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The Law Society And Rogue Solicitors

category international | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Monday December 10, 2007 00:49author by Setanta - Victims of the Legal Profession Society. Report this post to the editors


There is a growing concern among the people of Ireland about the credibility of solicitors and the Law Society.
Change is needed soon, because people are becoming increasingly frustrated and upset with the anomalies, injustices and delays that they have to encounter in their dealings with unscrupulous solicitors. Setanta,V.L.P.S.

No “spinning” by the Law Society in Ireland can disguise the “systemic failure” of self-regulation of solicitors and what is needed now is “a robust agency” to deal with rogue solicitors.

Most solicitors must now realise they have been let down, not just by a few rogue negligent solicitors but by the Law Society itself.

A robust agency was necessary to sanction and prosecute solicitors who abused their privilege through seeking to overcharge and negligently cause loss.

Barristers and solicitors should always remember that being called to the Bar, and, in solicitor’s cases, becoming an officer of the court, was a privilege and not an entitlement.

When an officer of the court undertakes, he puts his official status on the line. A solicitor who defaults on an undertaking damages the entire profession.

The use by lawyers of “mumbo jumbo” language is surely an abuse of privilege.” It’s the law, you wouldn’t understand” variety to keep a client at bay or to seek to over-complicate issues “perhaps to justify a heftier fee” is unacceptable.

These comments were made by the master of the Irish High Court ,Edmond Honohan S.C. in a lecture delivered to the law students in University College ,Cork last week.

Signed Seamus Power. V.L.P.S. 0877522838.

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Wed Dec 12, 2007 16:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors


I note what you say in your interesting article above.

However, I believe the overall situation regarding the legal profession in Republic of Ireland is in fact far, far worse than you possibly realise.

With due regard for the internationally recognised importance of HUMAN RIGHTS LAW, and its extremely deep-rooted implications in connection with WORLD PEACE (among other things), please note I have still not received ANY reply of ANY kind from Chief Justice John L. Murray (or from ANY of his senior law officer colleagues) to the registered letter I sent to him on August 28th 2007. A copy of the letter in question can be viewed at http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...r.htm .

It is also the case that I have not received any reply from John Glynn (Barrister and Principal Lawyer at Patrick Hogan & Co., Ballinalsloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland) to the registered letter I sent to him on April 3rd 2007 (copy at http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...r.htm ).

As far as I know, Mr Glynn is also COMPLETELY ignoring the registered letter my brother and half-sister sent to him (regarding my case) on May 14th 2007 (copy at http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...r.htm ).

I note with interest that VLPS (Victims of the Legal Profession Society at http://www.crookedlawyers.com ) are holding a meeting tomorrow (i.e. December 13th 2007) in Ballinasloe. If you or any of your VLPS colleagues can help me regarding my case in any way, while you are in Ballinasloe, I would appreciate that very much.

As you may already know, I cannot safely enter the Republic of Ireland myself because of an extant warrant for my arrest the authorities there issued in 2002; and, I fear that if I go there the warrant in question will be used to force me to appear before a "Kangaroo Court": i.e. a sham legal proceeding, the outcome of which is essentially made in advance, for the purpose of providing a conviction, either by going through the motions of manipulated procedure or by allowing no defence at all.


Crooked Lawyers wrote:

To: [email protected]
From: "Crooked Lawyers"
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:30:06 -0000
Subject: [Crooked-Lawyers] VLPS meeting in Ballinasloe

A meeting will be held in the Moycarn Lodge Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co Galway on Thursday 13th December at 8.00 p.m.


Related Link: http://www.constitutionofireland.com
author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWU and Belfast employerspublication date Thu Dec 13, 2007 14:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would like to add my tuppence worth to this scandal.

When I was sacked by the Union/Employers Court in Belfast, I went to the Law. Three solicitors in succession were initially enthusiastic - but then, for some unknown reason they refused to do any more work on the case.

The fourth solicitor was also enthusiastic {I still have his letter} but then sat on the case till it became Statue Barred.

The NI Law Society will do nothing about this.

Why should solicitors investigate solicitors?


author by Portiapublication date Thu Dec 13, 2007 21:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, there are many crooked lawyers in Britain too and especially in the secret family courts where these lawyers laugh in toilets about the eejits coming into court believing the solicitors are going to really represent them and JUSTICE be seen to be done.

