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RTE has had a 'special' on the O'Reilly Murder

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Sunday July 22, 2007 20:24author by Cutter Report this post to the editors

Sunday TV Consumption

The Six One News tonight was followed by a Consumer Soap Opera 'Docu' special
on the intimacies and murder of the O Reilly Marriage. Serious Reporters
discussed with alacrity the 'ins' and 'outs' of the case. This is because RTE
are consumer driven shite and incapable of Opinion and analysis.
-They like to give the public what it wants-

This kind of mentality drives US Consumer TV where Newsreaders burn
reports on Paris Hilton. When did RTE last analyse Geo- political movements
GM/ECO/. It has become popcorn TV for the Great brainwashed Irish Nation.

Last week Newsmedia was dominated by the Clothing, the Mistress, the Murder Grotesquerie
and the domestic situation of the Rachel O Reilly Home. It brings the defunct big brother gossip
to a new level. people were texting me, delighted with the verdict- it sells newspapers.
Tonight there was a half hour special on the salacious trial. News avoidance being the name
of the game. The second headline were the floods in England. Journalists talk deeply to those
in grief and offend those of us who actually want to know what is going on in the world.
There was no meaningful analyses of the rise in domestic violence crime. There was no
meaningful analyses of the rise in rape crime. There was no analyses at all of the problems
in the Department of Justice , including lack of funding and reform of the Prison system.

Many followed the trial the judge commented on the queues outside for those who
'wanted a ringside seat' and all of this- RTE has led the media feeding frenzy on
a woman, her two kids and the man (in the Joy).
Those kids will be googling and reading intimate details of their parents relationship
whilst the fat cats in the Dail gleefully ignore the variety of crises that confront
Ireland on the Global stage.

Well Done- we are now officially as bad as the US.
As corrupt.
As empty of free media.
As driven by corporate and political interests.

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author by Little Social Commentarypublication date Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And Mahon is 'too busy' to do his module, Its all about timing. people really bought into the O Reilly
murder case ,cos it had everything... Mistresses. illicit sex. cctv. a broken victim (RIP). But the Mafia
and lawyers have insured that only a small little titillation will escape Bertie and Celia's Contortions
In the Mahon Tribunal. The Briefcase with thousands of Irish pounds, the business ventures, the
beautician business. Someday the truth will out, perhaps well before the next election when a
suitable candidate of standing whose life is full of muck, with the requisite amount of crooked lawyers
to bury all the stuff that was never meant to see the light of day.

The Corrupt rule our parliament and the innocent are criminalised . the telly provides the means
to lull a soporific nation to sleep.

author by PR manpublication date Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For the O Reiley family to get their book published,be interviewd by every other paper from the nationals down to the Ballymagash weekly,promote their new game,T shirts,mugs etc etc.
What kind of a family goes on TV after their daughter is murderd and there is a huge trail and then makes a media circus of their tragedy????Doesnt say much for their morals either.

author by cutterpublication date Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

RTE put a top journalist on the docu affair last evening. The whole country bought
thousands of newspapers, wild soap opera ensued, this may be because the
viewing figures for BIg Brother are so low and RTE sensed 'a gap in the market'.
But not one of the people- the main players- in their thirst for publicity has
considered the effect of their greed on the small kids.

RTE have added to the destruction of lives through its salivating real life coverage
of a notorious murder trial. A bit O J Simpson- No ?
O Reilly is the big bad wolf, his wife goldilocks and he is now -in jail- for being bold.
but its ok to use the offices of State to wheedle, deal and corrupt for your cronies
no-one really cares. The corrupt politiicians have reached 'media-saturation point'


author by millisvertpublication date Tue Jul 24, 2007 15:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

triangulated mobile signal records held by telephone companies derived from antennas used as evidence. Quite a precedent. Ugly things antennas. I wouldn't work under one and I wouldn't live next to anyone who did. But if you're curious - before booting your phone but while recharging press * and # at the same time and look at the little code. Now boot your phone and press *#06#and read the little code. dat's your international ID number. Now if yer man had pressed _______ and unlocked his national ID code & then compressed his sound quality (giving him extra battery life & reducing his millisvert radiation contamination level to the old noodle and grey matter) by pressing *#4720# it's just possible if on the cusp of 2 triangulation antenna points the old vodafone or whoever it is you have these days would have lost his signal link to the SIM card & then plod wouldn't have been able to say for sure it was his phone and sim at that point at that time. The +#4720# is for Nokia - if you've motorola the codes are at
So far there has only been one mobile phone virus case in Europe. Little teenager in Spain fkd thousands of phones as hatemessage to his jilted girlfriend (using her name). Never give anyone your IMID number. it's your private data you never knew you had. It's your number.

