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International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Call for mass blockades against the racists’ conference in Cologne

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | event notice author Monday July 14, 2008 08:53author by Darren C Report this post to the editors

From the 19th to the 21st of September, racists and neofascists from all over Europe are planning to hold a so called 'Anti-Islamization-Congress'.

Invited by the self constituted citizens’ initiative 'pro Köln' up to 1000 right-wing extremists of different shade (from the classic Neo-nazi to rightist-conservatives) want to spread their propaganda against people with other origin ore religion under the smokescreen of a pretended critique on Islam.

'pro Köln' is a extreme right-wing organization, who is operating for years with racist policy in cologne and even supraregional. Many functionaries and members of 'pro Köln' were in neo-nazistic Parties or groupings like the NPD, the Republikaner and the Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat. Recently 'pro Köln' agitated against a new mosque in Cologne-Ehrenfeld and searched with a racist and ultra-right-wing propaganda for voters.

For the gathering in September representatives of ultra-right-wing Parties from Austria (FPÖ), Belgium (Vlaams Belang), Italy (Lega Nord), the USA (Robert Taft Group), Great Britain (British National Party), Spane and Hungary want to come. Furthermore the international known leader of the extreme right-wing Party Front National (FN), Jean Marie Le Pen, shall appear in Germany in cause of the congress. With their international baiting-conference 'pro Köln' has two ambitions. The collaboration of extreme right-wing organisations in whole Europe should be enlarged. Also 'pro Köln' wants to start the hustings of the Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) local elections in 2009.

We will not tolerate such a international racist gathering and we will not allow, that 'pro Köln/pro NRW' is able to practise their racist propaganda in the local elections undisturbed. That’s why we are calling to impede this conference!

We can only realize it, if as many people as possible block their venue on this days together and obstruct the passage of the rightists. In spite of all differencies of our political view, we all have this ambition. We will subtend our resoluteness against them and we will be incalculable because of our similarities and our diversity. With the tool of civil disobedience we will defy 'pro Köln' and their entourage..

Get participated on the mass-blockades around the venue! No pasarán!

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author by gay rights suporterpublication date Sun Aug 10, 2008 14:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

People can criticise, catholicism, hinduism, presbyterianism even judaism without being called racist. why is it not possible to criticise a misogynist, homopobic creed like islam?
Political Islam is coordinating on an international level to gain momentum in a campaign against the achievements of progressive social movements who, after centuries of struggle, have won many advances for secularism. They now want to gain a privileged status under the umbrella of ‘multiculturalism’ to excuse their crime.
Yes, there are many things to criticise in christianity and judaism. but I am not aware of any christian or jewish country where women and gays are stoned to death for "sexual crimes".
Israel certainly has no such laws. if you want to hold a gayrights or womens rights demo in tel aviv you will have the protection of the police. Try it in an Islamic country and the police will shoot you.

author by gay rights suporterpublication date Sun Aug 10, 2008 17:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whenever anybody dares to mention violence extremism at the very heart of Islamic theology they are accused of racism and xenophobia amd threatened with violence by the followers of the "religion of peace". Lesbians and gay men living in countries dominated by the New Dark Ages of Islamic fundamentalism cannot afford the liberal luxury of tolerating religious fanaticism. If Muslims have a problem with the few freedoms we have then they should emigrate to an Islamic country. Thats not racist, its secluar democratic socialist common sense.
Although not all Muslims are anti-gay, significant numbers are violently homophobic – often due to the intolerant, inflammatory teachings of Mullahs and Imams. But Somalilanders have demonstrated that a Muslim country can build a peaceful, democratic state committed to upholding human rights. It is a model for Africa and the Middle East.
The Islamic regime in Iran on the other hand must be kicked out of the international community, just like the racist South African regime, for 27 years of crimes against humanity, for the brutal suppression of the rightful struggles of the people, for the execution of over one hundred thousand political prisoners, for establishing a sexual apartheid in Iran and for promoting Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and throughout the world.
As the Manifesto of the Third Camp says :
“We call for the non-recognition of the Islamic Republic as the representative of the Iranian people, for the ending of diplomatic ties with it and the closure of its embassies everywhere. We call for the expulsion of the regime from international institutions.”

The question has been asked : Why isn’t the left outraged by the genital mutilation of women in countries such as Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen, or the sanctioning of wife-beating under Islamic law in Pakistan and other Islamic states? The simple answer is that it is outraged - or at least those of the left that haven’t been taken in by the apologists of Islamo-fascism are .
Stephen could do worse than read the Manifesto of the Third Camp . It has been endorsed by many Irish socialists who have a genuine concern for human rights such as Anthony McIntyre , PatC, Kevin McQuillan, and Richard O’Rawe .

author by JC Skinnerpublication date Sat Aug 16, 2008 17:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm breaking my shite laughing at the idea of an Israeli gay man defending the German far right.
Of course, it just goes to show how endemic is the anti-Muslim hatred in Israel among the people who stole Muslim and Christian Arab lands and who shoot Muslim children.
And the appalling behaviour of the Zionist state is, as we all know, not to be criticised, because its inhabitants and protagonists are Jews, who cannot be criticised because of a genocide that occured on another continent some three generations ago.
Who committed that genocide? Oh yeah, the German far right.
You couldn't make up the perversities of logic that Israelis find themselves tied up in as they seek to propagate hate against Arabs and Muslims in general.

author by gay rights supporterpublication date Sun Aug 17, 2008 15:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

as far as I am aware Anthony McIntyre , PatC, Kevin McQuillan, and Richard O’Rawe are not Jews ,but genuine socialists alarmed at the threat posed to western secular democracy by Islamo-fascism . Of course nobody on the left would support the German conference of rightwingers ,but , when opposing the gathering , it is important to condemn equally the fascist Islamic mullahs’ agenda of imposing sharia law on the people of Europe .

