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Chancellor Spending Hundreds of Thousands on Legal Fees Defending Her VAT Raid on Private Schools Sun Mar 16, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred Rachel Reeves is spending hundreds of thousands on top barristers to defend her VAT on private school fees, as parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) mount a landmark legal challenge.
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Lisbon- a sick Europe
The people have spoken
The rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by the Irish electorate has not only told politicians, in what now appears to be a unified one party state made up of Labour, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, that the Irish people will not tolerate any interference to our Constitution by unknown bureaucrats in the EU. The rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by the Irish electorate has not only told politicians, in what now appears to be a unified one party state made up of Labour, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, that the Irish people will not tolerate any interference to our Constitution by unknown bureaucrats in the EU. The Irish Constitution belongs to the people of Ireland and nobody outside these shores will be allowed to change it. Since the foundation of the state we have seen political corruption at extraordinary levels with tribunals and enquiries costing the Irish people billions of Euro, money that would have been better spent improving hospital care, schools and housing for our people. Irish politicians in the European Unions future regional office ( Dail Eireann) currently spend billions of Euro on road infrastructure while at the same time encourage us to reduce our fuel consumption and use public transport, a vision of the future, massive roads and nobody using them.
Can there be any greater form of political corruption or even treason, when politicians attempt to provide the power hungry masters of Europe with the long term ability to change our Constitution without having to go to the Irish people for that consent. The EU is not finished with us yet, they see the ability by the Irish people to have their individual opinions expressed through referendum as a stumbling block that inhibits their supreme ability to control all our lives. And our politicians are not finished yet, as with the last referendum in a true democratic state a ‘NO’ does necessarily mean ‘NO’ if democracy dictates that we must go again and again until we are forced to vote ‘YES’. Think about it, people in a small country on the peripherals of Europe using a voting right that is guaranteed under their Constitution to determine the direction their country should take within an ever expanding European Union, a right the powers in Europe see as a hindrance to their own future plans for Europe.
Citizens in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe must applaud the Irish people for their ability to speak out on behalf of the millions of people throughout Europe, who are denied by their political leaders, the ability to exercise a democratic right we hear politicians throughout Western Europe so proudly express when they look to the East. Politicians throughout Europe are not listening to their people and are now attempting to railroad people towards policies that can only be accepted when passed in national parliaments alone. The EU wants rid of the Irish people’s ability to hold referendums on issues they see as beyond the comprehension of the ordinary Irish Paddy to understand. The EU is evolving into nothing more than a Fourth Reich, controlled by super states that hold the power to determine the destiny of all others.
A united democratic European Union where all member states have their say, yet the French come out and threaten the Irish people with “ dire consequences” if they fail to vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum. The French (as in the past) have just kicked themselves in the teeth by shovelling cow dung crap at a nation of people who fought for their independence, despite all the odds stacked against them, who now find the same gutless French threatening us if we do not comply, a sorry situation that the EU really could have done without. We started with European Economic Community, a great idea towards economic trade and co-operation within Europe, but we ended up with a Europe that is drifting towards the destruction of national cultures and identities that will eventually make way for clones of a super state. Let’s be honest about this, the EU has very many good points that would make it hard for anyone advocating a pull out of the EU to justify. There again, we must ask ourselves how far are we prepared to allow the interests of the Irish people be determined by people we do not know, do not see and do not elect to represent those interests? The EU has got too big and cannot now effectively represent the interests of all nations under one single banner. Dermot Ahern waffles about conscription into a military army and the Irish people’s misunderstanding of the EU’s objectives. Irish politicians have failed to reassure the Irish people that their interests and aspirations will not be affected by their acceptance of this treaty. We now have a damage limitation process by politicians in the three main political parties who have been exposed as slaves of their EU masters to the determent of the Irish people. But let us not forget, the EU will find a way to get around the Irish people’s rejection of this treaty by adopting the treaty irrespective of the decision of the Irish people. We must also remember that if the people of the United Kingdom were given the opportunity to vote on their continued participation within the European Union the vast majority of them would vote for a withdrawal.
