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offsite link North Korea Increases Aid to Russia, Mos... Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Trump Assembles a War Cabinet Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Slavgrinder Ramps Up Into Overdrive Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

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offsite link GB News Presenter Michelle Dewberry Cancels her Virgin Active Membership After ?Encountering a Man i... Wed Mar 12, 2025 13:08 | Will Jones
GB News presenter Michelle Dewberry has revealed she's cancelled her Virgin Active membership after "seeing a man in the changing female changing rooms" and being dissatisfied with the gym's response to her concerns.
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offsite link Amazonian Rainforest Obliterated To Make Way For COP30 Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:14 | Sallust
A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in Brazil. You can't make this stuff up.
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offsite link Could Labour?s Welfare Cuts Trigger a Meltdown in the UK?s Car Finance Market? Wed Mar 12, 2025 09:00 | Gabriel McKeown
The UK car market has become a Government-subsidised house of cards and now teeters on the brink of disaster, says Gabriel McKeown. Could Labour's welfare cuts be the trigger as subsidies are pulled?
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offsite link Mark Carney?s ?Climate Tax Rollback? is a Sleight of Hand Wed Mar 12, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
Green banking high priest Mark Carney has been selected as the next Prime Minister of Canada and his first act was to announce the abolition of the hated Carbon Tax. But it isn't what it seems, says Ben Pile.
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offsite link News Round-Up Wed Mar 12, 2025 01:43 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Is Donald Trump managing the possible collapse of the ?American empire??, by Thi... Tue Mar 11, 2025 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

offsite link The agony of the ?political West?, by Thierry Meyssan Thu Mar 06, 2025 04:20 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

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Shell, in "defiance" of Bush boards gravy train Iran

category galway | rights, freedoms and repression | other press author Tuesday January 30, 2007 00:15author by TD - Shell to Sea Report this post to the editors

"Those that get in at an early stage will be rewarded".

The UK Guardian is reporting that Shell along with its Spanish amigo, Repsol, have signed a $10 "initial" deal with the Iranians to develop a liquefied natural gas project centred on the South Pars gas field : "The move is a bold one by Shell because its arch-rival BP has declared itself unwilling to invest in Iran at a time when the international political climate surrounding the country is so forbidding ... Washington has increased pressure on non-US companies in the past year not to invest in Iran and some analysts believe it could be hard for oil companies to maintain operations in both Iran and the United States, where Shell and its Spanish partner Repsol both have fields".

"Fadel Gheit, oil analyst with the Oppenheimer & Co brokerage in New York, said Shell was right to proceed in Iran. "This is very positive for the company because those that get in at an early stage will be rewarded. They are clearly willing to ignore Bush because he is coming to the end of his presidency and when he goes everything could change."

Separately yesterday, Shell agreed to sell its Los Angeles refinery to Texan oil firm Tesoro in a deal worth nearly $2bn.

Related Link:,,329700021-108725,00.html
author by john smithpublication date Fri Mar 02, 2007 21:22author email john_smith_mail at yahoo dot co dot ukauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is unbelievable that the pathetic LABOUR PARTY do not heed wise counsel.

THE LABOUR PARTY will SELF DESTRUCT it will go into MELTDOWN on 3 MAY 2007

It did not listen to the good tenants of the "flagship" Housing Association, NHHT of 27 Hammersmith Grove, Hammersmith, which was in the "flagship" LABOUR PARTY Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham which fell to the Opposition [after 38 years!] because the good tenants have been and continue to be treated so diabolically by the unaccountable 'flagship' Housing Association. It has a housing stock of over 19,000 properties worth over 4 BIllion pounds [£4,000,000,000+] that is receiving unaccounatable taxpayers money which is funneled through the prime-minister-Blair-created-unaccountable-QUANGO Labour Party member appointed board of the Housing Corporation. Regulated by the Blair created unaccountable QUANGO Labour Party member appointed board of the Audit Commission.

