Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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Have we finally reached peak woke? Have we developed a vaccine to the woke mind virus? Like a dying religion, it's certainly in retreat. But some disciples of Wokus Dei are still clinging on.
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Migrant Who Sexually Assaulted Woman Stays in UK After Claiming He is Gay Sat Mar 15, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
A Pakistani man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman and lived in Britain illegally for 11 years was allowed to stay after he claimed he was gay, despite offering no evidence.
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Reform Would Win Local Elections ? But Angela Rayner Cancelled Them Sat Mar 15, 2025 13:00 | Will Jones
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Declined: Chapter 12: Theo Sat Mar 15, 2025 11:00 | Molly Kingsley
Chapter 12 of Declined is here ? a dystopian satire by Molly Kingsley about the emergence of a social credit system in the UK. This week: amid threats to have their children removed, Poppy goes missing from school.
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There?s a Whole Lotta Political Engineering Goin? On Sat Mar 15, 2025 09:00 | James Alexander
There's something distinctly illiberal about what goes under the name 'Political Science', says Prof James Alexander. Half its practitioners want to control our thoughts and the rest wonder why no one trusts government.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28Looks like about 30 people.
I think thats a small section of the crowd yawn, Sallins has very small roads. Im sure as other pics become availbale they will be put up.
Looks very vibrant!
Gerry Adams delivers the main oration - great day!
Main oration
Why did Gerrry Adams shake the hand of the worlds greatest terrorist- Bush. And McGuinness, 'I told him in private what I thought'....and then he went off to the States to get some photo shots with Kissinger- the man responsible for that other 9/11/1974, the one that no-one gives a shit about or talks about. Is it because its all in the past now?
I used to be supportive of S F, but now, these actions defy logic.
Why are SF silent on the new mi5 headquarters being moved to the north while talking about a United Ireland similtaneously??
Bobby Sands was a republican, Che guevara was a socialist. Why are they on a Sinn Fein banner?
Because Sinn Fein are a Republican, Socailist Party, thats why and the only party capable of delivering the ideals of Bobby and Che.
Good to see a good turnout from Ogra. I was on the march-not with ogra-though i am the age but the large crowd of ogras ones looked well!!!
That first banner is terrible, it makes Bobby Sands look like a cartoon character. Gerry Adams speaking at Tone's grave is an insult to the man and the many brave men and women who over the years gave their lives to the cause of Irish Freedom.
Adams is a latter day De Valera who led people up the garden path, then sold out for a slice of political power.
I agree Pete b.Adams has consistantly and systematically led SF supporters up the garden path in a stomach churning display of egotism.He and his hand picked leadership cling to their failed strategy in the "comical Ali" type believe that they can deliver a 32 county Socialist Republic from within the constraints they have placed on this by signing up to two succesive disasterous treatys ie Good Friday Agreement and St A ndrews Agreement.
There was a time when even I believed them in the believe that people like them who suffered and lived with suffering all around them would not sell out.I will not be fooled again just like the thousands of abandoned SF voters in be seiged working class communities whom gave their answer in recent general election by not voting for SF or even giving a preference.
But would Adams accept responsibility for his strategy falling at the first fence,would he accept it was wrong to give the Irish electorate the impression that the problems of "the north" were now resolved by dynamic actions like entering power sharing withthe DUP,embracing policing and completing decommisioning.
No of course not,egotism struck again and it manifested itself in his Wolfe Tones graveside oration when he said Republicanism must make itself relevent to the Irish electorate.I wonder where he left the white horse he rode in on.
provos should feel very uneasy and a degree of shame while they walked the road to bodenstown.
they administer brit rule and recognise british policing in ireland.who are they trying to fool besides themselves ha ha.
the true republican movement held the annual commemoration last sunday (republican sinn fein)and i'd just like to let these former republicans(a lot of them look like college students)that it was 1 of the largest turnouts in a while.
dan hobans from mayos speech was amazing.
the true movement is rebuilding and regrouping and recruiting.
a message to anybody who attended the provo sinn fein comm.i'm not attacking yous individually.
i'm sure yer republican and mean well.
its the adams led leadership that i cant stand as they are guilty of the highest form of treachery and should be treated as such.
open yer eyes and come back to republicanism,theres work to be done
I am confused.
