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Judgement shows British rule has not changed

category national | miscellaneous | press release author Friday December 21, 2007 16:13author by Des Dalton - Republican Sinn Feinauthor email saoirse at iol dot ieauthor address 223 Parnell St Dublin 1author phone 01 8729747 Report this post to the editors

Statement by the Vice President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton

Republican Sinn Fein Vice President Des Dalton said in a statement that the acquittal of Sean Hoey showed that the nature and purpose of the British colonial police in Ireland has not changed.

The acquittal of Sean Hoey on December 20 only serves to underline the fact that British rule in Ireland has not changed. It also highlights the reality that changing the name of the British colonial police in Ireland will not change the nature or purpose of the PSNI, anymore than it did when the RIC became the RUC.

The journalist and broadcaster Eamonn Maillie speaking on the RTÉ radio programme The Pat Kenny Show on December 21 described the RUC/PSNI’s practice of holding people on remand for a number of years without trial, this was the case with Sean Hoey, as “selective internment”.

The very fact that such practices are still used by the forces of the British state in Ireland show that despite the political spin surrounding the Stormont and St Andrews agreements British rule in Ireland can only be maintained by coercion and the denial of the most basic civil and human rights.

author by smeejitpublication date Fri Dec 21, 2007 16:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

......but policing in the Republic is trash too.

author by Richard Walsh - Republican Sinn Féinpublication date Fri Dec 21, 2007 19:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In response to the verdict in the trial of Seán Hoey, Republican Sinn Féin stated on 20th December that this malicious prosecution showed that LCN DNA evidence must be dropped in all cases.

The malicious prosecution of Seán Hoey from Jonesboro, Co. Armagh, has again shown that the Brits will stop at no lengths to punish those suspected of opposing English rule in Ireland.

Seán Hoey was incarcerated for over four years before his final acquittal. Nearly a whole year lapsed between the conclusion of his trial and the verdict. The silence of those purporting to be the political representatives of the Nationalist community is deafening as to why an innocent man had to serve the equivalent of an eight-and-a-half year sentence on remand.

Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA testing was also shown during the course of the trial to be a wholly discredited technique. Its validity is not recognised in the vast majority of jurisdictions, nor were the English laboratories employed by both the Six and 26-County statelets accredited. Charges proffered against others arising out of LCN DNA 'evidence' must now be withdrawn, and convictions based on it must also be urgently reviewed.

All cases arising out of the events at Omagh – like so many others – have been based upon falsified and misleading evidence, and backed up by perjurers in both the RUC and the 26-County police. This was summed-up well by the mother of Seán Hoey, Rita: “The authorities North and South have held two separate trials but one witch-hunt.”

author by sickenedpublication date Sat Dec 22, 2007 20:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Would republicans come forward and give the names of the real culprits to the police?

The families of the victims of the Omagh bombing deserve no less.

Unless republicans still believe they have duty to protect killer who plant car bombs and blow men women and children to pieces?

Maybe the jackpot from the Northern Bank could given to the Omagh victims' families as compensation for "opposing English rule in Ireland"?

author by Jimpublication date Sat Dec 22, 2007 21:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The answer is "No" Sickened.
We've already seen how Republicans close ranks to protect their own, no matter how much death and devestation they may have caused.
And then they have the nerve to try and take the moral high ground and act like they are so hard done by.
Or lok to blame everybody but those who actually carry out the actions. What truly dispicable human beings.

author by Percy ffrenchepublication date Sun Dec 23, 2007 14:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Isn't it quite shocking that the British Imperialist police would try to find the murderers of 29 "ordinary" Irish people?

author by tomeilepublication date Mon Dec 24, 2007 14:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sickened wants to know the identities of the people who planned the Omagh bombings. He or she should start asking questions about infiltration of dissident republican groups by British and American intelligence agencies -particularly the role of David Rupert . Another thing s/he might care to take a look at is whether Scap had any of his people planted in the dissident camp.

author by Barry - 32 csmpublication date Mon Dec 24, 2007 19:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

32 CSM are among a number of people and groups, as well as some of the Omagh bereaved themselves whove called for a fully independent , cross border public enquiry into the Omagh massacre for some years now . It would be inconceivable for any republican grouping or individual to demand such an enquiry repeatedly for 6 years and not be prepared to co-operate with it fully and use their influence to encourage others to do so .

The British have pointed to the fact they were holding a man on remand on fabricated and concocted evidence for 4 and a half years as a reason why they cant have such an enquiry . With that mans full aquittal and exoneration on 56 seperate charges there is no legal impediment to such an enquiry any further , simply the political desire to avoid one at all costs . As bereaved Omagh victim Kevin Skelton pointed out some months back when he called for sean hoeys release , as far as hes concerned the British wrere fully behind the plot .

