication date Sun Sep 21, 2008 00:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This circus is indeed Irish, and funded by the Arts council, so the above statements are by no means facile. It is owned by Ricky Courtney. The Courtneys have a track record of animal abuse and Health and Safety violations, at least 2 of which have lead to human death. Add this to the numerous attacks on members of the public, and it is difficult to justify their being funded by the Arts Council.

author by Ciaránpublication date Sun Sep 21, 2008 01:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I stand corrected in relation to that then, thanks for the info.

author by Fred Johnstonpublication date Sun Sep 21, 2008 14:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Without at all wishing to twist the direction of this argument, it is facile to suppose that every Arts Officer in the country has an intimate knowledge of the arts activities in his or her area and can give in-depth reports of them to the Arts Council. This is not the case, as any local arts' group will tell you. An Arts Officer operates according to personal likes and dislikes more times than enough, and may colour the perceptions passed on to the Arts Council with these preferences. It is rare to find an Arts Officer who initiates projects or works of art.

author by Catladypublication date Fri Sep 26, 2008 03:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I see your point FJ. My objections to funding animal circuses are primarily with the cruelty involved. I'd rather waste a thousand frustrated talents than have anyone suffer pain and abuse. However I did not realise the way funding worked through the council as regards Arts officers, and I agree that it is ridiculous. That however is a different issue.

With circuses it is slightly different as they travel (a large part of the misery for the caged animals), and the funding comes directly from head office (to my knowlegdge - correct me if I am wrong anyone)

However, writing to the minister (of anything) achieves little. As regards circuses and animals (to bring this back on track) the best bet is leafletting and protests etc.

I'm bloody sick writing letters to these people (Ministers). Most don't even acknowledge it, unless there's an election coming up.

author by joe public - nonepublication date Mon Oct 06, 2008 23:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

just to inform you, only 3 circuses in ireland are funded by the arts council, TOM DUFFYS, FOSSETTS AND GERBOLAS, and as a tax payer i will gladly give my share to these people, their entertainment is family friendly, as for illtreating animals, no case has ever been brought up against any irish owned circus, i would support you on any other issue except the irish circus, i have had pets, over the years we lost most of them through old age, the latest was a dog we had for 18yrs, his walk had gone and he was uncomfortable, it broke my heart to get him put down but i coud`nt bare to see him in pain, money is no object when it comes to the well being of my pets, just to let you know i am a circus fan, i have never seen any circus illtreat their animals, i have seen more illtreatment on the estate where i live in limerick, never once in a circus and i have been a circus fan for over 30yrs,

author by Catladypublication date Tue Oct 07, 2008 22:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And the Courtney circuses???????????? same that were responsible fo so many health and safety breaches leading to HUMAN deaths recently?

Please tell me they are no longer funded by the Arts Council, as the last I heard from them (The Arts Council) they were. They ARE Irish. They just call themselves the Russian, Australian etc. Circus at whim to drum up custom. Possibly to avoid charges, most certainly to avoid negative publicity.

"as for illtreating animals, no case has ever been brought up against any irish owned circus"s

You are wrong. I do not mean to antagonise if you are a genuine joe soap to this issue, but provide your evidence and I'll provide mine. Numerous cases brought. Where do I start?????

"i have had pets, over the years we lost most of them through old age, the latest was a dog we had for 18yrs, his walk had gone and he was uncomfortable, it broke my heart to get him put down but i coud`nt bare to see him in pain, money is no object when it comes to the well being of my pets"

Glad to hear it!!!!! Had a cat put to sleep this year. Horrible decision to have to make. You gotta trust your vet. Anyone in Tuam, I can reccommend with real reasons! Keeping domestic animals is NOT tje same as circuses.

"i have never seen any circus illtreat their animals"

Reply: I never ever ever saw my neignbour beat the crap out of his wife. Or his dog. I heard it before though, cos the houses are attached. Just cos you don't see it, don't mean it don't happen.
PS: Wife left 2 years ago. Dog on very short chain, has no choice. He is beatebn regularly. I see it. Not long before i crack.....

author by joe public - nonepublication date Wed Oct 08, 2008 16:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

fao catlady,

the death of the artiste was human error, every artiste is in charge of their own equipment, deaths have happened in every business in the world circus is no differant, let that person rest in peace and it is the so called abuse of circus animals we were discussing, not wife beating or deaths of people, that is hitting below the belt, your reply is true to what you stand for, no respect for anything including the dead, and the person who is suppose to have attacked the 17yr old is a man in his 60s, i know him and it take a lot for him to get angry, you said numerous cases were brought against circuses none were up before the courts, thats all i have to say on this subject because as usual like the rest of the animal rights you twist peoples words to make out ye know it all,


Related Link: http://www.circuseire.com
author by Catladypublication date Tue Oct 28, 2008 02:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

February 2008:
A Judge made Circus Vegas pay undisclosed damages to a man who claimed he had been head-butted by an elephant at the circus in 2006. The Dublin man said that the elephant had struck him on his forehead with one of his tusks, causing a laceration to his forehead which had to be stitched.
(Irish Times, 14 February 2008)

December 2006:
Circus owner Stephen Courtney and employee Fransisco Daria were convicted of causing a collision in which a mother and daughter were killed in Galway in April 2006.
A trailer had become detached from the circus lorry, driven by Daria, colliding with a car.
Daria was convicted of dangerous driving and Courtney of ‘reckless endangerment’ for allowing the trailer to be attached in a defective manner.
Both were given suspended prison sentences and Courtney was fined €25,000.
(Irish Times, 21 December 2006)

May 2006:
Irish Sunday Mirror claimed that elephants at Circus Vegas were left to roam amongst “broken bottles, nails, metal pipes and jagged rocks” at Belfast’s Harland and Wolff Shipyard.
(Sunday Mirror, 28 May 2006)

May 2006:
A Circus Vegas truck carrying elephants caught fire while travelling on the M50 from Dublin to Belfast. Elephants and circus staff were uninjured.
(Sun, 23 May 2006)

April 2006:
A CAPS representative was verbally abused and threatened with physical assault while inspecting Circus Vegas in Galway.
(Star Sunday, 9 April 2006)

January 2006:
A lorry transporting a rhino and hippo from Il Florilegio in Italy to Circus Vegas in Ireland was involved in a road traffic accident in west Wales then broke down. It was diverted from Fishguard port to Holyhead.
(Daily Mirror, 20 January 2006)

July 2004:
Six members of the Alliance for Animal Rights were attacked whilst handing out flyers at Circus Vegas in Dublin. An ambulance attended the scene and gardai arrested and charged one circus employee. All six activists were punched, kicked and thrown to the ground, some requiring stitches. A video camera was taken and smashed by the circus.
(Northside People, 20 July 2004)

Need I go on?????

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