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Brinks - Who is Watching the Security Industry?
dublin |
crime and justice |
Thursday November 01, 2007 09:51 by Domhain Sceadaman - The Plain People of Ireland

The Langley Lackies have bitten off more than they can chew
I cam across this tale whilst having coffee in leafy D4, in the Baggot Street area and this tied in with something that I had heard a few weeks ago in that Palace of Epicurian Delights the Embassy Grill in Ballsbridge.
The story is about corporate greed, arogance and "murky stuff" which links back to the rendition flights out of Shannon. When having coffee in D4, or should I say D$, recently I heard about a lad who was having a problem with a client company who would not pay its bills. Fair enough you say, it happens every day. But this is a tale with a difference. The lad concerned is a marketing and pr consultant called Gerry Creechan. The company the have "done the dirty" on him are not members of the legal profession that have "borrowed" the deeds to his house to raise funds for speculative house building, but are a "security company" which the major banks in Ireland use to carry our cash from bank to bank.
This lad, Gerry Creechan, went to see if Brinks would supply services to his new venture, but what seems to have happened is that they offered him a handsome consultancy assignment, then stole his idea. Needless to say they did not even pay his fee.
The tale might have ended there but Brinks did not realise just who they were trying to mess arround with. Gerry, it seems, is quite a creative individual. He knew that spending 200,000 euro on legal fees was probably a waste of time so he created a project called MuchRobbed. The project has a website called www.muchrobbed.com and a blog www.muchrobbed.blogspot.com The sites are a complete satire of a security company and the core of the Muchrobbed Project is a film and a computer game called Brinkmanship.
Yesterday a friend told me to have a look at www.gerrycreechan.com It would seem that the lad has put all of the documentation about his dealings with Brinks on the net!!! Not only that he is now talking to the US "ambulance chasing" law firm Milberg Weiss.
On hearing this I scratched my head. A few weeks ago I heard a tale about the same Brinks company from some lads who hang out at the Embassy Grill in Ballsbridge. Years ago our "friends" in Langley used US companies like IBM and Coca-Cola to conceal some of thier "in Country" operatives. The so called "war on terror" has led to the boys with the short haircuts extending thier "portfolio" of "associates" to include Brinks as well as the obvious companies such as Blackwater.
We could be set for a real fireworks party on this one. This lad, Gerry, has impecible republican credentials. I asked arround and apart from his grandfathers, who were both volunteers, his grandmother, from Derry, was a tenatious individual, and his inspiration during his formative years.
Lets see if we can help this lad. In return lets ask him if he knows anything about the "Shannon Connection" and Brinks.
Domhain Sceadaman
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25the lad who fills my coke- vending machine is cia? oh crap
I am intrigued by your situation..
I can understand the the capacity as a Marketing director that your employment involves selling a product......selling an in invisibe product but the details of which would be convey go the Brinks employee. As soon as the email of confirmation was sent to Brinks.......surely a contract existed ..... and given the illectual nature of the product, you ought to have a deal struck up, with Brinks, in a professonal way.
Surely delaying the emails and muffling around did the email exist or not, is buffooning. Brinks inivited you; to your provided their highly confidential material and you failed to say that decided not to proceed. It was said that Gerry Creechan's presntation was not returned to him and destroyed. I ask if the file was no use to you why did you not allow him to take back his fille and in his presence shred the other.
Intellectual law is unusual in Ireland but perhaps somebody is willing to give some advice to Gerry who lives in Dublin 4.
Gerry is highly experienced and with a fine record of Marketing behind him, including Scotland, England and Ireland.
The old adage Honour Bond has slipped. People get away with lies and decption and others work hard to make a proposal and lose out but in a most injust way.
One more point - Womem Imigrants working as 'skivvies' or as is claimed as housekeepers are being treated appalling by Irish people with no decorum - they have become far removed from the Plain People of Ireland.
A Polish woman applied for a job as a housekeeping. All seemed well, until we were told that she was placed under unduce pressure to clean a 3 storey georgian house, mind a child, walk a dog. All was okay with salary and the livein until the owner/occupier became obsessed with the Girl's output, standing over her, timing her, deducting salary, increasing hours with pay. Eventually she loocked this girl into the house,,,,,,,,,for hours. Eventually the Gardai came to a civil complaint, contacted my partner, and then called again. Anna stayed a few days and returned to England........It is not acceptable, we heard there was previous problem with a young filipino.
We were told Anna had pinched and screemed at.
Are we as Irish not ashamed......A contract is a contract........How many are being taken to the cleaners? Why have we no shame to these people.
Anna left, short part of her pay, an accusation that the owner wanted to inspect the house to see if anything was taken........and still managed to short-change 90 dollar.
Fass were involved in this whole transaction and to my surprise they had not structure in place to deal with such a situation.........
'You want to see the change you have in the world'
and then unknown
'Give the visionless vision'
Unfortunately Ms.Clarke, you are no longer upper-middle class unless you have "a delightful eastern european girl " looking after the house.Vast majority get decent pay and hours( cash in hand, break the law screw the taxman right), but celtic tiger greedy mentality rears its grotesquely ugly head now and again, and some poor foreign girl gets screwed every which way
"This lad, Gerry, has impecible republican credentials"
Whats that got to do with anything? Is this a positive or negative and what weight should we be giving this statement?
