Irish anarchist paper Workers Solidarity 71 online
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Friday July 19, 2002 15:27
by Workes Solidarity Movement

Web and PDF versions available
Links to the online versions of the paper plus a bried summary of the articles in this issue.
Workers Solidarity 71 is online
The latest issue of the Irish anarchist paper Workers Solidarity 71 is now online. The articles are summarised below. You can read it online at
Better yet you can download and print out a PDF version from
Article summaries
Irish taxpayers to subsidise clerical rapists
PRIESTS, nuns and Christian Brothers beat, molested and raped thousands of young children who were sent into their "care". Education Minister Michael Woods signed a deal whereby the state will pick up the bill for all compensation.
Sectarianism deepens in North
The results of the 2001 Life and Times survey in the north of Ireland confirm that sectarian attitudes are spreading and deepening.
Keeping the struggle going in Cork
The CPA is in existence for over a year and brings together oppositional campaigners of various hues in a non-hierarchical group which campaigns on numerous issues
Drogheda ain't paying
Less than 50% of Drogheda residents have paid any of the yearly 260 Euro charge
Sellafield protest against MOX ships in August
The two ships which were sent to Japan to collect the MOX fuel shipped with falsified will travel up the Irish Sea around the end of August.
International Libertarian Solidarity (S.I.L.)
At the last Workers Solidarity Movement conference we took the decision to join a new international anarchist network, International Libertarian Solidarity
Direct Action
Every time somebody puts a brick through a window or organises a minor protest there will almost inevitably be someone else who describes it as direct action.
Garda investigating Garda
After the Garda complaints complaints of excessive police violence at the RTS protest, it was announced that an independent inquiry was being set up to supposedly investigate the events of May 6th.
John McGuffin
John, was a very independent anarchist who is perhaps most well known for providing the single anarchist element within the People's Democracy group of the sixties and carrying an anarchist banner (himself), on the Burntollet civil rights march.
Sacked Belfast Airport security workers speak out
24 "randomly selected" workers were handed suspension letters and after a disciplinary hearing three days after that were sacked.
SIPTU General Secretary elections
Readers of Workers Solidarity may recognise the name of Des Derwin, one of the candidates for the General Secretary of Ireland largest trade union, SIPTU
They Call It The Law
If anybody was under any illusions that the 'law' treated trade unionists fairly, or was in some way neutral when it came to trade disputes, the events of a few weeks in late May/early June should have been enough to rid them of such silly notions.
Anybody curious about the arguments against the introduction of bin charges into Ireland, please familiarise yourself with
Kashmir? another legacy of British Imperialism (this time with nuclear weapons)
George W. Bush is not the only leader to resort to a war to deflect attention away from his bankrupt domestic polcies.
Review: The Bolsheviks and Workers Control
The Bolsheviks and Workers Control is a detailed book that shows firstly how Russian workers took over and managed their workplaces, secondly how they wished to extend this control to the entire economy and thirdly how it was wrested from them by the Russian state.
You can read it online at
Better yet you can download and print out a PDF version from
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Comments (9 of 9)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9This is political advertising for a specific party.
So whats the problem here? We are basically posting a single announcement giving all the articles rather then doing what is all too common which is pasting some or all of the articles individually into the newswire or even posting an individual link for each one. Most of the articles qualify as news so this seems to be the best solution for all concerned. But if you have a better one let us here it.
And BTW anarchists don't call their groups 'Party' due to the bad connortation of the name.
When the socialist revolution comes about, all those damn anarchists will be detained by the people's security forces. Long Live Kronstadt!!!
Anarchists are a dangerous element and should be dealt with when the revolution comes. Their ideas and their unfounded distrust of leadership is dangerous in a revolutionary period. If I were in the leadership of the revolution I wouldn't hesitate in killing ALL SUSPECTED anarchists.
The British Army used to wear red coats to hide the blood from their own wounds, comments posted here recently would indicate that some socialists only wrap themselves in the red flag to disguise the blood of others which they have a desire to spill.
Solidarity Comrades........(or maybe we'll have to get you first!)
If the politics are so cool, how come ye aren't as big as the Socialist Party then?
How come the SP, "ireland's oldest party", is so much smaller than Fianna Fail? Obviously their politics aren't cool enough.
How many times have we seen these types of stupid arguments here on indymedia against the anarchists. Maybe we aren't big but at least we try to argue our point rather than just throwing mud, which seems to be the only way certain leninist groups are capable of responding to the nagging presence of anarchists.
Oh ye brave bolshevik heroes, rich in your Marxist theory, deeply steeped in materialist dialectics, how irksome it must be to you to hear the idealistic twitterings of these petit-bourgeois adventurists.
The Socialist Party was formed in 1996. Previously we where Militant Labour. We were first established in Ireland in the 1970s if I'm not mistaken.
Ireland's oldest party is the Labour Party. It was established as the political wing on the trade union movement. The SP could well be seen to be the inheritors of Irish Socialism. We are proud to stand in the traditions of Irish socialists such as Connolly.
Bad, bad babyeating Leninists are all Stalins in training. Why can't everyone drink cider and listen to punk and sign on the dole like me.