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Comments (14 of 14)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Im absolutely outraged and disgusted at this latest depraved attack on Joseph OConnors grave . Those responsible are working directly for the PSNI as hired touts , theyve wrecked Ballymurphy . Its despicable beyond belief .
the funeral of joseph o'connor
salute in Ballymurphy
leave this mans grave and his mothers house in peace .
October 2000
I find these attacks sickening in that they are orchestrated by a pro GFA militia to introduce the PSNI into the area.
I agree that republicans need to unite in condemnation as it must be remembered that Volunteer O Connor was the first and only republican victim to be murdered in defence of the new Stormont regime. A pro GFA militia group killed him in broad daylight, the dogs in the street know the names of those who done it and the RUC/PSNI did nothing about it, Joe was killed as a warning to other republicans who were against Stormont
I am a former IRA Volunteer who is not supportive of continued armed resistance against British rule, mainly because I believe that such a course as been rendered null and void by the actions of former Republicans who now cooperates with the British in keeping our country separated. However I believe that Vol. O' Conner deserves the same respect as the rest of our fallen comrades and if as you say he was murdered by GFA supporters then his family are just as entitled to the truth as are those murdered by British controlled terrorists.
Joe was indeed a victim of a very dirty conspiracy that included the RUC/PSF/PIRA and others and was also designed to create a fued between ant GFA republicans. The attack on his grave and family home is a despicable act carried out by rugrats in the pay of the PSNI and with at least a wink and a nod from the provos.
There is no doubt that the low lifes responsible for what is the latest in a long line of equally dispicible attacks are in the direct control of the PSNI. The campaign of terror which they have launched on the Ballymurphy area for well over two years now has been a god send for the PSNI and their supporters who had desperatley needed a reason for convincing people to accept 'efficient policing'.
These louts who are never out of the barracks (according to the DPP their leaders were arrested and released 27 times in a week) have copious amounts of evidence against them for crimes such as assault, breaking and entering, death driving and drug dealing, yet they walk every time.
Only a fool would not conclude a direct link. Their presence is walking propaganda for SF policing policy.
Ballymurphy people must confront these touts and resist their campaign of terror or else watch their area go down the drain, which would suit the PSNI down to the ground.
The grave which was attacked last night.
the plaque which was attacked by £10 touts last year
It seems that loyalists have no shame. Look at the depths they will stoop to to keep Catholics living in fear.
The 10 Hunger Strikers died to smash the attempt by the British Government to criminalise the struggle. Now we find elements who use the image of these brave men to promote their sell-out, using criminal gangs to gain support of the very force that colluded in the murder of our people.
Jo Jo was a victim of collusion, the very worse kind, that of people who would claim to be Republicans, then again so did the Free Staters
I am wondering can we assist the PSNI with their enquiries into Jo Jo's murder. I believe there are a number of people who saw the face of the gunman clearly. I believe that if Provisional Sinn Fein gave the go ahead people would come forward with information on this crime.
Is this something that any PSF members or supporters on the forum would support?
I live in Ballymurphy and have seen young O Connors memorial plaque. I did not agree with his politics but what happened him was treacherous. Somone needs to repair his plaque, if the rug rats do anything they should be faced down, simple as that. The people have had enough of their nonsense.
Saying as the provos are having a march for truth tomorrow telling the truth about this murder would be a good way for them to start. But then again I have a feeling that they only want to hear truth which doesn't embarrass them.
For crying out loud this march is not about the truth, it's another excuse for Adams to proclaim himself as the chosen one, to make stomach churning statements and bask in the cheers of his lesser mortal followers as they clap like demented seals each time he opens his mouth.
Adams like the rest of us knows that marching down the Falls won't make the Brits come forward with the truth, look at how long it took the Bloody Sunday families to get this far. Why doesnt he use his position to put pressure on the Brits? Each time he shakes the hand of Bush or appears on American or European TV why doesnt he scream out for justice for the families of those murdered by Brit agents. Why isn't he calling for the end of building the MI5 headquarters, the organisation behind many of these killings?