Suspected terrorist - the Y front
Thanks for your informed response. It is most distressing that such employment terms could be possibly endorsed by the mainly newly rich Irish........Where is the moral conscience and sense of Justice......we sure have bleeted in our time about being the subjects of our Colonial neighbour.
Where do we go now to invoke in people of Ireland, a social conscience, a sense of ethical and equitable values - let's start by asking Mr. Cowen, to aim for a fairer distribution of wealth as he drafts the budget. The time has come for the distribution - certain entrepreneurs, bankers, professionals have had the advantages, now the turn has come to assist the 'snails' who may have abilities in contributing to Ireland, the country and its Unity.
Well done to the intelligence gathering and Gardai operations that have lead to certain gang/criminals being arrested in a surprise hoist in Kildare, the other day. What surprises me though is the change of vehicle? Has 2 million euros become so little in value that it can be transported to the Bank Hole in the Wall in a 4 wheel drive maroon vehicle? This must be a change from the Brinks (as referred to by Gerry) or Chubb security vans that we expect.
Have there been cut backs at Security Firms or is it a game of 'Hide and Seek', one day a security van and another an unsuspective 4 wheel drive.....
As I was walking my dog down Wellington Road today my neighbour Sir Charles was parking his car and talking to his friend and neighbour Gerry. Standing beside them was three Filipinos, one Polish lad, and one chap from India. Sir Charles was giving instructions how he wanted his trees cut. I couldn't just walk on without making a comment - I hope you treat these men with dignity and an above the national wage fee.
With his English smug smile he turned to me and with his neighbour, a culchie, who made his money from dodgy deals - he replies 'THERE IS A SALE ON IN FAS, BAGGOT STREET, I GOT THEM FOR HALF PRICE FOR THE DAY. I replied, it is Sunday for God's sake and again Sir Charles Arrogance said, they have no English - they won't know the f...ing difference. I said I would complain to Fas - he laughed loudly like the English landlord of the 1800's, turned his royal ass to me and said - you should know by now ......that the like of FAS and other Government fanclubs are in my back pocket.....What else can I say?
Essence of Africa by Karen Blixen 1885-1962 Danish Writer
'The geographical position (the Ngong hills in Kenya), and the height of the land combined to create a landscape that had not its like in all the world. There was no fat on it and no luxuriance; it was Africa distilled up through six thousand feet, like the strong and refined essence of a continent.'
As you know your stuff, I am wondering if you could help me out (nothing to do with this subject). I have a child who is having difficulty with Science in Secondary school. The teacher is not getting the message aross. By any chance would you know if there is a website which could help us . I'm already paying for Grinds for other subjects.. I cannot afford to be paying out for more Grinds. Im on low income and the only earner. Any help I would greatly appreciate. or indeed anyone outthere. As it stands it's costing a fortune between books and money each day for this and that. supposed to be free....
Contary to what you think - in fact it is little.
I was raised with both parents doctors in a Dispensary Practice in Ireland - rural and spent a lot of time hearing problems, picking up medical books like the BMJ and Time International. If nothing else, these tended to be inspirational to the child like mind but the inspiration stopped there.
My Father died young so I had to muck in with filing, accounting, being receptionist, and paperwork. This gave me an incite in the 1970's through 80's changes in the health board for GP's.
After ll this I was a useless candidate at school, changing twice and then finally a third time. I managed a place in Maynooth but then the unexpected death of my Father at 52, changed all in life. I never became a doctor. Work was hard, hours were 6.5 days a week, patients came night and day and then there was the acute stress of chronically people, the car accidents and people going to hospital.........IT WAS HIGH STRESS LIVING and in my case the Stress became a problem that curtailed my life and led to mental breakdown.
In 1993 an accident - a fall from a horse and a contre coup fracture...This was in Zimbabwe and it was time of great uncertain further complicated by a man who after 15 years marriage, had to bow out.........the divorce was painly and the outcome was 'did I ever know him in the first place and why?
Back to Science to Learn: Like the Hammond man who has promptly written the book (the speed chase in England). Short Term memory is a gone. As he said the newspaper could be put in front of him 5 times and each time it was as if reading it all again. Then there was the menu........the inability to make up ones mind.....you just dont remember............These things are small but the raise massive frustration for the person with the ABI.
What can I tell you? Probably very Little. Science is about Learning and never haven't adequate in science at school, I just was a bad student. Now motive dictates. The Acquired Brain injury is one topic and I do like I would have done in school. I collect the advice sheets from Headway, Arthur Bradley Association. In relation to my mental health problems, I try to go to St. Patricks' Hospital once a month to keep and eye on Change. I then look to Mind in the Uk.
Then there are certain magazines albeit expensive about Euros7 in Easons. Prompts, thought, ideas flow and incite the mind to a motivation. The can also be got on the net www.sciam.ie.
Then there are the science exhibitions in the RDS and other venues.
Use the internet to its full extreme. Motivate yourself to learn and then interlink and integrate into one big source of information.
Conference in Croke Park on Wednesday 28th November 2007. Log on to www.eycsr.com (Euros 450 each).
Having read the Gerry Creechan content on Brinks.......I conclude that he refers to a non verbal contract of his marketing expertise to Brinks (!) (honour bound, at one time) but now is quite evidently subject to the mercurial legal, business/media hyped, non defined ethics and lack of accountability in the new breed recruited and motivated by the Corporates....
