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"No Anorexia"? "Body Fascism"? or Shock Style mocks Art again?

category international | gender and sexuality | opinion/analysis author Tuesday September 25, 2007 17:56author by ribbid Report this post to the editors

This week saw a state wide campaign launched in Italy to stop anorexia nervosa the psychological eating condition which overwhelmingly but not exclusively is suffered by women. There have been many campaigns to stop anorexia since the condition first gained prominence just around post-war period when Europeans generally had enough to eat again. But the campaign launched by Oliviero Toscani of Benetton notoriety could just as easily be accused of body fascism & means something more.
Some day they will isolate the hormone which causes shock & sell it.
Some day they will isolate the hormone which causes shock & sell it.

Oliviero Toscani perhaps needs a little introduction. He rose to global fame or notoriety with billboard images of an AIDS patient at point of death, Child soldiers & all with the purpose of creating a fashion house brandname - that of Benetton and O12 from 1982 to 2000. There were many who expressed disgust at the expropriation of such shocking images by a fashion house arguing that such issues had nothing do with a the global marketing of a then "above average price" label itself reliant on sweatshop labour for production and precarious labour for retail. There were equally many who applauded what they argued was a fresh approach to issues in the belief that contemporary society could not be served by social movements or networks [since we were still in the woodwork then] & general public awareness had then as now to receive liberal capitalist sponsorship. As such Oliviero Toscani's work occupied an emergent visual and plastic arts niche akin to the Charles Saatchi of Saatch & Saatchi advertising brothers' extensive collection and sponsorship of individuals in the UK.

As Oliviero Toscani launched the magazine / journal "Colors" (each issue in multiple languages attempted a photojournalistic treatment of social concerns ranging from Colombian prisons to African endangered species but all under the prominent packaging and sponsorship of Benetton) Saatchi's favoured artists in the UK were catapulted by dint of his purchasing power and a vacuum in European visual art to a global tour which took in the Royal Academy of Art in London, Berlin and New York.

Saatchi had exhibited this "stable" of artists including Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Jake & Dnio Chapman whose one common feature was "provocation" first at their gallery & then moving to centre stage of the mid Blair years' "cool brittania" project hence the global tour. Their general provocation exemplified by Damien Hirst's cow carcase in formaldehyde, Emin's tent listing all her shags, the Chapman brothers' resin casts of children with lurid attention paid to genitalia.

The now obviously jaded "Sensation" show in my opinion either undermined contemporary art in the UK by favouring such "shock value" over any real communicative ability or consideration of place in the wider flow of history (artistic or political) or perhaps it merely confirmed what was the result of by then obvious lowering standards or even validity of education in the Arts. If Adorno had rued in the mid 20th century that after the Holocaust no poetry, painting or music in the "high" or classical tradition could be expected, it is certainly true that in the early 21st century anyone who can find gallery space can be an artist, anyone who has the gumption or ego take a stage or pamphlet can be a poet.

& sadly without irony that is exactly as it is. A world where Pat Ingoldsby ranks along Milton, any post-modernist repainting of a masters work be it the "Mona lisa" with a spliff or any sculpture if it is big enough - ranks as Art.

# tax deductable.
# either shocks once or is utterly devoid of effect.
# comes in a package of corporate sameness.
# it's been done before but this time your name is on it.

Thus the polemic which has greeted the billboards to be seen throughout Italy this week and the double page spreads of a young woman's emaciated naked body can not be invested with any political or social message, no matter their presumption, pretension or the vapid reactions of a public who somehow have forgotten the last shock. There is no irony to see her body next to the promotion of the latest fashion. There can be no wit in attempting to chart the belated rules applied by Europe's fashion shows as they follow the Madrid Cibele's festival last year & bar any model who has less than a "healthy fat to height body ratio". There is no balancing & fresh reality in the pan-European inclusion of "real women" in Dove soap product adverts, "real" for the simple reason they are not thin, not controlled by fashion, more than "real" for not being obese & still in control..,

Body fascism does not begin with the body alone, nor can it be understood alone in consideration of the representation of the body. It's perhaps like anorexia a symptom of a deeper complex of various deep set issues, falling under many different disciplines; both for its understanding & due obfuscation, a paradox which is an inability to see reality of self or others in real terms- to not be real - in control yet not.

Thus the images as they are reported on and copied in German media, Spanish media, French media & I suppose soon enough English language media are not diffused for any real wish to stop anorexia. Nor are they diffused as some would think more prurient or voyeuristic motives.

