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World Peace by 2015
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press release
Tuesday July 17, 2007 12:07 by Frank Muldowney - Believing in Harvey fmuldowney at yahoo dot com none 0061407435196

Irishman Mr Frank Muldowney believes we will have world peace in 8 years, speaking on behalf for ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker. MEDIA RELEASE
World Peace by 2015 – according to Harvey?
Irishman Mr Frank Muldowney believes we will have world peace in 8 years, speaking on behalf for ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker.
Mr. Muldowney’s story is miraculous. At 19 years old, he suffered a brain haemorrhage, reported with intensive brain damage after 8 hours of brain surgery. He lived in his own world for close to a year unable to speak or comprehend correctly, but he believed it was temporary, just like medical knowledge.
While improving his reading, Mr. Muldowney read a quote from Albert Einstein that confirmed his own belief of the power of the human mind – “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the entire world”
Mr. Muldowney then applied the philosophical strength of that quotation to his own recovery. Despite having no prior medical knowledge, he decided to ignore medical diagnosis and treatment and took charge of his own health, through physical training, travelling, walking and thinking of the future rather to the past. To 2003 Mr. Muldowney still suffers from epilepsy, visual, speech and comprehension problems, but rarely can anyone find anything wrong with him. Mr. Muldowney knew he must continue his journey by believing in his own self healing.
From 1989 to 1999, Mr. Muldowney completed 16 long distant walks for charity in several countries to improve himself and learn from the wisdom of others. These walks are pilgrimages where Mr. Muldowney learned that peace spreads from these walks. He then knew his journey of self healing can also work side by side with peace from one person to another. It came to be his belief that world peace will come from these historical paths.
The practice of being an advocate for world peace has accelerated vast improvements in Mr. Muldowney’s speech, comprehension and thinking skills over the last 2 years. In 2006 he used the same Einstein-inspired approach when he embarked on his 6,000km walk for peace across Australia carrying ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker, the catalyst who can join peoples dream for peace together.
“The truly important things of life are invisible, love, respect and morality, just like Harvey. When I talk about Harvey to people, you can feel the presence of peace, mentioning Mother Theresa, Gandhi or Martin Luther King. The dream for peace is in everyone’s heart, that dream cannot die, herein Harvey, and for once we all have something in common, of all races and creeds, we all want the same desire for peace, and be free”
“The wheelchair is a symbol for a world disabled by fear, racism and injustice,” said Mr. Muldowney.
Mr. Muldowney has now a simple but effective solution to end fear and war. When he walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and the trail to Macchu Piccu in Peru, he felt the power of peace, that violence has no place on these pilgrimages. He now aims to ask the councils, citizens and governments to acknowledge this walk for peace as an official pilgrimage and promote it as part of history of this country. If all the peace walkers across the world could be united to ask for the same request, this will replace areas of violence into pilgrimages of peace, and rid the world of the ignorance or hate and war.
Mr. Muldowney also saw the impact of tourism on these pilgrimages, for example, over 20,000 pilgrims walk across Spain each year, and that wave of peace spreads from nation to nation. Mr. Muldowney feels confident this idea of creating pilgrimages of peace is the path to world peace.
Symbols of tyranny, dictators and power encourages fear and war, but it never lasts, it is time to create symbols of peace, which will empower the people to participate in creating a peaceful future. Peace is the first thought, while thoughts of fear and war will become part of history.
“Living one’s own dream, one’s own imagination, being prepared to work hard for it, is the way to happiness, and happiness is the way to peace” Frank Muldowney
For full details -
Mr Frank Muldowney’s email -
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45Fair play to you Frank and all the best. You're an inspiration to us all.
Good luck on your journey Frank, you have inspired thousands of people in Australia and I cant wait to see you walking again in Ireland
Congratulations of your success so far on the walk. Peace xxx
"Mr. Muldowney also saw the impact of tourism on these pilgrimages, for example, over 20,000 pilgrims walk across Spain each year, and that wave of peace spreads from nation to nation"
Tourism will not bring peace. Only exploitation, the erosion of indigenous culture, environmental destruction and an increase in global warming. Get real frank. The walking is good for you and I am glad you inspire some people but it all seems a bit desperately delusional really. Humans are not nice frank. They don't WANT peace. They have too much to gain from war. I suggest you walk to a nice isolated place with no humans about, plenty of local wild food sources. Enjoy the peace and harmony there as long as you can until humans eventually find something we want there, wreck the place and start fightiing over it. At that point, if setting harvey on them doesn't work, walk somewhere else they haven't found yet. Enjoy while waiting for the inevitable. Keep doing it until you can't any more (and then hope for the best!)
Thats as near as you will get to peace in this world.
