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The end of the ‘most devious and the most cunning’ must see real change in Ireland

category national | miscellaneous | press release author Wednesday April 02, 2008 18:40author by PBPA - People Before Profit Alliance Report this post to the editors

The People Before Profit Alliance welcome the announcement by an Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today to resign. In his speech Ahern spoke at length of his legacy and contributions to both prosperity and peace. However, his time in office has massive widening of the gap between rich and poor and a complete erosion of Irish neutrality.
People Before Profit Anti Corruption Protest October 2006
People Before Profit Anti Corruption Protest October 2006

Press Release:
The end of the ‘most devious and the most cunning’ must see real change in Ireland

The People Before Profit Alliance welcome the announcement by an Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today to resign. In his speech Ahern spoke at length of his legacy and contributions to both prosperity and peace. However, his time in office has massive widening of the gap between rich and poor and a complete erosion of Irish neutrality.

Richard Boyd Barrett, People Before Profit Alliance Dun Laoghaire said: "The resignation of Bertie Ahern is long overdue. His tenure as Taoiseach is one where the fruits of unprecedented economic growth were lavished on the super-wealthy and big business while the gap between rich and poor grew and vital public services were run-down to the point of crisis.
While we may never know the exact circumstances that saw Bertie Ahern receiving improper donations from business people and large amounts of money sloshing around in his bank accounts, it is difficult not to see a connection between these facts and policies that favoured developers and super-wealthy business people at every turn.”

People before Profit Alliance believe that Ahern’s true legacy is one of continuing corruption, increasing inequality and the end of Irish neutrality and that there is a need for real change. Despite talk of change within Fianna Fail post-Haughey, the scandals surrounding Ahern suggest more of the same.
Much has been made of Bertie Ahern role as a peacemaker. However, the Northern settlement was brought about due to massive popular mood and a change in strategy by Republicans. In fact, one of the most shameful legacies of Bertie Ahern's period in office is the total destruction of Irish military neutrality in allowing a million US troops through Shannon airport to prosecute the criminal invasion of Iraq and his failure to exclude CIA torture flights from this country. Bertie Ahern leaves office with the blood of countless thousands of innocent Iraqi's on his hands.

Ahern in his address today spoke of his pledge to “put people before politics”, however his actions, that of his party and his coalition partners have seen the politics of privatisation, profit and corruption put before the interest of ordinary people. The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, which Fianna Fail are actively promoting will see an increased drive towards militarisation, a destruction of public services and privatisation.

It is intolerable that while working people died on trolleys of our country’s hospital that others, who shed crocodile tears and talk of hard times availed of ‘dig outs’ and awarded himself a massive pay hike. After years of boom Ireland still has one of the lowest on healthcare spending and one of the lowest hospital beds to population ratios in Europe .

Rory Hearne, People Before Profit Alliance, Dublin South East said,
"We are already seeing the re-writing of the legacy of Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, as was done with Charlie Haughey after his departure. It was announced at a major health rally on the weekend that 5000 people per year die because of our inadequate health services which Ahern, as Taoiseach and his party are responsible for. Ahern has stood over the worsening of workers conditions, an historic level of inequality between rich and poor and the destruction of our environment, in places like Tara. The government should now go to the country to see what the people want. Had the electorate known in May what has since transpired about Bertie Ahern, it is doubtful Fianna Fail would now be in power.”

Despite protestations of prosperity under his leadership, this country has also seen cuts in both the education and community sectors. Ireland ’s children still endure some of the largest class sizes in Europe , while respite services for the elderly and the disabled have seen cuts just this week.

Brid Smith, People Before Profit Alliance, Ballyfermot, said:
“It’s a disgrace that Ahern talks up his ‘legacy’ and tries to wash his hands of the both the crisis in the health and the widening inequality in this country. This is at a time when essential funds are being diverted away from care for elderly. It’s a scandal that Ahern can accept ‘dig-outs’, use political donations for personal use, while at the same time the elderly in our communities who paid their share by working and paying tax all their lives are being asked to take 80% of their pension income to provide for their care”

Ahern’s resignation must not signal the end of the investigation into his affairs by the tribunal. Furthermore, it is time that the shady dealings of politicians, such as Ahern be dealt with and people be held truly accountable.

People Before Profit Alliance held an anti-corruption protest outside the Dail calling for Ahern’s resignation as far back as October 2006, when some of the most serious allegations began to emerge.

A lot of people are turned off politicians because of the actions of many like Ahern. The Alliance feel that many politicians still look after the interests of big business and not ordinary people. The double-dealing golden circle at the top was and is still around.

Now is time for a real alternative- a real opposition. Not the opposition of so called ‘opposition parties’ in the Dail, who have at best been inconsistent and almost hesitant in their condemnation of Ahern’s dealings and on matters of crucial importance such as health, education and poverty, but one of people power.

Ailbhe Smyth, Co-convenor People Before Profit Alliance said:
“The time has come for real change in Ireland. The health march in Dublin on Saturday last shows where real opposition lies and that is with the people. People Before Profit are for active support for grass-roots community and social movements to bring about real change in Ireland.”