Are you talking about yourselves? Are you Republican Imposters!!!
Strange - we don't recall you back in the days of the Hunger Strikes
Jack Russell......a forager
Those who sit down and seek PEACE are true Republicans who have been to hell and back and learnt from the experience e.g. A life is precious and should never be taken for any cause.
Unknown Soldier of Destiny
Do socialist parties introduce water charges and privatise ports - as PSF have done in Stormont Castle? Do Irish Republican organisations administer British misrule?
Republican have sought peace and continue to do so. Eire Nua put forward by Republican Sinn Fein and supported by the Republican Movement seeks a genuine lasting peace in teh context of a free Ireland. What peace do these provos offer? occupation continues partition continues and provos involved in collaboration and admintering British rule in Ireland. Eire Nua is peace, GFA is pacification. Eire Nua is Republicanism, british occupation is provisionalism
ps- was quite pleased to see such low numbers at the provo bodenstown this year i guess to busy commemorationg the somme.
jack russel your having a laugh yes.
i took part in the h block commitees marches all over the country in 81 you pathetic creature.
where were you???
the people who i think your directing your weak response to ie,rsf people..were also there in 81 when they were members of provisional sinn fein.
fortunatly they had the sence to regroup and continue the honourable name sinn fein when former comrades dragged it through leinster house and eventually stormont...and wait for it..soon to be westminster.
surely you dont need a history lesson.
your no republican you hypocrite and liar.
now wee jack russel..your breed are well known for chasing and catching RATS so find the scent and go up to stormont(the seat of british rule in occupied ireland..i'm sure theres plenty to choose from up there
mr maguinnes should be your first victim
slan go foill mo chara beag
I totally agree with you.
Your article intrigued me and gave me confidence and the word pathetic echoed in my Jack Russell ears as far as the New Lodge of the Antrim Road. Yes many people are disillusioned since 1997 - many people are disillusioned with the word Republicanism and I realise that there are many prisoners in Maghaberry Jail in Belfast, awaiting trial, for their spirit other Republicanism - one is a friend of mine and Joe is there many years now.
It saddened me the way Brendan Darkie Hughes dies - myself and Squid and Darkey had a pint some years ago in Cassidys on the Antrim Road. There are many things I don't agree with but one of them Gerry is personal attacks - I don't like them. Like you in 1981 I was around. I was having no sarcastic remarks on Republican Sinn Fein.
Tom Barry came back from the Battle of the Somme. My grandfather came back from the Battle of the Somme and they both, with their friend Ernie O'Malley, in the War of Freedom 1916-22. No I don't need a lesson in History.
By the way speaking of Rats - standing now in O'Connell Street, or Moore Street or any Street - you are only 3 m. away from a 4 legged rat - and Gerry that is a matter of Health.
McGuinness is a rat and thats your view Gerry - have you ever heard of Kieran Nugent (the first man to ever refuse prison clothes) you probably have. He died sadly too (reclusive).
My question is Gerry - what solutions do you have? Ireland is facing recession - it is facing a reality check, reminiscent of the 1980's. Oil prices are sky high; hundreds of bankers, accountants, lawyers are being arrested in America for Sub prime lending fraud. I realise we don't have impartiality here between Judiciary and Government. Where does RSF stand on the deaths of the Rossiter boy and Wheerlock boy? Where does the RSF stand in relation to the shooting of John Carty (bipolar) at Abbeylara? By the way, what is your view on Gerry Kelly, personally I think he looks well in his pin stripe suit.
Gerry, it is easy to criticise a Peace Movement. It is easy to criticise any human being who does not agree with you but very few wise men criticise because they know they have no solution.