Negativity is one of the problems today, sir. The Pilgramiges are kept spotless in India, Spain, Israel etc. and does not damage the enviornment in fact they plant trees yearly, you are not knowledgable about these walks. Negative thinking and speaking, saying that people do not want peace, effects the thinking of our children of today. Mr Muldowney has walked in over 6 countries, and has never met one person who does not want peace. If you have walked these pilgramiges you would see a different opinion. You are intitled to your opinion, but you cannot speak for the human race that we do not want peace, that is your own words, not mine and not the words of the hundreds I have met in my life. Peace to you.
Humansuck - It is sad that you live in your own world of negativity and depression that will spreads to other people. You are speaking for yourself, and before being critical of other peoples achievments have a look at yourself - what have you achieved or just tried to achieve in your own life, then you have an opinion, but for now, just empty words.
I met this man on the way to Adelaide last year - his later thinking has got people thinking in away that maybe some have never even tried before. I believe Mr Muldowney's idea will be a popular theory, and will be practiced in many ways, medicine, life coaching etc. But just like Einstein and Van Gogh, only appreciate years after. Fair Play to ye
World Peace - An Irishmans vision of peace in 8 years
Update of the marathon, 15 month walk for peace across Australia by an Irishman who recovered from a brain haemorrhage 22 years ago.
Frank’s walking does the talking WORLD peace.
t’s the professed ambition of past and present world leaders – and beauty pageant contestants.
But can it be achieved by 2015? Frank Muldowney believes it can be done and he is walking
across the country to spread the word (see story on page 3).
It was Thursday when I received a call from a friend of mine who
works at Bargo Hotel. She told me about the interesting Irishman who visited
the pub on his way from Perth to Byron Bay, ‘‘walking for world peace’’.
When I first spoke to Frank I was intrigued by the imaginary figure he had created. Frank has pushed ‘‘Harvey’’ across the
country in a wheelchair and says
that Harvey serves to remind us that the world is disabled until we achieve world peace.
What makes Frank even more interesting is that he suffered
from a life-threatening brain haemorrhage when he was 19.
He said that since then he has wanted to inspire as many people
as he could with his philosophy of peace – that it is here.
Frank also told me that he was inspired by people like the Dalai
Lama, Mahatma Gandhi, Terry Fox, Martin Luther King and
Mother Theresa. After speaking with Frank I was
inspired by his determination to complete his walk and achieve
his ultimate goal. He told me that by announcing
a year for world peace – 2015 – people would be more focused.
Is he onto something? When I think about all of the
bad news we see in the media every day I amreminded of how
far we are from any sort of peace. But perhaps if our attitudes
changed. . . I understand that walking across a country is different to
running one, but maybe if the leaders of the world thought
more like Frank we wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Because although world peace seems so far away, to Frank it
is not. Maybe Frank is right, and if everyone believes that peace is as
close as 2015 then it will happen. Gandhi once said you must
‘‘be’’ the change that you want to see in the world – and that’s
exactly what Frank Muldowney is being.
Keep doing what you are doing Frank, you have put many negative minded 'people' to shame, and their laziness and jealousy will be shown in their own words ;-) Well done
I just think walking about the place will not change human nature and it is delusional to think so.
Having a go at me for pointing it out will not change that. (but knock yourself out if it gives you a warm fuzzy!)
Big long walks however will make you fit and evidently improve your social life and you could be doing worse things
(Leaving aside of course the unnecessary flights and the usual dangers of transmitting dangerous bacteria / viruses from place to place)
My problem is with the notion of encouraging lots of people to fly off to exotic locations to go for walks, transmitting our vapid culture and pathogens to the indigenous populations, getting infected with their pathogens, then bringing them home with us, generating lots of greenhouse gases along the way (which will endanger lots of these peoples lives) and feeling smug and self satisfied that we did it in the name of peace and not as an excuse to go on a nice long self gratifying holiday.
as long as it's just frank and harvey doing this kind of thing, harvey gets his shots and frank gets well checked out before and after by a doctor then it's fairly harmless I guess. When lots of people start doing it then the trouble starts. There are lots of good options to work towards peace and a better world that don't involve leaving the country at all
One suggestion: Instead of encouraging people to go off on nice walkies in exotic places, why not encourage them to go for a walk down to shannon airport to sit on the runway in the name of peace. If enough people did that for a few weeks, we'd really be doing something to directly encourage peace. (by making it slightly more difficult for US to prosecute an illegal war and expressing our opposition to same in a very public fashion, setting an example others could follow)
alas, not self gratifying enough for most humans.
I have read Mr, Muldowneys web site, and I admire that he has took on something that is extremely difficult to do. He is doing something from his heart to make a difference.
To those who support him, you will inspire him to keep on making differences on the way.
