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category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday July 23, 2002 05:55author by Palestinians Report this post to the editors

Solidarity with Palestinans

I believe the Palestinian movement has malignantly infiltatrated the anti- globalization movement. And since many of the people involved are relativiely young and impressionable they barely understand from the heart the situation which is going on between the Palestinians and Israel. People in their forties barely know how to teach and respond. I believe Palestine should exist but not in Israel and there should also be a state for the Kurds. It's hard to explain the history of Jews and Palestine the land of Israel not the land of the Palestinians. I am very anti-the IMF and the world bank and other instituitions that manipulate third world countries and first world countries currencies for self interest reasons such as feeding many rich peoples pockets. This includes using cheap labor and destroying the environment. But I do not believe in the Palestinian agenda which is clearly against Israel and the Jews and so I do not participate in rallys which I feel have been taken over by people who I do not believe have any sincere feelings to the movemnet beyond their hatred of Israel and Jews. I think as the anti-globalization (as it has been pegged) defines itself more with some of the so called solidarity movements, which are hurting the anti-globalization movement will eventually be found out for their anti-american hatred and hatred for Jews. I dont believe that most people in the United States who are involved with the anti-globalization movement are anti-american. OK maybe some young kid who is new to politics views Amercan Policy as only Amercan policy with out looking at the other countries who freely participate in such things as the world bank and IMF. Countries invest their money into these funds freely because their officials want to become rich as well. It's not just rich Americans it's rich people from every country who want to subjugate the poor in order to make another buck. I repeat not just the united states. These Arab countries freely participate as well as European countires. They have already established a new world. A new world of Jet setters who run where the money is. They are not protesting against the same things in the Arab world. They are protesting against the west not a more humane world. The Agendas are clearly different. And so there are Jews involved with the corporate mess, their are also Christians, Catholics and Muslums and all religions involved from all over the world. To single out Jews is old propaganda which has been strung into our society and western society for thousands of years and it has to stop now. In the Arab world they still freely talk about anti-west and anti-jewsih BS all the time--Its called propaganda. And I am deeply concerned about how easily the public can be persuaded into anti-Jewish settements and antiwestern US settements. And have it tolerated in your community and many communities. There are good people and bad peole in every society every color and every religion. I'm Jewish and the only true stereotype for us is that we are still suffering post traumatic stress disorders over the fact that all of Europe turned a blind eye to the staughter of six million Jews for no reason except religion and the slaughter of millions of Jews in Arab lands for no reason except religion. And the slaughter of millions of Jews in Pre-communist and communist Russia for no reason except that they were Jews. This Country turned a blind eye as well. The United States was so anti-Jewish that they didnt get involved quick enough too save millions of peoples lives. They also turned away boats of people who went back and got gased. Grant it millions of others were killed as well but not as many. I believe Jews still live in fear else they would speak out more and educate themselves and their friends about the atrocities done to their relatives. The Murder, Experiments, Rapes, Torture. Its so horrible they dont even want to talk about it. Well, it's time to talk about it especially if you are standing in line for a humanitarian cause with people who would cheer in the streets if you were dead. They have in the past not so long ago either like yesterday if you know what I mean. Jews are not allowed to practice their religion freely in any other country except Israel. The United States is a Christian Society, Europe is a Christian society The Arab world is a mostly Muslum society. So why cant the Jews have a State where they can openingly everywhere be Jewish with out being looked at weird because they have to be home by sun down on friday and have to live a more anti-technology life from sunset on friday to Sundown on Saturday ect. A place where Jews can celebrate the new year in september during the harvest season and practice sukot---Jews have a harvest calendar which corresponds with the seasons and farming. This country does not have a harvest calendar in Israel a Jew can experience her/his religion on a daily bases and I dont mean orthodox or hassidic their are many other more earthy aspects to Judaism which are alive in Israel. Where else can you go live on a Kibbutz and experience communal life and work with the land and still contribute to society. You are not an outsider like in the United States or other countries which have communes. Jews are a minority in this country but many of them are heavily involved in humanitarian projects and earth save projects because it is taught in our religion to respect the planet not to destroy it and to fight for justice because we were enslaved, brutalized, vandalized, attacked and completely wiped out in certain areas for centuries. This does not mean to fight for justice for people who will turn around and enslave us and steal from us and kill us. For you Jews out their and non-Jews why dont you go talk to holocaust survivors and surviviors from the Muslum genocides against the Jews and you will find out the facts. It's in their eyes it's tatooed on their bodies. The survivors of the Bolshevik and Communist are all dead now and they were so shamed they barely ever spoke to their children about it. I ask my grandmother all the time and all she knows is that her family moved here because of anti-Jewish progroms which came from Russia and Poland who would burn their villages and kill innocent people based on the fact that they were Jews. So they moved here and a few years later no more letters came from their family members they left behind because they were murdred. During the Holocaust the same thing happened all of a sudden their were no more leters.