I suggest their diffusion is quasi-obligatory and unconscious in this capitalist system which accepts the logic of "Benetton" that regardless of skin colour, wealth, birthplace we may all join in the fun of a Coca Cola advert, that we may all join Mr Gordon Brown's "society of Aspidstra waving Aspiration", that if we are not happy like Bertie Ahern has allowed us to be - we are losers..... who refused to take control of our destinies.

At end, Mr Toscani if not a great artist or communicator of society's ills & woes in the tradition of William Hogart is simply a great businessman who knows how the mass ticks, what they want & what they need. not Art. not Aesthetics simply "style crunching". The numbers follow by themselves.

Thank you for reading this, I'm iosaf mac diarmada - I may be wrong - I'd like you tell me why. But more than that I'd like you not to try to be "an" artist, poet, painter & most of all, I'd like you all to eat properly every day. don't be afraid.

coverage from Euro press & industry blogs in a variety of languages - €=$ there is only one..,,1518,507597,00.html

Some wikipedia pages on individuals & their projects mentioned in the text

Oliviero Toscani
Colors magazine
Charles Saatchi
whose wealth derived from the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi who sold Thatcher
Sensations show & the "artists" sponsored


basic info on Anorexia Nervosa

Irish support info on eating disorders - there's generally thought to be 3 types -
* too much,
* too little,
* just shite.


oh yes - there is always a sting in the tail. Isabelle Comedienne is the girl in the photo. This is her blog -
IT is important for us to know that Isabelle, is 26 years old, 1.65 metres tall and weighs 37 kilos. She wants us to know she's in control & is now granting interviews & accepting modelling work
to.......................... stop Anorexia.

author by Liberal Airbrushpublication date Tue Sep 25, 2007 21:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The model has a different skin tone on her feet and bum which looks like rigor mortis, but its
impossible to see it correctly on the page. It is not art but visual propaganda. It's a studio shot
set against a screen of some sort and the backround has been manipulated to increase the
starkness of the image- it might as well say 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' or some such idiotic
propaganda. Its a constructed and detailed image that completely lacks any ability to communicate
anything to anyone, you look at her bum and her eyes. The association between the starkness
of the backround, the hunted animal look in the model's eyes and the overt use of red suggests
that its a twee little bit of propaganda that refuses to take on the issues of eating disorders-
put a pool of red between her thighs to remind people that it is propaganda and one of the
consequences of starvation habit is loss of menstrual cycle; but that would be approaching the
truth of it, thus its achieved sublimally by making the by-line scarlet. Of course , many guys
find her attractive . The coyness of the 'artist' is in his refusal to acknowledge that its neither art nor
eye-catching propaganda. Its commercial. Maybe some radical fem group will give her a bit of
body hair and some menses detail. Its as bad as air- brushed Paris Hilton fellating a wristwatch,
with no wrinkles or side-burns in sight. Publish an antidote!

author by Elisa O'Dpublication date Wed Sep 26, 2007 14:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I can predict that this campiagn will have little to no effect on anorexic men and women.
Its a myth that people become anorexic because they want to look like the models on catwalks. Anorexia is not an issue of poor body image,its an issue about control.People become anorexic because they want to gain some control over their lives and not eating is for them a good way to do this.Most episodes of anorexia start when the patients feel they have lost control of their lives for exmaple exam stress.This being most evident in the college going age group who make up a vast majority of anorexic victims.
So seeing an image of a anorexic girl on a placard will have no affect on your typical anorexic patient as for the majority its not an issue of wanting to look pretty and thin,its an issue of being in complete contol of at least one part of their lives.
Taken from pubmed “Anorexic young women tend to be popular with the opposite sex. They epitomize our cultural definitions of feminine: thin, passive, weak and eager to please. Oftentimes young women report that they are complimented on their appearance right up until they are admitted to hospitals for emergency feeding” . “Anorexics tend to be compliant, approval seeking, conflict avoiding, perfectionist, socially anxious, and obsessive/compulsive, with average or above-average intelligence”
Anorexia like suicde/depression etc isanother way of showing us that in todays society young people just dont feel in control of their lives and future anymore.

author by ribbidpublication date Wed Sep 26, 2007 17:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

here is a link to an Italian newspaper which has provided a slide show of all the images in differing contexts -
two page advert
same two page advert but seen over a man's shoulder
billboard photographed next to other billboard of model with more of suntan & more fat & more muscle.
another billboard image this time seen over a woman's shoulder

Again I suppose I ought leave the link to the girl's blog which I published above in the last "sting in the tail" part of the text. Unless you see the images in high resolution, you may confuse the break down of skin at the base of her spine for underwear. Anyway at her blog you can read her thoughts (if you read French) and of course look at her selection of photos. She's an actress who has subsisted on milky coffee for seven years.