To those who critcise him, well, what are you doing about creating peace?
I heard about this guy in the Irish Echo about 2 months ago. Good onya, I know he has reached Sydney, thats about 5,000k he has walked, and if anyone has is mobile let me know as id love to walk with him.
I have walked several of the treks that Mr Muldowney has mentioned, and it is true, that pilramiges are not only good for improving the history of the town, but it does have a peaceful feeling around it. I hope this challenge will bring great rewards to Mr Muldowney and all of us.
Irishman Mr Frank Muldowney believes we will have world peace in 8 years, speaking on behalf for ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker in a wheelchair. It sounds brainless but this is not quite the case.
Mr. Muldowney’s story is miraculous. At 19 years old in 1985, he suffered a brain haemorrhage, reported with intensive brain damage after 8 hours of brain surgery. For close to a year, he lived in his own world in the future as he was unable to speak or comprehend correctly. He believed his disabilities were temporary, just like medical knowledge, everything changes in time.
While improving his reading, Mr. Muldowney read a quotation from Albert Einstein that confirmed his own belief of the power of the human mind – “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the entire world”
Mr. Muldowney then applied the philosophical strength of that quotation to his own recovery. Despite having no prior medical knowledge, he decided to ignore medical diagnosis and took charge of his own health, through physical training, travelling, learning, walking and thinking positively of the future rather than in the past. By 2003 Mr. Muldowney still suffered from epilepsy, visual, speech and comprehension problems, but rarely can anyone find anything wrong with him as his attitude improved his mental health. He knew he must continue his self healing through his mind and thoughts.
From 1989 to 1999, Mr. Muldowney completed 16 long distant walks for charity in several countries to improve himself, learning from the wisdom of others. These walks were pilgrimages where Mr. Muldowney discovered that peace grows and spreads from these walks. Peace within, in one's heart, is the most powerful source of healing. He then knew in his heart that world peace will come from these historical paths.
The practice of being an advocate for world peace has accelerated vast improvements in Mr. Muldowney’s speech, comprehension and thinking skills over the last 2 years. In 2006 he used the same Einstein-inspired approach when he embarked on his 6,000km walk for peace across Australia carrying ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker, the catalyst, who can unify peoples dream for peace.
“The truly important things of life are invisible, love, respect and morality, just like Harvey. When I talk about Harvey to people, you can feel the presence of peace, mentioning Mother Theresa, Gandhi or Martin Luther King. The dream for peace is in everyone’s heart, that dream cannot die, herein Harvey. For once we all have something in common, that all races and creeds, want the same desire for peace, and to be free of this symbolic wheelchair." - “The wheelchair is a symbol for a world disabled by fear, racism and injustice. We are all disabled until we have peace.” said Mr. Muldowney.
Mr. Muldowney’s solution to spread peace is simple. He walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and the trail to Macchu Piccu in Peru, where he felt the presence of peace. Violence never grows on these pilgrimages. He now aims to ask the councils, citizens and governments to acknowledge this walk for peace in Australia and Ireland as an official pilgrimage. He aims to promote it as part of history in these countries, and unify peace walkers of the world to join all these walks as one global pilgrimage for peace. This global pilgrimage will transform areas of violence into peace, and rid the world of the ignorance or hate and war.
Mr. Muldowney has a vision of small communities having a key role in promoting the pilgrimage in their town. This will empower the citizens of the town recording the pilgrims go past each day, spreading peace from person to person, from nation to nation.
Symbols and statues of tyranny, dictatorship and power, encourages fear and war. It is now time to create symbols of peace, where the people can participate in creating a peaceful path to the future. Peace is now the first thought, while thoughts of fear and war will become part of history.
“Living one’s own dream, one’s own imagination, being prepared to work hard for it, is the way to happiness, and happiness is the way to peace” Frank Muldowney.
For full details -
Good to see an image of this walker for peace, from his site. But I am not sure when he plans to be in Ireland doing his walk. We are planning a little peace walk of sorts soon in Ireland, FILLAWELLY 2, to help Kibera, Africas largest slum, in case anyone is interested in that as a warmer upper for when Frank Muldowney arrives.
Details about our own walk here, in very early stages:
Harvey walking 4 world peace by 2015
Nice to know there is an Irishman who gets off his back side and does something about it. Good for you Frank, and ignore the negative Irish people who go no where and complain how bad the world is when they know nothing about it.
I read the website linked to this story. Thank you Mr Muldowney for putting something positive into the media. We all read so much negative news and empty pointless comments which spreads more depression in peoples minds. This story is a breath of fresh air.
Irish Embassy - Canberra
A new update on the Irishmans walk,
It makes me proud to be Irish that one of our sons are making a difference abroad.