The three main political parties have attempted to sell out the Irish people by withholding crucial information that would enable them to make a clear, precise and informed decision in order to ratify the treaty based on all the proper information being made available to them. Because of this the Irish people have voted to reject their political leader’s assurances that their interests would not be eroded by voting for this treaty. It has also shown how distant our current political leaders and their parties are from the people they claim to represent. The Irish people are not fed up with the European Union; they are fed up with the constant attempts by the EU to silence the ability of the Irish people to make decisions on their own behalf. The European Union has moved towards something ordinary everyday people did not originally vote when we joined the European Economic Community. Politicians of the three main political parties have demonstrated their loyalty to the EU, and have clearly shown by their united stance that they are prepared to sell out the Irish people in order to please the French and Germans. The rejection of the Lisbon treaty has shown us that the European Union is not working in the interests of very many people within that union. The expansion of the European Union to 27 states has once again brought up the question by ordinary European citizens of the Union’s unacceptable expansion and its long term military objectives. Rather than rectify the problems of education, housing, health care, jobs and the environment within the original small number of states that made up the European Economic Community, the same states began a process of expansion towards the former communist states. With NATO part and parcel of the European superpower military arsenal, expansion of the European Union can only be seen as a long term military initiative to replace one super power of the Eastern bloc with a superpower of the West. If this is the case, then the ability of national parliaments to ratify treaties over the heads of the people is a danger that resurrects the thoughts of events in Europe’s past history.
So what now for Ireland, well Ireland has changed dramatically over the past ten years, some say for the better but many say for the worst. The rejection of the Lisbon treaty has show that the Irish people do not trust the EU, with the fallout being the total mistrust in the advice given by their political leaders. Despite varied political differences, Irish citizens have show that these differences can be suspended, once again proving that not everybody can be bought by the promises of power and financial rewards for those who flow with the system. Cromwell once said “To hell or to Connacht”, it appears that the Irish nation is facing yet another threat of extermination. Sinn Fein has once again come to the forefront by informing the Irish nation that all is not well within the European dream and that we must be very wary about future treaties that will attempt to dilute our ability to stand up as a sovereign nation. Harriett Harmon, when questioned today in a Sky news interview about the possibly need for the people of the United Kingdom to be give the opportunity to vote on the treaty as a result of the Irish rejection of the Lisbon treaty said “We have negociated the treaty in the interest of the British people and what the Irish people do is their concern”. Clearly the British people are forced to accept whatever their political leaders feel is in their interests, you vote us in, you take the consequences.
Its not all over yet.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Brussels: In response to growing reports that the Irish will today reject the plans for a European Super-fiefdom, the Austrian Foreign Minister, Schnell Scheizer, warned the most westerly nation in the EU “if you reject our advances, we will lock you in a cellar and economically abuse you”. But Dublin was quick to counter this threat by asking for a UV lamp, some multi vitamins and the Robbie Williams Greatest Hits.
With nobody really able to predict the result of yesterdays vote, a crack squad of pan-European divers, Geologists, and demolition experts were positioned just outside of Ireland’s territorial waters at the ready to dislodge the small, yet perfectly formed, Gaul village from the rest of the Roman Empire’s continental shelf, and to send it drifting westward intending it to either join up with New Foundland or get caught in the Gulf Stream and to block the access of marauding Russian trained icebergs from entering European waters. “if they won’t let us have our super-cool army” one EU sponger, er official, said “then who will protect us if the Mongols want to invade again?!”
There was mass hysteria outside low cost supermarkets Aldi and Lidl as shoppers panic bought all the German goods they could find after Mr Angela Merkel the German……what MRS Angela Merkel?!?.....sorry after Mr(s) A. Merkel, German Chancellor and Cabaret cross dresser, stopped the production of bratwurst and those really tasty little half pork half beef mince dumplings, you know the ones you can eat hot or cold? Apparently the Italians also expressed their indignation but no one could hear what they said from behind their mother’s skirts.
There was an expectation that a spokesperson for Gordon Brown was due to make a statement on the current voting debacle but he was unable to attend the press conference after being set upon by a group of hooded teenagers and caught on a camera phone being happy slapped and then stabbed, no doubt just metres from his home (ain’t it always the way?).
What Now For Old ‘Like to Think For Themselves’ Ireland?
Both Belgium and Austria were quick to cancel cross border peado training with Ireland, terminating all advanced cellar building programs and Level Two Cover Up seminars. The Catholic Church has issued an appeal to the Vatican to intervene before anyone else gets outed and has to move parish AGAIN.
Preliminary reports from Warsaw and Tallinn suggest that they will stop the flow of women into Ireland with immediate affect prompting fears that Irish women would once again have to make up the bulk of pole dancers and strippers. Peter Stringfellow, speaking from his hot tub, advised “make sure the lights are dim and the punters are plastered and you should be able to get away with it”, before adding “I saw this coming, that’s why I closed down”.
Is the Austrian Foriegn Minister really called 'Schnell Scheizer'? You know I did German at school and am almost certain that translated that guy's name means Fast Shitter! (schnell = fast and scheitzer seems similar to the German word for shit, Scheisse). Great name for a gobshite.