author by Datapublication date Tue Jul 24, 2007 16:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Part of the 'Agreed Programme for Government' between the Greens (betrayal Party)
The Ff (ers) and the PD's (Mary Harney)- not to forget the independents, is to change
legislation on mobile phone 'Consumption and usage'. carried a report yesterday that all mobile phones bought
in Ireland incl. 'ready to go' will be subject to registration- meaning you cannot
walk into a shop and purchase a phone and leave the shop (anymore).
FF will of course be remembered for Civil Rights abuses in the wake of 9/11
when the then Minister for Communications bowed to Bush and allowed for the
illegal retention for a three year period of all mobile and internet records. This was
done without the requisite legislation , as an emergency power. Minister Mc
Dowell legislated for the measure after he was threatened with court Action by the
Information commissioners. Karen Lillington covered in the I.T.

Other EU agreed co-operative measures with the Bush regime is to hand over
data of all travellers 'Within the EU' incl. religion and sex life of the traveller. I want to know
why people thought that the Green Party provided a viable option to the PD's in this State
when it is clear they have rolled over in terms of commitment to individual rights?

author by click on the linepublication date Tue Jul 24, 2007 16:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

just type that in your phone. Now since this thread seems to be going in a right direction (thankfully) & honestly we're not really interested in slasher tales on telly - let's get the distinction between "privacy protection" (a US term) and "data protection" (a superior European concept). Jonathan Franzen is an author of lots of essay type things (which really are extended comments he prefers to waste on a print reading audience in "the New Yorker" rather than just make 'em pithy and politically effective by chukcing on the net) [he's old] anyway in his collection of essays entitled "How to be Alone" he touches upon the very important distinction in language and thus implications the US and EU terms involve. He argues that Americans get it wrong because they are obsessed with losing "privacy" when in fact their whole culture is based on it to some extent. Whereas we over here in "no right to bear arms lands" lost our "privacy" just about the time our ancestors formulated a wider social posistion on confession or the sacrament of redemption.
When we hit the stage that all of you type +#06# into your mobile handset and the vast majority of you find your international phone id code (which is your secret & you're not to tell anyone and encourage ID theft of your phone by the sort of people who could virus your messages and steal your blackberry memory quicker than you've time to say "wrong number") you will realise (I hope) that privacy doesn't exist in this technological age. So realistically we must talk about data protection. I've helped you find an ID number which is global & as long as your phone can receive a signal will locate you or your purchase. & I'm not the bleedin NSA am I?
Thus you can not always rely on US based lobbies to champion effectively what is best for Europeans when it comes to data protection and retention of - calls, emails, search engine words blaa blaa ribbid ribbid gurggle. Except of course when you're talking slasher murder telly or terrorists. Then it's ok. isn't it? Makes perfect sense. doesn't it?

So let's take it up a level - do you know what else your phone can do? Do you know what someone can do with your phone just by having the number - you know the number you didn't know before today? Exactly. & neither did either big swinging mickey mc dowell nor the mammy harney. & nor does Gummy Gormley nor does Enda N-word Kenny. & if you don't believe me - when you go visit the Dail to put chewing gum on the seats - you just count how many blackberry devices they're still using.

author by jjpublication date Tue Jul 24, 2007 16:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors


compulsory GPS is next, as per USA.

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author by teeny bit of advicepublication date Tue Jul 24, 2007 17:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Read the comment above , then realise that many people in this State have been criminalised
tapped ;and bugged for carrying an opinion that 'goes against the $$'. Best advice is to discuss
with older activists (of which there are many, on issues of security, such as having many
email accounts, good security, use of cafes, awareness that people retain your IPS number
and if you cannot afford 'an emergency phone'- borrow one). We are witnessing an unwonted
abuse of discretionary powers by the State against the citizen, here and in the UK.
When citizens use their right to peacefully protest and are criminalised by FF and Green party
(thus ensuring travel restrictions, breach of privacy laws) then it is beholden on us to stand
against that.