When US president Bill Clinton came to this country preaching peace to all the cute little leprechaun people , behind the scenes his security people had inserted an agent provocateur , David Rupert ,among a small group of republicans in the 26 counties in Donegal . As this agent provocateurs e mails reveal it was he who urged those he was involved with to bomb Omagh , and he scouted the town on reconaissance missions selecting bomb sites . The car which contained the bomb was supplied by a garda agent , Paddy Dixon ,who for some years had supplied cars to order for the Provisional IRA . That car was fitted with a tracking bug and monitored the entire time by the British intelligence services . It was allowed proceed unhindered .

2 weeks prior to the massacre a serving RUC special branch officer contacted the CID in Omagh directly by phone and warned them of an impending attack on the date of the bombing 15th of August . Why that special branch officer felt he couldnt go through the normal structures and seek to have his superiors deal with the issue is as yet an unexplained mystery . But its clear the man felt he couldnt trust them for wahtever reason . The only response seems to have been that the RUC were sent out of Omagh for the day and the large British garrison in the town was confined to base untill after the bomb had exploded amongst civilians who were herded right towards it and a security tape which had been placed directly beside the car .

The senior garda who took the decision to allow the bomb to proceed unhindered to its destination was himself trained by and liased closely with this foreign intelligence service whose track record of bombing Irish cities and massacring Irish citizens using proxies was well established . Indeed following the 1974 Baldonnell accord which afforded the British intelligence services a primary role in the southern states security apparatus , shortly after they let loose multiple no warning car bombs in central Dublin and Monaghan town , their influence over and within the southern states security forces has been pervasive .

Another resident of the 26 counties was named in the British house of lords as the man who constructed the Omagh bomb . This man , Patrick Mooch Blair was a close associate of British intelligence agent Fred Scappittici for many years . Despite being named in the house of lords , in numerous newspapers and by a self admitted British agent Kevin Fulton/Peter Keeley the gardaí have never so much as questioned this man on the omagh bombing . Fulton/Keeley had passed ths mans name onto the special branch in the north just days prior to the bombing . Yet to this day he has never been questioned . Former RUC cheif Ronnie Flanagan declared he wasnt a suspect and never would be . Instead they sought to persue businessman Colm Murphy , and between them concocted a barrage of lies , a trial by media and falsified evidence to secure his conviction . A conviction which was overturned when it was proven the evidence had been fabricated by gardai working hand in glove with the British intelligence services . Just as Sean Hoey was subjected to a similar witch hunt , trial by media and attempts to frame him for the bombing with concocted and fabricated evidence . It is no surprise therefore to see a reluctance on the part of the southern state to see any such enquiry . It is matched only by their reluctance to countenance an enquiry into the Dublin Monaghan bombings over 30 years ago .

In light of this accusations made against republicans over closing ranks and creating a wall of silence appear hypocritical , and indeed inaccurate . The state forces north and south had no shortage of information , as their agents were deeply implicated and instrumental in the bombing from it inception . Indeed it was an FBI/MI5 agent who convinced his associates to target Omagh and assited the bombing . They knew about it a long time in advance , they had all sorts of prior warning , even a tracking device and satellite to track the car in which they knew was a bomb . I believe many republicans would co-operate fully with an independent enquiry seeking the tuth as to how this dreadful massacre occured . I also believe both the British and Irish governemnts and their security services will do all in their power to hinder and obstruct one . As Omagh victim Kevin Skelton pointed out he has been told by RUC officers that if the truth ever came out the reputations of senior British politicians and others in the security services would be destroyed .
As John Snow of Channel 4 news pointed out last week to Michael Gallagher the Omagh bombing successfully underpinned the GFA and the Anglo American peace treaty . Tony Blair is today a "peace ambassador" to the middle east and palestine on the strength of the political success Britain scured in Ireland follwoing the Omagh bombing .
The wall of silence will no doubt continue given whats at stake for those who dont want to an enquiry demolish that .

author by JDpublication date Mon Dec 24, 2007 23:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I don’t know weather Barry is just plain naïve or is training (obviously in the VERY early stages) to act as a PR agent for the Republican movement.

The above post is laughable, once again trying to shift the blame to the security forces and away from the people who planned the bomb, made the bomb, transported the bomb and planted the bomb.

“It would be inconceivable for any republican grouping or individual to demand such an enquiry repeatedly for 6 years and not be prepared to co-operate with it fully and use their influence to encourage others to do so .”

The 32 CSM have well and truly been tarnished due to their links with the RIRA. Your crocodile tears fool no-one and nothing you say will ever redeem the 32 County movements in the eyes of decent people.

“In light of this accusations made against republicans over closing ranks and creating a wall of silence appear hypocritical ,”

In that case let them come forward and name the people responsible for the Omagh bombing. Let them prove that Hoey was innocent and shame the security forces by telling the truth.

“I believe many republicans would co-operate fully with an independent enquiry seeking the tuth as to how this dreadful massacre occured .”
The same way they rallied to support the McCartney family in their quest for justice when Robert was brutally murdered?