Could it possibly be so that a strategic marketing person can meet with his equivalent in a large corporate entity and that there can be an exchange of 'ideas, concepts, plans, over the internet, on the basis of trust and professionalism' and that a corporate can engage in that degree of 'Abuse of Power' and refuse to pay or acknowledge the Truth.
Erosion of Trust in the Health Boards inspite of the professionalism involved is the topic of tonight's news. Where is Trust? How do we start to re-establish it......after all the basics of the contract is Give and Receive....terms.
I would suggest that people who are interested in this topic, access the Ernst and Young inaugural international converence on CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.
I suggest Trust is Core before one can endeavour in being socially responsible and this particularly applies at Corporate level.
This conference is to be chaired by Mr. Denis O'Brien, Digicel and Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the year 1998). It is facilitated by one of the world's leading SSR thinkers, Dr. Kellie McElhaney, Faculty Fellow of the University of California, Berkeley. There will be a review of worldwide CSR case studies including Boeing, Tullow Oil, Minister Michael Martin........
Well before the 28th, some of the above might have a look at the gerrycreechan.com and give us some local, home grown wisdom, based on experience and honesty.
The logo is excellent and aspirational
Ignite the Spirit (flame).
Note the sponsors: The Irish Times, Enterprise Ireland, RTE, Inter Ireland, Digicel Ulster Bank.
One more point:
As a self regulating body - the Law Society - the situation in the High Court relating to two solicitors, deeds for proprety 1 x 4?
Surely this provides evidence of the Anomie (Suicide per Durkeheim Soliogist) in Ireland and makes what ought to be normal due to regulation abnormal because basically the human being is flawed.......we must accept this.
Michelle Clarke
Quotation by Hilary Rodham Clinton (1947....)
US Lawyer and politician
'We should ask all our Leaders: 'Are you doers?
Will you solve our problems, and not hide or deny them?
Will you reject the politics of division and retribution and inspire people to come together?
Because the real leadership is about healing racial divides, not exploiting them for personal or political reasons'.
Having read 'Brinks etc.' Michelle - I am intrigued. A verbal agreement can be a legal one also but I am sure this is to be continued.
I also would wish that William Finnerty would add his advice since he appears to be the advocate for the Irish Constitution on the Indymedia site - some of William's articles are brilliantly written and challenging.
Michelle - you talk about a conference in Croke Park chaired by Denis O'Brien, Digicel. Is this the Denis the Menace of dodgy Eircom shares, a few years ago. We have a very short memory, Michelle. Thousands of people lost their life savings at that time on Eircom Shares, it was greed for the quick buck....what they got was an good old F...k and looking back now, perhaps rightly so. 450 euros to attend Croke Park - is this not a few Dublin 4 jumped up idiots telling the plain people of Ireland - this is a private conference on Corporate social responsibility. Are they telling the ordinary Joe Bloggs taxpayer to just F... off.
This conference will probably be addended by the barristers, solicitors and others who have made millions through the Tribunals. I believe Denis O'Brien had to change in the last few monts the special speaker and guest of honour, on global banking accountability and foreign investment., Micheal Lynn - now what idiot in D4 would pay euros 450 when he or she can get 4 or 5 lines of coke (yes, RTE last night and the middle class habit).
Michelle - regarding your article - I totally agree with you in relation to our health system. You write with a knowledge indebtedness in relation to health but sometime you wrankle me and no doubt others, on this very interactive site! In a perfect world, Bertie would have the flu, he would be in bed, with hot water bottle and crying on Dana's shoulder, with her book under his pillow. Paisley would be sitting in an armchair reading the Orange Bible and his adopted son, Martin McGuinness, would be hoovering the room for flu bugs (MI5).
We don't live in a perfect world but my questions tonight are:
1. What happened the Mna na hEireann who marched in their thousands years ago who for abortions, condoms, free sex and contraceptives. Among them was the great Nell McCafferty and Mary Robinson but not among them was them - a teenager, Mary McAleese (too taken perhaps by the Opus Dei doctrine). Why are the women so passive regarding Cancer, Mamograms, Hospitals of Excellence......?
2. Tara: When I realised after a long time, that sadly Tara was not getting the support it is receiving from the US, Canada, Australia, England, I realised Apathy too had taken hold of the Irish. When a mass nation of people loses its respect for its culture and heritage i.e. Tara, it loses its soul and that's why our health system is in the mess it is in now. The biggest flu we suffer from now, is apathy and no respect.
3. Over a quarter of a century ago, Sinn Fein orchestrated its troops in their thousands to march in support of the 10 hunger strikers in Long Kesh. Women in Ireland are now dying of neglect in our health system so Michelle - I enjoyed your article but I ask you tonight where is the sense of outrage by the people of Ireland - outrage that existed years ago.
I will close by saying an innocent farmer was arrested two days ago. 20 armed gardai with uzi's, two helicopters in the air, two army tanks on standby, and the judge said 'Fla Brennan 'You say - this man has no previous convictions, a man of honour and integrity - Thomas Slab Murphy - of course I will give him bail........I wonder what Slab is thinking tonight at the old fireplace in South Armagh. Maybe he is thinking - not a gun among them - Lynn and Byrne got away with Euros 110 m and upwards. That makes the Northern bank heist look like a Daniel O'Donnell garden party.