Why doesnt he use every opportunity available to promote the cries for justice from the families of those murdered by Brit agents?
The ???? are endless
He doesnt do it because he has been co-opted by the state , he and his party is now part of the states fabric .
If we look at the Ballymurphy situation then it becomes very clear there is an agenda at work . For a start there is no feud . The killing of drug dealer and local thug Gerard Devlin 2 years ago in a neighbourhood dispute saw the provos themselves give the go ahead to these criminals and psni informers to launch an all out assault on the Notarantonio extended family structure . The attacks were launched immediately after the provos marched on the homes of members of the Notarantonio family , of whom the PSNI had basically rounded up every last male member who was capable of defending their homes beforehand .
Virtually every home has been regularly petrol bombed , a number rendered uninhabitable and one completely demolished after a mechanical digger was repeatedly rammed into it after it had been burned a number of times . During this 2 year period the Devlin home was not attacked once . Despite the wealth of evidence against the criminals involved in what can only be described as a pogrom they were never charged with offences arising out of this case or indeed the many other actions theyve been involved in ranging from car theft , joy riding , drug dealing , street assaults and burglaries . The numerous arrests and speedy releases by the PSNI are regarded by the community as little more than protective custody following an attack on the community and an opportunity to debrief their informers before sending them out to do it again . And this pogrom has lasted 2 years . The devastation and fear it has wreaked within Ballymurphy is of a scale that makes it an attack on the entire community , not just one extended family . There are burned out houses everywhere , a teenager visiting one of the houses almost burned to death after being engulfed by a container of petrol thrown through the window , and people are at their wits end .
Then a few weeks ago Hugh Orde and Gerry Adams announced they were having an historic public meeting in the area aimed at finding an acceptable manner in which the PSNI could be introduced and accepted into the Ballymurphy community . A big problem for both men was that there was no actual feud in Ballymurphy , just a bunch of degenerate PSNI informers who were terrorising Ballymurphy in an orchestrated fashion in a completely one sided pogrom . This was pretty obvious by that stage to everyone . Then just 3 days before Ordes historic visit , after 2 years of being unmolested by anyone , the Devlin home was attacked . And this attack was very strange , because the Devlin family had decided in the middle of the night to all go out for a walk and leave the house empty . Minutes later a group of men petrol bombed it and promptly disappeared . The Devlins then announced they were moving out of the estate . This turn of events then allowed both Gerry Adams and Hugh Orde to call what had been happening for the last 2 years in Ballymurphy a feud , because at long last they could point to the Devlin home being attacked , after 2 years of no attack on it and 3 days before Hugh and Gerry met in the community centre .
That mysterious and very timely attack on the empty Devlin home allowed Adams and Orde to claim there was a problem with anti social behaviour in Ballymurphy arising from a family feud . There wasnt , there is no family feud . The problem lies with a gang of criminals working for the PSNI and protected from prosecution by the PSNI who have been given free rein by the state and sinn fein to wreck Ballymurphy for the past 2 years . Peoples lives within the community are being made so unbearable that the hope is theyll accept the PSNI into Ballymurphy if it brings an end to the intolerable manner in which an entire community have been forced to live .
That is why the public were banned from attending Adams and Ordes public meeting , and only selected party hacks allowed entrance , because this is what members of the community in Ballymurphy would have told Hugh Orde and Gerry Adams . And the little matter of the PSNI effectively orchestrating this 2 year long attack on the Balymurphy comunity , and the abundant evidence of such which could be pointed out to Orde , would make the very notion of his acceptable police force being accepted into Ballymurphy rather difficult. So what we got instead was PSNI and Sinn Fein media manipulation , community censorship , locked doors to the great unwashed and peoples intelligence being greatly insulted .
The 2 year long criminal pogrom by PSNI informants within Ballymurphy , aided and abtted by the sinn fein leadership , is little more than a war of attrition by that wing of the state against the entire community of Ballymurphy . There is no feud in Ballymurphy and never was .