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Comments (14 of 14)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14they have repeatedly issued press statements on this issue based on this silly notion that an 'all-ireland stategy' will somehow solve the problem. Tagging the issue to this idea is distracting from the real solutions and, not for the first time, have OSF been challanged on this issue without any real response.
As predicted, political parties will start clogging up indymedia space with opportunist attampts to promote their party profiles in the run up to the elections. Using suicide is quite distastful.
In all the hype around the elcetion it is good to see Ógra taking notice of the suicide prevention alliance and are publicly advocating support for them.
I am a member of PIPS in Belfast and a person who had a relative who took their own lives believe me, Ogra and Sinn Fein have been extremely helpful in terms of support for us.
I think the two remarks above are typical of the cynicism of some commentaters on Suicide is a major issue but SF and Ogra for 1 are not toying - it is genuine support.
I would ask the 2 'commentatores' above what have they done for suicide and self harm prevention?
Good to see support Ogra!
Personally i am extremely impressed at the suicide prevention initiatives promoted by PIPS and other groups. Suicide has reached epidemic proportions in the north as we know and the selfless service put in by individuals including outreach work flies in the face of the competitive dog eat dog values that todays society has been destroyed by.
If republicans including ogra members are helping such initiatives then that is great and i genuinely salute and respect everyone of them for their efforts as i do yourself and yours.
But the fact is the above protest is an election stunt, its message 'an all ireland approach' (not problematic in itself) is tailor made for the forthcoming elections and i believe it is distastful.
I have lost members of my extended family through suicide and would not toy with the issue for a single second to get digs in at republicans, despite the fact that i very much could so given the particular circumstances.
As regards 'what have we done?' the ABC is a very small organization in its embryonic stages, yet it if you look at the website below you will see it has placed a major emphasis on the problems of female suicide in maghaberry prison. We believe that conditions in prisons encourage suicide and that those conditions are allowed to exist because the public is turning the other way.
We try to combat that by raising awareness and letting the prison system know that somebody is watching. We will be hosting a public meeting at the west Belfast feile to do just that. It will be entitled 'death behind bars' and is booked for the culturlann on the 8th of August.
Indeed it would be great if yourself and your group could come and hear what we have to say.
Le meas
I am also someone who has lost a close relative to suicide.
In my opinion the OSF campaign is all profile and no substance. Ogra Sinn Fein members have been continuously asked a series of very important questions about the nature and role of their campaign - questions they have failed to answer.
Irrespective of what individuals might do, the entire OSF comes down to 'an all Ireland strategy of suicide prevention' with, it appears, the emphasis on the 'all Ireland'. Sudicide knows no boundaries and to suggest that a strategy will be more successful, simply because it is based on the geographical island of Ireland rather than on political boundaries, is really not an answer at all.
In fairness to OSF, at least they did something. The campaign may have been ineffectual enough, but something is better than nothing. However I do agree that if you talk about an 'all-Ireland approach, you need to suggest what that approach should be.
Ironically, in a thread emphasising an All Ireland approcah, the chose a photograph exclusively consisting of people from the 6 counties. There was one taken at the 2006 Ard-Fhies as well, perhaps that would have been more appropriate?
As much as it would pain me normally to give credit to YFG, they have been the most pro-active on this.
Ogra's involvement in suicide prevention campaigning is typical of the narrow and apolitical realm that has been assigned to the New Sinn Fein youth.
I see another of their "campaigns" is one encouraging people to drive slower.
Since everyone would like to see fewer road deaths and suicides, these are not at all political campaigns. They are apolitical activities to keep the youf busy and stop them from thinking about serious politics - like the continued partition of Ireland, the continued presence of British troops in the north, the preservation of the RUC with just a new name, not to mention the continuation of the same exploitative economic system which the leadership of New Sinn Fein endorses, is helping administer in the north and would love to help administer in the south as well.
Ogra Sinn Fein is a joke and any members of it interested in serious political campaigning should decamp to eirigi.
Ogra Sinn Fein are a complete and utter joke. Adult Sinn Fein are too busy consolidating British rule so they have given the their Kindergarten Kids a few issues to roar about.
What do Ogra SF think of operation 'Helvetic' which went into operation on August 1st to replace operation Banner?
Should the leadership of all Nationalist / Republican Parties demand answers from the British Government as to why they are reintroducing the British army by the back door and retaining the Diplock Courts when we are supposed to be at peace?
It's a simple question, will anyone in Ogra have the courage to answer it?
Martin Mc Guinness recently made a comment, in a pathetic attempt to please Mr Paisley, in which he compared the dissidents who threw a bomb in Strabane to the Japanese who continued to fight on the jungle long after the war was over.
Perhaps he should tell us why the British army should remain in the jungle even building a hide to watch over the natives, ie the new MI5 building outside Belfast long after as he claims the war is over.
It sort of makes a mockery of Ogra's SLAN ABHAILE tomfoolery, when 5,000 troops are to remain in the North to support the state police force. They are not going Ogra. So what do you have to say about that???
It's not a bit wonder that Ogra are being pushed into non-controversial campaigns, when so much is happening out there that could come back to embarrass Sinn Feign should they allow their youth wing to become too involved politically.
Damn those litter louts...Ogra to the rescue with an all Ireland litter campaign!
I asked Ogra a simple question and as usual they have gone into hiding. I honestly believe that they post these threads in the idiotic belief that people will actually believe that they are active on various issues. I live in a predominantly Republican area and I have never seen a single member out on the streets.
Maybe they are all up in Ballymurphy trying to sort out the situation which is spiralling out of control there?
Just to let you know that over 800 people from all over the world are meeting for a conference on suicide in Parknasilla, starting yesterday.
To all who write on suicide on Indymedia, it is worth connecting with the details of the conference, and Dr. John Connolly, Irish Association for Suicidology.
Suicide is a realistic part of affects in someway, every person in this country.......Let us at least be abreast of what world opinion is and the drop down effect...........
Can we really merge the pain of a person who commits suicide with our interpretation of same. Surely, this is the first question we need to ask before trying to rectify the problem.
Why have our public psychiatric systems not improved? My experience is that you are not treated with dignity, and there is no impetus on the part of the health system to try to empower the service user.......Nobody answers.
I await a reply for many of my emails from the so called Mental Health Commission.
Just to let you know that over 800 people from all over the world are meeting for a conference on suicide in Parknasilla, starting yesterday.
To all who write on suicide on Indymedia, it is worth connecting with the details of the conference, and Dr. John Connolly, Irish Association for Suicidology.
Suicide is a realistic part of affects in someway, every person in this country.......Let us at least be abreast of what world opinion is and the drop down effect...........
Can we really merge the pain of a person who commits suicide with our interpretation of same. Surely, this is the first question we need to ask before trying to rectify the problem.
Why have our public psychiatric systems not improved? My experience is that you are not treated with dignity, and there is no impetus on the part of the health system to try to empower the service user.......Nobody answers.
I await a reply for many of my emails from the so called Mental Health Commission.