Trust - what can be said! The move from Southside to host conferences to the GAA on the northside suggests Aspirations!!! GAA symobolises Frugality, discipline, dealing pro actively with the 7 Deadly Sins.....so perhaps this Corporate Social Responsibility is a move in direction for better life principles.....
who knows!!!
Susan Sontag (1933.... Us writer, Philosopher
Ways of thinking
'There are ways on thinking that we don't know about. Nothing could be more important or precious than that knowledge, however, unborn. The sense of urgency, the spiritual restlessness it engenders, cannnot be appeased'
Has decit become the norm in Irish Business to the point that Multinational Companies like Brinks can operate to standards here that would not be accepted in Lagos.
Decit starts at the top. Recent opinion polls suggest that less than 20% of people now believe Bertie and his explanation to the tribunal. With that kind of example why should we be surprised that the local Brinks operation is devoid of moral fibre. A quick search of the net revealed that Scotland, England and Wales are now Brinks Free Zones.
No bank "over there" is willing to trust them to cart around thier cash. Why should we.
Does Mr Mickey Dan the 7M$ a year (a bit more than Bertie) boss of Brinks wish that there were many more countries that were as morally bankrupt as Ireland. It would certainly make his job easier.
Domhain Sceadaman
I am intrigued. Brinks sure seem to pay their executives too much!!! particularly if they fail to deal with issues like an ordinary punter marketing his intellectual product via email or verbally.
I would suggest you contact Ernst and Young Conferences re. the forthcoming Corporate Social Responsibility Conference at $440 per person and Croke Park.
Would you be willing to outline your Much Robbed situtation to the audience to allow them some lateral thought function as to what really happens in Corporate Ireland.........
I am sure Mr. Denis O'Brien, Digicel, would agree......anything ought to be of interest in our drive to stop the moral bankruptcy in Ireland......
'I live as if I am going to die tomorrow but I learn as if I am going to LEARN for the rest of my life'
To be highly recommended.
Hope Ernst and Young identify your wish to make a presentaton on such a critical breach in contract with Brinks......to be established yet........
The Interview
On Sunday 11th of November 2007 Mr. Gerry Creechan was interviewed by Independent Journalist and Broadcaster Domhain Sceadaman.
Dublin, 11th November 2007
Interviewer : Domhain Sceadaman
Interviewee : Gerry Creechan
Domhain Sceadaman; Thank you Gerry for giving me this interview. Firstly I would like to ask you why you are "retiring" the existing MuchRobbed Web Site?
Gerry Creechan; Various reasons. The main one being that the old site has served it's primary purpose.
DS; And that was?
GC; To raise awareness of the difficulties that sole traders, whether they are selling services or supplies, to a Multinational, that is devoid of moral fiber, have.
DS; Do you think that you have achieved that aim?
GC; Partially. Eleven thousand hits on a site that was underutilised before, is, I feel, a great start but there is still a long way to go. The campaign is now entering a new phase.
DS; Can you give us an indication of where it is going, without revealing too much?
GC; Since the MuchRobbed site went live there has been a constant flow of information from people in the legal, political and banking worlds, both in Ireland and the UK. One of the key factors that we did not know until last week was that the company had been thrown out of the UK.
DS; Really?
GC; Yes. Not one single bank in Scotland. England or Wales was willing to trust our "friends" with their cash.
DS; That's quite startling. Do the Irish banks know?
GC; Presumably, although our "friends" will have dressed it up as a strategic withdrawal, allowing them to say that they are actively pursuing other "key opportunities".
DS; You mean AIB and Bank of Ireland might not really know that they've been booted out of the UK?
GC; Precisely.
DS; You must be up to something more than that to have pulled a site that was attracting such great traffic.
GC; Yes. Lets be quite frank here. The site was not, in itself going to change the "modus operandi" of a company that has such low standards, whatever they say in their code of ethics. No, the site was merely a means of galvanizing into action a group of activists to act as a spearhead against the "evil empire"
DS; So the tactics have served their purpose.
GC; Yes. But there have been the most amazing spin-offs.
DS; I knew that there was more.
GC; When we started this we created a spoof film, book and computer game. It wasn't till last week when various writers and media types came up to me at the Zebbies, the awards ceremony of the Irish Playwrights & Screenwriters Guild, that I realised that we had the basis of a real book, film and computer game.
DS; But Gerry, if you do this do you not run the risk of having the enterprises stopped by a court order, after you have done a huge amount of work?
GC; Perhaps, but by publicising the fact, now, that we are going to do this, we would obtain all our costs back, and more, as the company should have acted earlier to mitigate the situation. And we can always publish in another jurisdiction.
DS; Ah I see. Heads you win. Tails they loose. I like that. In the meantime what will happen when the Irish banks wake up to the situation. What will happen to our "friends"?
GC; Can I use a technical term?
DS; Yes
GC: They'll be knackered
I was visiting a friend, who has a 3 week old baby, and somehow we got round to Anti-corruption and Corporate Social Responsibility.
I explained about Indymedia and the muchrobbed.com / Brinks connections via internet.
Emer, made a good suggestion.
She stated the importance of copyright and said even if you use the traditional method of writing up the details dating it, and sending same to your home address. You then leave it unopened, until necessary.
Now Domhain......
Can you add anything to this.........re. Brinks?
I hope that Ernst & Young Conference conveners, can allow you to make a presentation on the day in question, along side Denis O'Brien and others.