It is to be hoped that at least some of the demonstrators in Cologne will have the courage next month to highlight the appalling conditions faced by gays in such countries as Iran . When the veteran gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell tried to make such a point last year at the Al Quds demonstration in London he was confronted by a hate filled mob ;it was ,he said at the time , only the timely intervention of officers from the Met that saved him from a battering. Peter gave an account of the terrifying incident in his gays without borders blog :
“As soon as I turned up, I was subjected to a barrage of violent, threatening abuse from large sections of the crowd. Some started chanting: ‘Tatchell is a Zionist, Tatchell is a paedophile. Get out! Get out! Get out!’

Darren C would have done well to emphasise that the Gologne blockade is not in any way meant to be an endorsement of Islamo-fascism

author by gay rights supporterpublication date Thu Sep 25, 2008 13:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Police in Cologne were forced to cancel the pro-Cologne conference after so-called leftists allied with local mullahs and Christian Democrats brought up to fifty thousand demonstrators onto the streets of the German city last weekend . With banners and signs proclaiming , “Temples, synagogues, churches and mosques — everything’s okay” and statements praising the city for standing up “to protect its Muslims,” the protesters seemed to be equating genuine opposition to Islamization with nazism . The Christian Democrat mayor of Cologne , Fritz Schramma , apparently unaware of how mosques have been used to foster jihadism and Islamic supremacism, spoke of “a victory for the city of Cologne and a victory by the democratic forces in this city.”

According to a Spiegel Online report of the weekend's events , “protesters turned up in Cologne's downtown Heumarkt area, many wearing clown suits, to disrupt the rally. They blocked urban trains to keep delegates away and raided a tourist boat shaped like a whale -- called the "Moby Dick" -- where the far-right gathering had been hoping to hold a press conference. A Pro Cologne spokesman said, "Stones, bricks and paint bombs were thrown and the panoramic windows of the Moby Dick were shattered."

The demonstrators are now representing the banning of the gathering as some kind of a victory over “the Nazis” - as if it is “racist” and “Nazi” to oppose the institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims, stonings, amputations, the denial of gay rights , freedom of speech and freedom of conscience, and all the other features of Islamic law.

author by gay rights supporterpublication date Fri Sep 26, 2008 15:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mayor Schramma had provocatively slammed the Pro-Koeln movement as "arsonists and
racists" hiding under the cloak of a "citizens' movement" in a speech earlier on Saturday. Many commentators have since criticised the Christian Democratic mayor for his inflammatory speech and for his failure to effectively plan for the ensuing violence and mayhem in the city which they say he should have anticipated .
During the week owners of around 150 bars in Cologne had put up signs saying , "No Kölsch for Nazis" referring to the local Kolsch beer. 200,000 beer mats were printed with the same message . Hotheads travelled from across Europe –but thankfully as far as I am aware not from Ireland – to join their German counterparts . Taxi and bus drivers refused to transport delegates to the congress and hotels cancelled bookings made by what they termed "undesirables and nazis”
On Friday leftists , apparently unconcerned by the institutionalized discrimination of gays and women under Islam , joined forces with local mullahs to form a human chain around the site of a huge controversial mosque under construction in the town which the anti-Islamofascist Pro- Koeln group had planned on touring. The police were reluctantly forced to ban the visit as it was deemed not conducive to law and order .
Pro-Cologne hoped to make an impact at its main rally on Saturday afternoon in the Heumarkt square. They had not reckoned on 40,000 screaming "anti-fascists" trying to break into the square to remonstrate with them. With leading delegates stuck at the airport and the Heumarkt besieged, the rally was called off after only 45 minutes as police battled against the more violent protesters who were throwing paintbombs and snatching batons.

author by unbelievablepublication date Fri Sep 26, 2008 16:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What is this reactionary shite masquerading as gay rights support? Siding with neo nazis becuse there's an attempt to impliment sharia law in Europe? Come off it.

author by evenspublication date Sat Sep 27, 2008 09:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whether somebody is gay or hetero is no indication of that person's political orientation. In the early 1930s Ernst Roehm, a homosexual, was an ardent member and high-ranking leader of the Hitler Youth in the National Socialist and Workers Party (nazi). In 1934 he was seized by the Gestapo from a lakeside hotel bed he was sharing with a male lover, taken to Berlin and shot as an anti-Hitler plotter. Roehm was on the left-wing of the Nazi party, and really believed that the socialist and workers words in the Party's name meant what they said. So the right-wing of the Party, anxious to deepen its technical and financial links with Krupp and the banking elite, wiped out the left-wingers, both gay and hetero.

Some gay people around the western world today are left-leaning where social and foreign policy are concerned. Others, such as former British cabinet minister and current EU commissioner Peter Mandelson, are right-leaning. In a similar way you come across all kinds of Catholics in the world, some pacifists, some hawkish pro-Bush supporters, some centrist and some on the social democratic left of politics.

author by gay rights supporterpublication date Sat Sep 27, 2008 14:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Unbelievable' s attempt to paint me as a supporter of neo -fascism is absolutely pathetic . Some people seem to be incapable of reading ! On August 17 I wrote , "Of course nobody on the left would support the German conference of rightwingers" . What part of that doesn't unbelievable understand?
I'm fed up with listening to all the apologists for Islamo fascism on this site attempting to justify an intolerant , misogynist religion that condones the execution of gays and denies the right of those that oppose the islamification of Europe to even assemble aboard a pleasure boat.

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