The lawyers have already done the deal between them in the pub.

Then into court for the performance and of course- make it look real.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did not think they were going to earn their money???? Did you???

Lawyers are nothing to do with Justice - unlike our own Brehon Law was-

but rather laws made by the elite to keep power over the poor and less well off.

Notice their own language that makes little sense but sounds good to a fool.

Then the lawyers go into court and ACT- Yes- in truth they are actors- but not very good, because the so called eejits are seeing the truth more clearly.

I have a good laugh this week- a number of solicitors perjured themselves in court that a case did not take place in the high court and so made the woman look like a nut case.

Except the Actors/Lawyers forgot one thing- I had the judgement in my hand which proved the truth.

These guys even had the Guardian lie and the SS followed suit.

No, they were not in court that day- LIE- or suddenly they all had the same selective memory.

Not only that, but the actors even wrote it all down on paper believing I would not get my hands on the papers hidden in their offices.

So, they are slipping badly, as we just do not trust any of them anymore.

If we all self represent as much as possible then we have them back where they belong-

Our Servants and not Our Oppressors.

I am just sad as the old boy Judge did not see fit to have the lot of them arrested.

He was too busy scratching his curls.!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, that is our next step- and we have all the evidence and the proof.

Now, we need the secret kangaroo courts opened up to the media and the public.

author by justiciapublication date Thu Dec 13, 2007 23:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a thread running through all the comment from these cranks.

They have not produced one whit of evidence to support their allegations.

They have convinced themselves that their failure to get what they want from the courts must be the result of a vast conspiracy between lawyers and judges. They never seem prepared to accept that their failure to get what they think they are entitled to might be because they simply have a bad case, morally and at law.

The biggest problem lawyers have is trying to convince litigants blinded by their own self-righteousness and self-interest is that self-righteousness is not the same thing as justice or legal entitlement.

author by Out for Christmas - Victims of Legal Professionpublication date Fri Dec 14, 2007 13:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Justicia, Your handle is I think related to Justice.

Justice is represented by a balanced scale underlining the importance of openly expressed alternative views in reaching Just outcomes to family and social conflict.

Irish courts are less democratic than cattle marts. To get justice, a person must approach the court through a complicated formalised and thoroughly opaque cabal of middlemen who each charge huge and totally groundless fees for taking you to the cleaners.

You are defendent of all this, to the extent that on another thread you are playing a part in keeping Tom Kennedy in prison this Christmas.

I challenge you to declare your interest. I believe you are a lawyer or an aspiring lawyer or a coat holder for a lawyer.

Your stridency in defence of the status quo is such that readers are entitled to know who you represent.

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Fri Dec 14, 2007 20:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An e-mail has been sent to a selection of senior lawyers and politicians to show how our Chief Justice (Mr John L. Murray), and his senior lawyer colleagues, are turning their backs on human rights law.

And, in the process, they are also of course turning their backs on humanity's best hope for world peace.

For details of the e-mail used, see at http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...l.htm

Related Link: http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html
author by Setanta - Victims of the Legal Profession Societypublication date Fri Dec 14, 2007 22:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The seeds of destruction were sown a long time ago................
How many lives would have been spared .............
Self regulation is to blame...............
Solicitors can't police themselves.........

It has come as a shock to many to hear that the Law Society has woken up. After years of stonewalling and preverification, the penny is beginning to drop.

The new President of the “esteemed” but much loathed society has said he does not favour self-regulation. This is where complaints are referred to a colleague for adjudication, hardly the way to carry on business. But who ever said that jurisprudence was a business. It is much more than that.

Something earth shattering must have happened to elicit such an admission that lawyers or solicitors can’t police themselves, cant slice up the cake amongst each other. From now on an outsider will have to observe, to ensure that too many greasy paws don’t over-indulge in the largesse, so readily at their disposal.

Though coming late this admission that self regulation is not good is a welcome development. The legal fraternity are finally waking up to the 20th Century and the morés that regulate every other group that contributes usefully to society.
It’s a pity though that the Pauline conversion didn’t happen before now.

How many lives would have been spared, spared the ruthless destruction visited on them by uncaring and negligent solicitors.
How many businesses would have survived?
How many people would be alive and healthy today.

