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Comments (19 of 19)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19Thanks for the 7 pointers.
Trafficking is a serious issue and it is hard to odentify locations that house prostitutes and their pimps. It appears that Dublin 4 apartment blocks are quitie susceptible.
I suggest contact with a voluntary group who work in a myriad of roles relating to prostitution and particularly trafficing.
Michelle Clarke
How do we address paedophilia - what scope can be used. Another man was given the suspended sendence last week.....the Juge was easy there appared to be justufeud Reasnons.
In the mean - let us be proactive and ensurey the best means fo avvaoiding situations like these are hanbled througn these web page.
I would say Keep the Etes Oben; Not the change of pick/curb travellers. Not apartment blocks are used and multiple seesion s can be caried on.
Tuham is the place to contact about Trafficing and /servuce Provingin.
I don't sancttion vulnerable and often trafficed ty young pimps attached to a group in say protect.....lurking around respectable in the seafy subburbs of D4
Michelle Try Ruhama Website for assistance.
When is enough enough! Newspapers and radio talk yesterday revealed the the controversy regarding the release of men sentenced to long terms for child sexual abuse/paedophila.
The temptation is to say - Ireland and Irish people have learned a lesson from the Revelations regarding people involved with the church, the Brothers, the Industrial Schools. No, we have not and Shame on us.
The problem is we have learnt nothing........pornogrophy thrives, children are being abused by people in authority still......What about Respect, Honour, Morality? Listen to the news tonight. A 14 year old has made contact with the Gardai concerning abuse by men. Unlike the industrial schools, this boy is reported to be part of a 'Family'
CARI have reported today an increase in calls from children concerning abuse - they also advise parents to talk with their children.
First posting provides some good pointers perhaps!!!
Apologies about spellings in 2nd posting.... I have acquired brain injury and sometimes it is a little more difficult to concentrate and pick up on mistakes.
If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito........
Dalai Lama (born 1935) Temporal and Spiritual Leader of Tibet
Herorism - Spike Milligan
'I am a hero with cowards' legs'
Sense of Urgency.
Since the matter was raised by a concerned mother with the Gardai - on Tuesday of this week (I believe)..............there has been serious reaction. The facts have created leads.......the implications involve a Gay chatline, mobiles and predators in a variety of jobs.
Next week, the outcome is emergency legislation.........Let's keep all heads working to deal with this crisis for the protection of our young people from predators.
Education is a good start and being aware of the nature of the crime that is perpetrated urges parental knowledge and ability to act and educate their children.
The 7 pointers in the first posting are worth thinking about.
'You have to be the change you want to see in the world'
Michelle, I was going through a variety of Indymedia articles last night and I came upon your article on Paedophilia dated early February 2007.
I am totally astonished nobody answered you. I know Suicide is still teinted with Stigma (I wrote an article on same myself last night......but I thought this subject would merit interaction).
I worked in Simon for over 20 years - the rent boys in Phoenix Park were well known for many decades. I am not going back on old wounds but the truth is these boys were used and abused by the highest echelons for Irish Society for many years. Let us not forget Minister E. Stagg - the file is well documented and he admitted to same. If this happened in any other country, he would have faced criminal charges. Of course, I feel deep sympathy for his wife and family, like any decent human being would. This is unlike John Profumo who made the mistake in the 1960's and who later dedicated 30 years of his life to working with the underprivileged in London.
Michelle, Paedophilia is rife in Ireland - it always has been, just as prostitution has been. Now we are in the computer age and in this so called thrived Celtic economy, parents greed to make more and more money is ever more prevalent. Success among these parents comes heavy where children have their computers in their bedrooms - unsupervised - as you said.
The three men in the UK in relation to a copycat via computer contact onlyscenario of Jesica and Holly murders were caught but it is ironic that you wrote your story about the Paedophilia just before the stories appeared here in Ireland, our own patch.
Before McDowell closed down the Curragh prison which was called the Vatican, the Government set up a programme for some form of treatment of paedophiles in relation to priests - not one did the course. I ask why? Science says there is no cure for Paedophilia but you are right in saying that Viagra for old men is not a healthy occupation. Our GP'S have a major role in this. I know one GP in the west of Ireland who makes approx. Euros50,000 a year on certs for Viagra - I ask why again?
