Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
The Magic of Words - A Reading for Children
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event notice
Monday July 07, 2008 17:05
by Sarah Lundberg - The Seven Towers Agency
sarah at seventowers dot ie

At Chapters of Parnell St, Dublin 1
At 4pm on Thursday 10 July 2008, featuring Seamus Cashman, Catherine Ann Cullen, Veronica O'Doherty, Colm Lundberg
Seamus Cashman comes from Conna in Country Cork. He is the founder of Ireland's leading literary and cultural publishing houses, Wolfhound Press. His own publications include three poetry collections, the most recent of which That Morning Will Come was published in 2007. He has edited The Wolfhound book of Irish Poems for Young People (1975) in print for the past 30 years, and Something Beginning with P: New Poems from Irish Poets (2004, 2008).
Catherine Ann Cullen was born in Drogheda, Co Louth. She is a regular contributor to RTE Radio 1's Sunday Miscellany and A Living Word as well as producing current affairs, arts and features. She lives with her partner Harry and daughter Stella in Kimmage, Dublin. Her first collection of poetry, A Bone in My Throat, is published by Doghouse. She will be reading from her children's book
Colm Lundberg was born in Dublin and now lives in Beaufort, Co Kerry. Colm is well known in the Dublin Gaming and Entertainment scene. He will be reading from his forthcoming publication about a Bi-Polar bear and an Obsessive Compulsive Penguin – a book written to explain these conditions to children.
Veronica O'Doherty is a graduate of TCD and UCD. She works as a Principal Psychologist in Tallaght Hospital and has also taught psychology for several years. Interests are continuously varied and lie in the field of writing and poetry, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, mindfulness research and clinical work with adults, children and adolescents. She will read from her work in progress about Tanque the Detective Dog!