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Comments (14 of 14)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14This was also raised on Questions & Answers last night
That WP lad on Q and A last night certainly got his message across.
“As a TD the Taoiseach is the servant of the people, a literal translation of Teachta Dail is a messenger to the Dail. He is only empowered to carry a message from the people, that message as freely expressed by the people in referendum is that the Treaty is dead.” - Workers Party
This is pretty skewed thinking. A TD is elected as a legislator as a reading of the constitution makes clear. It has nothing to do with the literal Irish. When the Workers Party had TDs did they only act as messengers and nothing else?
“That amendment asked the people to allow the government to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon and to permit Ireland to become a member of the Union that would flow from that Treaty.” - Workers Party
No it didn’t. The referendum was about enabling this State to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon only. A new union does not flow from Lisbon. Merely a revised Treaty for the extent union.
“The Attorney General must advise the Taoiseach that the only mandate he has is to inform the European Union that the Treaty has been rejected and it must be binned”. – The Workers Party.
Not true. The Taoiseach’s mandate flows from his election by the Dáil. All that happened is the defeat of the referendum. In fact the referendum would not stop the Oireachtas ratifying the Treaty by statute were that found to be constitutional. The referendum does not prevent the Government from seeking new arrangments. Nor does it bind the other members of the union who wish to ratify.
It is unlikely that our Attorney General / forensic defender of the Constitution Paul Gallagher will ever want to state that Lisbon is dead in the Water.
His handlers would sack him.
He attended this years anti-constitutional , undemocratic,freedom eroding ,nation eroding,pro-private corporations, pro-one world govt./global union (EU) , one world
(fiat)currency secret Bildergerg meeting in America this month.
Charlie Mc Creevy and Dermot Gleeson also attended.
I was in the Studio last night when I heard some one mention ,Treason. The air went noticable still.
See the list below.
The Bilderberg Group is none of things you attribute to it and certainly not secret. It has nothing got to do with fiat currency – I cannot imagine where you got that notion. It’s been best described as an upscale NGO though it attracts the adverse attention of various crackpots and conspiracy theorists continually.
From Wikipedia Publication:
"Attendees of Bilderberg include central bankers, defense experts, mass media press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America."
"The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media and politics."
"The elite group meets annually at luxury hotels or resorts throughout the world — normally in Europe — and once every four years in the United States or Canada. It has an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands. The 2007 conference took place from May 31 to June 3 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. The 2008 conference took place in Chantilly, Virginia, United States."
Full text at:
Sceptic there isn't just an elephant in the room - it's sitting on you and you don't see it.
What is the problem with people from these walks of life meeting? They are not criminals, Mafiosi, terrorist, narcotics dealers. Is it automatically a vast conspiracy when a leading banker openly meets a General or a politician? Are people on the far left or militant Islamists the only people allowed to set up an NGO? Explain why it is so self evidently wrong that these people should meet if they wish?
By "NGO" do you mean "Non Government Organisations"?
If so, how do you explain the presence of so many government ministers and government officials at these semi-secret gatherings?
Have you looked through the list of attendees at ?
This internet is great fun. See the link below that explains 'fiat' Money.
It is interesting to note that the notes called Euors ,created by these private bankers, do not even state 'legal tender' on them . Go examine one.
They also do not display any Bank or 'pay the bearer'.
There IS no signature. Have a look.
They are simply worthless pieces of Cotton with ink printed on them.
ECB can mean anything. There is nothing binding in Law for it to mean European Central Bank.
It's a bit like BSE. (mad cow disease), it was jokeingly refered to in the EU Chambers at the time as , 'blame somebody else'.
Real Irish Money ,when we had it, displayed Central Bank of Ireland-legal tender note-two signatures, one for the Governor of the Bank and one for the secretary to the Dept.of two languages, date of issue,a serial number and all backed by Gold in the vaults in Dame Street.
I've tried to tell you "we the people" so many times, the gold was never in f@*+king Dame street. It was held in trust along with the bullion of lots of other states in the vaults of the Bank of England. Also the central bank of Ireland never underwrote the currency with Gold. If you go thier website they will tell you that the national gold reserves peaked at less than 4% of total currency issued. The punt was never worth diddley squit in your edible gold terms, so just leave your explanation at money is worth nothing more than the paper it's printed on.
Except for US nickels.
Their nickel content actually exceeds the face value of the coin. & has done so the last 40 years as a byproduct of the US embargo on nickel importation from Cuba. You didn't know that did you? Not bloody likely. But next week you'll be off again waffling to whoever listens to you or reads you about Ireland's gold standard.
The guy from the WP did great on Q and A the other night. I wasnt sure if they had the mic on him or not but he spoke out regardless. That takes a lot! The Minister didnt seem to have many answers, But well done to the WP guy!
P.s. Sceptic, god man get a grip :-)
Bilder- You mean the wikipedia article that has a big references warning on it? And specifically does not cite resources for Irish attendees?
As for the NGO debate, well skeptic actually said that it can be BEST DESCRIBED as an upscale NGO, as it also says on the wiki that YOU linked to. It's just a big conference with powerful people from all over the world. There is absolutely no reason for them not to do it and, quite frankly, I would be distressed if they didn't. There are global matters which need global solutions from people that can exert real power.
As for "these semi-secret gatherings", they are probably semi-secret so whackjob conspiracy theorists cant blow up some of the most important people in the world in one swoop.
The thing that bothers me most about your posts on Indymedia Ireland is that they contain no warnings, and frequently no references either.
Your posts very badly need BIG WARNINGS though (in my view), and you could very usefully study the honest approach Wikipedia uses in connection with this extremely important subject.