Yet no one is listened to. Like the British people in the UK.
Unaccountability - Lack of Transparency - Lack of Consultation - which leads to the ability to get away with Lies, Deception and more Dissembling that underpins the Betrayal of the good people which is the Lasting Legacy of the Blair elective dictatorship Labour Party policy.

All legitimate complaints made to the indirectly controlled Blair unaccountable Housing Association are not listened to. All directors are Labour Party members. The Housing Association implements Blair housing policy. It revolves around unaccountability and lack of transparency. It relishes in promoting lies. Its purpose is to gerrymander the vote through the unaccountable Housing Associations. [Look what Greg Hands MP has asserted at Prime Minister's Question Time in the UK House of Commons as recorded and faithfully reported from Hansard Parliamentary Debates! How many good people are obliged to suffer the confrontation, the Harassment, the Human Rights abuses - which continue unabated!
All going through the actions of the chief executive of NHHT - Ms Kate Davies!!!]

BLAIR UK HOUSING POLICY (through Office of Deputy Prime Mnister - ODPM under John Prescott now after its discrediting it was renamed to Department of Communities & Local Government DCLG under Ruth Kelly-Gadd Secretary of State of Communities & Local Government):
i) 3 MILLION COUNCIL HOMES - Labour Party Government desire to abolish rent ceilings - desire to abolish tenancy security of Secured and Assured tenancies - desire to increase rent to commercial rents - desire to abolish sibling to inherit the tenancy - desire not to be responsible for repairs - desire to sell off council properties - desire to abolish accountability of council housing tenants through local Councillors of the local Borough!
Setting up of unaccountable Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs) to transfer Council housing stock to unaccountable private housing "Trusts".
No debate - ignorance by the Public? No Consent of Tenants! No accountable mandate!
What sort of biased Tenancy "Contract" is this??? [There are 2 sides to a CONTRACT!]
ii) 1 MILLION HOUSING ASSOCIATION HOMES - become unaccountable through the appointment of Blair Labour Party member directors.
The so-called "shareholders" are determined by the Labour Party appointed chairman as one-pound Chairman-nominated nominee "token shareholdrers". Total lack of democracy.

That translates as a BIG slice of the vote under Housing, where Housing = VOTES.
Known as 'Gerrymandering' as used under many successive governments but it came to prominence under the leadership of the City of Westminster housing/electoral local government policies successfully implemented under Conservative Party member, Shirley Porter.
Housing = Votes, that is where priority, preference and precedence comes in.
Allocation of Housing is a very, very sensitive issue in local government politics.
It is controlled by central government, partly through the DCLG.
Those claiming asylum and those who have Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) Immigration status get priority. They are processed through Law Centres controlled by the (guess who?) Labour Party controlled and funded Law Centres.
[Blair government departments promote the Multiculturism argument at every single opportunity!]
Targets have become so important to Blair.
Blair's wife tends to give priority to support Islamic causes.
To give the impression that Islamic people are "victims".
"Victims" then get maximum priority.
So Blair can be see as supporting Islamic causes in the UK but in reality he is fighting the true Islamic cause for their Oil!
Blair supports the B- Black police section (in Met. Police),
Blair supports the I - Islamic police section (in Met. Police),
Blair supports the G- Gay police section (in Met. Police),
Blair supports the B - I - G police divide.
So he can control it! Divide and Rule.
So there is now a BIG Police divide - it has been politicised and undermined in efficiency.
Its main independent unbiased procedures have been politically compromised.
Now it is top heavy with form filling.
Now it is compromised with political policing.
Now targets are being imposed.
Now the imposition of institutional distractions are being supported openly by Mr Blair.
[e.g. The perception that the Police is "Institutionally Racist..." as a fact... it is not... it is a political ploy... in order to impose "political" policing... (just read '1984' by George Orwell) - the elective dictatorship is complete - "the saying of a truth becomes a matter of revolution when everything is governed by (government imposed) lies!!!". ]
[It is certainly supportive if you seek advancement within the lower and higher (indeed all) echelons of the judiciary!]