Something tells me, that you would be willing to do i.e. if asked!!!
Michelle Clarke
Gandhi 'You have to be the change you want to see in the world'
The Second Interview
On Saturday 17th of November 2007 Mr. Gerry Creechan was interviewed for a second time by Independent Journalist and Broadcaster Domhain Sceadaman.
Dublin, 17th November 2007
Interviewer : Domhain Sceadaman
Interviewee : Gerry Creechan
Domhain Sceadaman; Thank you Gerry for giving me this second interview. Firstly I would like to ask you what has been going on this week?
Gerry Creechan; So much has happened, Domhain, that its difficult to know where to start. The most significant thing has been the correspondence between me and a director of the company. This chap is also a member of the companies Beancounters and Whistleblowers Committee.
DS; Did you have any success?
GC; Sadly not directly, the chap just sent the complaint to the CEO. The CEO just sent the thing to MuchRobbed legal, who sent it to Sue Grabbit & Runne. They just sent me the same old letter.
DS; You say not directly, Gerry?
GC; Yes. Sue Grabbit & Runne sent a composite reply. They stated that they were acting on behalf of the company.
DS; Now wait a minute. You wrote to a member of the Beancounters and Whistleblowers Committee. Should that not have been treated confidentially?
GC; Oh yes. But remember, we are dealing with MuchRobbed here. Normal ethical standards do not apply. After the Enron scandal in the USA, where the Beancounters and Whistleblowers Committee was totally under control of the CEO, the US authorities brought in new legislation to stop that sort of thing happening again.
DS; But will our friends, at MuchRobbed, not be in trouble now?
GC; Deep Shit. But they wont know about it for a while. These things take time for the complaints to get through to the right people.
DS; Ah I see, you have been having some quiet little conversations?
GC; Oh yes. Our good friends, up above, in Phoenix Park have opened a file. They are talking to the FBI. The Securities and Exchange Commission has placed the company on a watch list, and the Irish Minister of Justice has asked the Private Security Authority to have a good look inside MuchRobbed's Transits. Next week I have to inform the auditors of MuchRobbed about the letter from S,G&R.
DS; Good God. That is some weeks work.
GC; Yes. And all because people are trying to keep Reggie's arse covered.
DS; Does he know something?
GC; I don't know. It doesn't stack up. By the way I hear that you are researching a new book?
DS; Yes. Its called "Inside Job". An in-depth look at the Cash in Transit Industry.
GC; All the best with it Domhain.
DS; Thanks again Gerry.
Anti Corruption.
Another Euros 19,000 from AIB to Minister of Finance, Bertie Ahern and yes nothing confirmed in writing.....
This at a meta level is similar to what Much Robbed has experienced from Brinks.......
Computerisation is all about speeding up intellect, process, information......yet more than ever our lives are a bundle of paperwork stored just in case.......yes for Tribunals forthcoming.....
When does the rat race of corruption stop. O by the way, I believe 7.5 million people in England today, in some mysterious fashion, had their id swiped off a computer or perhaps it went elsewhere. Two disks went missing - nobody knows where but 7.5 million people have their identity opened up to some form of body out there.....this is dangerous and sinister.
The image of Scrooge (Charles Dickens) is conjured in my mind, with an image of men in politics, and developers, to the forefront of the negotiations. Today a senior member of AIB ( alas I say yet another, has spoke of an unscheduled loan of Euros 19,000 provided to the Taoiseach). He acknowledged that this was not the norm.........When does it stop?
The Tribunals are reputed to have cost 1 Billion euros.......those members of the legal profession are paid inordinate sums to ensure revelations and alert people to anti-corruption and the penalties involved for such unacceptable practices. Now I note that Revenue have claimed just about the same amount i.e 1 billlon from the revellers of 1980's depression time but if you have money, take a chance! (This includes the many tax dodgers named and shamed in the newspapers and media particularly over the last 3 years).
Has the time come to change the language and name say the Plain People of Ireland as the Anti-corrupt contingent and the others (let each individual stand accountable for his conscience). The latter, let us name them up front as Pro Corruption.
Now let's review current moral disputes:
Tara Hill, and the M3. The websites reveal a worldwide interest and recent reports detail the corruption; the people; the developers; and the desire to usurp our now recognised World Heritage Site ... Tara Hill, the meeting place of the High Kings of Ireland, the place where Daniel O'Connell addressed the masses about Catholic Emancipation.....
The Corrib
I need not comment on this saga. The Corrib is ongoing. It breaks the constitution and the rights of the Irish citizen to protect the citizen and his property. Shell has laughed at the Irish people and has brought the pipeline through the farms and their families in West Mayo. I ask tonight where are Irish Civil Liberties and Irish Human Rights in regard to the Corrib. I ask tonight Caitriona Ruane, educational minister in Stormont for Sinn Fein, why she will not bring this matter up at Stormont - at least from a moral standpoint. Caitriona is from Castlebar in Co. Mayo and she has relations in Belmullet, in Belnaboy, where this corporate bullying is happening.
I ask has Martin Ferris not made contact with Caitriona Ruane and Gerry Kelly, who now is seemingly a well known Humanitarian (global) activist their views about Belnabo and could they bring it up with Martin McGuinness soulmate Big Uncle Ian at Stormont during their 'morning teas'.