If, as you claim, the majority of Republicans would cooperate with an enquiry then let them come forward and name and shame those mass murderers who slaughtered 29 people and 2 unborn children. Lets face it, if their conscience and sense of human decency has not made them do it already then theres not a snowballs chance in hell.

author by Barry - 32 csm publication date Tue Dec 25, 2007 22:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ive covered the issues of the decision to bomb , the transportation , construction of the bomb , information and warnings being in the states possession weeks prior to it etc . Youve failed to counter any of it , just resorted to attempts at sarcasm .
Now I understand all this places the gardai in a pickle , given that the plot itself and the agents involved were and indeed are based in the 26 counties . Hence your angry posts for pointing it out . If you wish to disagree and contradict me further with sarcasm rather than actually address the issues thats your prerogative . But i will of course then counter this trolling by posting links to and quotes from mainstream news outlets which back up every facet of the points ive made . I presume youd rather nobody discussed these issues and just went along with your false moral outrage to cover your colleagues backs and their activities .
Tell us though , do you believe the gardaí will co-operate with an enquiry into Omagh or attemtpt to frustarte one as theyve done with the Dublin Monaghan bombings ? Do you believe the gtardaí will destroy the Omagh files too just as theyve done with the Dublin Monaghan files ?
Does the garda wall of silence disgust you ?

author by Sickenedpublication date Sat Dec 29, 2007 14:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

“If you wish to disagree and contradict me further with sarcasm rather than actually address the issues thats your prerogative .”
Given your last post on here Barry (you know…the one about middle class w****r, go f**k yourself, etc) which has now been removed you really do have a hell of a nerve trying to slag off someone for using a bit of sarcasm in their post. No doubt you'll claim it was posted by a mamber of the Crown forces in some sort of conspiracy to discredit you.

“i will of course then counter this trolling by posting links to and quotes from mainstream news outlets which back up every facet of the points ive made . “
You’ve changed your tune boyo. Not too long ago when people were doing the same using the media pointing out that the RIRA is the armed wing of the 32 CSM you were going mad and slagging the media off. Now you try and use them to back up your claims. Just a tad hypocritical of you.

“I presume youd rather nobody discussed these issues and just went along with your false moral outrage to cover your colleagues backs and their activities .”
Why is it when all else fails Barry you resort to claiming that the people who disagree with you are minions of the State or of the British Government. Can’t you just accept that there are ordinary people who don’t see the world as you do.

“Does the garda wall of silence disgust you ?”
I think you’ll find the Garda wall of silence disgusts any decent people, along with the actions of the British security forces and especially the members of your armed wing who planted the bomb in the first place. If, as you say, Hoey is innocent, they are all the more contemptible for allowing an innocent man to go to jail for their actions and for allowing the Crown/State forces to cover up their neglect.

Lets cut to the chase. The only way the people of Omagh will ever get justice is if someone within the Republican movement comes forward and tells the truth. The forces of law and order won't do it for fear of public backlash. Only those involved in the bombing know all the facts. I sincerely doubt that any of them will ever have the decency to do the right thing as they will end up facing public scorn, as will their famlies, they will end up in prison and they will be numer 1 at the top of the RIRA hitlist. In other words, the people of Omagh will NEVER get justice.
We can only hope that these so called dissidents wise up and stop destroying the lives of our own people in their pointless attempts to further their political aims of the RIRA/32 CSM.

author by tom eilepublication date Thu Jan 03, 2008 15:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Somebody who isn’t sickened by the thought of a man serving the rest of his life behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit shouldn’t be going around saying that they sympathise with the innocent people killed in Omagh .
The Irish News has an interview with Sean Hoey today, who doesn’t comes across as a bitter man despite having spent four years away from his young family in jail . He expresses sympathy and support for the Omagh bereaved saying that he knows that what he has suffered is “nothing to what the Omagh families have been through”
In the interview Hoey backs the relatives’ call for a full public inquiry into the bombings and speaks of his “eternal gratitude” to those bereaved families who questioned the case brought against him . Of the trumped-up charges he says :

“The PSNI needed a scapegoat for Omagh and the fact that I’m a republican from south Armagh who is an electrician meant I fitted the bill. I was made out to be something between Osama Bin laden and Klaus Barbie. I knew I was innocent and that I was being stitched up. “

author by Barry - 32 csmpublication date Thu Jan 03, 2008 16:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

According to rte news today Hugh Orde is facing a supposed grilling by the police authority as regards Omagh . But he has little to worry about as apparently both governemnts will resist any calls for a cross border public enquiry . This is despite their claims for the past 4 years it could not take place due to the fact sean hoey was on trial Now its clear they just dont want the truth to come out regarding omagh .

author by roosterpublication date Fri Jan 04, 2008 18:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

and of course if we had an all ireland public enquiry republicans would be queing up to give evidence about what they were doing that day!

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