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Hill of Tara - Do not give up!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Four in Prison With four people now imprisoned and the bulldozers about to desecrate sacred land of Tara some say this might be the end-but it couold be the beginning. Where do we go from here? We recently made a complaint to RTE Television, Cork, regards the lack of coverage on the Hill of Tara Campaign. The Irish state is in the process of running a motorway through an ancient sight where the High Kings of Celtic Ireland were once crowned. It appears clear from their attitude and lack of proper coverage that the mainstream media is staying well clear of the real issues behind this campaign. We tried our best yesterday to inform all mainstream media and were , to say the least , disappointed at their coverage. The TV media gave the impression that the protestors were in the wrong and did not go into the reasons why they were willing to give up thier liberty. The Irish people are not getting the true story of what is hapenning. Not only do we have to fight apathy but disinformation and non information. Four people now languish in Irish prisons, their only crime?They tried to stop an illegal act-the desecration of Holy Land, to Celts to the Irish and International community. NOW IS THE TIME FOR THOSE , LIKE ME, WHO HAVE SAT ON THE FENCE TO ACT. Looking at the Belmullet gasline protest-it really took off once the state tried heavy handed tactics- and imprisoning people for protesting and defending sacred ground is not a crime but should be encouraged. I would appeal to anyone reading this to get involved now with the campaign and join in on any of the days of action. Also we should demand the immediate release of the four prisoners- this is an attack on our democratic right to protest against illegal state activity- I undertand that a dierective of the EU has declared that the driving thorugh of the M3 Motorway though sacred Celtic lands is illegal-this needs persuing through the courts and an injunction put into place to put a halt to this act of vandalism. However, this can be a costly and timeconsuming process. Also, like the Sioux did to protect their sacred Black Hills, we should get something throught Dail Eirann-to forever halt developmet on the sacreed heart of the Celts. I intend to contact the Sioux Nation and find out how they got this though the American congress. Meanwhile-I believe it's time to crank up this campaign by ten-taking nothing away from the people who have done so much work already and risked their own liberty in such a fine and noble way. We will fight on, we will speak for those imprisoned-our voice will only get louder. This is not the end-this is the beginning. Dave Michael. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13We all hate paying bill's, but one bill above the rest makes my blood boil.
Once a year I have to pay the state one hundred and fifty euro for National tv and radio.
The whole issue of Tara has been deliberatley swept under the carpet by main stream media, but more so by RTE.
I would expect them to peddel their usual biased one sided version of events, but at present we are not even getting that.
RTE must be working on the adage NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS.
They obviously have decided, or where told not to report on Tara.
Should the National station that we all pay for annually not be informing us about the destruction of one of our National Monuments.
They pride themselves on their informative documentaries and investigative journalism,
I remember seeing RTE footage of a protest in the late eighties from Portadown,
I seen the first news clip from the BBC, they showed the RUC removing protesters from a sit down protest.
As they where moving the protesters, a scuffel developed. A young man was setupon by two RUC men who tried to drag him away. A bald man of around sixty years of age joined in the scuffel, trying to help the young man. As the old man wrestled with the RUC men, an other RUC man ran up behind him and wacked him full force on the head with his baton. You could hear the wooden baton hitting his head because the blow was so hard.
RTE showed the same footage from the BBC, but they decided to cut the footage just as the old man got wacked across the head.
So what the viewers in the South of Ireland got was voilent protesters attacking the RUC.
The people who run RTE should be shot with balls of their own shite.
They could not give a fair report on Tara if their lives depended on it.
If Tara Valley is buried under tons of tarmac, I will hold RTE partially responsible, for not informing the people of Ireland of what is really happening.
Where is Charlie Bird ? why is he not chasing the people who bought up the land around Tara twelve years ago, lots of scandel there Mr B.
There's plenty of dirt in this story if they where prepared to search for it.
I seen on RTE news a FEW weeks ago, the Directer of the National museum of Ireland, Mr Wallace was over in one of the scandinavian countries launching a replica Viking boat.
RTE seems to have no problem in promoting Scandinavian cultural heritage,
The biggest story in years relating to our heritage is unfolding before us and where is RTE ?
Hidding no douth, waiting till it all blows over.
RTE.........Rubish tv
We will not give up. Please remember the Tara Four who are imprisoned for preventing the illegal destruction of our Heritage. Demo at Navan Courthouse at Nine O 'Clock on Wednesday morning,all are welcome to lend their support.
there 7 before the court
The disparate arrests included>; A video journalist, three or four CST and some vigil.
No TaraWatch arrested/named/injuncted/incarcerated.
Would it not profit the struggle for Tara if TaraWatch were to send one or two to the court
and man the blockades?????
Maybe contacting the CST and asking where help is needed would be of benefit to both
The works will not stop for a court case, this must occur to the campaigns,
indeed the people arrested were doing just that.
Dan - Independent activist
JP - Independent activist
Muireann - CST
Carmel - CST
Robert - CST
Kitty - Independent activist
Andrew - Independent, although has attended recent CST meetings
No call for mass action at the Courthouse on Wednesday has been made by the vigil or the prisoner/arrestees - the desire is to have a small dignified, silent protest. Any reports/postings to the contrary are untrue.