The catalogue is endless. Self regulation is to blame.

The seeds of destruction were sown a long time ago. Any ideology that operates without outside reference is dangerous, an incendiary waiting to explode. A self-obsessed self-promoting disconnected cartel is the result.

Once people become removed from the real world they engage in all sorts of fantasies and indulge in illusions that are way in excess of their brain cells. Blackhall Place the home of the great and the good might as well be on another continent. In so far as it offers a service to the public, it could well be on another planet. It would
be safer in outer space if it were ever discovered how its denizens define justice.

If people for once realised what a tangled warped convoluted ideology lies at the heart of juris prudence they would rebel. Worse still they might just ignore their solicitor and get advice elsewhere. What a relief to get affordable advice unencombered with double meaning jargon, language that the legal fraternity mostly invented
themselves. Simplicity though is hardly their raison d’etre. There is little to be gained by educating people. Control language and you determine peoples perception of the world. People’s eyes now though, are beginning to see things differently.

The recent “bank robberies” in Dublin have seen to that. The figure of €100 million missing is a conservative estimate. Those responsible were last seen in the High Court, saloon doors swinging. This heist has come as a shock to the law society,but not to too many others.
There aren’t too many who haven’t seen their resources plundered after an encounter with legalese.
Little robberies of course don't count. How many have seen their awards or life earnings polished off by some greedy creature only to be told that law is expensive and tough luck.

The Banks of course are different. If it were established that solicitors were taking liberties with the banks money, criminal gangs with kalasnikovs might follow suit. Not too many armed gangs though, walk away with €100 million unblemished.

What about the Garda checkpoints, searches, roads cordoned off, the whole country comes to a standstill. Not so when the legal eagles pounce. There are given free passage. All they have to do is show that they are an officer of the court and they can literally load up the money.

They seem to have gone over board, or is their something else. What if a whistle blower upset the apple tart. That banks and solicitors operate a cosy cartel is hardly news. That solicitors would defraud the Banks of over €100 million is big news. But is it? Who keeps the banking system intact? The legal Profession. One feeds off the
other. Theirs is a symbiotic relationship, the underlying premise is co-operation. Try suing a bank and watch the solicitors queuing up. That is queuing up to protect the bank.

Money follows more, Money also protects money. It has been thus since the Roman church relaxed the ban on usury. Not too many cardinals are particularly noted for frugality or living in penury. The princes of the church and the aristocrats of the law have done well out of the banking system. The ease with which a camel can slip through the eye of the proverbial needle is amazing.

If law can be used as an instrument to change reality, the banking system can change everything. What recent war was waged without the assistance of a bank to sponsor the destruction.
With power and resources like this, what chance to the gods on high have. But it was this very arrogance that has opened the flood gates on the legal fraternity.
Flying too close to the wind has cost the law society its reputation.

Self regulation is over and the little tin gods will now have to show where the skeletons are buried.

The millions gained by deceit from banks in Dublin is significant because of the magnitude and nothing else. What if smaller sums were involved? It would hardly cause a ripple. In other words what level of misappriation can be sustained?
Whatever price the legal profession exacts for services rendered i.e. for propping up the system. The Dublin debacle is unusual because it was exposed.

Many other frauds go unreported, great injustices are inflicted with regularity.

A combination of circumstances tipped the balance in Dublin, nothing else.

The Great Train robbery in the early 1960’s was a spectacular. But for those in the business of taking other peoples property it was par for the course. It was a peak on a very high plateau and so it is with the billion euro legal heist in Dublin; spectacular but not all that extraordinary.

The president of the Law Society said last week ‘ that solicitors must demonstrate and prove that they were the leaders in the protection of the public interest ‘.
One presumes he said this, tongue-in-cheek. He offered these words at a Justice Media Awards ceremony in Dublin, not in the real world.

In a world where two and two make four such a contradiction would go down like a lead balloon.
Not too many would wait for the next sentence. Public interest, pubic purse, for those intent on changing the nature of reality words can be made to mean their opposite.

“We work in a profession where we help people in the most critical parts of their lives.... They depend on the excellence of the service. We provide the relationship of trust that every solicitor in this room guards so dearly”.

