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Domestic Violence- Why Is It Allowed.??

category international | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Monday January 21, 2008 23:07author by Portia Report this post to the editors

Many readers will ask- what on Earth is this person on about??

Of course the Government wants to stop violence!!!!!!!!

Does it really??

No, that is propaganda.

Violent men and women are rewarded by the system in secret courts not open to the public.

Secret courts are supposed to keep the childs identity secret.!!

That is not what is being kept secret at all.

Rather- it is the corruption of the state agents, lawyers, judges etc that is kept hidden.

Domestic Violence Why Is It Still Allowed.???

I have been asking myself this same question for more than 12 years now, due to my own experience of it.

Having done my thesis on the subject I honestly believed I knew it all.

How could any woman allow this?? I used to ask myself.

No, it will never happen to me.!!! But it did.

All the words in those books were useless in the real world.

All the advise was futile because those who wrote on this subject had never been inside a secret Gestapo family court in their lives.

If they had, they were gagged from speaking out anyway.

I have remained quiet for those 12 years until my children were 18 and free from gagging orders etc.

Now, it is time to speak out the truth as to :

Why it happens, ??

Why it is even rewarded in the court system,??

Why is it allowed to continue??

Why it will never end with the law as it is now,??

Domestic violence goes back thousands of year when women were first enslaved by the Changos about 5,000 years ago.

The institution of marriage was later created to make sure the women were financially dependent on men.

Women and children became possessions of men.

Men were considered the more powerful and bit by bit women were demonised by the church as it gathered power over all people.

Violent men are really weak in themselves and only know how to get their own way through violence.

Men have been conditioned for thousands of years to take and take from women at will.

Women were equally conditioned to give and give without question, always putting themselves last in the family.

Today, we are at a stage in evolution where both are realizing that there is a new way to wards equality.

Not the equality used in the propaganda machine either, where women are being taught that they have equal opportunity so why are they still complaining??

This new equality recognizes women as the nurturers and men as equal helpers who feed their partners on all levels and encourage them to fulfill their full potential.

Inside each man and each woman is a God and a Goddess.We are now balancing both inside each of us and in society too.

Women should come first as a strong woman is then able to look after all the family.

Putting children first is not the answer in my thinking.

The mother must be strong in herself before giving birth and must be well looked after following the birth.

There are now men who suffer violence in relationships too. No wonder.!!!

Women see that to get to the top violence is often used.

Also, violent men are rewarded by our system so some women feel, well if he can do it so can I.

When I say violent men are rewarded I mean that when an abused woman comes forward for help from the system, many agencies become involved and she is led into a false sense of security.

Whatever self esteem she had when she left her abuser is soon knocked out of her by those who claim to protect her and the children.

The latest word from court experts is that Womens Aid is a feminist group led by Germaine Greer and ALL women there, put women up to making these accusations.

That is a big generalization to make and a dangerous one.

Social workers use a woman's vulnerability against her.

Suddenly she finds herself more abused by their use of reverse psychology and mental torture that Hitler would be proud of.

For me it was different as I recognized the game plan and abuse quickly but for others with no qualifications, what chance do they stand.

As it is all done in secret and we are not allowed by law to utter a word under threat of prison and our children being returned to the abuser or put into care for someone else to abuse them more, we stay quiet. This suits the system perfectly.

For myself I certainly did not make it all up or follow instructions from woman's aid or anyone else either.

Why would I leave the home I paid for and go homeless for 12 years to stay safe and keep children safe.

Hardly something one does for fun???

So , the court orders assessments etc, and almost all men guilty of violence are rewarded with contact to children.

Now, I ask you?? What message is that to send out to the abused mother and children??

To the abuser it says...wow....I still have control here.!!!!

The Judge is allowing me to get away with this and I can persecute her and the children every time at contact.

I give you an example from my own case. My ex did not want contact but his lawyer advised him to ask for it as he would look better in the eyes of the Judge for the case of violence.


So, there it is, it is not actual quality time with children they seek but permanent control and the system gives it to them as a present for their wrong doing.