For further comment or details contact:
Ailbhe Smyth 087 205 5433

Related Link: http://www.people-before-profit.org
author by Con Connor - Ireland's Druidschoolpublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 02:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ah - so the puppet has been changed... or is about to be changed when he is good and ready... (i.e. you cant sack him, he is made of teflon and will go when he is told by his masters)

What will change??? Will anything actually change??? Will the secret government still control the public government??? Will there be a receipt??? Please be aware that this is what the Lisbon Treaty (EU Constitution) is all about. We may vote people in to represent us but governance plays a different game, sings to a different tune... who really is controling our nation??? the Yanks??? the Germans??? the bankers credit cards???

Maybe it is time for the Irish Nation to say no to the Lisbon Treaty and take stock of what so many men and women fought and died for for so many years to give us or regain our sense of identity as a Celtic People with a unique spiritual tradition.

Maybe it is time to tell the truth and point the nations finger at those who destroy our culture and heritage while dancing to the nwo tune. How much corruption can one nation take from its own elected members???

It all changes when you change

Related Link: http://www.druidschool.com/site/1030100/page/928358
author by Germain Gurier - Women and Mediapublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 02:22author email pirateproductions at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Those of us who remain marginalized and discontent can only yawn at what the next media antics will chose to throw at us regarding the flight off shore of our leaders. Bring back the seven and a half million who claim to be Irish who left the land of tir na og enchanted by the post modernist dream. Are we now in a state of anarchy without a teashop. The public will demand a lynching or maybe settle for another round and a well worded ballad. 'Progress' is what is putting tarmac on Tara and allowing the multinationals to rape this land.
Comrades we have nothing to lose but our chains, let the celebrations begin......

author by Mariellapublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 17:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The only question is which crook will be put in charge next. And it will be a crook because only crooks can be safely entrusted with the task of protecting the commercial vested interests who run the country. From De Valera onwards, Fianna Fail have honoured this tradition with unflinching zeal. So whoever it is, we can take it entirely for granted that they are a lying crook because that is the only qualification needed for the job. It helps to be good at mangling the truth too - as skilful as he was at it, Ahern had lost a lot of his form in this regard of late.

Personally, I'm already weary at the probable prospect of having to look at Cowan's glowering visage so much of the time. But better that - a thousand times better that - than having to look at Hanafin's grim, muinteoir-ish grimace sharply peering from every screen and newspaper - like a squirt of lemon juice to the eye. That's one mean woman and if her treatment of children with special needs is anything to go by, God help the country should Fianna Fail decide that she should be their first woman Taoiseach.

author by Cael - Sinn Fein Poblachtachpublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 18:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is very little point in focusing on particular corrupt politicians in Leinster House. The fact is that the whole place is set up to secure the privilege of the few and the misery of the many. To talk about bringing individual LH gombeen men to "justice" implies that LH would be OK if only we could find a few honest politicians. Honest politicians like Joe Higgins will always be sidelined in LH. What we need to do is get rid of the whole rotten edifice and expose the Landlord parasites who pull the strings. Then they will be left at the mercy of the people - rather than the other way round.

Related Link: http://admin2.7.forumer.com/index.php
author by Eire Nuapublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a whole new set up is needed


Related Link: http://www.rsf.ie/eirenua.htm
author by Con Connor - Ireland's Druidschoolpublication date Thu Apr 03, 2008 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The following is not my work but explains my concerns about a New European Order (Lisbon Treaty) that is scary. I suggest to readers that the timing of bad berties departure will feed the media a new smoke screen to divert our attention away from the loss of National Sovereignty where our neutrality is gone and young Irish men and women have to fight European wars by conscription. This is how sick and twisted politics has become in our island. Say no to Lisbon and a United States of Europe whose rules replace our constitution. Hugo Chavez made the constitution of his country available to the people of his country and by so doing - he saved his country from being a puppet state of the nwo. We can say no the creating a European State. Please take the time to watch the following short videos.

I quote -


New video:
RED ALERT - Irish Amendment Bill for the EU Lisbon Treaty - Takeover Proof

Anthony Coughlan (National Platform - EU Research and Information Centre)discusses how the Irish Amendment Bill for the Lisbon Treaty that will be voted on in June states clear as day that it will end the Irish constitution and we will be entering a new EU established by the Lisbon Treaty. This fact can not be disputed as it is written in clear English that even a blind EU follower could understand. The Bill proves that the Lisbon Treaty ends the 27 nations of the EU and makes them provinces.


Extracts from END OF NATIONS - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty

Five minutes of short extracts from the 1 hr 22 min documentary END OF NATIONS. This video's link could be emailed to people who are "too busy" and don't know how important the Lisbon Treaty is. The future of European democracy has fallen on the shoulders of the Irish. Will they be strong and informed enough to save it?


All the best,

Related Link: http://www.wiseupjournal.com/
author by Plunkittpublication date Wed Apr 09, 2008 16:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A good piece by Eamonn McCann,

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