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Comments (16 of 16)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Eoin Ó Broin says:
'If and when the DUP enter into the Executive, a sustained and stable period of power sharing will slowly become reality.'
This, if nothing else, is incredibly optimistic. The Northern executive will only continue on the basis of SF bending over and taking it from the DUP and implementing neo-liberal policies like on previous occasions. Even with this it is inevitable that at a certain point the executive will come crashing down. An institution based on and institutionalising the sectarian divide will, eventually, reap what it sows and collapse.
Eoin Ó Broin continues:
‘Just as we strategisied and planned what was to become our peace strategy from the mid 1980s onwards, so too today must we stratagise and plan ahead for the coming decades.’
This suggests that SF had a plan to end up where they are today. I would like to see a reference to such a plan from the mid-1980’s. In reality SF have limped and stuttered along reacting to events without any clear direction in anything other than getting into a power-sharing arrangement in the North and a coalition in the South.
Eoin Ó Broin says:
‘Throughout the 20th century progressive politics in Ireland has revolved around two key themes; democracy and equality. Republicans, socialists, feminists and environmentalists have at their core, commitments to deepening the width and depth of democracy while attempting to attain the maximum degree of social and economic justice and political and cultural equality.’
Could you actually get a more blander analysis of ‘progressive’ politics in 20th century Ireland. A sweeping statement that bears absolutely no relation to actual events during the century. It is a statement that could be made by, probably, any political entity during the period with the exception of the Blueshirts. It is waffle and nothing more.
Eoin Ó Broin argues:
‘Progressive politics presents its most powerful challenge to the status quo in Ireland when it combines both the demand for deeper democracy and greater equality, infusing each theme with the full force of the other, combining both into a single powerful ideological and organization force.’
Easy know this was written by an academic – In all honesty everyone in the Dail (except maybe McDowell) could subscribe to such a demands.
Eoin Ó Broin continues:
This force is left republicanism; a commitment to radical participatory democracy, popular pluralist sovereignty, social and economic justice, and political and cultural equality coupled with a commitment to confront and challenge the centres of power and inequality which constitute the architecture of modern society and in the process, radically alter the way in which we as human beings organise our lives.’
How? Maybe he’ll tell us in a minute
Here we go –
‘Sinn Féin has committed itself to building a community for reunification.’
Wow – that’s new!
'Sinn Féin advocates an Ireland of equals.'
Sorry – but I couldn’t help thinking of Animal Farm with this one.
Eoin Ó Broin explains:
‘If we are to be taken seriously as a party whose destination is government, north and south, then we need a serious and credible economic and social programme which prioritises achievable objectives in the short and medium term while never losing sight of the broader long term process of transformation, which marks us out as different to others.’
Yes!!! – we have a programme – let’s see it.
Eoin Ó Broin continues:
‘We not only need a programme, We need to build a broad based, social, political and community based, equality coalition, with the capacity and determination to transform our society.’
Okay – we need an unseen unwritten programme and we need a ?????? okay a coalition. Got it (I think).
Eoin Ó Broin asks:
‘What is to be done?’
Okay – yes tell us, please tell us.
Here we go –
· the 2011 Presidential election;
· a campaign for a Seccond Republic;
· and an all Ireland Equality Coalition.
Okay – Interesting (I think) – (maybe)
Let me see if I have this right
A left republican presidential candidate – okay – who? Right – some not a member of SF. But could get support from FF, Lab & the Greens – right okay – that’s a runner – definitely.
A Second Republic – Like the French – hang on a minute that was over 150 years ago – what’s he on about – Okay Venezuela
Eoin Ó Broin says:
‘Its time for a similar process across Ireland, in which the citizens of the nation, actively and creatively imagine what our new republic should look like.’
Okay – but didn’t the French Second Republic come in the aftermath of the 1848 revolution – And Venezuela – coup – counter-coup – revolution –counter revolution etc.
Don’t think this is the process O’Broin is on about - is it?
Third Point – ‘Lets start to construct the All Ireland Equality Coalition now, building on our existing unionist, all Ireland, trade union and community outreach and campaigning. Lets make this new coalition a central element in our programme for building the Second Republic, a truly national, democratic, egalitarian, social and political movement for a new Ireland.’
I got it – I got it – I got it – I ain’t got it
This looks something on the lines of 19th century liberalism – am I wrong? Where is the socialism?
Is there light at the end of the tunnel????
Eoin Ó Broin continues:
‘Our aims, as Connolly said, are most modest… we only want the earth.’
Yes, yes, yes.
In all serious – I started off trying not to take the piss – but there was really nothing else you could do.
Ireland, North and South, is fully integrated into the Anglo-American political economy. This is the basic material reality of life in Ireland. Any talk of 'equality' and 'democracy' that does not take this material reality into account is mere foolishness. This is the great flaw in Sinn Fein's claim to represent the working class of Ireland.
Sinn Fein will represent anything it believes will be of benefit to Sinn Fein electorally. That's what it is now, an ordinary opinion poll driven party. When Eoin is out canvassing 'on the doorsteps' does he espouse this academic bullshit or does he roll over and play the compliant and 'I'll get it for you' dog?
