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Peace envoy warns on Islamo-fascism

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | other press author Saturday October 20, 2007 11:02author by Alden Pyle Report this post to the editors

Tony Blair ,the UN’s peace envoy to the Middle-East has issued a stern warning on the rise of Islamo–fascism. Speaking at a charity event in New York last Thursday night Mr Blair addressed the danger Iran posed to peaceful countries in the Middle-east and beyond. He told the audience at the $1000 - a -head dinner that the world faces a situation which he compared to the “ rising tide of fascism in the 1920s”.


author by alden pylepublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 13:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

According to a very well researched article by two genuine fighters for Iranian freedom , Borhan Azemi and Reza J. , linked to in a previous IMC posting , a Hitler-like fascist regime had already been imposed on Iran by the mullahs some twenty years ago . Thus Mr Blair’s timely warning may have already come too late .

author by Mullaghpublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 16:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What Blair says and what he does are two different things

Talking-the-talk and walking-the-walk, at the same time, is something very few politicians have ever done.

author by Alden Pylepublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 17:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are undoubtedly correct.Tony Blair's record as a man of peace speaks for itself. Without his involvement in the Irish peace process , protestants and catholics would almost certainly still be killing one another on a daily basis in that province . In my view , Blair deserves the Nobel peace prize for his work in Ulster but ,more importantly ,his work needs to be carried on now in the middle-east .Otherwise Iran’s Islamo-fascist caliphate will spread beyond that troubled region to threaten the very heart of the free world . Remember that ,for evil to succeed, it only needs for good men (and women ) to do nothing.
Fortunately ,just as before the second world war ,when the free world found at the twelfth hour people of good will prepared to reject appeasment when it came to Hitler's nazis , there are good guys around today .Selfless men like Tony Blair - defenders of democracy prepared to stand up to the Iranian neo-fascists and their evil regime .
But we must still be vigilant .The Iranian fascist junta is seeking to make allies with dictators across the world - just as Hitler did when he made alliances with the Italian dictator Mussolini and Japan's Tojo before World War II . We saw the beginings of such a nexus of tyranny emerging when the Iranian President Ahmadinejad visited his freedom-hating counterpart in Venezuela earlier in the year . The pictures of these two dictators hugging should have sent a chill through the hearts and indeed the minds of those who love freedom throughout the world.
Chavez , the mullah's cheerleader - probably on the advice of his fellow dictator , Fidel Castro - had just the month before Ahmadinejad’s visit closed down television stations in Venezuela that dared to stand up to his own power-crazed tyranny. It was no wonder that ,at the New York meeting on Thursday night , representatives of the free press were amongst the first on their feet to give Tony Blair the thunderous and resounding ovation that his speech merited.

author by Elsebethpublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 19:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

and the Catholics hosted it. I am unsurprised that Giulani did not go- they fund bio-tech whilst
denying family planning and abortion. I am unsurprised Hilary did not go she is funded by arms
companies. Interesting that the man who gave conscience to Bush's illegality is working for
these vampires -who have formed a caucas to create a pledge for all members of congress
and presidential hopefuls to remove the 1701 sucession Act thereby allowing a RC monarch
in Great Britain. Tony Blair is busy taking RC training off the pontiff and not one of them know the
meaning of poverty- its white supremacism and colonialism.

author by linkerpublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 20:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

how bad it gets....

author by Scepticpublication date Sun Oct 21, 2007 16:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"how many countries has Iran invaded in the last 10 years?"

In itself invasion is neither a good nor bad thing - it depends on the circumstances. For instance it was necessary for the allies to invade France in 1944 to free it. If you feel so strongly about invasion presumably you would have supported the removal of Saddam since he invaded two of his neighbours. Besides the Iranian issue is about development of offensive nuclear capacity. Invasion of ones neighbours is not the only justification for a build up of diplomatic and other pressure.

author by alden pylepublication date Sun Oct 21, 2007 16:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The HOPI teach-in at the teachers club on november 10 will unfortunately not coincide with the Islamo-fascist awareness week organized by Mr Horowitz . It is to be hoped that some form of link-up will be arranged . It is very important that the left and right put their sectional differences aside on this issue.
I note that the Hands off the People of Iran campaign has called for regime change in that mullah infested country - but regime change from below. That is obviously the most desirable outcome of course but in my opinion somewhat idealistic given the iron grip the mullahs have on the people of Iran.
Regime change in Iran : that's a point we can all surely agree on . Consensus on the right of women not to be enslaved as they are now . Consensus on the rights of workers so that they will not die of exhaustion at their places of work. Consensus building is part of the process of democracy . It's how democracy works - tyrants like Ahmadinejad and Chavez can never understand that and that is precisely why they hate freedom .
I think that it would therefore be better if ideological and tactical differences were set aside and that those who do not hate freedom whether they be on the left or the right should stand together on this one strategic principle :The fascistic freedom hating mullahs have got to go one way or the other .Surely that's something we can and should work together to acheive .

author by Nodinpublication date Sun Oct 21, 2007 17:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In itself invasion is neither a good nor bad thing - it depends on the circumstances. For instance it was necessary for the allies to invade France in 1944 to free it. If you feel so strongly about invasion presumably you would have supported the removal of Saddam since he invaded two of his neighbours

Behold, the men of straw....

.The point, as was obvious, was that Iran has displayed no territorial ambitions, nor has it been overly aggressive in setting up puppet regimes. The US most certainly has, and not just in the middle east.

The talk of "offensive nuclear capability" presumes that that is Irans goal, which is debatable.

Mr Horowitz

...the well known war-hawk and Israel-can-do-no-wrong type....though in fairness these days that would make him a Middle East Peace Envoy

....that mullah infested ...

Ahh yes, the parallels with disease and parasites while talking about 'facism' - all without a trace of Irony of course. You've been reading far too many right wing blogs, my man. Its rotting your mind. Your claims are exaggerated, and undermined by the fact they are being bleated out of the same people who supported the Shah.

author by PaddyKpublication date Mon Oct 22, 2007 16:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What are you even debating what this Blair thing says?
He is a pathalogical liar and a manipulator. Whatever he says, believe the opposite or, as in this case, just presume he is pursuing a self-serving agenda. He's evil.

Robert Fisk had this to say of him recently:

+++My Dad used to call people like Blair a "twerp" which, I think, meant a pregnant earwig. But Blair is not a twerp. I very much fear he is a vicious little man. And I can only recall Cromwell's statement to the Rump Parliament in 1653, repeated - with such wisdom - by Leo Amery to Chamberlain in 1940: "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."+++

author by HOPOI supporterpublication date Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The HOPI teach-in at the teachers club on november 10 will unfortunately not coincide with the Islamo-fascist awareness week organized by Mr Horowitz . It is to be hoped that some form of link-up will be arranged . It is very important that the left and right put their sectional differences aside on this issue."

Not a chance, not in a million years, never, never, never - is that clear enough for you you delusional crank? As far as any left-wing supporter of HOPOI is concerned, Tony Blair, David Horowitz and their lackeys are mortal enemies. Horowitz is an ultra-right racist fanatic who would happily wade through rivers of blood to impose his sick ideology on the peoples of the ME. Blair has already waded through rivers of blood in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your hymns of praise to this "man of peace" are nauseating and betray a callous disregard for his victims. With that evidence, any claim of yours to care about the people of Iran must be regarded as a lie. Your attempt to co-opt HOPOI for your cause is pathetically dishonest - you know very well that HOPOI opposes any western attack on Iran, under any circumstances. It has nothing in common with you, nothing at all, and will expose your lies every time you tout them around.

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