When the new president of the law society made these comments last week, he demonstrated just how far
removed he is from peoples perception of the profession that he represents.
Solicitors most definitely deal with people in the most critical parts of their lives.

But the sad reality is that too often this privilege has been abused, trust has been displaced by opportunism
and some greedy practitioner walks away with the family silver.

Modest savings or banking billions the story is always the same.
The gravy train rolls on and some smart legal mind invents a new word to justify it all.
“The legal eagle is the only living creature to hover over its prey before imminent signs of death”.

Seamus Power. + 353 [0]877522838

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWU and Belfast employerspublication date Sun Dec 16, 2007 22:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Justicia,

I'm far from being a crank - and am in fact very level headed.

So most so, that I know the great Trade Union founded by the Jim Larkin has become corrupt.


I have publicly accused Jack O'Connor, O'Flynn and De Rossa of being corrupt and of covering up corruption. The reason I'm not being sued is because Jack O'Connor's OWN solicitor has confirmed everything I said.

If you, Justicia, want a copy of this letter I'll gladly send it. But you'll have to have the courage to reveal your name. Also Justicia, I'd like some advice on how I can take this cast to court.

author by justiciapublication date Sun Dec 16, 2007 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Writing your opinions in capital letters doesnt turn opinion into evidence (This is a peculiar charistic of conspiracy theorists who seem to believe that by printing their rantings in capital letters, the same rantings become, as if by magic, incontrovertable truth - weird!).

If you have absolute proof you will absolutely win your court case, and the court having heard both sides of the story will find in your favour. Congratulations.

However, I suspect that if you don't win you will blame your loss, not on the weakness of your case, but on a vast conspiracy of judges and lawyers who spend their days dreaming up schemes to cheat you of whatever you have decided you are entitled to.

author by Damienpublication date Sun Dec 16, 2007 23:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Why not post it here?

Why not publish it publically?

Why do you only want to reveal this information to people whose names you know?

Is it simply that it doesnt exist ?

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by ITGWU and Belfast employerspublication date Mon Dec 17, 2007 00:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors


It does exist and I do want to publish it. HELP ME TO DO SO. I don't know how to publish it on indymedia, if I did I'd have already published the letter I referred to, ie from Jack O'Connor's solicitor, who he engaged after I accused him of being corrupt and of covering up corruption.

Given the help, I will also publish all the Traitorous documents relating to my sacking by the corrupt Union / employers Court which was set up by the union to persecute and sack its own members, which I have already supplied to Jack O'Connor and SIPTU. O'Connor set up a Sub Committee which I refused to attend because it was attempting a WHITEWASH.

One of the documents states: Northern Ireland Federation of Employers, and Irish Transport and General Workers Union Joint Disciplinary Committee. This committee deprived myself and many others Dockers of our livelihoods. If anyone is in any doubt that this committee was corrupt - the chairman of an Industrial Tribunal stated: "He'd never heard of a Trade Union sacking its OWN members, and anybody sacked by this body should consult a solicitor". The Tribunal went on to find that the Belfast Dockers had no Contract of Employment and could therefor be sacked by no-one.

When I went to solicitors with the ruling from the Industrial Tribunal, and another from the Local Tribunal at the Labour Exchange, which stated, that, "I had not been sacked for misconduct in the Industrial Sense - but for some other reason" THE SOLICITORS WOULD NOT TAKE ON A PRIMA FACIE CASE.

As proof that that ITGWU engaged in a Criminal Conspiracy to deprive any out-spoken Dockers of their livelihood, one need look no further than the cases of Tommy Boyd and Rab McDonnald. The corrupt Joint Disciplinary Committee consisted of Five Men. One week it would be three employers and two Union committee men, and vice versa the following week. When the above mentioned Dockers were sacked the Union committee men were in the majority.

Besides persecuting the Belfast Dockers, the Union also ordered the dockers to discharge asbestos without protection, to save the employers money. If you doubt this, Damien, I'll sent you the two TV programmes made about this. You may remember when UTV's Insight broadcast their programme, that Joe O' Flynn was suddenly STRUCK DUMB.

I know it's very hard for Trade Unionists, and Socialists to believe that Larkin and Connolly's Union has become Corrupt, but every word I say is TRUE.



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