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Comments (11 of 11)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Mc Dowell has swung himself out by the bollox, but Brian Cowen is fight-talking
and no-one is listening to Mc Dowell, you may find that the backlash will
benefit FF, unless you focus entirely on the issues in the local areas.
There are many.
Most of them are on the newswire.
Kenny is losing too. and Rabbitte's righteous indignation is badly played and ill-timed.
The big problem is that the left have left a huge gape in the issues because
the centrist left are pro-privatisation.
Only Sargent has ruled out supporting minority FF.
So McDowell was caught by surprise and unwilling to answer questions at a health briefing yesterday, then delivered a rather impeccable impromptu comment about "reflecting on new information". Then we hear that he had collated that information over the week, had a love-in with Jody Corcoran and others on Friday and an emergency meeting with the PD leadership BEFORE he was "caught off guard". The timeline stinks, especially for a barrister. Is it just blustering bullying or is there some genuinely new information?
If Bertie does the honourable thing now and resigns as party leader then I think that most rational FF voters will vote FF sure why wouldn't they considering the consequences of a Enda Kenny led Rainbow! Rainbows by their very nature are bent and dont last long after the shower. I think a LAB / FF coalition is the only real choice for the country.. but something must be done about both leaders in order for this to happen.. Bring back Dick Spring!
Great man he may have been up in Dublin- but he hung on to his Kerry seat by the fingernails.
True enough, he didn't do an awful lot for Kerry North while in power with all the influence he had but he was a damn good party leader and was respected by most members of the daíl. Rabbite is a rabble rouser no more, no less.
I don't think one can differentiate between FF and Mr. Ahern in this mess. Afterall FF candidates were quite happy to be in Bertie's team/gang. It would be quite hypocritical for FF'ers to bask in the sunshine that shone out of Mr. Ahern's anal region when he was considered a cute hoor, but distance themselves from their bossman when the Don is seen for what he is. They were beside him all the way. Willie O'Dea before he dissappeared from his pedestal was having at the media for having at Mr. Ahern.
Will history now replay itself. With all the rats jumping ship and moaning about what a bastard Mr. Ahern was and is? In a similar fashion to the way things happened with the unveiling of CJH.
I agree with the poster who said that we must focus on local issues. To me this means Independants for the most part.
FF might even go up in opinion poles - but that's just wishful thinking - wait till the full picture is realised. Vote for Bertie but aim for Biffo?
Cowen is dead weight. Bertie didn't have either the time or the opportunity to groom his successor in public. The only thing that sticks in the mind about Mr. Cowen is that Ian Paisley suggested licking his lips and sticking him to a window. Advice I might add, that FF are now following.
I reckon you're spot on Sean - as you often are. But 12 of the last FF government aren't up for election, they've either gone to the European parliament or are retiring.
It's a pity we don't have a website where we can see what the TD's did for the last five years. We take it for granted they all voted the way they were told to. But what did they do? Apart from the indepedents and the technical grouping - they all had a fair wedge of time to justify their wages. I taped the Ardal OHanlon thing, it was very funny watching Fr Dougal go through the Taoiseach thing. But did you notice how he told ministers to stay quiet and out of the public limelight? Strange- We never hear from them, see them, good or bad weather - then they get all desperate at election time especially the trouble spot departments. But those departments were PD. We're all forgetting them now. What about the other FF quiet ministers? where are they now? I remember the only one who had a go at popping his head up last year during the child abuser law scandal was. There's a thing, I can't even remember who he was. Ugly looking one. But not one of the fat ones. a Lean one. what was his name?
One thing you can say about the regime is it knows how to be discreet when it needs to be. Do they do for their own sakes? or just because they were all Bertie's boys?
Can anyone understand whats going on in Mayo. The so called oppositions P.D's F/Gael F/Fail are telling all to vote F/Gael. What's going on? Why , Going by todays fiasco it would appear Kenny & Rabitt are genuine but was it t an act?
comments appreciated
What wih Biffo going on the offensive yesterday evening, saying that leaks from the Mahon tribunal originated from the opposition, in an attempt to smear FF, Enda Kenny has fought back today (for the first time ever) by saying that the leaks came from the PD's.
McDowell is shocked and awed that anyone would think that he'd stoop so low as to leak something personal and confidential.
The blame game has started in earnest and all issues have been forgotten by the big parties. Not that the issues were very important during the FF government's tenure either. This election is rapidly turning into a mud slinging contests with the major parties claiming that they wish to fight on issues but continuing to sling shite nonetheless.
"McDowell is shocked and awed that anyone would think that he'd stoop so low as to leak something personal and confidential."
Goodness gracious no! That would be like raiding people's bins for correspondence and personal matter if you wanted to embarrass an irritatingly meddlesome ombudsperson, journalist or other critic.
Not a stooper
It's obvious that it's just a cheap high risk publicity stunt by McD and a distraction to the major issues relating to the governing of this country. If you desparately wanted to hang onto power would you rat on your colleague if they were the conduit to you holding onto power. Mc D's actions do not make sense.
But his actions make sense
1) if you are grabbing the top freebie headline news and are the centre of attention by all of the media which is the case currenly and
2) Fianna Fails ratings go up.
This is exactly what happened last October after blue eyed boy Bertie's ratings went up in the polls after his Oscar performing speech. Is this just McD hoping that history will repeat itself and that the electorate will gullibly fall for the same cheap trick again.
It would seem that the media are also desparate for FF to hold onto power. Because as we all know there is no way that there will be any revelations this side of the elections so why flog a dead horse why aren't the media focussing on questioning the major issues? This is politics and the media stooping to a new low.