Paedophiles come in all shapes and sizes. Internantionally - it is said that 65% contacts are within the family.
I walk into shopping centres in Ireland, at weekends. I see parents leaving their children off at the Shopping centre creche. It is so easy for a paedophile to walk in and select a child as his and take him home. This happened in England several years ago.
Responsibility is with the parents at all time - otherwise we will have a nanny state.....Blame Blame Blame......
Legislation protects but not as effectively as would be ideal. The incident of a priest charged in America and then returning to Ireland unsupervised should make us all wake up. Some diligent person took the risk to state he had seen the priest at playgrounds in the City watching children....
Recently in Swords we had a child abused near its own home. I find this absolutely appalling. Again, it rests with the parents. We cannot blame the Government for every event of this kind.
Michelle, don't forget that famous White Van that roams around Ireland for the last 2 years. As yet, the Gardai have sourced no details.
I enjoyed your article and the 7 points you made were totally factual and realistic.
Our last week in Ireland we have had the paedophile ring - speaking to an RTE researcher, I asked one serious question - our two anwswers were similar. It alleged a trainee Garda is in the central role to this paedophile ring. He is not named with only a few months to graduate. He is now suspended. All Gardai are issued with mobile phones - when they clock in for duty on their shifts, they collect their radio contact and their phone. These phones are monitored at all times and are 5 digital numbers. Family sources of mine within An Gardai Siochana tell me that all trainee Gardai are supervised by the Sargents and super-intentendents, they are assigned to from Templemore. Allegedly if he used the State phone to contact this boy, serious questions must be answered.
I live in Dublin 4, I walk my dog at 1.00 a.m. I watch and see. The prostitutes and the young boys being picked up the Mercedes, BMW;s and Lexus between Waterloo Road, Pembroke Road, Wellington Road, Clyde Road, Elgin Road, Wellington Place and around Herbert Park.
The other night I phoned the Gardai in Harcourt Terrace in relation to 10 young men and females in formal attire, drunk and standing in the middle of traffic. The reply was simple from the Garda - you phoned the wrong station, Mr. Walsh, these young people are coming from a College Party and if I complain to your station involved i.e. Donnybrook, I could lose my pension. At least this Garda was honest and he repeated the word unofficially speaking. Sadly, Michelle if these were 10 hoodies, there would be two Garda vans sent out with 10 baton weiling robot cops and they would spend the night under the finance of Bertie Ahern. Alas and sadly but this is true.
I close by saying Paedophilia is rife in Ireland.
'What you focus on expands' A pscyhologist suggested this to covers a multitude.
Daily I receive Today.........
Sometimes there can be interesting suggestions and it covers a broad range of issues.
Today - In the Spotlight concerns tips to 'Protect your Kids from Internet Predators''.
You might like to access it.
MySpace Tips.........
How to beat Cuber BULLIES
'Knowledge is no load'
This little girl was snatched from a bedroom in a village in Portugal, a month ago.
The search continues.
Our support is with the McCann parents and the many other parents who have been a victim to Pedophile Rings - people who have children they did not see again, people who found children; children dead; children emotionally destroyed.....
In the absence of being able to do little, the only words I can write are about awareness and willingness of people to voice suspicions......
There is an article on Scientific America ( titled Abnormal Attraction dated 30th January 2007.
Three writers address the issue that most people are repulsed by the idea of sex with children. However, to keep children safe from pedophiles means trying to discover where the near fatal craving comes from and what can be done to tame the emotion.....
They refer to the film The Woodsman 2004 that was about Molestation. It opens up to discussion those issues that fear makes us shun.
Public opinion, as witnessed in Ireland and the Redress Board, does not like to take chances where pedophiles are concerned. In the US there is a national centre for Missing and Exploited children - we surely need to ensure that our children are protected from any kind of abuse and have a similar national centre. They also recognise the problem where pedophiles remain undercover, 'surrounded by children while struggling with their secret desire'.