The new entrants to the UK tend to vote for those who support them and gave them homes.
Indigenous people tend to be treated by Labour Party as "second class and without priority".
Labour Party support MULTICULTURISM policies to brand anyone not supporting them as "RACIST"
This is a devious way to SHUT UP the political Opposition.
Deviously Clever!
In the process the Indigenous people are found without work or sacked under Blair's divided society. [DIVIDE and RULE]
Public Sector is widened to create a supplicant Dependency Culture.
So Blair can secure as many votes as possible.
In the meantime - what happens - the concept of "(EVIL) WHITE TRASH" is promoted
British Culture is binned.
British beliefs are trashed.
British toleration is abused as an invitation to control.
Now it is clear why many are sick of the divide and rule concept of British politics.
Many are sick of Politics - many feel alienated from politics and do not bother to vote.

The politicians (lying as usual) blame the electorate (the illusion) - the reality is the reverse.
As the politicians rig the opportunity for the electorate to have a meaningful say - the electorate feel rightly excluded from a non-dialogue which is in truth a political party monologue.
Not inclusive but exclusive

The link between the British Prime Minister (political) and the legal executive in the UK (legal) is not separated and independant. Law is not separated from Politics in the UK.
Law is inextricably linked to politics.

There are many fatal flaws with British law and British politics.

The UK has NO written constitution. [Idea for any would-be Dictator (no limits)!]

The UK unwritten constitution was described by Lord Hailsham when in political opposition as an "Elective Dictatorship". [Lord Hailsham was a member of Lincoln's Inn.][Lord Hailsam was otherwise known by his real name as Quintin Hogg - Conservative Party Lord Chancellor for Mrs Thatcher (ex member of Lincoln's Inn)].

Lord Hailsham came from the family who were responsible for founding Westminister University. The University was founded by his family from which Cherie Blair was awarded an Honorary Doctorate. Mrs Blair had previously worked at the University as a law lecturer in the law department for a short period. Her mentor was Derry Irvine (the shadow Lord Chancellor). Lord Irvine had worked part time at the LSE as a part time law lecturer in the law department giving law lectures to Cherie Booth for her LLB law degree. Cherie Booth therefore turned to Derry Irvine for work. Derry Irvine - LABOUR LORD Derry Irvine gave Cherie Booth and Tony Blair their all important pupillage (practical traineeship in law) - Tony BLAIR and Cherie BOOTH were both members of Lincoln's Inn - where they studied for the Bar law exams [As Mrs Thatcher and many UK prime ministers had done before them!].

After John Smith's death [ex Labour Party leader who had been a law graduate and Barrister -Derry Irvine [Shadow Chancellor] was crossing Parliament Square and told Peter Mandelson [so-called ex "Communist" (agent of another world power? CIA agent?) head of Labour Party strategy (not trusted by ex Labour Leader John Smith)] that Tony (his ex pupil) would be the next Labour Party leader. Peter Mandelson then made it happen. Much to the chagrin of Gordon Brown PhD and all the other hopefuls for the Labour Party crown. Dr Gordon Brown (who was awarded his PhD in economics was 'stitched up'). Little did Gordon Brown PhD realise how "Princess Mandy" would "stitch him" up - good and proper!