Every now & again one has to really draw peoples' attention to links. If it appears with a green line under it, it is a hyperlink which brings you to another place on the internet. This is a useful way of directing the reader to more information, without actually having to copy all the information from the other places - for reasons of copyright, publishing guidelines or whatever. But & this is not sarcasm it is true, I have found over the years that just as people don't like looking up footnotes in books they feel they're made read (& often examined on) they likewise have a habit of not using links or only following links to other websites with names they recognise. I could explore that another day..,

The story is now in English language media. "The Sun" doesn't really have categories, but "The Guardian" and "The Times" put in their "Fashion" bit.

Lastly to say last night Spanish (but not Catalan) telly took this story up with a vigour. Since the Cibelles fashion polemic when one of the 7 main global fashion designer gigs banned half the models for being too thin, they pretend to take this stuff very seriously. Of all the sufferers of eating disorders current or recovered who were interviewed along with the girl in the photo herself, I'm only going to bring attention to one psychologists comment : No matter what one the photographer Toscani a limit has been set in the minds of the young which undermines the idea of the Cibelles "height / weight ratio" (which in any case has been rejected by the London & Milan fashion industry) - so as I told you above in the "sting & tail" she is 1.65 metres tall and weighs 37 kilos -

I've no more to contribute to this. Except it's not always how you see yourself that determines your health. We must rely on others to tell us we are haggard, too thin, too fat - & that is the objective space where body fascism can find the soil to grow in a wider society which is incapable of looking at itself in the mirror & saying "We're fucked up".

author by Shockedpublication date Thu Sep 27, 2007 19:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

When we dryly surmise that the diseases are about control- when everything feels outside of
that particular ability to control the body and then look at the image. It is truly shocking, it is
possibly ultimately pornographic:- This is an image of someone who is dying and selling it!

Focus groups pay theorists and counsellors millions to produce images and lecturers for
health professionals who are dealing with eating disorders and are trained to 'look' at what
happens to a body when a psychosis takes over. This clinician exploitation and abuse
of a young woman's poor body image is unbelievable, it allows a voyeurism that actually
removes the words from the mouth as I try to formulate a reaction. It lacks respect. It lacks
dignity. it lacks privacy.

For any emergent anorectic- ana cultist:- you do not lose your breasts or the shape your
uterus creates in you belly, she retains the remmant of that but the girl is ill. as to the
visual art and propagandist aspect of the poster:- its child abuse- young woman abuse
and her collaboration astounds me.

I do not think or feel that someone's tragedy is a marketable item.

author by Dr Nickpublication date Sun Sep 30, 2007 22:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"When we dryly surmise that the diseases are about control"

I agree with everything you said but with all due respect I am not 'dryly surmising' anything. These are facts.Anorexia IS an issue about countrol not about about wanting to look pretty/skinny or whatever vain advertising the Italian goverment are uselessly persuing.

Its a scary fact that there over 200,000 people in Ireland with eating disorders and only one bed (in Loughlinstown) set aside in the whole of Ireland for Bullimia/Anorexia patients.

author by Anapublication date Mon Oct 01, 2007 19:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I always understood diseases or body dysmorphia to be a 'fear of', rather than an 'urge to' control.
Its not about control (the image), but about fear, which is why it's animal -like and why the
'shock artist' is abusing the woman's image. no doubt to make a lot of money. complete amorality

author by you'll get thatpublication date Thu Mar 06, 2008 23:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Following on from his billboard photos of an anorexic, the Italian shock-artist Oiliviero Toscani (the subject of this thread) has launched a new series of images depicting two naked children - one male titled "abuser" the other female titled "victim".

Italy together with Spain leads richer Europe (remember we have a two tier Europe & Bertie to thank for that) in Gender related violence & murder. In Spain alone 14 women have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners since January 1st. Italy comes in a bit higher - 24 women have "got that which never ought have come to them"..,

italian coverage including the image

So far the only people getting upset are those termed the "radical feminists" who quite rightly decry that Gender violence is not about Gender, it is about conditioning. The same conditioning which puts a naked girl with anorexia on billboards next to women in push-up bras come to think of it..,

author by iosafpublication date Sun Jun 14, 2009 22:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The editor of the British & Irish "Vogue" magazine, Alexandra Shulman OBE, one of the most influential "journalists" in the fashion industry, launched yesterday a fresh campaign against so-called "zero size" models.