Using the domestic contortions of the slasher family as an excuse to legislate against
privacy and human rights is not an excuse for giving sweeping discretionary powers
to a bunch of wankers in the Dail.

author by CountZeropublication date Wed Jul 25, 2007 04:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Notice on the news they said that "forensics recovered messages from the phone"

this implied that the old messages still resided on the phone and it took highly trained scientists to recover them. Whilst this is possible, the truth is they had them already lying on a server somewhere where they were easily accessed but better the general public is not aware that all their texts and emails (and positional data when they sent them) are sitting on a computer somewhere for at least 3 years and possibly much longer.

Interesting how they played that bit down.

The govt will get away with as much snooping as they can on a technologically ignorant public.
Learn to protect yourself with encryption and routinely encrypt your emails. Turn off your phone and leave it at home when you dont need it or do without it of you can. Understand the technologies you use to communicate in this digital age or your privacy will be non existent

author by John Boypublication date Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Tonight there was a half hour special on the salacious trial. News avoidance being the name of the game.

The second headline were the floods in England. Journalists talk deeply to those
in grief and offend those of us who actually want to know what is going on in the world.

There was no meaningful analyses of the rise in domestic violence crime. There was no meaningful analyses of the rise in rape crime. There was no analyses at all of the problems in the Department of Justice , including lack of funding and reform of the Prison system."

Two things:

1) the news is about recent events. The main event at the time was the trial

2) The flooding in England was something that was going on in the world so how it could offend someone who wants to know what's going on in the world, I'm not sure

Analysis of events and news are two different things.

author by Sadlypublication date Wed Jul 25, 2007 13:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The docu soap that followed the news was geared toward the'human interest' aspect of the case.
It did not look at the causes of violent crime. it did not look at the failure of the department of

The state are using the fall out to interfere in people's rights.

I do not consider the violent murder of a woman to be the main topic of news for weeks.
The floods and the failure of the UK government to deal with its internal policy issues
is news. RTE failed to address the issues surrounding the case and paid high money to
cover the domestic intimacies of a family. this has been on radio/internet/tv= complete
media saturation. Some of us like the news to reflect the concerns of the people who
actually are forced to buy a telly licence. Did you understand that the State are using new methods
of analysis and control in relation to privacy without legislations?
Is that a matter of concern to the great irish consumer of salacious TV?

[this is in response to the above comment and refers to the first paragraph of the above article,
Joe O Reilly will appeal the sentence, he may have a case 'of unwonted intrusion in the
privacy of his family by the state who in the wake of 9/11 are illegaly retaining mobile
and internet data of Irish citizens]

author by Scepticpublication date Thu Aug 09, 2007 21:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"I do not consider the violent murder of a woman to be the main topic of news for weeks."

But lots of people do - its got news value and if RTE did not give it lots of attention people would have switched to media that did. Its not a conspiracy its a market which has both high and low quality content depending on taste and education. There are bad people in all societies - the fact that a man murders his wife is not a reflection on Irish society or people. In the USSR the party elite had newspapers which had news the socialist elite felt people should be interested in like party congresses, tractor production etc but all of this has now gone to the wall as an abject failure. Some people would like to be back in those days providing they were part of the privileged elite I suppose.

author by Orinioccopublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 22:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

of course most people believe that buying into mass media fear messages about the
threats on our most wonderful society justifies the use of phones and TDR to allow overt
and sneaky interferences by corporate bodies into lives. its ok for Joe O Reilly to
use the word 'cunt' to describe his wife as long as the blonde journo on RTE refers
to it as 'C***' = we get the picture. And whilst the trial and 'news generation' captivated
the chattering classes for weeks, the insidious use of mobile phone and email in the
trial is hardly referred to. the standard response to the issue of snoopiness being:
"if ye have nothing to hide why worry?"- massive erosions of our civil and democratic
liberties have occured and will continue to occur as a result of the way that we have
devloped tech and the knowledge economy. Including the ownership of intellectual
property rights and patents. but sure its ok most people have swapped their indivduality
for that kind of life anyway and do not even observe the invidiousness that surrounds them
as at all odd!

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author by Scepticpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 09:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The murder trial was a popular obsession not a main one of the chattering classes. O’Reilly’s e-mails were retrieved from his hard disk by detectives investigation the murder of his wife, not by surveillance. Surely that is as it should be when a brutal murder is being investigated. Its vital to discern the location of a suspect at a critical time – what is wrong with using phone signal triangulation to do this rather than any other method? None of this means that there is big brother ready to clamp down the ordinary Joe going about his non-felonious business including political activism if he so wishes. Oriniocco is indulging himself in paranoia and alarmism.

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