After the general election on 2 May 1997, Tony Blair not unnaturally ensured that his ex pupil master (Derry Irvine) was appointed by him as Lord Chancellor. [Responsible for appointing, promoting and dismissing all judges and appointing and dimissing all magistrates in the UK and responsible for all law courts in the UK.] Apart from the prime minister, the Lord Chancellor is the most senior member in Cabinet (Executive). The Lord Chancellor was Speaker of the House of Lords - decides who speaks (head of the legislature). However, as head of the House of Lords as the supreme court in the UK which tends to sit in the publicly accessible Committee Rooms on the Lords side Corridor. As head of the five judge panel of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary [commonly referred to as 'Law Lords'] this means the Lord Chancellor was head of the Judiciary!
But wait.
This means that in the person of the Lord Chancellor the position as head of the judiciary, legislature and executive means this strikes at the very heart of the Independence of the Judiciary and the separation of powers! Compare this with the US written constitution which has a true separation of powers. Therefore, resorting to the law in the UK is totally compromised by the control of Law by the Executive.

Subsequently, a row erupted between Blair and Derry Irvine [Irvine was likened to a dictator - he dictated to his civil servants as if they were "servants" commanding them to even peel his oranges!][Derry Irvine came from a humble background - was his father not a roofer? - but acted like Cardinal Wolsey of Henry VIII's Court - he liked to compare himself to Cardinal Wolsey]. Derry Irvine went off with the wife of Donald Dewar MP with whom he had previously studied law together [Donald was a solicitor, Derry was a barrister - Derry bought an impressive house and collected paintings and impressed the poor cuckolded Donald. That is why Donald was put out of the way when they were both in the Blair Cabinet. Dewar was sent off to Scotland as secretary of state to Scotland - poor Donald. Dewar's life had changed when he went to Glasgow University, where he became part of a close circle that included John Smith, who was to become Labour leader and who shared Dewar's passion for devolution, and Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat leader. The Glasgow University Union debate on Friday nights was a bearpit, attended by drunken students howling from the balcony, and it was there that Dewar developed his debating skills: after those debates, Westminster was easy.

The battles between Irvine and Dewar in cabinet committee were bruising, perhaps overlaid with a residual personal animosity. Dewar had not spoken to Irvine from the time Irvine left with his wife in 1970 until the two were pushed together at the funeral of John Smith at Westminster Abbey, more than two decades later. Dewar came off second best in the early stages of the committee meetings but eventually got the upper hand, securing most of what he wanted in the Scotland Act.

Dewar is now dead. Derry Irvine's wife is now out of the way in isolation in Canada. Derry Irvine's son (Alastair) went off the rails and turned to drugs in the United States. He tried to find solace in another man's girlfried and was imprisoned by US law enforcement for pestering her. [His son following in the steps of the father? or a genuine desperate plea for help?] This would never ever have happened in the UK - to arrest the son of the Lord Chancellor! It would have been a very, very brave (a real foolish?) police officer who would have done anything of the sort.

Alastair Irvine himself was less gifted [far less gifted than Derry Irvine] and became interested in body-building during his late teens before becoming a professional personal trainer in a joint business with a former soft porn model, Carole Caplin. That is how Cherie Booth-Blair got to know her bisexual friend Carole - with whom she enjoyed a good "massage". As she did with the wife of Robin Gibb (of the UK pop group 'Bee Gees' named after his brother, Brian Gibb) - the beautiful blonde bisexual Dwina Murphy-Gibb!

Just as Alastair Irvine lived in the shadow of his highly intelligent/motivated father. The children of many many successful parents go off "the rails" as if for a cry for help. George Bush certainly ran into difficulty when his two daughters Jenna and Barbara from the Crawford Ranch [in the UK, Ranch = Farm](in Texas) had a few problems. Jenna "and tonic" Bush and her twin sister, Barbara, landed in trouble with the law for drinking margaritas. The Texas twosome, both 20, fell foul of strict underage drinking laws - Jenna was put on probation and fined for her second offence. Barbara has had a fine and community service.

Seven years ago, Tony Blair, as Prime Minister, was left nursing his son’s first hangover when Euan, then 16, was found lying in a gutter in Leicester Square, after downing one too many ciders with friends. It was wise to take him to Charing Cross Police station. When asked if he was Tony Blair's son, he continued to deny it. It became clear he was indeed Euan. Any charges were rapidly dropped. He was then immediately taken to 10 Downing Street where his dad proceeded to tell him off.