Based on this, there is a move to decriminalise Pedophilia in favour of classifying it as a psychological disorder that calls for study and treatment. The idea is to separate the mental state from the criminal acts of child abuse.
Awareness is essential. The vulnerable have in decades gone by been exploited but alas there are children still subject to Abuse.
We need to listen......we need to take responsibility.....we need to protect our children....
To the McCann Family.....Hope, be Brave and keep searching......
The monitoring of child sexual abuse, pornography and the need to be alert has raised its ugly head again. This time a professional man faces resignation from Athlone Tehnical College. Bureacracy at some level be it the HSE, the Garda or whoever, failed to notify the employers of a police record that would have ensured he would not have been appointed. We are talking about education, professionals, lecturers, doctors, Gardai, computers, and what should say Shame.
When does it stop? Can people with these illegal predispositions not refrain themselves from pure temptation and vulnerable situations.
Over the years I received porn items on my internet. Having poor communication skills, I took the route that works best for me and wrote to the Department of Justice etc.....etc. I was given the name Copine in Cork........their research was funded at Cork University and their specification was pornography. I wrote and wrote. All I asked for was confirmation. I never received same. I saw a short comment in the paper last year that Senator was probing this research area.......I heard no more. Is this exceeptable?
Too much we hear about the abuse of young people in the past, but really how secure can we say we are now!!!!!
This deserves a little thought.
Minister for Justice Mr. Brian Lenihan
Please do not forget the issue of pornography; child sexual abuse; rape of an underage man or woman; prostitution which is now linked to an international ring and is very apparent if you live in apartment blocks in Dublin and no doubt elsewhere; trafficking of children; illegal prostitution operations; and most particularly the number of young people that are disappearing ...... to who knows where.
The Athlone Institute - Dr. Mc could this have happened? Well if my experience about porn and letters to the previous Minister for Justice re. Judge McCurtin and the operation known as Copine in Cork University is anything to go by.........I know why......nobody communicates and particularly where the issue becomes spurious and maybe an indictment on dolleagues is possible. I ask for some answers on Copine in Cork University.....(research oriented).
Again I reiterate over several years I wrote to Copine who had a website and were involved in research into pornography.
The word research scares me because it tends to lack that sense of personal morality and ethics that is essential. Have we become so competitive for financial/academic renown/success that we lose sight of the objective i.e. the vulnerable - the underclass.
I attended Trinity as a mature student with disabilities until my health deteriorated. Before I left that intuitive gut feeling caused me to write to the Provost and others about the need for Ethics.
Now we have a man......warning signs lost in the post so to speak!!! and we learn to our horror that students now feel free to report that they were bullied and possibly manipulated by a Lecturer - a Tutor - a person in a responsible moral and ethical position of employment.
I recall as a young student attending a law lecture in the UK. I have held the vision of this lecturer/barrister in my memory. He was arrogant, self possessed, and honest. He looked to the lecture theatre and in a condescending way at a room full of multi cultural students. He asked the question why did we think he was giving up his evening to lecture the 'like of us'. It was not was about trawling mindsets for different ideas..........he needed the klaiedoscope of thoughts, comments, essays, keep his mind in tune....
Now I ask the Department of Justice, The Gardai; and others - how could a lecturer in Social Studies in Athlone with a conviction that was known to the HSE could be placed in a position that allowed him to explore and possibly beyond ethical boundaries young students........This man has been found out.......How many more are lurking in our schools, colleges, universities? Do we really care?
Universites are competitive bodies now.....both financially, academically and otherwise. Temptation with computer technology to hand is to be easily exploited and young competitive and sometimes vulnerable students can be used as fodder to explore 'Vice, Porn' Child Sexual Abuse'............Where is the sense of Take Responsibility, where is the sense of a moral code
Shame on all who failed to communicate the information to Athlone Institute..........and shame to those who do not report transgressions of such a grievious nature......
I end with one point. I speak again about University College Cork - I speak about the rumours of excessive debts and the personality frictions at senior academic levels.
Three maybe four years I wrote to Copine (which had a detailed website), without response. I kept writing explaining about my ABI comprehension problems and asking for acknowledgement. I then wrote to the Department of Justice. I now conclude that my queries were too hot to handle.