Johnathon Ng, Picture on the highway as Frank Muldowney pushing Harvey, with the support team behind.
He plans to walk across the Harbour Bridge with 50+ peace walkers. Media releases have been sent to all the newspapers and TV and radio stations
I love this story, and I love the quotation from Einstein - Imagination is more important than knowledge - as I know its more true than most people think. If one thinks of the problems you see in front of you now, then you get stuck, and nothing is achieved. If however you ignore the obvious problems of today and think in the future, that is where the solutions come from. Mr Muldowney I presume is a lateral thinker, and that is why he will always be ahead of most peoples thinking, even though it will take years to be understood.
What an inspiring story. xx Carol
The walker with 'Harvey' will cross the Harbour Bridge on Sunday the 29th. Mr Muldowney will be requesting a film crew to record the event.
Mr Muldowney spoke about both Ireland and Australia, being used for war games and indeed strategic locations for the US. "It is immoral to use our nation as a strategic locations. Rather than sit and complain about it, better to create awareness of thes matters with everyone and continue creating visions of peace to compete with the negativity that grows fear."
web site
Fair Play Frank, keep doing what you are doing, you never know what good you may do!
The story will be published in the Picton Newspaper next week. Cheers
I received this media release yesterday by web page
Hi, The stroy 'Believing in Harvey' is being followed by Dutch news papers, if any members of Facebook or You Tube, there is more information their also. Forward this stroy, it seems to be spreading from country to country.
I beleive this story will be published in either the Sunday Irish Mail next week or the Irish Times.
For the full article in the Sydney loacl newspaper
What a wonderful achievement. I dont know if any Irishman has ever walked across Australia before or any continent. I read about his aims to create a Pilgrimage of Peace joined between Ireland & UK and onwards as you cannot stop a pilgrimage if the governments allow it. What a brilliant idea. I support him fully in what he is doing. Well done Mr Muldowney
Brilliant concept Frank, I hope it drop many seeds in peoples minds - Namaste
Mr Muldowney is on the final stage now from Sydney to Byron Bay
Congrats! To the dubliner.
Mr Muldowney has reached Newcastle. 5,170km completed. I believe there is another 700km left to Byron Bay. M
Well done Frank, it's an amazing achievement
Newcastle Herald has an article about the story - and NBN TV interviewed Mr Muldowney as he walked into Gosford
Good luck on your last stage of this massive journey. It was a joy to meet mr Muldowney in Newcastle, and the interview with the local newspaper will be published next weekend. Keep me posted about the rest of the walk.
Well done Frank, I expect to hear you on the Radio when you reach Taree.
What a Man!!!! Makes me proud to be a human :) And he is Irish too, so well used to the Begrudgers :) Get on with it.
I do hope he comes to Tara. XXX
I met a man there once, not all that long ago who told me he walked 5 countries for the dead. He told us he would come back and stand with us in our peaceful protest, we never heard a word since. He disappeared into the night.
O I do hope that on his Walk to Connemara, finally back on the Old sod, that he met good people like himself and found shelter and hospitality. And I do hope that he walks back someday, with more people!!! Like he said he would.
Good onya!! Down Under
The Irish Terry Fox! Well done XXX
I am just wondering does anyone know when the walk ends? Thank you
"And he is Irish too, so well used to the Begrudgers :)
what begrudgers? this thread is like stepford (if you'll excuse the pun! :)
This Free view Film is a must for all to understand the Mechanics behind War on a National and Global level. Don't be put off by the first 37 minutes , as it progresses right up to your - Pupil.
That thing in your Eye that makes Pupils of us all ,as we ingest over 90%of our information through it.
There is a quote from Jimi Hendrix in it. ..'When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the World will know Peace'.
I am researching about Mr Muldowney. His philosophy is not new, but he is the first person I know of who has taken on something far too big to even comprehend of creating global peace by a basic simple way of live decently. However!
From a Credit Union Manager, to now an Advocate for peace who has clearly gathered strength and from the UPF and the Church of scientologhy are trying to use his purity, but Mr Muldowney stayes frim to his own believe of human kindness, and stand to his own beliefs..
He has ignored all the companies who wish to sponsor him, and he is living of a loan from his local credit union, to show how much he believes in his own way of creating peace between friends one by one.
I think the quote that drives him on is a powerful one
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, Knowledge is limited" - Einstein
And that quite will never go out of date, as knowledge changes day by day, nothing is solid.
So when one says we will never have peace, then that opinion is just your own, with not much foundations, however one who believes in world peace, thats when the possibilities of peace grow, it depends does one wish to use their imaginations or not.
Mr Muldowneys achievements are remarkable, and I believe his plans in Iraq, Israel, and the USA is possible if the UN consider his ideas. for more information