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Scotland's care watchdog has sparked outrage by saying vulnerable girls in care must share rooms with boys who self-identify as female.
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Comments (12 of 12)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12It is not acceptable that the English Parasite who is called the "Queen" should be welcomed to Ireland until such time as she has given a full and abject apology for hundreds of years of theft, murder, torture, rape and other major crimes, too numerous to mention. She is the heir to a throne that has carried out the most appalling acts on the Irish people and while it is always good to move forward and embrace "Peace" it is first necessary to have repentance, forgiveness and closure.
For instance the British media still portrays the Famine as an act of God and the bad farming practices of the Irish instead of the deliberate and calculated Holocaust that is was. This is not a contrite offender. The British "Monarchy" and Elite need to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of their behaviour toward Ireland. They need to list the exact nature of their wrongs and be willing to make amends. Whether this could ever be by way of financial recompense is a matter for legal minds who should at least consider the political kudos of making such a claim.
At the very least, for the reasons I have outlined, a peaceful protest would be called for. Others may feel she should be attacked by any means necessary and for that reason I for one will be keeping my protest a long with from the Parasite. Shock waves play havoc with my burst eardrums!
You are totally right Joe and you express your self very clearly.
The English Queen must not be allowed to visit Ireland, it would in appropiate until she and her government have made amends. As for financially that I feel though welcome it is not possible, because there simply is not enough money in the world to correct such diabolical outrages and surely what value could there be on blood money?
The English have a lot of apologising to Scotland for the Land Clearances, to Wales for the flooding of thousands of acres to make reservoirs to supply places like Birmingham,
then there is the ceturies rape of the Welsh coalfields.
To India, Pakistan, Hong Kong etc because you name a country that they haven't abused over the years?
Keep her out of Ireland.
It's the English/British ruling classes that are culpable for so many Imperial crimes; many 'English'/'British' working people have been victims, serfs, & wage-slaves themselves for time out of mind. Many people that we might perceive as 'English' because of their accents will be part-Irish, or sympathetic to Irish causes. The British Army will always get recruits from the scrap-heap of unemployment.
The UK & Europe also owe a huge debt to Irish people who joined British forces to fight the Nazis in WW2; respect to them for their courage . The relationship between Ireland & the UK is hugely complex - no nation or 'race' is too virtuous to be above exploiting others, or their own folk, for money & power.
Nor should we be too proud of our own 'purity' while Ireland is being dragged into the US/UK wars and used as a stepping-stone for rendition/abduction/torture flights.
The Queen's visit could be used for a dignified demonstration for Irish sovereignty & secession from US/UK imperial wars.
"The Queen's visit could be used for a dignified demonstration for Irish sovereignty & secession from US/UK imperial wars."
Lulu I concur with much that you have said except for the above, my reasoning being that the Queen of England has no political clout, therefore the message of your proposed demonstration would only be carried by the media and open gross misinterpretation; especially by the English press. However one effective and old way would be for those lining the route to turn their backs on her.
Given the nature of the gutter press in Ireland & UK, any demonstration against the status quo is likely to be misrepresented (one reason it wld need be dignified), but that's not to say it's futile. The British Army has garrisons in scores of countries & Mrs Windsor-Guelph-Pooter is their nominal boss. She may have no executive powers, but she has lots of money (tho I don't know where!) and value as a figurehead. How much the Queen understands of international affairs is debatable, as she will have been well-indoctrinated, but a message can be given to her & her retinue, & to Ireland & the UK, by resistance to the warmongers who are pulling strings in the US & UK.
Opposing Mrs Windsor's visit just shows the cringe-making immaturity still available here. The best antidote to the past is self-confidence, not a riot. Otherwise they win, eternally....
At least Mrs McAleese won't be going down on her knees and kissing rings like she did in Rome, that was just as cringe-making. But RSF said nary a thing about that?
Besides, I once met a man in a pub whose dog told him that the Windsors are descended from Niall Noigiallach, so perhaps she will go down well with the "Save Tara" campaigners.
Hi Percy !
You go to strange pubs .
And you do so too often.
I think the back turning would make an interesting media stunt. I'd like to see that.
But alas, organising the irish public on a large scale to do something in their own interests is futile. sales of hello are high here. And the people lining the streets won't be politically savvy, just fawning sycophants.
There's been so many attempts to rewrite irish history lately, english warships in irish ports routinely, US planes in shannon, MI5 plants, bertie addressing english parliament, big road through tara, resource giveaways galore.
Of course its inevitable the queen comes over to take a piss on the recently economically re-colonised. Sad times for the once proud Irish people
Lots of our cousins have done OK when they engage in the wider world, even in Britain, such as Gus O'Donnell (see below).
The world does not revolve around N. Ireland, and it is increasingly ridiculous for heads of state in the EU not to visit us here, like the queen, but to greet McAleese only in London. I am quite indifferent to a visit, but if it has to happen I object to a surviving and needless inferiority complex.
No cringing, no rudeness, because each represents all their people, and the queen represents also a lot of Irish people in Britain (or are they still described as "deserters"?). Save the protest for some real live issue, not this symbolic stuff.
...on your part , Percy , to suggest that because "lots of our cousins have done OK....even in Britain" we should welcome a visit from the Queen of England.
What has one to do with the other ?
Hi Percy!
The world does not revolve around the Six Counties , true enough , but Mrs Windsor's Office has seen to it that it still retains a jurisdictional claim to that area , enforced by a military presence , and it is not exhibiting a "needless inferiority complex" in facing that fact.
And that , Percy , is the "real live issue" and, in my opinion, one worth protesting over. By all means , Sir , stand in O'Connell Street (perhaps better known to you as Sackville Street!) and wave your 'symbolic stuff' in greeting of the woman if you want , but please don't tell me I have an "inferiority complex" because I decide not to stand with you.
In my humble opinion, all heads of state who preside over human rights abuses ought to receive articulate opposition to the wrongs they represent, but will they even be visible to the likes of us? Remember Bush's visit back in 2004?
The partition of the North is hateful, yet there were times when Brit Army patrols saved the lives of Catholics/Nationlists & citizens from the Republic from atrocities.
Hi Leo !
Even if , whilst taking part in a protest/picket , we are not actually 'visible' to those we are protesting against we can be fairly sure that our actions will at least register with them by the ensuing publicity in the media about the protest.
Re 'Brit Army patrols' - if it wasn't for the atrocities of their political leadership they wouldn't be here in the first place. That political leadership have it within their 'gift' to put matters right , late and all as it is for them to do so.