Eventually a few months ago I received a reply from Interpol.........
Michelle Clarke
but the pace of life is so frenetic, it becomes difficult to take the time to listen........
I am back to my entry on Monday of this week seeking positive intervention from the Department of Justice, the Gardai, and voluntary organisations.
Copine.....can anyone explain the lack of transparency with people raising serious concerns about pornography, child sexual abuse, missing children, exploitation, child prostitution (in our country).?
The lack of response makes me feel there must be something wrong with me, my views of Copine, so today I called up the website.
Consistent with what I expected of Academia, Research, Presentation - Copine presents the picture with such clarity, that one could only rest assured that we lived in a society of no vice. !!!!!! yes the Galway Tent Feel Good Factor'............But......children, vulnerability, abuse, ..... we need to ponder sometimes and then act.....
The Copine University of Cork presentation however dates back to 2002......Professor Wrixon (now under scrutiny relating to practices in house at UCC, and in conflict with Professor Clarke and other academics.......Note indymedia reports on this.
The conference agenda - Wow...........with hindsight, I can use the word Inspiration......but what has been the outcome?
Professor Wrixon spoke, Mary Banotti MEP spoke, Inspector Tom Dixon, Garda, spoke. The question was 'Ownership, who owns it?' Then there was a global panorama presented by speakers from Germany, Manchester, UK, and other countries.
Another conference was held in 2004.........All I ask is about Transparency, accountability and outcomes.........?
We need to think about our children, about child sexual abuse, about how vulnerable they become to internet predators.
Each person has a voice but some fear to use it on behalf of the vulnerable............Take Responsibility is part of the Harvard philosophy agenda this year.......there is wisdom here.
Again I ask about Copine........
Quotation - people have power to change things; it is about a change of attitude; a sense of morality.
'I ask you to portray me as a person, whole and round, interested in life - the whole panorama of life (with views and observationsthat are worth hearing).............not merely as a successful punter graduating from ragged pants to morning dress regalia at Epsom! (yes similar to the tent at the Galway Races....) I have contempt for that.
Bull the biography of Howard Wright (Race horse owner; political thinker and philosopher.......
I am surprised that absolutely no-one has a comment about the above topic.
I wrote to Copine, again, again, again, again........I heard one politician mention Copine........but really the only news we appear to get is when the media reports another catrastrophic event......
Koala - yes as in Bear - the one who is etherised by the euclyptus tree in which it lives.
Australia and Europol targeted Pornography crossing boundaries targeting the market that drives the abuse of children (in this case from the Ukraine, Belgium and the Netherlands) and then the purchasers of pornography.
In this case, the porn organiser in Italy for some vain reason did not obliterate his files/records. The outcome, those who view and those who use children, those who form the lucrative market that pornography creates, the black market currency it raises, the crime, the violence, the murders and for what reasons?
Does anyone have a clear guideline about Copine in Ireland? Why such quietude over a project in Cork University concerned with RESEARCH into pornography? Where is the media coverage on this.
Europol - well done. Downloaders have been caught in many countries and in England and Ireland. 5 people in IRELAND (initiated in Australia) had their computers seized yesterday - the team of investigators spoke of the prominence of users in professions, from law, to teaching, to swimming instruction........Let us Wake Up.
We need to become aware in Ireland? We know what happened to children in care homes in the past.......let us now walk around (using alcohol, hash, cocaine) from dealing with reality situations and our young people or with those who endorse the pornography industry, no matter from what social group they belong or don't belong.
Well done to Oprah Winfrey appearing on Television over the last few days. The school initiated by her in South Africa was infiltrated by the dreaded abuse. She, her personel, and students have come out to highlight that an employee breached the Code....yes Abuse of the vulnerable.
Fruits of Development - Dr. Nafis Sadik (1938-) Head of the United Nations Population Fund
'Reproductive health, sexual health, family planning, and autonomy and equality for women are not the fruits of development, they are not even fertilizer - they are the TREE itself..........
Yes.......and add to the above the Trafficking of children; the number of people who literally go missing in Ireland......
