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Comments (23 of 23)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23I hope that the irish youth of today are not en masse joining OSF. the poll on their website quite predictably has a large percentage stating that the national question is the most important issue facing irish youth.
however the most shocking stastic is that 12.6% believe it is road safety and only 8.3% believe it is the class struggle. does this mean that OSF is actually made up of the middle classes who see no need for class struggle and find it difficult crossing the road.
so to state it plainly get rid of your left rhetoric and join your adult organisation in imposing water charges and supporting the capitalist state.
a cara or whatever it is lads.
Example of republican intelligence
sorry after a few short seconds scrolling through OSF website i found this and had to share it with the indymedia crew.
Is this in reference as to how fast SF jumped in bed with the DUP?
The picture of the confused celtic fan was taken at a Republican Sinn Féin protest - nothing to do with Ógra and the 2nd picture is in reference to the new national campaign launched by Ógra - on Road Safety - Moilligh Síos or Slow Down being the theme.
In reference to the poll - the overall majority of Ógra are working class, but im sure the poll results are guided by the fact that Socialism can only truly be achieved when the Imperialists are evicted from Irish Soil. Now in terms of working on day to day socialism and community issues the republican movement are second to none.
But in order to have a socialist republic, we first need a republic!
also campaign for the truth about all the people that the IRA kidnapped and murdered since 1969 - and that is not forgetting about Robert McCartney who was murdered by the IRA following a row in a pub in the Short Strand on 31st January 2005.
The author going by the name of concerned is a sicko - a youth group are campaigning on an issue that claims hundreds of lives every year and he/she uses a picture of this campaign to make a political attack. Vey low indeed!
Go and do something constructive rather than sitting around criticising others for being active on important issues!
I wasn't talking about the Road Safety Campaign ... but about OSF's publicisng of the 'National Truth Rally', which is what this thread is actually about. Now the British Government and the RUC have been responsible for the killing of many people in the North and through collusion both North and South, but the IRA have also got bloody hands. Let's have some truth about all the killings.
Don't you find it ironic that OSF are assembling for this rally in the Short Strand, not far from where Robert McCartney was murdered by a prominent member of the IRA, with the local IRA systematically wiping all forensic evidence from the murder scene and the witnesses being threatened not to provide the cops with information.
Amanda - in future please read the full thread before putting your foot in it.
Where to start with the truth, Scapattachi, Donaldson, J118, the disappeared, Loughgall, Arms importation, Hegarty, Body bags on the border,
Yes lets have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I douth if OPSF will like the answer.
Will we get to hear why the provos killed Jo jo O Connor at this march, or did they still not do it?
I've often wondered if any of the volunteers shot for being touts were actually innocent and set up by Scap and his handlers to get rid of them? Would Ogra agree to finding the truth in regards them?
I don't actually expect an answer as they usually hide when confronted by the truth.
I agree with Sean, Ogra $inn Feign always seem to go into hiding when confronted by awkward questions about the truth.
I have one important question for Ogra and I too don't expect an answer;
Do you believe what $inn Fein has achieved was worth the deaths of Volunteers and the many other people who have died over the past 30 years? Simple question I await an answer.
Great work Ogra, you are a vital part in our journey towards eventual liberation. We have got to were we are today because of the tireless work of the leadership. It took many sacrafices to get us here but now we are a vital part of government and in a position to move things forward towards a 32 county socailist republic.
See you all at the march and pay no heed to the micro Ras.
It seems Ogra are not too forthcoming in answering awkward questions, the best I suppose we can expect are nonsensical replies from supporters like Doire who haven't a clue and who would cheer on a orangutan if it were on the Leadership of SF.
All you supposed Republicans like getting the boot in don't ye....
The March is for the Truth for Victims of State Violence - the IRA and loyalists have for the large part owed up to their role as in active player in the war - it is now up to the British State to come clean on its role.
Are the Victims of State Violence not entitled to Truth?
I think the march is important, at this stage most actors in the conflict, the IRA and Loyalists, have admitted and apologised for the hurt caused to civilians, the only people who have not and admitted that the carried out state sponsored murder are the British, its about time they owned up, although they have a long history of these actions throughout the world and have yet to own up to most.
I am not surprised the stoops are making this call; they failed to stand up against these actions for 35 years so why would they start now, and in anyway aren’t they largely irrelevant these days?