Only the Spanish state has passed legislation to prevent models whose weight index and height ratio fall below what is generally considered by Health services to be healthy. Italian society and Berlusconi controlled media quite infamously railed against decisions to ban malnutritioned or anorexic Italian models from the annual "Cibeles" fashion gig in Madrid. Earlier this year both French and Italian fashion houses decided to withdraw their support for the annual Barcelona fashion show and thus pressured its organisers to relocate the event, quite sickeningly & without any irony called "Bread and Butter", to Germany's Berlin.

This summer the successful comedian, Sasha Baron Cohen's new movie "Bruno" the follow up to his Ali G and Borat series, will hit our cinemas and pirate downloads. The release will conincide with Audrey Tatou's cinematic portrayal of Coco Chanel.

I hope the comedic genius, Sasha Baron Cohen will in addition to lampooning the fashion and entertainment industries as well as the hyper-commercialised and superficial gay consumerist identity also move to take part in the campaign to stop eating disorders in European societies. Whilst I also hope the French actres Audrey Tatou will use some of her media promotional space to also tackle these social and moral issues.

Ending anorexia and bulemia, stopping body fascism and ending obesity shall be nothing less than an extraordinarily challenging process which will require not only a fundamental shift in how young people of both genders are taught to see themselves and each other but taking on pillars of the globalised capitalist system.

I have no doubt that such a fundamental shift is intrinsicably linked to the struggle against late capitalism and part and parcel of the liberation and emancipation of workers in the third world, workers in the first world and what I can only describe as the utter perversion and subversion of liberal progress which ought allow all individuals to enjoy their clothing and dress how they want without restriction but also enjoy the diversity of the human body form. However, the diversity of the human form, under any aesthetic consideration (that most difficult philosophical area of what is unquantifiable and stands up to no logical empericism) ought not enjoy sanctioning or passively encouraging the decision by young people to systematically starve themselves to death.

It is with a poignant sadness, I ping this article I wrote under the name "ribbid" almost two years ago and report that the young anorexic who featured in the billboard images seen in Italy by the Benetton photographer has died.

Isabelle Comedienne's body finally gave up. Tragically she never did get to stay or even merited an invitation to Mr Berlusconi's Sardinian villa.

Even though she hasn't been in fashion for 2 years - her body fascism death merits a note.
Even though she hasn't been in fashion for 2 years - her body fascism death merits a note.

author by ribbid - (iosaf)publication date Wed Dec 29, 2010 18:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The fashion pages of 20 minutes Swiss (french) edition have reported & are being bounced as reporting that isabelle Caro (whose anorexia was photographed in both an attempt to "highlight" such things as much as promote her career) died in November of complications arising from her anorexia. (20 minutes is one of those advert splashed rags which clammer for commuters attention every morning globally & has only one good thing to say in its stead : it refuses adverts from brothels on continental Europe where normally one page of commercial newspapers is occupied by classidied adverts offering "relaxation & relief")
its bouncing in the "serious press"

So thus it would seem that I was premature in my last comment when I announced her death.

regardless she's probably not been newsworthy nor a celebrity since I reported her last "death"

author by Peadarrpublication date Fri Jan 07, 2011 18:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is a mental illness.
A form of depression.
It has existed as long as humanity.
(As have all other forms of suicide.)

Don't blame modern advertising for a suicidal mental illness which is as old as the hills.

author by .publication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 08:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whilst you may avoid the report above you here, the discussion was not always about the pathology of anorexia, but
about how Toscani used the image of a young dying woman to shock people, to advance his notoriety and in a manner
that is totally amoral.

Evidently the image of a dying woman posted onto huge billboards is something that some people can react to
with :

i) Complacence
ii) Lack of inquisitiveness
iii). Yawnlike boredom.

What worries me about your response is that you lack the ability to deconstruct the image and particluarly the
glossy sheen of an advertising mentality. here we have little in the way of resources for women and girls who are
dying of anorexia and for those who fought the battle and are suceeding against the disease. I'd draw a parallel
here with the progressive disease of alcoholism , lots of resources there. Plenty of cash to support people through
the problems but in cases of diseases that effect young mostly adolescent girls we achiev a complacency, an ignorance
and a lack of funding.

Maybe girls don't really matter and the issue is wholly ignored by a community which takes the diseases of
young males much more seriously, who knows ? In fact I'd mostly say that we are in the habit of celebrating
and encouraging drink and alcoholism to the detriment of all else. One look at the behaviour of the Dáil
incumbents and their all night benders would point to our political and social love affair with pissedness.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

' Dont blame modern advertising for a suicidal mental illness which is as old as the hills.'

