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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17All I can say is that this latest "protest" post is more absolute twadle from the militant and disenfranchised provo element in our society. When are you going to get the message that you and your type are no longer welcome in the new dispensation, post the Good Friday Agreement and its sequale! We no longer have a constitutional claim to Northern Ireland,(approved by the people of Ireland by an overwhelming majority). That, my silly friend is called democracy, though you and your terrorist buddies were never fond of that really, now were you!!
Democracy. So what's the story with the kings and queens and princes and dukes then? I don't remember the election where they all got in.
Queen Elizabeth is the head of state of the United Kingdom which is our nearest neighbour. it is not the place of the Irish population to comment on another states choice of head of choice. If the people of UK want to oust the Queen that is their choice not ours. As a mature modern state i feel that a visit from the head of state of our nearest neighbour is welcome. it can only increase trade tourism etc both ways. increased understanding is better than mistrust. UK is far from perfect but then so are we here in Ireland. I know four or five hundred will protest but millions will not. Queen Elizabeth is seen as a good inststition in UK with only 10-20% seeking a British Republic.
But that moment hasn't arrived has it? If only 20% of the UK's citizens when dragged from their foraging for grubs & whatever else it is they do think the UK would better be represented by an anonymous committee with a figure head like Blair or Brown, Bush or Clinton - then good on them. They are welcome in Eire or as long as they can last in a Barcelona squat before the riot cops kick them out.
But fact is - the modern day Erse doesn't forage for grubs or read tabloids. We are a noble proud people who cherish our republican values & would prefer a visit from Ratzinger or the Spice Girls.
The Queen has signed the UK onto the EU agenda which is perceived as 'Papish' and
stands accused of breaching her duty to Church (of which she is suppousedly head)
add to that her pet snake Blair is getting confession off the pope and Opus Dei
have infiltrated and tried to split the home office.
{Ruth Kelly and John Reid).
Globalised religion has hit the brits!
Of course the history of the religions in the UK is rather colourful: especially
that of Queen Elizabeth I, under whose statue Bertie was so magnificently poised
to re-engage with the empire, O so recently? Other little problems with infiltration of
UK independence are showing in near schism within the worldwide Anglican community
and the walkout of a whole department in theology at Oxford.
Does no-one read the papers/
I don't like the idea of royal families, but the Queen is the British head of the State and we should
welcome her to this country as a means of improving diplomatic relations. If and when the queen
comes, you'll find the people who'll scream most loudly against her visit are the reactionary "Little Irelander" rags of An Phoblacht, the Irish Political Review and Gerry McGeough's the Hibernian.
In a time of global crisis grounded in this woman's governments support of illegal war
silly little differences like Republican don't really count do they?
Everyone who is opposed to the US/UK war machine and global agenda of absorbing cultural
differences to feed profit for their empire should come out and protest. the woman is both a
symbolic figurehead of that war and the head of the Church in England.
The republican agenda is too narrow anyway, they need to engage with community issues
and leave behind the stupid flag waving, its immaterial to me who waves what anymore.
I see this posted a lot these days and frankly don't get it. Is this some title to dismiss people who want to try and preserve what's left of our heritage and autonomy before we are fully swallowed up into little Europeans. We know that nationalism and Republicanism are now derogatory terms and that most forms of speaking about Ireland as an independant country are emotionally charged with collective guilt, shame and indignation. So what term does a person use who wants to see this country freed from the tentacles of the EU, a more independant country which trades and has a free flow of capital and people, one that preserves our heritage as a people with an identity and a cultural story, and most importantly one that has real democracy with real local government. Perhaps in twenty years time we'll finally wake up and want this but by then we'll be completely paralysed in the spider's web.
With regard to the Queens visit we see the same snide remarks about Republicanism with the usual references to how open and progressive we now are. However we never openly debate with the Nationalists or people with other dissenting opinions about how they feel about this, so are we really that open and progressive or is it all just a mass hypnosis to bury the past and castrate what we don't want to look at.
No doubt Beverley Cooper Flynn is preferable in a ministerial post in the Irish government than the Queen paying a social call to this country. Am I missing something?
Theres still too much baggage, too much hurt, too much history,to even contemplate a visit by Queen Eliabeth to this relativaly new republic. Our people are still in the main Roman Catholic. That can not be denied. When the British Government and the monarchy of Great Britian get rid of that bigoted and insulting law that forbids any ruling monarch to be or to marry a Roman Catholic,then maybe we can think about allowing the ruling monarch to visit here officaly. If she wants to come for a private holiday thats no problem. Im sure theres a lot of B and B s around the country that would be well able to provide her with accomadation and a hearty breakfast.
The only practising catholics in this country are the newly arrived poles, who have
bi-lingual bank machines and phone services. The UK is full of neo-creationists and
the Queen no longer heads the Church of Henry the 8th- indeed she is proto-catholic
herself. That is a ridiculous argument grounded in propaganda. Move on, she is
the supporter of the Bush regime and her cabinet headed by Mr Blair prosecuted
an illegal war. But lets all suck the republican wounds that are kept open by those
who make political capital out of them. Its childlike to suggest that the Queen is absorbing
irish culture when most attacks on our culture and identity are carried out by
right wing parties such as FF and their little lap-dogs SF who did not back any community
protest and took a massive electoral hit for it.
Re Who says so..Your definitly under 30.. F the poles and the Eastern Europeans...Im talking about Ireland and England... That law means more to us than any Levi red label russiki or warsaw pole.. they have their own problems with the Germans. Leave us alone to sort our own problems with Missy Queen Lizzie
if ever an excuse was needed to wreck the place Lizzie should provide it . Her visit could well prove a cathartic experience . It should be resolutely opposed for the sake of our own national dignity if nothing else.
Every opinion poll that I have seen on this issue has given one clear message: The Queen is not welcome while the British Government occupys any part of Ireland against the will of 80% of the population of Ireland.
RSF are on the ball this time. They have majority support on this issue.
They also do on the issue of a parade by a group of right wing religious and political fanatics (with support from the upper class of the Free-State) to march past the GPO in Dublin.
Well its the Queens right to visit any land she wants. She is the queen that is a fact, but she is also a human being. She has not been issued a persona non gratas label by any Irish Government and as such she has the right to visit the republic anytime she wants. Granted she needs to organise some added security. If she does visit I wont be out celebrating, Ill probably be working or doing things I want to do, but I will not tolerate the republicans using this as another excuse to act up. Its the very same as the Love Ulster parade. They have the right to march through our streets, same way as we have the right to peacefully oppose this. Peacefully opposing means petitions and lining the route with civilised placards and non-aggressive behaviour. Anyone who attempts to physically or violently oppose this should be put in jail.
Sorry I dont mean to rain on anyones parade, but these people have the right to do these things if they want just the same as anyone against has the right to peacefully oppose it.
She is the queen that is a fact
Who gives a fugh what title this old moneygrabber has been bestowed by virtue of coming from a long bloodline of landgrabbers and killers. Only a social illiterate would equate her "right" to visit with the unobtrusive right of any tourist, there will be nothing normal about her visit, it will be a celebration of all things west british and a fawnfest for the lickspittles who would have us back in the "commonwealth" at the drop of a chin.
Anyone who attempts to physically or violently oppose this should be put in jail.
I suspect that's what you're hoping and you won't be too worried if the pigs fail to use their famous powers of disretion between peaceful and violent protest, doubtless the likes of innocents like robocop will be on duty.
A daft idea perhaps, though we might surmise that possibly Bertie is looking for a (honorary) Knighthood before he retires.... ???