Yes I totally agree that the Victims of State violence are entitled to the truth, however I asked the question, do Ogra believe that what $inn Fein has achieved worth the deaths of Volunteers and countless others?
Below is an Indymedia link to a previous article which I believe is relevant, {and at the bottom at - Sath Beal 27 – one can read through to another link which includes the ‘Balancing Act}. And by reading throughout and indeed within, the links provided, this may provide a greater understanding on a number of issues. Having recently been to a meeting about yet more state slaughter of innocent civilians in the estate of Ballymurphy, {where I was born into in 1970}, one felt the real sorrow and emotion coming from relatives and witnesses as they spoke of murder, slaughter and death. Indeed much of what they had witnessed and what the state had done, I had experienced much similar as recorded in those links - and will do up a specific article on that meeting, {which I will also post here}.
Therefore, I believe that this march is very important, at this time. For me I will be there with relatives and friends amongst the mobilisation –
The mobilisation for Truth – it is Time
It is time for the truth of state violence to come out, as so to attempt to provide closure, and for it to be written in the last page of our book of history, and of a journey from a violent past.
My Blog -
Adams is really scraping the bottom of the barrel in this latest attempt to claw back some credibility. That's all this march amounts to, an attempt to throw a smoke screen over Sinn Fein's failings, chiefly that after a 30 odd year war and many young lives wasted [mostly around the age group of Ogra] we have nothing more than was on the table in 1973 [ Sunningdale ].
They remain irrelevant in the South and as the election results proved will continue to be. They have become part of a British established Puppet Government in which McGuinness plays second fiddle to Paisley and with this they are contented.
Once again Adams will call for the truth while he forgets the lies told to those young Volunteers sent out to kill and die while those who sent them out set back, done little or nothing and carried their coffins. I Know I was one who was there and saw it.
Davy while on the topic of truth would you agree, as Ogra seem to be avoiding the question, that there should be a public inquiry into the role of Scap of the torture and killing of IRA informers? Being as he himself was an Agent, the highest ranking in the IRA could it not be possible that his handlers set up innocent volunteers for death to remove them? What was his role in the murderer of the Gibraltar 3 and Lochgall?
I am fully supportive of those victims seeking the truth but I question the sincerity of Adams, as he most of all knows that the Brits will never admit their part in murder. He is merely using the pain of these people for political gain.
I go on the march and call for such truth as that is what many I know who have had loved ones murdered want, {as they wish at least some closure} –
On Scap, those killed by republicans etc - I have made my position clear on all those matters and can be found in debate and in articles on this site - and throughout the links etc provided above.
For me it is not a question of one person and whether some believe if he is sincere or not - it is a question on this occasion of marching with and lending solidarity for those that seek the truth about the murder by the state of their loved one. Whether or not we get it, well that is the question, but I personally will stand shoulder to shoulder with those who at least try in whatever way to achieve that, and if such families are on the march - well, I march with them.
Signing Off –
- D
Thank you Davy for having answered my question. I too would support those seeking answers from the British about the murder of their loved ones. However I cannot take part in a march calling for truth which is led by someone who can't even be truthful about his role in the IRA. Many people have been murdered by members of the IRA since the ceasefires and each time, like the Brits and RUC, they have closed ranks.
My apologises to the victims but I believe that this march is mostly about SF trying to claw back some semblance of Republicanism.
I believe that the victims of all violence are entitled to the truth, especially as they have died for something which was achievable without violence.
I notice that Ogra have again gone into hiding.
if Adams were to appear wearing an Orange Sash, claiming he was reaching out to Unionists, it wouldn't surprise me if sections of the crowd cheered and clapped like lunatics
I wouldn't go in there, because I respect the indiginous grave thing & having exchanged telepathic messages with the Queen of England which I aired in public on more than one ocassion - I wouldn't really put that fanlight or transom as some call the decorative little bit of glass over the portal at the top of my pyramid illustration of wickedness or my iguana pen for that matter. Forgive the personal reality based observations, please. Carry on! It will be great to hear everyone's version of historic memory & national truth. I suppose you'll have stenographers. It's been a while since we gave them full credit, now, all the same.
Strange, is it not that another top Shinner is about to be unmasked as a tout so soon after their Truth Rally? Could this be a warning to Adams that if they keep shouting about collusion they'll be leaving themselves open to further embarrassment?