I respect your views but please respect mine (without the personal attack).
Jack Russell
'We don't learn from history - we just become more bitter'
Unknown Soldier
i take your point on board..i shouldn't have attacked you personally as i dont know you and you dont know me either..
its just the sellout of the adams led leadership disgusts me.imo its worse than collins treaty of surrender.
the dark died a lonely death.adams turned his back on this republican legend..even had his flat in divis flat bugged so he could attempt to stamp out descent.a disgrace but i'm not surprised to how low adams the ego crazy,power hungry traitor will stoop.
kieran nugent the man who said (u'll have to nail it on to my back) lived like a wineo under a bridge am i right.these republican heroes should have been treated a lot better...maybe if they wanted power in stormont they would have been!!
i too know some in portlaoise gaol...they and i most certainly are not disilluisioned by the word republicanism.
theres work to be done in rebuilding a once proud revoluitionary movement..
if you are disilluisioned mo chara talk to people you know in rsf..i'm sure you do..and see what you want to do!!
as i said in my earlier post..i'm not attacking psf members/supporters personally..its the leadership i despise.
dont be a sheep and just follow the shepherd blindly.stand up and be counted mo chara.
again i apologise for personal attacks.
The trouble is that PSF are not a peace movement - they are a instrument of pacification against the Irish people. There is a big different between peace and pacification. In fact Sinn Féin Poblachtach and CIRA are a genuine peace movement because they strive for a genuine basis for lasting peace.
yes, a genuine and lasting peace - over the dead bodies of anyone who disagrees with them!
Hi Jack Russell !
" Where does RSF stand on the deaths of the Rossiter boy and Wheerlock boy? Where does the RSF stand in relation to the shooting of John Carty (bipolar) at Abbeylara? By the way, what is your view on Gerry Kelly, personally I think he looks well in his pin stripe suit."
Re Brian Rossiter and Terence Wheelock -
(Motion 32)
Re John Carthy -
(No 8)
And Mr Kelly does indeed look well in his pin-stripe suit , but clothes don't make the man....
why is comment about the provo sf 2008 comemoration tacked on to this 2007 article? even in the indymedia upcoming events section there is nothing at all about the 08 provo sf bodenstown
function been listed as taking place on Sun 22
are they getting embarrased about being linked to Tone ? or to republicanism in general maybe
has word gone out from gerry and the other rich suits that they should now play it down? start disassociating themselves from past links that they would previuosly have embraced?
it looks like that anyway and about time.
Why, yes you're absolutely right. Sinn Fein is now distancing itself from Wolfe Tone. You figured out the masterplan. You are now officially a genius. People who tell you that event notices are not put on indymedia because the trolls from RSF come on with barking mad assertions about $inn Feign and Armani Suits, and no one can be bothered to argue with them, are lying to you as part of the conspiracy... dont listen to them!
Hi conspiraloony !
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist or a 'loony' to recognise that Luke has a point : the Provisionals themselves , for the first year that I know of , have not availed of the publicity offered by Indymedia to publicise their Bodenstown Commemoration , yet have done so - and continue to do so - to help publicise other events they have planned or are planning.
His point about an old thread (ie from 2007) being re-opened is valid - why didn't one of their many PRO's start a new thread - either here and/or on the 'Upcoming Events' section re their 2008 Commemoration? Your point about 'RSF trolls' is a bum steer : RSF and other groups advertise their events etc on this site and , in doing so , are prepared to argue their case against those who verbally attack them : have the Provisionals really got no more fight left in them ?
I am a little bit bemused by all the commotion in relation to Bodenstown. Fianna Fail lay placks there every year, Fine Gael - the old Labour and the new Labour. O by the way Sharon, the old labour emerged from the Officials (the stickies) and they haven't gone away Sharon. Maybe your grandfather will read you the story. I checked the website you referred me too - talk about a mixture of Paris Hilton and Michael McDowell. If it was an ego maniac political time tunnell from Brian Boru to Red Hugh.