Similarly, Jack Straw (ex students leader), the home secretary who said no to decriminalising cannabis, was left humbled in 1997, when his son, William (ex students leader), 17 at the time, received a police caution after he was caught trying to sell hashish to an undercover journalist.

Prince Charles, on finding out that "his" son, Prince Harry had smoked cannabis, responded by sending "his" son to visit a drug rehabilitation centre.
All in a bid to stop SHORT-TERM shame leading to LONG-TERM tragedy.
[In reality Prince Harry = Harry Hewitt - son of ex Major James Hewitt and the late Diana Spencer when Princess Diana was married to Prince Charles - this fact will never ever appear in the UK media - no DNA genetic test would ever be allowed by the royal household for obvious reasons - to prove true paternity - just look at comparisons between the two - James Hewitt was proceeded against for "possession of cannabis" - was this intended as a subtle signal to say it might be a good idea to consider to emigrate, like Charles Earl Spencer to Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa?].

It is interesting how the conscious steps of the father [FATE of the father] end up leaving an indelible mark that CANNOT and WILL NOT ever be removed from the conscience of the FATHER on to the son or SIBLING!

It can be argued strenuously that what we DO links inextricably to what we BECOME.

After the blazing row with Tony Blair, Derry Irvine was swept out of the way and replaced by Charles Falconer. [LABOUR PARTY LORD Charles Falconer] Charles Falconer was of course Tony Blair's ex flatmate. He is now the LABOUR PARTY Lord Chancellor.
It is sick how Law in the UK has been compromised by LABOUR POLITICS.

No one appears to be speaking out?
Perhaps they do not want to damage their careers?
Perhaps they do not realise how far law has been prostituted in the UK?
Derry Irvine was the architect of the Access to Justice Act 1999 in the UK.
It was not intended to be an "access" to justice but a denial of acces to justice in the UK.
After this piece of law, many countless firms of solicitors went out of business.
Individuals could no longer instruct solicitors under Legal Aid for Personal Injury (PI) work.
Insurance Contracts were to take the place of Legal Aid in PI Cases - which became hard to obtain.

Legal Aid has been cut back drastically so it is easier for the Labour Party government to control the outcome of civil cases. Legal Services Commission (LSC) QUANGO controls the Legal Aid paid to any solicitor. This funding can be inhibited (stopped) very easily by a firm of solicitors that is prepared to use deceit (even against the client on 'the other side'). It happens far too often and far too easily.

Lord Harry Woolf [ex Lord Chief Justice was summoned by Derry Irvine to his office with the specific purpose to CUT BACK on the Legal Aid budget - WHAT PRICE JUSTICE? - WHAT EXACTLY IS JUSTICE? - it was a political act - not a legal act]. I know, as I spoke to both of them. Both of them said to me - out of their own mouths - exactly what had happened regarding the genesis of that piece of law.

Before I heard what they said separately to me, I had previously, naively, believed that there had been genuine consultation with all lawyers!!!
Not true!
It was already decided - so any consultation was not "genuine" like the decision (previously taken) to go to war in Iraq and the plan to go to war in Iran - so it was decided what will be the law by one person - Derry Irvine [coming from the ex pupil Blair?].

Ironically it was through Cherie Booth-Blair working at Matrix Chambers in Gray's Inn by Chancery Lane with the fellow barrister Ken Macdonald (the founder of the chambers) that Cherie recommended the LABOUR PARTY flag-waving Ken Macdonald - her colleague, to her husband as a man with NO experience in prosecution work (his only experience was in defence work - he was previously the recipient of a conviction for sending cannabis in the post). He was touted by Cherie to Tony as the "ideal" candidate for the position of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in charge of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) based at the unmarked office at 50 Ludgate Hill - around the corner from the Old Bailey - Central Criminal Courts - where the most serious criminal cases tend to be heard.
After all, criminal cases are cases brought by the State.