The Greens represented all that was potentially morally non corrupt......but then maybe that is naivety.
The Incinerator in Sandymount has been approved, to the surprise of so many people. Why? If we had the element of Trust in our politicians, we would rest assured that their decisions were made in the best interests of plain people of Ireland.
Areas that need urgenty scrutiny........Transport, Airports, Health, Mental Health, Education, Immigration, the Prison Service, Addiction educatoin, trained gardai to deal with gangland.
I close by asking the question tonight
Rumour has it a special private club operates in Dublin 15.
It is said to be legendary, the ghost of Haughey haunts the corridors, bar but especially the bedrooms........especially the Orangatang foreplay....This Club has come to the attention of may journalists and people in the wink and know of the Celtic Ireland. Its goings on particularly at weekends, would embarrass those members of the Dublin 4 Arts Club.
Working girls from Moscow and beyond work all hours (at least we know they are paid treble time). It is the place of Christmas all year round. Some names crop up at this Club but they are in code - a) is called the Devious one, I believe, the ghost is callled Napoleon, b) is known as the computer failure c) one is a Shannon Disaster d) one is called a Coke Sniffer e) one is called the ex- jailbird - he now is both gardener and general handyman in this private club, he hopes to pay back his tax arrears.
This is house is used as an open market glorified B & B - and this not bread and butter. This is bullshit and more bullshit and the tax payer is paying for it as usual. THIS HOUSE MY FRIENDS IS FARMLEIGH HOUSE AND IT THOUGHT THAT IDIOT CULLEN HAD IT ON THE MARKET BUT SOMEONE SAID THE JAMES BROTHERS (famous tax robbers) were going to buy it (but Cullen, the machine idiot pulled out. Now Farmleigh Hs. is used as a FF lonely Hearts Club and I only hope Ireland's Own has no connection with this dodgy outfit at Farmleigh.
All I can say is the only fool is the Tax-Payer.
What about 'Learning a lesson from past mistakes' and then proceeding with Morality and Ethics.
Some wisdom....
James Joyce
'Mistakes are portals of Discovery'
On Saturday 24th of November 2007 Mr. Gerry Creechan was interviewed for a third time by Independent Journalist and Broadcaster Domhain Sceadaman.
Dublin , 24th November 2007
Interviewer : Domhain Sceadaman
Interviewee : Gerry Creechan
Domhain Sceadaman; Thank you Gerry for giving me this third interview. Firstly I would like to ask you what has been going on this week?
Gerry Creechan; Gosh it's been another amazing week, Domhain. I was "over the pond" taking to my advisors. These lads said that both my claims against MuchRobbed are "Kosher"
DS; Kosher, Gerry?
GC; Yes that is the way these lads talk Domhain, very clever lads, great with the learning and all that sort of stuff.
DS; Oh I see. Wasn't Michael Noyk, who defended the granny's brother, back in 21, one of these lads as well?
GC; Yes. Worked tirelessly for the bhoys, you will read great things about him in my book, one one nine, which will be out late next year.
The thing is Domhain, these lads say that Muchrobbed has not been paying its Membership Fee.
DS; Membership Fee?
GC; Oh yes. Since I was induced to hand over the secrets to my new service, and MuchRobbed wont give them back, properly, and promise, properly, not to use them, they have to pay the Membership Fee, every month, till its sorted out.
DS; That must be a few bob?
GC; $250,000 per month. Or as one of the boys said; Two-Fifty, LARGE! We sent a note to all of the directors of MuchRobbed to give them the news.
DS; Were the lads easy to deal with?
GC; Oh yes. They just wanted to see my passport, an ESB bill and an Eircom bill.
DS; Oh away an shite, Gerry
GC; No, under the money laundering laws that came in, in the nineties, lawyers must meet, in person, and know, all their clients, no matter what they are doing for them. I'm sure that it's the same in Dublin?
DS; While you were away, Gerry, there was a colleen on the wireless from Sue Grabbit & Runne who had taken on a new client, who she had not met, and the client was in the Antipodes .
GC; How can this happen, Domhain?
DS; Don't know. I’ve a feeling that we haven’t heard the last of that one.
GC; Some of the ladies and gentlemen of the press will no doubt enquire further.
DS: Now wait a minute till I summarize things, You went to Reggie, wanting to buy services, he did some strange deal which was going to give you €136,000 gross, which they still owe you, they now also owe you Two-Fifty LARGE a month, and the clock is still ticking.
GC; Just about sums it up. By the way did you hear that the CEO of MuchRobbed and Reggie are going to open up a Management Company in Dublin ?
DS; No?
GC; Yes. They are going to run the Health Service during the week and the Irish Soccer Team at weekends.
DS; They couldn’t make a worse arse of it than the incumbents
GC; Don’t bet on it
DS; Fancy a pint at Doheny and Nesbitt’s?
GC; Sure, some of the lads must know "the score"
Muchrobbed want to repay Euros250,000 to an account in your name. Am I correct in my interpretation but it is Much Robbed Inc. want to repay you 250,000 euro regarding the mix up about intellectual property value.
