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Sunday March 11, 2007 13:46 by Felix Quigley

Palestinian Arabs seek destruction of Israel
People in Ireland should get a clearer picture of what is happening in the Middle East and the build-up to war against Israel. There are three main issues which Israel faces.
1. The Rafah border crossing which was surrendered to the Palestinians and Egypt by Israel at the insistence of Rice, Bush and the American Government has been used to flood the Gaza with advanced weaponry. Hamas is now able to create tunnelling very quickly and the weapons will by means of that and other routes be making their way into the West Bank.
2. The Hezbullah, following the pull-out from Lebanon by Israel, has now surpassed its previous strength. The route from Syria through the Bekaa Valley is wide open and advanced armaments are being sold by Russia to Syria.
3. Following the Mecaa Deal struck by the Saudis Fatah is now the junior partner in the Hamas Palestinian Government to be. Khaled Mashaal, the Hamas leader, who lives in Syria, and is funded by Iran, continues to announce publicly and unashamedly that his aim is to destroy the State of Israel. Hamas spokesmen continue to insist that they will not recognize the legitimacy of the “Zionist entity.” If this is the aim of the new Palestinian Government then no matter what land Israel offers the Arabs it will mean nothing since the only aim of the Palestinian and other Arabs is to destroy Israel.
(If the destruction of Israel is the name of the present game as far as the Palestinian Arabs are concerned then revolutionary socialists in Ireland must take note of this and end their support for this Palestinian phenomenon, which is a name and entity (Palestinian in relation to the Arabs) which has only come on the scene post 67)
Israel has already come to understand this, or at least the Israeli people have, following the Lebanon, and then Gaza, hand over to the Arabs. They immediately used these lands of Gaza in order to attack Israel.
This means that in the minds of almost all Israelis, except for the dogmatic and blinkered Israeli “Peace” Movement, is the growing conviction that what faces them against the Arabs, as much as against Iran, is an existential battle.
There is a problem with Israeli political leaders, many of whom were involved in the OSLO so-called Peace moves, because they are unable to face up to their mistakes. Similarly people like Olmert and Livni also find it very difficult to face up to their mistake in vacating Gaza to be taken over by the bitter enemies of Israel, Hamas.
Yet Israel is so small, a tiny land no bigger than say in Ireland - Munster. It is a mere speck on the map surrounded by massive swathes of Arab lands, and opposed by 1.4 billion Muslims.
It is no wonder that Israel seeks allies abroad. I believe that every revolutionary socialist should join forces with this tiny and much threatened country.
Reference to the Rafah Crossing:
(US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earlier called on Israel to speed up the opening of border crossings with Gaza, in order to improve economic prospects for Palestinians in the area.
She was speaking after international envoy James Wolfensohn accused Israel of holding up the process.
She said his comments should be taken as a spur to both sides to proceed faster.
"The crossings issue needs to get resolved: not just the Rafah crossings but the issues of freedom of movement within the West Bank and issues about other crossings that need to be freed up", she said.
26 October 2005
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5It is obviously the silly season for Israels supporters and apologists starting with this "story" which is thin even by Zionist standards.
Rather than engage their neighbours they prefer to concentrate the Zionist artillery on Ireland, by sending Daniel Seaman to take part in an otherwise unremarkable debate and interview aired on newstalk 106 this morning. Perhaps he took the opportunity to compare notes with their kindred spirits in tghat other political dinosaur that is the DUP?
All the right-wingers including Gourdaiev were, as usual, reading from their pre-prepared Zionists scripts loudly attempting to crush all debate like a metaphorical D9 bulldozer. A real beauty was the argument that after 60 years in refugee camps the Palestinians should simply pack up and leave without a fight. This from the people who left the Middle East 2000 years ago and returned to kick out the Palestinian inhabitants in a spree of ethnic cleansing!
With all the front-page Irish Times hoppin' up and down by wimmin around International Women's Day, how many of those who posed for such photos protested against Israel's refusal to permit Palestinian Arab women from travelling to Ireland to speak last week? There's a belated Women's Day poetry reading in Dublin next week and no doubt, the notable wimmin poets reading at it will criticise Israel for preventing the free movement of their sisters. I doubt it. Some of our men-poets have no moral qualms about travelling to read at Jerusalem poetry fests, sponsored by the Israeli government.
Israel is at the root of the present violence in the Middle East.
Without the existence of Israel there would be no 9/11, no Al-Qaeda, no stand off with Iran over nuclear weapons which it is developing to protect itself from Israel and no Jewish lobby with the power to dictate to the US.
Israel is an illegitimate rogue state established on stolen Arab land.
Not only the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights but the entire state of Israel is occupied land.
The UN must take the lead in dismantling Israel, returning the land to the Arabs and evacuating the Jewish population.
(1) The UN created Israel. If you accept the UN as being legitimate you accept Israel - it is a legitimate state. It maybe rogue - that's different.
(2) the American jewish lobby predated the creation of the state of Israel & until Golda Meir's fund-raising tour was mostly anti-zionist. Until the French pulled the plug, the US did not arm nor offer Israel exception help.
(3) You have decided that 911 was caused by the existence of Israel. What conclusive evidence do you have for that proposition? What conclusive evidence is there that 911 resulted from US foreign policy? Put another way - what happened on 911? & what conclusive evidence can you point to and support your version? conclusive meaning c-o-n-c-l-u-s-i-v-e.
(4) Iranian efforts to build a nuclear power station have nothing to do with creating a nuclear weapon program. They have said as much all the time. The only people who say they are creating a nuclear weapon program are zionists. How can you be anti-zionist & then believe them? Which is it?
(5) evacuation of the Israeli population is an interesting chestnut - where would they go? Do you suggest all outstanding cases of property confiscation in Europe during the Nazi years and Stalinist domination of eastern Europe be settled now? Is that what you're hoping? Do you really want these people you seem to hate back in their ancestral homes in Europe?
the danger that Israel is facing is-Justice