Galway - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Los Angeles poet at Sheridan's Wine Bar
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event notice
Thursday May 31, 2007 01:21
by Over The Edge

Los Angeles poet joins Galway writers at Sheridan’s Wine Bar

Over The Edge presents a reading by John Menaghan, Mary Madec, Gary King & Mags Treanor at Sheridan’s Wine Bar, 14-16 Church Yard Street, Galway on Friday, June 15th, 8pm.
John Menaghan was born in New Jersey to Irish-American parents. He teaches literature and creative writing at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he also serves as Director of both the Irish Studies and Summer in Ireland programs and runs the annual Irish Cultural Festival. His most recent collection of poems, ‘She Alone’ - a book-length poetic sequence, which traces the life of an imaginary woman from birth to death and beyond – was published last year by Salmon Poetry. It has been described by the prestigous Hudson Review as “one of the best books of 2006.”
Mary Madec is from Mayo but has lived in Philadelphia, Dublin and now Galway. She started writing seriously in 2004. Since then her poems have appeared in Crannog, West 47, The Cuirt Annual and The Shop. She was a Featured Reader at the November 2005 Over The Edge: Open Reading in Galway City Library. Mary was shortlisted for the Cuirt Festival/Over The Edge showcase reading in both 2006 & 2007. She was chosen to take part in this year’s Poetry Ireland Introductions readings.
Gary King was the joint runner-up in this year’s Cuirt Festival Poetry Grand Slam. He has read his poems at the popular White House reading series in Limerick, and was a Featured Reader at an Over The Edge: Open Reading in February 2003. He was short-listed for the 2006 Cuirt Festival/Over The Edge showcase reading. Gary’s poems have been published widely in magazines such as Poetry Nottingham, Criterion, West 47 & The Burning Bush. A chapbook of his poems, Ambiguous Lights, was published by Over The Edge in 2004.
Mags Treanor was born in Dublin in 1965. She now lives in Galway where she writes both fiction and poetry. She is currently working on her novel, ‘Girl Racer’. Her work has been anthologised by New Island Press, West47 online, the Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly, the Cuirt Annual and also broadcast on RTE Radio One. She was a Featured Reader at the May 2006 Over The Edge: Open Reading and was shortlisted for the 2007 Cuirt Festival/Over The Edge showcase reading. Maverick Press recently published her collection of poems and short-stories, ‘Two Night Stand’.
There is no entrance fee. All welcome. For further information contact 087-6431748.
Over The Edge acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and Galway City Council.