Let's all this year come together and if it was Eamonn De Valera - let us all come together and dance at the crossroads. The boys and girleens can do the Tipperarry jig. Gerry Adams will give a speech on how to live in the Jungle (say Columbia). Now Sharon let us get serious, the IRA campaign from 1956 to 1962 (Border Campaign) sadly did not work. Ireland today Sharon is a whole different country. Our young Irish men and women don't acknowledge history or religion as a priority in their lives anymore. Right now, with the economy like a bubble - the bluff is soon to pour out and Denial to step in.
So Sharon with respect - give us an outline of your party's Ard Fheis for the next time. Of course I mentioned the Rossiter boy and the Wheelock boy - have you any legal grasp to understand what McDowell did to cover up the Rossiter investigation. Who are the RSF's spokes people on Finance, Health, Education, Environmentand now now you should have one for immigration...more on the way; just like the impact worldwide of sub prime lending.
My cat Dig Out is capable of setting up a blog - a blog is sometimes like Mr. and Mrs. Voicemail. Before the English ever came here to take on Ulster in the 1500's - we the Irish were always squabbling amongst ourselves about land and territory. When you say the provos have lost the heart for the fight - could you clarify what Fight? Internally through the democratic process, the people voted for Peace and it was supported by at least 94% of every person on the Island of Ireland. There is a lot of fault in Sinn Fein I agree and I think Gerry Kelly looks well in the Dunnes Stores suit - he is back to buying Irish rather than Saville Row!! I mean Sharon, you have to hand it to Kelly while having talks with Senator Mitchell, the British and Irish Governments, it is alleged that Kelly bedded Mitchell's secretary.
Give us some positive answer in relation to the Rossiter and Wheelock boys? Our prison system is a shambles and total denial applies. Both Cork and Mountjoy are unfit for human habitation. So Sharon, perhaps we can cancel the dance at Bodenstown and face reality. Ireland has come a long way since 1997 and 95% of the Republican movement went with it. Also, it is alleged that it hasn't gone away.
'A cause can be a purpose but love is a passion and a vision is a challenge' by G, Kelly, Philosopher, Visionary and former revolutionary
Hi again , Jack !
No need to be "bemused" re Bodenstown - I was simply echoing another posters query re why the provisionals failed to advertise their Wolfe Tone Commemoration on this site , as they usually do . Simple as !
And I only wish my poor Grandfather was still alive - he would be equally amused and disgusted at the quality and quantity of your postings. What a waste of a keyboard.
Thanks anyway for the history lesson : pity your entire post wasn't as brief.
The websites I referred you too were in connection with the info you requested re the RSF position on , as you put it , the "Rossiter and Wheelock boys" - you thought RSF had been silent on those two issues , you were proved wrong . Tough.
"Let's all this year come together and if it was Eamonn De Valera - let us all come together and dance at the crossroads. The boys and girleens can do the Tipperarry jig. Gerry Adams will give a speech on how to live in the Jungle (say Columbia). Now Sharon let us get serious, the IRA campaign from 1956 to 1962 (Border Campaign) sadly did not work. Ireland today Sharon is a whole different country. Our young Irish men and women don't acknowledge history or religion as a priority in their lives anymore. Right now, with the economy like a bubble - the bluff is soon to pour out and Denial to step in."
That is one hell of a messy rant , Jack . You're all over the place , missing each target by a mile as you whoosh by , in a hurry to set your sights a mile wide for the next target . Compose yourself , man , and then compose what it is you are trying to say . Then maybe we can discuss issues in a coherent fashion.
As my old Grandad used say - " I can't make head nor tail of that" !
The date of the next RSF Ard Fheis will be publicised on this site and elsewhere , as usual , and same will be expanded on after the event . How the hell can you leap from an RSF Ard Fheis ,to Michael McDowell , to immigration and sub prime lending in the one paragraph and still hope to make sense? See "old Grandad" quote , above.