In the Muslum world they did the same thing. So what makes you think that these people are so innocent. I have met many Arabs who are half Jewish but are afraid to practice Judaism in their Arab homeland. For centuries Jews were uprooted so why shouldnt they live in the only area through history they have considered their homeland but were not allowed to live. Israel did not have a very large population before Jews started moveing their but their were Jews living there and in surrounding areas--the ones who survived. Many Arabs started moveing into the area in order to find work which the Jews created in Israel. These Arabs did not live their before. This is a proven fact. I pray everday that anti-Israel people come to realize that first it is not Israelis fault that the US was bombed--that we were bombed and second the Arab world has always been hostile towards Jews and now wants to plead with the so called left for help in establishing a state in Israel a state which for decades the inhabitants have been planning how to destroy Israel and bomb it's people. Many Palestinains are living among terrorist who kill innoccent peoples lives. They have been brainwashed. And they want all of Israel. Israel is not a very large country. It's a very small country. Why does a nomadic people want Israel so bad? Just look at history it explains everything. I pray that non-Jews realize the prejudices and the Jews who are in denial of the atrocities which have happened to their families come to grips with the reality of the world. This is not that we have to agree with Israeli policy all the time but this is differnt than siding with a people who have declared us the enemy. I am an American and maybe I am not happy and maybe I am deeply disturbed by our governments policies but that does not make our country evil. Maybe we have been badly brutalized by our own governments propaganda to keep us in check and we have to learn as much as we can from the facts and stand up and say we are not going to live or participate in hate and the destruction of innocent peoples lives.

author by Despublication date Tue Jul 23, 2002 11:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Of course the Nazi campaign of genocide directed against the Jewish communites of Europe during world war two was an appalling crime, that was unique in the sense that a state directed policy aimed at wiping out an entire people on an industrial scale. Those innocent people should never be forgotten. I also believe that to attempt to utilise the memory of those victims of Nazi genoicde to excuse the crimes of Sharon and Peres is obscene.

To support the RIGHT of the Palestinian people to their own state does not equal anti-semitism, any suggestion to the contary is absurd. My support for the Palestinian cause does not entail hatred of anyone including Jewish people.

I support the anti globalisation movement, however I am somewhat amused by your comment re "cheap labour", what do you think the foreign workers been used to replace Palestinians now barred by closures are?

author by lalricpublication date Tue Jul 23, 2002 12:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This whole web site is an anti jewish, anti Israel website.

The whole Palestinian cause is a total hoax. There never was a Palestinian State or a Palestinian people. 90% of the Arab population are descendents of immigrants who came as migrant workers from all over the middle east. They came of their own free will to get work in lower paid jobs while their was no paying jobs from where they came from.

The Jew haters forget that the Arabs called for the slaughter of the Jews both in 1947 and 1967. Then when they could not slaughter the Jews they invented the Palestinian people. Until 1967 no Arab refered to himself as a Palestinian. In fact the only people who refered themselves as Palestinians were Jews of the British Mandate.

The Palestinian cause was invented by the Arabs as propaganda ploy to feed your pathetic leftist do gooders who fall for their lies and falsehoods.

The Arab countries have no freedom. Have no policies that align with leftist thinking and would cut all your throats if you were to utter a word in protest in any of their countries. There is no logic to support a Palestinian state other than to be anti semitic for one is supporting a lie, just as one supports all the other lies that have been produced by the Jew haters of thousands of years

author by Nicholaspublication date Tue Jul 23, 2002 13:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Then what did the 95% Muslim/Christian population of what is now Israel / the occupied territories / whatever call themselves? Whatever they did call themselves, they have a right to reestablish themselves and to do so they need to create a political settlement that can allow them to live freely.

So the Arab states are bastards. So perhaps contirbutors to this website dosometimes tend to belittle the atrocities committed by Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq et al. Not to mention Yassir Arafat's mafia. Occasional contirbutors have made comments about all Israelis which were not very helpful.

However, this does not, and cannot be allowed to excuse the occupations, expulsions, ethnic cleansing, pogroms carried out by the Israeli army over the last 54 odd years.

Yes I agree - I have difficulty with marching in the same street as people shouting "Victory to the Intifada" etc.

Anti-militarism has always been a major part of the anti-globalisation movement, and we have a duty to oppose the militarism we see in Washington, Tel Aviv, Bagdad, Jerusalem, wherever.

This does not make us anti-semitic or anti-American.

author by does it matterpublication date Tue Jul 23, 2002 16:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

why are there so many thesis style postings regarding israeli/palestine situation.
re:original post. youre a classic yanker. "i believe" "dont believe". you dont really know what you believe do you? writing big essays to try and convince yourself that you are really aware. what you really show is the "liberalist mindset" that unfortunatly has rooted itself deeply in our conciousness. the classic, whose right whose wrong,both are right/wrong,therefore we need to examine ourselves,were all victims......puke.dont forget to "learn,standup,say no" which usually means latch on to something,shout about it,then sit down.

re:nicHoleus (joke) ya its a right fucker when it doesnt fit in with the "globalisaion tissue". "you know it was so good up sept11" aaaaaah shite!!!

author by puppy powerpublication date Tue Jul 23, 2002 16:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

go easy man!save it for later. sure we can always give them something to talk about."home is where the heart is......."


author by Marypublication date Wed Jul 24, 2002 03:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Your the yanker you freak. What are you biting the hand that feads you you jerk.

author by where watching......publication date Thu Jul 25, 2002 15:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

touchy mary.funny you should crop up here! where you involved with the above articals.
never mind! Are ya still boring this site! hav you not found love yet! XX

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