This reflects the wishes of those arrested as communicated to yesterday's CST meeting at the Hill. The issue of what action to be taken was discussed at lenght and decided by consensus.
Anyone with free time should go to the gates of the work depots - that's where they are needed.
So why exactly is the Tara/M3 issue so important to Fianna Fail at a national/economic level?
Excerpt from yesterday's Sunday Independent.....
'With two-thirds of the industry's 290,000 workers currently engaged in the construction of houses and apartments, Mr Fogarty believes that 7.5 per cent of these could be out of work as the slowdown in the property market caused by uncertainty over stamp duty reform and successive interest rate hikes from the ECB register.
However, speaking to the Sunday Independent, Mr Fogarty stressed his belief that those workers who lose their jobs in housing construction will be absorbed into civil engineering projects arising from the Government's €184bn National Development Plan (NDP).
Asked if the NDP - due to be rolled out between now and 2016 - could sustain current levels of employment in the construction industry in the short term, Mr Fogarty was uncertain.
"Not quite. It won't add to it if the housing market turns down, because the housing market is the biggest factor. It [the NDP] will certainly absorb most of the slack in the numbers and there will be a downturn, maybe a small downturn in overall employment, but not a significant one."
The NDP is the 'soft landing' and will keep those important (and potentially dangerous) 'breakfast roll' men in jobs for another few years....
contrary to the above post which states anything contrary to it is a lie... how can you have consensus that " reflects the wishes of those
arrested as communicated to yesterday's CST meeting at the Hill "when over half of them are not members ?
Why should they communicate with you?
And Siobhan from Tara watch i note there are NO members of your group either. . Could it be that some people by reading many previous
articles posted on indymedia would deter ANYONE from being involved with the campaign? When you are not hurling abuse you find it
nessesary to use abusive launguage.
As it seems over half of these good folks are not members of either group ,ironic that,there is one good idea posted above
DIGNIFIED AND SILENT ...is what all groups could be until a real consensus is made by THE SEVEN INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED?Thanks
Protesters were today informed by the Garda that they cannot "PROTEST' or HOLD BANNERS on the public highway.
Would some legal eagle please confirm whether or not the Garda are correct?
Thank You.
whisht the lot of ye! or we'll send notebook boy in with his fun hike plans & illustrations. (can I squeeze in the bit about the eye and the needle now? & how the slime works? or do I have to keep a lid on it for a few days? ).
They say Harry Potter is great. You'd never get a movie lke that coming out of Ireland & just to think we invented quiditch. But we didn't do Tarmac. That was Celt. A proper pictish germanic nordic celt like Kiera Knightley in King Arthur looking all sort of PETA naked in the blue body paint. gurggle. bzzzt.
Many people currently active under the TaraWatch banner are the same people who SUCCESSFULLY fought the Carricjkmines Campaign, forcing the state to change the laws dealing with national monuments to force the M50 through the historical site. And many of us were involved in the Glen of the Downs, a campaign which ended with the road (N11) being widened, but many trees Wicklow County Council tried to cut initially to make space for the N11 widening are still standing thanks to those who campaigned for the preservation of the nature reserve.
And the Tara campaign was fought with much success in early to mid January under the guidance of TaraWatch members with considerable campaign experience. But everything started going wrong when certain people created a rival group to TaraWatch based on romantic Socialist principles and Wiccan / neo-Pagan concepts, with those in charge starting a smear and hate campaign against various key TaraWatch people.. The result of their six months lasting reign is a failed general election strategy, the valley being (almost) completely destroyed and overrun by diggers and JCBs , a sabotaged potential high court challenge TaraWatch tried to mount in February, and 4 people in jail,among them the only experienced direct action campaigner (Dan) who was permanently living with the vigil keepers! Yes, this is the result of those who split a successful campaign into two warring factions to further their own political agendas!
I withdrew myself in horror and frustration from the direct action aspect of the Tara campaign in April. During the rally on Saturday I was approached and asked to come back to the valley. I had two days to think things over , and I decided not to get involved with the "direct action" end again, because the entire on the ground campaign is in tatters and bound to fail due to those self-serving political game-players who arrogantly proclaim themselves as the spokespeople of the campaign!.
And this is the reality of the situation. I am getting sick and tired of those who always point the finger at TaraWatch, when we in fact try desperately to undo the damage others have done to the entire campaign. At this stage it's 5 past 12 for the campaign, and it's about time to get real here and out of Nevernever land, folks!
just heard a bit of information from a friend hopefully its usefull to ure cause,starting from monday security on all
the new m3 moterway sites are cut in half only 15 security men spread out between all the sites .think this week is the time for action
This came from a reliable sorce that has helped us out before,SAVE TARA,
I would just like to say its a disgrace, How can our goverment to this to our culture I feel that they are taken away our rights and the rights of our children for the sake of money.
I will be protesteing with my children at the weekend against this. Save our culture
Just as many people here are content still to think we live in a functioning democracy, so many forget that RTE is the STATE broadcaster, established as such. The STATE broadcaster, with all that this means.