" Cat Dig Out blog Mr and Mrs Voicemail... " ?
In a rare moment of near-clarity you wrote - "Before the English ever came here to take on Ulster in the 1500's - we the Irish were always squabbling amongst ourselves about land and territory." We were indeed , and probably always will be . But it's a different story when 'the neighbours' interfere in an in-house squabble...
" When you say the provos have lost the heart for the fight - could you clarify what Fight? "
They are content to administer 'power' in an area for an institution they once fought against which then claimed and continues to claim jurisdictional control over that particular area . 'Two and two' , Jack : add it up and answer your own question.
"Internally through the democratic process, the people voted for Peace and it was supported by at least 94% of every person on the Island of Ireland."
Amazing ! Especially when one considers that 43.97 per cent of those entitled to vote in this State didn't bother to do so , and 19 per cent of those entitled to vote in the Six Counties didn't bother to do so. Good on ya , Jack - don't let the facts get in the way of a good quote .
Your "Gerry Kelly/Mitchell" comment is childish and I won't be commenting on it.
"Give us some positive answer in relation to the Rossiter and Wheelock boys?"
No more than anyone else , we haven't got the "answers" . We have queries and suspicions , as do others.
" Our prison system is a shambles and total denial applies. Both Cork and Mountjoy are unfit for human habitation. So Sharon, perhaps we can cancel the dance at Bodenstown and face reality. Ireland has come a long way since 1997 and 95% of the Republican movement went with it. Also, it is alleged that it hasn't gone away."
Yes , of course , Jack . Just like "94% of every person on the Island of Ireland..." etc Figures are not one of your stronger points , are they ?
Thanks anyway !
BBC website today:'Four men have been arrested in County Armagh in police raids against dissident republicans.
The arrests were made after searches of houses in Lurgan. It is thought the raids were targeted at the Continuity IRA.
The men have been taken to Antrim police station.
Earlier this week, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde warned the threat from dissident republicans was at its highest level for several years. '
This is excellent news. Many thanks to the PSNI. These people are a real danger (including to themselves), and in common with most Irish people I am delighted that more are being locked up. Keep up the good work, and many thanks to the police.
Hi Anti-Republican !
I want to extend a belated but hearty CONGRATS! to the forces of law and order in Guildford who , not so long ago (!) pulled-in four other men for questioning re "terrorist activity" . "This is excellent news. Many thanks to the forces of law and order. These people are a real danger (including to themselves), and in common with most Irish people I am delighted that more are being locked up. Keep up the good work, and many thanks to the police."
sharon - you are very welcome. i do believe that many lessons have been learned since 1974, and that it doesn't follow that people arrested for criminal activity today are inevitably innocent. A stray thought: which is most likey to reach the right conclusion? A court case with witnesses, evidence and a jury, or a few hooded thugs presided over by, say, yourself? Hard choice here: take the word of the psni, or you and rsf. hmmmm.
With any luck, you might end up safe and sound, and secure, yourself in the near future. meanwhile. congrats again to the psni. keep up the good work. like most irish people, I am very grateful for your efforts.
Hi again !
"A stray thought: which is most likey to reach the right conclusion? A court case with witnesses, evidence and a jury, or a few hooded thugs presided over by, say, yourself?"
You're right , of course . All those furnishings (ie witnesses etc) were missing from Donegal , which is why things went wrong .
I don't wear hoods - they tend to ruin my hair. Have you any idea of how much a visit to the hairdressers is now ?
"With any luck, you might end up safe and sound, and secure, yourself in the near future. meanwhile. congrats again to the psni. keep up the good work. like most irish people, I am very grateful for your efforts."
Thanks for the good wishes - much appreciated ! Up yours , too . (only joking!).
And yes - the RUC/PSNI learned well from their colleagues in Guildford . God bless them all.
Keep in touch , won't ya ?