They do what Paisley tells them to do. The Orange men'll be marching down the Garvaghy Rd. and all over the place by this time next year. Have to keep big Ian happy even if it means backstabbing your own people.
What a load of idealist crap from Eoin Ó Broin.
Open your eyes and look at whats really going on.
$inn Feign have sold out the Irish people and defected to british imperalism.
Paisley and his minions play the tune and turncoat adams dances.
Looks like Desmond Donaldson was the tip of the iceberg.
And looks like that story about McGuiness being a brit spy was true after all.
The best place to destroy Republicanism was from inside and at the top.
Good luck on the way down traitors. Now the electorate can see you for what you are.
Thyank god for the 32 CSM.
Good luck in the GE Eoin. Hope you do well. Pass no heed of the begrudgers. What else do you expect form these wallys?
What's "post conflict politics"? Goes well with the Armani suits I suppose.
This article is put here to attract the frustrated dissident republicans who can't get anyone to support their war or even vote for them. The purpose of it is so that keyboard warriors can post comments under it to each other, becoming ever more shrill, which no one with any sense will ever read.
"armani suits- sell out- $inn Fein- british agents- blah blah-blah" this can go here and on other websites (dissidents love the internet) and keep these nincompoops off the streets for a while.
A similiar strategy is adopted in relation to Sinn Fein fundraisers, the details of which are posted here just to give the likes of these whinging bishops of the church of the poisoned mind something to rail against while the activists in Sinn Féin can concentrate on moving towards the goal of a United, Socialist 32 County Republic onwards.
Absoulutely stupendous to see the chaps in Shin Feen are becoming chums of old Blighty! Both Ewart and my good self were down at the club in the Borough, by the by, they do stupendous cucumber and dill to go with ones Earl Gray, when Humphry happened to mention that he was perusing the old net and came accross a message from a chap called Mr AK47.
"Batesy" he said "It's toppers to see the Ma'am's tongue is still in vogue". How so Humpers? I replied. "Well I was reading a epitsle on indymedia and I came across the word nincompoop!" " an abusive term, with it's origins in medieaval Blighty. The village idiot was a nincompoop. The NIN comes from Ninny, itself meaning an idiot, COM from Cum meaning with, and poop being the onamatapaic term for a fart".
"Well I nevah!" "What was this good egg's name", I queried? "AK47" Humpers replied. "How strange, I wonder what it means" I countered. "One can only postulate, methinks It Paddy 's version of a UB40, you know, the money for peons and idlers" he chuckled as we munched our luncheon
AK47 has the effrontery to talk about a 32 County Socialist Republic and $inn Fein and call others nincompoops. The 32 County Socialist Republic was a yarn spun to young IRA Volunteers, when we wore flares and shirts with wide collars, to encourage us to keep up the fight on the streets for Irish freedom. We looked to those yarn spinners who smoked pipes, grew beards and dressed like the Dubliners and would have believed anything they said.
We, however grew wiser with age and seen through their Tir na nOg stories, now only the every gullible $hinner believes that a 32 County Socialist Republic is anything other than a fairy story that has been long since dumped in the bins behind Stormont.
Tell us another AK. What about the Children of Lir, that's not a bad yarn either.
The article was, apparently, posted by the author himself (not disaffected republicans) and my reply was intended as analysis (although I did take the piss near the end -which was actually quite inevitable given the content of the original).
In replying I had absolutely no interest in drawing dissident republicans into a slagging match with Shinners - I have less regard for them than I do SF.
This article is interesting in showing the political direction of one of the leading individuals within SF and I believe reflects the political direction of the leadership. If this is the case it warrants analysis by all socialists.
Your reply might have been meant seriously, but the tone of the rest of the comments is laughable. These people don't want to engage in a debate.
Mr O'Broin has some neck. We cannot live in a 'post' conflict environment in Ireland until Britain leaves our shores.
As for the person calling themselves 'AK47', just remember that you are the footsoldiers being sold the 'sure the RA gave nothing' line so as to make career politicians out of the likes of Eoin O'Broin, Mary Lou McDonald, Daithí Doolan and all the rest of PSF in Dublin.
The ideal is no longer about a 32 county socialist republic for the provos, it is now straighforward constitutional nationalism.
To my discerning eye it is nothing more than another rambling soundbite full of the current slogans which actually mean nothing. Coalitions of equality, Second Republics, Ireland of Equals, and so on and so on. What does it mean?
It means hes full of shite.
It means hes a traitor.
It means hes a dup lickspittle.
It means the war goes on without them.
It means they are now enemies of Irish unity and should be treated the same way as their brit masters.
i know. what the fuck do the opinions of the irish people matter? they will have freedom, by the means that we determine rather than what they wish. they wil sacrifice for an irish republic -whether they want to or not. they will die in a war - even if it seems nonsense to them. if only one Irish Rebel is there to wage the war, let it be waged. let war commence again - even if no one can show why it should be any more successful now than it was in 1970. It is the principle that counts! I am with 32CSM and RSF.
Long Live The Republic!