Does any one know abou Copine and the research carried out in Dubllin over 4 years in Child Sexual abuse........or has it faded away with no transparency or accountability.?
Europol from Australia connected to an Italian in Italy and computer skreens including 5 in Ireland will be sourced for trial actions.
Pornograpy must be challenged and it is up to all to take responsibility.
You say: " people ought to take the opportunity to seriously review the world we live in, the morals we aspire to, the values we support and not be afraid to stand up and say No - there is an abuse and mostly involving children, vulnerable people, those that form the part of an underclass that society ultimately owes a debt to."
While strongly endorsing what you've said in that heartfelt post I politely ask you: Who and what should we collectively say No to? There are abusers in powerful institutions. There are individual abusers, some invisible nobodies, some whose names are in the celebrity domain. They abuse high office, the wealth of their professions, their connections to powerful individuals. They cover up facts about abuse.
Who do we say No to and how do we say it?
Worried Citizen
Apologies for delay. The truth is I became unsure how to reply.
The news recently has been about death and abuse in Jersey, abuse by a Grandfather of grandchildren here in Ireland and his jail sentence. It has been about the right of people abused by a swimming coach to receive damages and the decision of the court to say no. Then we have had two gruesome murders by husbands of their wives.......there is the corruption at Gardai level and the inaction of the DPP to pursue charges.....
Today, a man goes to prison for 3 and a half years.......for a sophisticated prostitution ring located at 3 sets of apartment blocks in fashionable Dublin.......his business partner (sent to prison last year) stated that earnings were as high as euros 3,000 to 4,000 per night. His fine today is only approx. euros 25,000.
What can I say. I think awareness is the first step and an ability to question wrong or as you perceive something to be wrong. Then you ought to report it and if at first you don't succeed to make an impact, continue to make an effort, otherwise secrecy can destroy.
People have an obligation to the society we live in. Children are treasures and we must protect them.
Again I will bring up the Abuse issue viz a viz Copine. This relates to research in Cork university. No doubt the State provided funding to the academics. Where is the transparency, accountability and responsibility of such a Group.......I sought a reply too many times and never received one. How many others out there sought assistance from this Research Body into Abuse and were in need......
Quotation: Edward Abbey - Contemporary Writer
Stand Fast
"Be like a tree in pursuit f your cause:
Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward
Bend to the wind of Heaven, and learn tranquility
No I have not gone away about vigilence, child abuse and University Research and obligations; I refer in particular to Copine in Cork University - Dr. Quayle.
The foregoing articles are mainly a monologue of mine on the horror of child abuse and the obligations of the Authorities regarding computers and porn.....
Eventually.....having being advised by a member of the medical profession that I had received question mark images, I reported the issue to my local Garda Station........someone came to view the machine and found indications of possible porn received. I asked him (based on the level of disabilities I have and the importance of the computer for person with memory problems from ABI) how long they would need it. 10 months later, having written to Commissioner Clancy, members of the Gardai arrived with the Court Order, to remove with immediate effect, my hard drive This is 5 months ago......and inspite of the importance to me of my files and particularly health files, I remain minus my computer. I explained that as recommended I sought clarification from Copine in Cork University and I received a note from interpol to say they had received my communications. Copine on the other hand, inspite of many communications, emails, reference to Department of Justice and Equality and Law Reform, nobody replied.
One member of the Gardai, I believe a detective sergeant game me no copy of the court order; gave me no receipt of my property taken from my home and when asked a couple of days later - when would I receive the hard drive back - his reply was 'It may take some time' - sarcastic - get a new system. My question is why should I feel the victim here when nobody from the Garda Station came for months. I feel very wronged by the system in protecting me and now I have no choice to go to the Garda Ombudsman for some explanation into my treatment.
Can you imagine my surprise.......years on.....and in the dark, minus my hard-drive (5 months), a programme appeared on RTE last night about Pornography. Dr. Quayle was in Ontario talking to researchers in Ontario, Canada and meeting with certain abusers who had been jailed for 15 years in the Canadian Prison system. They have reduced recidivism to 0-3 per cent.
Then there was Arbor Hill prison and the inadequate provision of counselling ............. there are only 8 places and something like 200 people potential each year.