So little Johnny is dragged by the hair if so ordered by the Judge to have contact with a violent father.

This child learns to quickly identify that this violence is rewarded and is thus confused.

He remembers his Mum promised to keep them all safe and suddenly he is being handed over to an abuser.

Then the blackmail begins.

If Johnny says" I do not want to go with violent parent,"then his mum will be locked up in prison for not forcing him into violence.

If he still refuses, chances are he will be put into care where Social Services will make sure he has contact with violent father.

"Mum can walk the streets"as my Judge said to me.

The law must be obeyed.

Now, here is the confusing part.

If a mother stays in a violent relationship the Social Services will say she is allowing her children to be emotionally abused and take the children into care unless she leaves the abuser.

Then she decides to leave and the Social Services still take the children claiming she is unable to protect them herself as the ex might come to her new home and abuse them.

This is a no win situation. There is no escape as the law now stands.

So every week or so Johnny goes into the energy field of violence and carries it home like an unseen plague, where he begins to abuse his Mum and siblings first and then society.

Little by little the next generation of violence begins all over again and the woman asks herself- why did I bother going for help???.

She then tells other women not to come forward to be completely crucified by a system that proclaims to protect her and others.

I know of pedophiles and child abusers who still get contact.

Supervised at first, but then money comes into play and as in my case I ended up having to supervise contact myself.

So, the message is clear. NO ESCAPE.!!!!!!!

Thus it is clear that violence full stop is just propaganda.!!

Putting safe rooms in homes creates a prison within a prison.

Abused people should be allowed a new life in a new place.

Plus plenty of support and help to empower themselves so it does not happen again.

Mothers must empower their children to be strong inside on all levels.

Girls must see that they are not second class.

This is difficult as the legal profession is still extremely "old boys club"and full of pomp and many men are deluded into thinking they are above the rest of us.

Why is it allowed to continue then you ask??

One of the main reasons is the secrecy of the courts and the truth remaining hidden.

Also, violence creates vast wealth for the system.Peace does not.

Those who come forward are strong people and the system dislikes this trait and does everything to break that spirit.

For myself, I was told I was too powerful for a woman. So, what does that tell you.??

Men and women are used against each other in the system which makes billions from their misery.

Lawyers drag the cases out for all it is worth.

Rarely do they advise properly and treat many of us like dirt.

Psychologists and psychiatrists make huge sums of money for writing a pile of rubbish, or worse still, as in my case, a report was written up based on 5 minutes with psychiatrist, because he had all the information from my ex.

I know,!! the mind boggles.

I sat there in court not knowing who they were talking about.

I was labeled an alcoholic, a witch, a cult member etc.I mean, I pinched myself to see if it was all real and it was.

When I began making notes in order to correct these discrepancies I was ordered to put my pen down and stay quiet or go to jail for 3 months.

No, my lawyer did not speak up for me either.

He was only interested in the money he had received and was quite happy to hang me out to dry.

Also, in line for wealth are care homes and foster parents receiving £400 per week per child.

Many of the care homes are owned by ex social workers in fact.

As long as violence is rewarded because it creates vast wealth for the old patriarchal system then nothing will change.

Why would they want to change.????

There are some very gentle and peace loving men in society now and they should be honored and respected accordingly, as they feed and support women on all levels and help them nurture the next generation into peace.

These are the real strong men not macho fools.!!!!

Abusers should have to earn their right to contact.

Children should not be forced into it or bribed by social workers either, because then children feel they have been tricked into a situation where their own natural instinct said danger.

As long as we allow the people we gave power to with our votes, to continue to use OUR money in the manner above, then domestic violence will continue to increase like it is at the moment and women will become just as violent too.

Simply because that is the real agenda of our government.!!!!

The only thing that matters to the old system is power and money and control.

The only people that are listened to are dead people!!! Too late then.!!!

I hope that by shedding a new light on this situation, we, as a society will see how we are paying our Government with our tax money to actually condone violence because it is more profitable.

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