Modern advertising may not be the underlying root of the problem, but it certainly feeds the self-obsession and anxiety that fan the flames of social insecurity and hankering after falsified 'norms' held up as bait by this pernicious pyramid of professional polishers of shite into gold nuggets.

Nor do I think that young men are being positively prioritised. Check the comparative suicide figures, and recognise that a lot of the alcoholic frenzy is symtomatic of these same underlying, socially driven insecurities and aspirations (yes, mostly male-dictated, but also mammy-driven) to fit into these preconstructed, corporate-dictated 'norms'. Nor is that alcohol self-medication restricted to the lads.

Advertising and PR are the cutting edge, state -of-the-art, front line of our all-pervasive propaganda of the hard corporate/consumerist Right.

We underestimate it to our cost, for the very reason of its all-pervasive apparent innocuousness. It (along with the dumbed-down accompanying media infotainment industry) has become to our secular age what the bells and smells of the churches were to earlier generations, the pap that blocks collective communication and thinking and assures us that ' alls right with world...'.

The fact that the chatteratti and media commentariat are so totally in sync with the competitive imperative of this mindset makes it particulary difficult to challenge without being dismissed as a begrudging whinging wimp who cant stand the heat in their designer kitchen. They have climbed the ladder far enough to have a vested interest in not having it disturbed.

author by Peadarr.publication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 13:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anybody using the photo of a clearly mentally ill young woman for political purposes is a bit below the belt.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 13:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

is precisely where these lads aim. Its where their own brains are located so they are inclined to presume we are all working of the same set of instinctive drives. being clever they then manipulate the brains of the dumbed-down and exhausted populace with their imagistic wizardry. They even give each other awards for manipulative effectiveness. So long below the bely they vanished up their own sphincters in their early years. Few recover. Best read I've come across of the mentalities involved has to be the movie 'How to get ahead in advertising'.

author by Peadarrpublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 13:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Capitalists do not use disturbed Anorexic girls on the brink of death in their advertisments, like Indymedia has just done Mr Opus.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 14:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear old capitalism will use war, slavery, prostitution(including cuddly kids), drugs, weapons of mass detruction, poison, blackmail, subversion, lies, and anything else it can get its mitts on to accumulate further capital to invest in making further capital and so ad infinitum til the planet has been ground to a polluted slagheap where even the cockroaches wish they'd taken that ticket on their flight home to Mars. If given half a chance.

If you dont believe me read its history. It incorporates everything from water to wavelenghts, and from the Vatican cult to the Zionist dream.

You underestimate its totalitarian ends.

author by Peadarrpublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 14:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know it already Opus.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 14:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

but there is a yawning gap back there in your contention that indymedia(and I hold no brief) ' use anorexic girls in their advertising', while capitalism does not.

What do you think the fashion industry has been doing for decades?And advertising and Hollywood and manufacturing industries have parallel histories of using humans as disposable labour units for no other purpose than profit generation.And once their local legislatures file laws to curtail the worst excesses they simply outsource and offshore their operations, just like the financial gurus who sub-primed their bondage from their insulated havens.
And I dont think the illustration above can be classified as an indymedia 'advertisement'.

Do elaborate, though. I believe these are central issues insufficiently aired.

author by Peadarrpublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 15:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I just repair broken computers Opus.

author by V for vendettapublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 16:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

advertisers deliberately set out to create insecurities in people that their products will "fix". Thats the whole point.
They are in no small part responsible for the preoccupation of generations of young girls with their weight and the perception they have that freaks of nature constitute the body norm to which they must aspire to be thought of as attractive.

this is a very striking graphic example of how images are massaged by the advertisers to set impossible standards of beauty fore young girls. very illuminating

well worth a look. send to all the women you know.

also, check out "the ad and the ego" documentary

part1 (low quality sorry)

Here's a good follow up video illustrating some of the points they made with real adverts

and this good site. Adbusters, famous for their "buy nothing day".

enjoy some nice sunday decontextualisation on one of the most insidious devious and harmful industries on the planet.(since they drive sales of all the useless capitalist guff we fill our lives with and the associated industrial machines churning the shit out in third world countries with associated rape of earths resources and pollution and exploitation of workers and profitable child labour sweatshop enclaves, none of which would exist without "demand"

more good related stuff....

story of stuff
story of bottled water
story of cosmetics
story of electronics
story of cap n trade

she has her own youtube channel here

and just for fun, here's bill's take

author by further controversypublication date Sat Jan 08, 2011 21:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think that this pertains here but am willing to be proven wrong : the socipathy of malignant control by a Twitter

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