Research, if you look at my position with Copine in Cork, would appear to be weighted towards the abuser yet data was sought from the general public........and in my case I did not receive the common decency of a reply..... This is a reflection on an attitude to those who are vulnerable.
Copine: what is the cost of a reply.....? what are people afraid of........Just think of Contract Law and Offer and Acceptance.... All technology has impacted in one way direction....nobody answers as in earlier times....hence Ethics and Transparency must lose out.
Here and Now - Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) German playwright
'Don't be afraid of death so much AS AN INADEQUATE LIFE'
No I have not gone away about vigilence, child abuse and University Research and obligations; I refer in particular to Copine in Cork University - Dr. Quayle.
The foregoing articles are mainly a monologue of mine on the horror of child abuse and the obligations of the Authorities regarding computers and porn.....
Eventually.....having being advised by a member of the medical profession that I had received question mark images, I reported the issue to my local Garda Station........someone came to view the machine and found indications of possible porn received. I asked him (based on the level of disabilities I have and the importance of the computer for person with memory problems from ABI) how long they would need it. 10 months later, having written to Commissioner Clancy, members of the Gardai arrived with the Court Order, to remove with immediate effect, my hard drive This is 5 months ago......and inspite of the importance to me of my files and particularly health files, I remain minus my computer. I explained that as recommended I sought clarification from Copine in Cork University and I received a note from interpol to say they had received my communications. Copine on the other hand, inspite of many communications, emails, reference to Department of Justice and Equality and Law Reform, nobody replied.
One member of the Gardai, I believe a detective sergeant game me no copy of the court order; gave me no receipt of my property taken from my home and when asked a couple of days later - when would I receive the hard drive back - his reply was 'It may take some time' - sarcastic - get a new system. My question is why should I feel the victim here when nobody from the Garda Station came for months. I feel very wronged by the system in protecting me and now I have no choice to go to the Garda Ombudsman for some explanation into my treatment.
Can you imagine my surprise.......years on.....and in the dark, minus my hard-drive (5 months), a programme appeared on RTE last night about Pornography. Dr. Quayle was in Ontario talking to researchers in Ontario, Canada and meeting with certain abusers who had been jailed for 15 years in the Canadian Prison system. They have reduced recidivism to 0-3 per cent.
Then there was Arbor Hill prison and the inadequate provision of counselling ............. there are only 8 places and something like 200 people potential each year.
Research, if you look at my position with Copine in Cork, would appear to be weighted towards the abuser yet data was sought from the general public........and in my case I did not receive the common decency of a reply..... This is a reflection on an attitude to those who are vulnerable.
Copine: what is the cost of a reply.....? what are people afraid of........Just think of Contract Law and Offer and Acceptance.... All technology has impacted in one way direction....nobody answers as in earlier times....hence Ethics and Transparency must lose out.
Here and Now - Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) German playwright
'Don't be afraid of death so much AS AN INADEQUATE LIFE'
A boy taking the school bus exchanged numbers with a man, several decades older than him.
The man (humbled I hope) was shown trying to take cover from the RTE camera tonight.
Why, yes, the Court fined him Euros 12,000 for sending inappropriate texts at school.
When will we wake up .......
Needless to say, I have still heard nothing from Copine.
Michelle Clarke
PS perhaps the Church will provide the answer. I hear that Ireland has been chosen by the Pope to host the Eucharistic Conference....the last time this happened was in 1932. It was a cleansing time as the Church tackled the white wash on areas like the Monto and Ireland's reputation as being one the best red light areas in Europe.
Something like up 60 per cent on last year.
Why? What persuades a man in his 50's while having a family of children to undertake the risk and get caught in a web shop scenario of goggling images. How pathetic are we going to get.
The man appeared before the court.....and yes the move is a suspended sentence.
How can we establish criminality when it could be a form of Obscessive Compulsory Disorder. Can we persuade the man to a code of conduct and derail the OCD prognosis, and link him to the more therapy based route i.e. Take responsibility.
Michelle Clarke
Mother Nature
'Protect and honor the earth, for the earth is like you mother
Sufi Wisdom