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Treaty of Lisbon
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Thursday April 03, 2008 14:35 by Ronoc

The upcoming referendum for the Treaty of Lisbon, only voted for by the people of Ireland will determine the future of all European member states. The Treaty is basically a redraft of the EU Treaty rejected by the people of France and Holland, although the majority of political partys where campaigning for a Yes vote in both countries. The Treaty of Lisbon will passed now in France and Holland and all other member states without ratification. Well Ireland gets to vote and the majority of political partys are urging people to Vote Yes... ... There has not been alot of information about this Treaty shown to the public on TV or in the press and for such a complex treaty that hands over alot of power from Irish hands into the hands of an unelected group of EU officials the EU commision seems a bit strange, they try to push it so fast without informing people of all its details.
One point of this treaty will be the militarization of the EU, a common EU military. Each state will have to fund the military with the tax payers money. A few states of the EU are old colonial powers and France for example have supported dictators in parts of Africa to keep the region unstable so they can mine uranium without hastle for their nuclear industry[also in the treaty is the EU dedication to nuclear power) so more of these troubles could be perpetrated using ordinary peoples tax. And seen that Ireland is a small country they wont have much of a say of what happens, so if resource wars are carried out, although Ireland doesnt have to take part in them, Ireland will pay. We have oil wars in Iraq and soon to be some think their will be 2/3 of the poputlation of the earth without access to clean drinking water. The only benefits of war are for big arms manufacturerers.
The treaty will also try to create a free market and has not much benefits for the ordinary person as this will drive down wages. Because a latvian company for example could set up in Ireland and pay the wages of latvia without bother, the only ones who benefit are corporations and share holders.
Privitisation of public services includoing health and education will be alot easier if the ttreaty is passed. Private companys only care about the bottom line, Profit. And a profit based health and education system will only benefit the rich. You only have to look at th USA to see how private health works. Sure anyhow its already started here in Ireland with private hospitals being set up on public land and private patients getting better care. If you have more information on the treaty, it would be appreciated if posted below.
"Why we fight"
"whatever happened to our dreams of freedom"
"the power of nightmares"
BBC documentarys that cover alot of topics including world poltics and neo liberalism, can be found on youtube and google video, I recommend to anyone who wants to have more insight into things.
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Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Several hundred years of fighting for freedom and now the powers that be are urging us to give it away to Brussells...
The CAEUC - Campaign Against the EU Constitution - Vote No to Lisbon has been working since last November in order to study, understand and analyse the 300 plus pages of the Treaty, its 12 new Protocols and several dozen Declarations.
The result of this work is in our 32 pp pamphlet that can be downloaded in pdf format from :
14 organisations and activist groups are affiliated to the CAEUC, including Sinn Fein, the Communist Party, the Workers Party, the Socialist Party, the iawm, the ISN, the IRSP, Eirigi, the Peoples Movement, PANA and others. The CAEUC's progressive, left wing and pro working class approach has nothing to do with Libertas or the Christian Right that are arguing for a NO vote from their own perspective.
100,000 CAEUC leaflets and 5,000 CAEUC posters are in the final stages of preparation. We need your support, we need debate, we need your encouragement. We can provide you with information, speakers and presentations.
Contact the CAEUC in
........about the upcoming referendum and the need to vote No from link below
MichealY, you claim that your organises to study the treaty. You know this is not true. I've seen you "debate" the treaty before. Your group are liars and scaremongers. I wont Sinn Fein telling me that they are "anti-war". Or Daithi Dolan calling me an "oppressor".
Here is a documentary of the EU and the lisbon treaty made by some young Irish people. Informative and has interviews with elected officials.
The Treaty poses a serious treat to the Irish constitution and all other member states. So Don please explain when you say liars. This treaty will open up something that wont be able to be changed! It hands over power to unelected officials, and thats fact...
Nigel Farage a British MEP with alot to say about europe and the Lisbon Treaty. Many videos of his speeches at the eu parliment below...
Ireland relinquished it's self as an independant country the day it joined the European Community.
It joined to obtain financial benefits that brought about major improvements to the socio-economical life.
With the advent of the Lisbon Treaty drawing closer, the people of this country have two choices.
1 of becoming a totally immerged country within a grand European State - which will eventually have one Flag and one government and one anthem
2 of leaving the E.C and paying back all European loans.
That will ensure the regaining it's true independance and living in poverty.
The choice is yours, because you have lived on the European Pig's back for years and now either way you are going to live under it's belly and have the status of a european village.
Which is what a country of 4+ million people look like as a statistic - get used to it!