However, to repay it to an account, do they have to access passport/phone/ESB bills so that they can put a face to your identity at the bank? Could this be so in Ireland? I personally imagine that our wee country has many mis-identified personal accounts as part the corruption culture that abounds. Being a person with ABI and no memory of yesterday or the recent past 14 years, I could have it all wrong. I tend to be grounded memory wise in the 1980's.......and emigration in 1987......I recall well the politics of Ireland then, a little cut throat but necessary to build the so called investment base to operate the Financial Services Centre and the development plans boosted by Budget Inititatives like Section 23 properties, BES schemes, Holiday home schemes, Film incentives, the Docklands etc.
I am a little addled about the legislation and money laundering brought in the 1990's. If I want to get a solicitor now, and I don't know any, it is law that the firm of solicitors, meet me, take account of my passport and then view a Utility bill? This is the same practice I believe if I need to open a bank account or even to rent a property from an Auctioneer. It is a system operated by Govt. to ensure no corruption. Fair Enough.
My problem is, based back in the 1980's 'mindset', and remembering that say places like Rathmines were owned by a certain profession (un official) and many other scams including of course, the smuggling via the border of cigarettes, alcohol, and oil etc. Scams, and corrupt practices were the order of the day then as the tribunals now continue to reveal, does this legislation of the 1990's re. money laundering and identity really work.
The CAB which was set up in the 1997 by the then Minisister for Justice, Nora Owens following the death of the Journalist Veronic Guerin was provided with exceptional powers to hunt down transgressors i.e. those who traded in drugs, smuggled goods, dodged tax by stealing cars and re-selling them, with a new identity. I believe, the CAB have been vested with further powers now........while their equivalent English body, the Assets Recovery Agency.
This sure provides a picture of Anti-Corruption measures, here we go......We have the Criminal Assets Bureau and now we are faced with big changes due to corruption (awaiting the Courts decsion) in the Law Society - amounts could be over Euros 110 millions and add to this the costs of sorting the whole set of irregularities out. Many people will lose money, will lose personal freedom and a new corruption of the 2000 period will emerge and have to be dealt with.
Yes, I can see now why you have to meet the lawyer and formally identify yourself with proof of identity. This is about the Plain People of Ireland being protected from people who 'dip' their hands in the till' and are sanctioned by those supposedly reputable people like lawyers, accountants, business men - those who we all trust or do we......There is many the plain ordinary Joe Soap who has suffered at their hands with no recourse to Justice.
Can I ask a simple question tonight - Bertie's Bass buddy in Fagans, Des Richardson took a sealed parcel he received from a business man in Old Trafford in Manchester. He brought the concealed parcel back to Dublin without even opening it. He never even declared it to Customs or anybody - how could Des? He did not even know what was in it - it could have been cocaine, it could have been counterfeit money, even a letter bomb, but all was okay, it was behalf of Bertie - the Common Man. Sorry, would the word Con Artist of Fianna Fail be more appropriate and now he has come from the Golden Boy to the Lame Duck - or has he?
I ask did his friend Richardson break the law?
During the week, last week on Drive Time, a certain solicitor called Ms. Farty spoke on behalf of a ghost. Ms. Farty went on to add that her ghost client, whom she never met, and never received from client the passport id, utility bill because she never met her ghost client yet she could speak of her regarding her accountability, her integrity, her honesty and her professionalism - I am addled. This lawyer is a genius yet today on the Papers the same journalist has admitted she has no tape, she has no transcript - all she has is a book on - and by now you all know the title.
I will close by saying why is there a two tier system again in Ireland......
Please let people remember the Plain People of Ireland.....
The Stuff of Dictatorship
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945 US President
'True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which Dictatorships are made.....
Michelle - I think you may be referring to the great unwashed when you say that each one has to follow a procedure and be present with a meeting of the legal profession.......At the moment I have a loan of a book from a very good friend of mine, it is called 'The Laundry Men' written by Geoffrey Robinson i.e. money laundering is a runaway global industry and in this country, it appears to me it is a legal business.
At the moment we have two solicitors (up to 4 months ago, they were little unknowns in the big pond of the elite and over-honest industry. Now we find out that these two indiots have collected debts of 120 million euros - sadly not their own money but that of the Plain People of Ireland. The Law Society pledged several decades ago, to hold a fund by collection from members, to ensure adequate repayment, in such circumstances.....as applies to these two disgraced lawyers who we hear about in the media each day.
The young couple in Clondalkin according to Gay Mitchell MEP may lose their home - they have two small children. These are only the tip of the iceberg. They have no idea about their future - Christmas may provide a hotel......
On the matter of etiquette in the legal profession, Michelle this morning I phoned a very well known firm of solicitors in Dublin - it was regarding a piece of land I want to sell. I asked could they represent me. I was told to bring in four sets of identification. When I said Why? I was told that is the law - are you stupid Kevin. I answered last week, Miss Harty represented the journalist who wrote the book on Cocaine and the High Society and she never met her. The reply I got back - don't be silly you must be on the coke yourself. What really is going on? I ask this question on behalf of the Plain People of Ireland.
THE MUCH ROBBED PROJECT Opening quotation by George Orwell 1984
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a Revolutionary Act'
The project looks at a section of the Irish Business Community, the Security Industry, and puts it under the microscope.
Contact Details (In Full Confidence)
e-mail [email protected]
Is anybody going to go to Croke Park - I doubt there will be many of the Plain People of Ireland paying the Corporates Ernst and Young circa 430 euros to be entertained?
Time has passed so quickly Gerry since you first detailed on the muchrobbed site.
