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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17"Na Fianna Éireann, founded in 1909, played a significant role in the struggle and suffered huge losses. Next year marks the 100th anniversary of Na Fianna’s formation "
Na Fianna still PLAYS an importnat role as it still exists and is still loyal , unlike ogra to the leadership of the Republican Movement. Republicans will honour NFE not ye.
I think it is fair to say that Ogra Shinn Fein plays a more significant role in republican youth politics, and if any group represents the republic youth ethos and direct line of the original NFE it is Ogra.
What was the last thing that the 'Real' NFE or 'Contos' NFE actually did?
Na Fianna Eireann came to an end in 1992.
but it doesnt matter if thats even true, because even if NFE did only one thing and ogra did a 1000 NFE then only one activity by Republican youth would have occured as only NFE is a Republican aligned organisation.
And it takes some high level of arrogance to celebrate an oganisations history when you have no roots with that particular org nor even believe in the same things that they STILL do. NFE remains the Republican youth movement your just provos.
It does matter at the level of activity, Republicans need to be active to popularise the demand for Irish Unity. Obviously your not interested in success, you just want a big comfort blanket, so that you can call yourself a republican.
The reality is that OSF is the only youth wing actively campaigning for Irish Unity and training up young people in the same ideals as Na Fianna Eireann did, they have as much right as anyone to remember the role and sacrifice of NFE.
Your Ivory Tower, naval gazing approach to republicanism will get you or whoever you support nowhere.
. Well written remembrance day statment , The youth of Ireland's issue's of relevance today-
and our proud history are highlighted very well and can be taken in by those who
didn’t participate in the 1916 rising but who want to achieve it's purpose. Tiocfaidh ar lá
How does a youth organization affiliated to a party, which has it's statements written by the British Government and given to the DUP for it's approval before even it's own membership knows what they entail, expect to achieve a United Ireland?
The new way forward as you call it is going no further than Stormont and the DUP know it and that is why they are content in their position while Sinn feign are continuously fighting a losing battle against them.
Take Policing and Justice, the DUP have the veto on that and if Sin feign hope to have it devolved then they'll have to sell more of the family jewels.
The dream of a United Ireland died when the Deputy ran to the Brits looking for their assistance to end the War.
Before you start about dissidents, I'm not a member of any organization but I was a Provo before they
gave up on a 32 County Socialist Republic and started to look after themselves alone.
Why commemorate our Republican dead when you have betrayed everything they stood for??
By the way when you see the absentee MP with the beard tell him the people of the Falls are wondering were he is whether it be Washington, Donegal or the Toilets of Downing Street away from the prying ears of those other shinners.
There is an inherent dishonesty about provisionalism. They lie all the time, the leadership lies to the members, the members to each other - and most importantly - the members and supporters lie to themselves. Then ogra get their little knickers in a twist when people who think for themselves and view them with an honest eye don't play along in the charade.
"Dissidents!" "Securocrats!"
Who else would call them out?
No, just honest people, because all its takes is someone who is honest to call you what you are. A disgrace to men and women and indeed the boys and girls of Easter Week 1916 and all that came after and all who still belive in all that it is. Enough of your mockery of Republicanism, enough of your lies and pretend at patriot grave sides. Everyone who is honest and has any bit of sense see's you for what you are. Sham Republicans.
Anarchists, Socialists, Democrats and most of all Republicans. We all see the real you behind your Bobby Sands quotes, behind your Che Guevara posters. Now open your own eyes to what a disgrace you are.
Hi !
In an article entitled ' Getting Paisley To Say Yes' , which he wrote for 'Village' magazine in 2006 (12-18 October , page 22) , Gerry Adams mentioned that , in a discussion which he had with Mr Blair , Mr Ahern and the DUP leadership , he stated - " I have also made it clear that there are no deal-breakers for us , or pre-conditions."
It's just as well that he wasn't negotiating on behalf of republicans.
Not Armani , but definitely a better fit...
Sharon stop telling the truth would ya and pointing out what that employee of the crown said! heres a list of Easter Commemorations held by people who are what they say..Republicans.
Hi Spailpin !
I'll be at two of those listed Easter Commemorations myself ; deal-breakers or pre-conditions wouldn't keep me away !
By the looks of things someone called Squinter has stirred up quite a hornets nest in West Belfast and they seem to be buzzing around Adam's head. Apparently he works for The A Town News, the mouth piece of Sinn Feign now that is an turn up for the books.
Did it take the death of a Republican, Bap Mc Greevey to wise the people of West Belfast up to the Fact that their votes count for nothing because nothing has changed since Adams took over, Well OK they did get a new swimming baths.
Adams in order to satisfy Paisley forced the acceptance of the PSNI and Courts on a party which already had it's hands in the air voting Yes because they dare not do otherwise and we had the party spin doctors claiming that THEY would put manners in them.
Tell that to Bap, Mr Holland and the people of West Belfast, then on Sunday tell it to those who died for a better Ireland instead of the usual trite.
and what was said in return
There's something about this Squinter thing that leaves me doubting the sincerity of it all. I was at first full of admiration for the man for having the courage to come out publicly and berate Adams and the $hinners, but then I read a piece over on Balrog by an ardent $F apologist which agreed with his sentiments and I thought, something doesn't smell right about all of this.
I seems to me that the $hinners have realized that they have jumped too soon in allowing themselves to be forced to support the PSNI and are looking for an excuse to withdraw their support or more likely they are using the deaths of Bap and Harry Holland to force the Brits to devolve Policing and justice.
It may sound outrageous but this could all be an orchestrated attempt to make it seem as if a split was on the cards unless the Brits acted to implement P&J soon.
As a skeptic I somehow doubt that these people would come out and criticize Adams without being given the nod.
Where was McGuinness yesterday? Belfast, Derry or Armagh? No he was at Fianna Fail's parade in Dublin. Too good now to be walking with the common or garden shinners the deputy first minster of Northern Ireland has to be seen to be rubbing shoulders with Bertie and company who most definitely were not commemorating those Volunteers who died here in the North. Therefore Marty was shunning his fallen Comrades for a place among people who would class themselves as enemies of Irish Republicanism.
It was only to be expected I suppose.
I wonder what Ogra think of this turn of events I suppose I'll never know?
It really is comical to look at Ogra, an apologist pretendy republican youth organisation who kow tow to British imperialism and are answerable to its agents. Wake up, if you are irish republicans and I do not doubt the sincerity of many of its members - the party you pledge allegiance to are a mirror image of the parties they once slagged off, look at the basic principles of republicansim and pledge yourselfs to them- the basic facts stand - 6 counties are occupied by force by the British and those who work with them only maintain this status quo, and are thereby collaborators no matter what way it is dressed up - so either abide by republican principles or move aside
The extraordinary u-turn by the ATN and the unprecedented front page apology leaves little to the imagination. I am left with thoughts of a visit by cleaners to tidy up an unsavory mess.
Squinters blog has been removed and his right to express an opinion has been buried in an unmarked grave.
The most disgusting aspect of the whole sorry affair has been the silence of journalists who should have been screaming from the roof tops about this attempt to repress opinion.
I would call it Silence of the Lambs.