A no vote doesnt neccesarily mean we should leave the union. The union is not a bad thing, its just the treaty which is being passed without the consent of all the peoples of europe...
This red alert vid of Anthony Coughlan explains something that has not been explained before about the European Constitution/Treaty.
A completly NEW European Union.
The first time round, they sent pamphlets aimed at the lowest common denominator of European voter in France, Luxembourg, Spain & The Netherlands explaining how wonderful Europe was & giving little run-downs on the principle symbols like the flag of twelve stars and the anthem which is the final movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony with the rousing choral setting of Schiller's "ode to joy". Ludwig began work on the symphony in 1818 once Europe was settling down after Napoleon and set the theme tune of the EU in 1823 with final revisions applied in 1824 before its premier. It was not the first time in his life he had worked with the poem and related material (Prometheus - also so beloved by the Shelley couple, Percy the atheist and Mary the mother of Frankenstein) The material had expressed well his belief in love and for its promotion the need for revolution since his initiation into the order of the illuminati which of course was to be proscribed and notoriously calumnified thereafter for its stated objectives of destroying the class based structures of society and replacing them with a global world of free-thinking humans complete with encyclopedias & notions of inate rights based on their evident equality regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, or socio-economic class origin. [Pretty devilish stuff - most people would agree.]
* He was evicted because he lived in a society which had no right to housing.
* He went deaf because he lived in a society which had no right to healthcare.
* He sometimes went hungry because he lived in a society with no right to work.
* He was a German despite there being no right to self-determination.
* He was a cantankerous fucker with a well unpleasant obsessive habit of litigation who hated Napoleon.
Somehow we remember him because despite all that bollox, he composed very good music in the high art tradition which transcends bullshit & communicates universal truths without needing accompanying lyric sheets or explanatory guidelines. I believe you're not being offered the propaganda in Ireland which was issued first time around on the mainland of Europe, because rather than convincing you to vote Yes! it deftly reminds you, why you should vote No!
Sinister Hoods, Stars & Bombs..,
What we need is a European Union of Sovereign States.
What we'll get, if we vote for the Lisbon Treaty, is a European Union of Bullied States.
It's as simple as that.
vote no to Lisbon
Why would i vote Yes to a Franco-Deutsch tyranny? does guys don't have a great history
Hello my fellow concerned Irish citizens.
First of all the Lisbon treaty is scaring the shit out of me. Some of my more paranoid views that I have been ridiculed over the years, these days, seems to carry weight. I have amplified my views to the public about this Referendum only to fall on closed ears. Partly I am to blame, I am a hopeless romantic and told spiels which were of extraordinary proportions in the past. I have naively chosen to believe in alternative views quicker than the general mainstream opinion and I have been corrected were I was wrong. Basically I would be the guy who would echo the 9/11 truth movement documentaries in the pub and not realize were I was contradicting myself.
I am not the best person to persuade someone's political view but one thing I have come to realize over my years of speaking out is that the ordinary person 'the lay man' doesn't give a crap about how this will effect other people in poorer parts of Europe. He/she wants to know how this treaty will effect them. How you can persuade the lay man and white collar to vote no is to simply talk about the future taxation policies of Europe. The common consolidated tax is a major treat to the Irish economy. It is due to low corporate tax in Ireland that created the Celtic tiger. Brussels want to have more control over non-European corporations and give more power to European corporations. Don't forget it was mostly due to American transnationals such as Dell, Microsoft and the likes that boosted our Economy. Even though their all slimy bastards when it came to the Shannon situation we have to acknowledge that American companies employ a lot of Irish people. the link below is from the horses mouth about the future of European taxation.
If you are talking about Lisbon, talk about the taxation. If people believe they are going to loose their fortunes they will vote NO.
i think it is important to add that it has been reported that Brussels aren't going to discuss the policies of the TCCT until after the Irish referendum.
If I am misguiding in my statements, please correct me, we have to inform each other the best we can because the Mainstream Media of Ireland aren't doing their job at all and we have been given a label also 'European skeptics'.
It is evident to me that the majority of the Irish people have never heard of the Lisbon Treaty. We must discuss this issue as much as we can in public life. inform yourself, your friends and colleagues because the clock is ticking and start the debate on the Taxation policies, i believe you will change the minds of the passive into active and try to persuade the non-voter to vote No! A few of my friends who don't like engaging in politics are doing that for me. If I can do it, so can you.
Vote No to Lisbon.
keep an eye out for my graffiti in the Dublin area. if you want to hear my more paranoid views just ask! Trevor Logan is an alias, i am not that Naive.