Sounds good this corporate social responsibility idea and so close to the date of Minister for Finance - Mr. Brian Cowen Budget. There will be lots of spin for those who need knowledge to satisfy the needs of the minority.....and what good timing as the stock market loses billions and pensions likewise......They sure will have to have some creative thinking. All I ask is that these entreprenneurs keep in mind those plain people of Ireland - those laid prostrate by a health services that says you must have money and if you have none, try public corridors i.e. if you are not eaten up ill at home with a deathwish rather than face the media health travesties that consume the day of a person who is long term sick.......Shame on the system, the time has come for them to have social view and maybe take up employment for Life Quality that is so well promoted by Research from Universities like Trinity, UCD and then engage in a modified, much needed form of social work, with a clear conscience - much like our missionaries gave people in places like Zimbabwe, Philipinnes and even Japan post War.
Contact: www.eycsr.com
Croke Park is doing well now - conferences for those elitists in society.
However, I have been watching the internet eagerly about Tara Hill. People are really committed and from all over the world. People have details on the web of all the corruption, the people named, the companies, Opus Dei at Lismullin and yet we as a Nation know nothing of this heritage and are prepared to bulldoze it for Greed.
Kevin T. Wlsh
You heard it here first. The leading German cash in transit company Heros has gone bankrupt, the reason; the employees were stealing the cash in transit. As much as €300 has been nicked by the staff. More details will follow.
Domhain Sceadaman
Sorry, the last post was missing an M. It was €300 Million that the employees stole.
Domhain Sceadaman
KT Walsh says 'GAA symobolises Frugality, discipline, dealing pro actively with the 7 Deadly Sins'
- this frugality, discipline, abstinence even is sponsored by Guinness. Sláinte!
Just read your email now. been a bit busy. Thanks for all your kind gestures and encouragement. You make such perfect sense . I think we all suffer from a mental condition at some stage in our lives. I have lost ( personally & financialy) & the sagas continues, however I'm dealing with it the best possible way. I used enjoy the country life too. I hope you fully recover and wish you the best , as you are doing such good and giving not just me hope but I'm sure lots of others...Cheers
p.s. I love all those quotes...
Science. Thank you for the time to read the posting and your nice comments. They are much appreciated. Michelle
Jay.......I have to admit one flaw ' the comment about Guinness and the attributes was actually written by me.... Kevin is much disturbed they I wrote it under his name. The GAA to him is sacrosanct to being Irish.
I loved the Guinness site and your humour.
Today, Drivetime, somebody had the pure neck to walk into the Guinness Compound and removed a trailer of Guinness, Harp and Budweiser. The drive was so convincing as he entered the site and prepared to set sail.....that nobody grasped what was happening. He drove out with Euros 64,000 worth of product. We can report that the abandoned empty trailer was found in Slane. The drink evaporated or disappeared....
Who stands shame faced now. So the plain people of Ireland say 'Follow the money'...........in this case, the cost will not included the massive government taxation on alcohol.....I would think.
Before I close tonight, we are now living in the midst of the Lynn, Byrne, Callan, legal profession members, who are showing the plain people of Ireland, that it is time to acknowledge, that this profession is corrupt, it is greed led, and now the fund is surpassed with debts to people and banks in excess of Euros 120,000. These three men could do this damage - My God - Self Regulation stands indicted.
I ask tonight about one of the Government's biggest cover-ups in Criminal law and Civil law and why the journalists of the land were so shy to write. I will start by saying - Gormley, the Minister of the Green Green Grass of Home spoke on Drive Time this evening to Mary Wilson.....He spoke like a man who met Freud and Bertrand Russell, he spoke of science and climate change like Einstein. The God Gormely spoke of changes in our farming, our industry, our tourism, our domestic living mindsets. He spoke of Ireland's challenge in the face of global warming.
Today on Baggot Street, I asked a young man to please move his car (a jaguar sports twin turbo engine, he was parked in the bus-stop. He replied to me my name is Louis.....after my uncles friend Louis Copeland, my uncle is John Gormley, Minister for Green - an astonished me replied - you are joking. He loves to take it for a spin.... John loves Jaguars....car v. cat
I wonder will he attend the meeting about the Incinerator in Dublin 4 tonight.
(The Govt. cover-up, McSweeney flew in from New York three years ago as chief appointed Govt. advisor on the environment. Bertie said he was a genius. I believe Gormley said he was well qualified.
It turned out that McSweeney was a Fraud. The Govt. let him go. I ask tonight where was the law of the land. McSweeney took money, having submitted a fraudulent degree from the Irish taxpayer. I ask why Mr. McSweeney was not charged under Natural Due Process.
Quotation Selected - Rosa Luxemburgh (1870-1919) Polish born German Revolutionary....
Free Thinker
'Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently'
Follow the money.........follow the products that are transportable, visible........there is a chain of reaction..........product witnessed and paid for.
But what about Intellectual Property? What about the new concept of Ideation and its potential to be seen as intellectual property
Ideas....and worth money, minus all the paper work.
Its a bit like the Magician.
Well Much Robbed.
This might help you negotiate a payment you are due from, Brinks.
This is from The Undercover Economist by Tim Harfard
'More and more of the wealth that is created takes the form of IDEAS rather than products.
Title Tricks of the Trade
'When it comes to intellectual property, economists can learn a lot from magicians about protecting what's up their sleevees
Source: Financial Times magazine Oct 13th and 14th