Who is the State?
The State tends to be the executive [read Tony Blair as head of the executive].
The State determines through criminal policy what or who should be prosecuted as a matter of sending the "right" signal to the British "subjects" of "the Crown"!!!

Note that the prime minister tends to rely on "relics of the Crown" when the King (or Queen) ordered Acts of State.
One of these "relics of State" is what is called the "Crown Prerogative" which gives a mandate for a prime minister to go to war without the necessary parliamentary mandate - or the unaccountable procedure in order to totally bypass parliamentary procedure.

Tony Blair tends to place a very very high priority on pursuing "unconstitutional" (as in the unwritten constitution) unaccountable methods!
This means the prime minister [or is it the "elective dictator"?] cannot be censured for whatever action he takes!!!

Tony Blair appointed Ken Macdonald [on Cherie Booth-Blair's advice] and made him a LABOUR PARTY Knight [next step the LABOUR PARTY Peerage].

Blair is just a puppet. He consciously allows himself to be under the control of Rupert Murdoch [Blair often drops everything to "run" for a meal with Rebekah Wade as Editor of Rupert Murdoch's 'Sun' newspaper/tabloid - she is married to BBC TV EastEnders actor Ross Kemp - Blair appoints the chairman of the BBC - Both Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson are vying for control of the BBC].

Blair consciously allows himself to be under the control of US president George (Dubya: "W" standing for Walker) Bush ('43'). Bill Clinton once told Blair to always follow the US president. Foolishly, Blair follows like a blind puppy-dog. Thatcher might not have been liked by many [Poll Tax in 1981 - the last poll tax in the UK was in 1381 - Peasants Revolt of 1381!] but Thatcher did command respect with the US president.
Just as the Queen commands respect.
The Queen discreetly Warns, Counsels, Listens. [She is NOT arrogant. She drives her own old green estate car in Scotland and outside London and she can confirm that she can say very rude words (to her dogs when one of them caught and killed a rabbit) - but never arrogant!][In comparison, Mrs Blair appears to see the Queen as a "rival" to "the (true) Crown".]

Bush might be portrayed as a fool. Yet he realises that the control of the West is in OIL.
He went to the universities of Harvard and to Yale.
He did a Bachelor's degree (in History at Yale)
a Master's degree (in Business Administration at Harvard).

Bush successfully ensured he did not fight in the Vietnam War by being a member of the Texas Air National Guard. He started an OIL company in 1979 called Arbusto Energy with James R. Bath of Houston, Texas. Arbusto meaning "Bush" (as in George 'Dubya' Bush) as translated in English. Guess who helped bail him out? None other than one member of the bin Laden family. Salem bin Laden (a brother to Osama). Bush does not want to acknowledge this connection.
Yet, he cannot deny it.

When President Bush announced he is "hot" on the trail of the money used over the years to finance terrorism, he knows that trail ultimately leads not only to Saudi Arabia, but to some of the very same financiers who originally helped propel him into the oil business and later the White House. The ties between bin Laden and the White House are so very very much closer than he will ever acknowledge.

Mr Bush has not always practiced what he is now preaching: Bush’s own businesses were once tied to financial figures in Saudi Arabia who currently support bin Laden.

As stated above, in 1979, Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy, obtained financing from James Bath, a Houstonian and close family friend with whom he was in the Texas Air Guard. One of many investors, Bath gave Bush $50,000 for a 5 percent stake in Arbusto. At the time, Bath was the sole U.S. business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the wealthy Saudi Arabian family and a brother (one of 17) to Osama bin Laden. It has long been suspected, but never proven, that the Arbusto money came directly from Salem bin Laden. In a statement issued shortly after the September 11 attacks, the White House [understandably] vehemently denied the connection, insisting that Bath invested his own money, not Salem bin Laden’s, in Arbusto.

In conflicting statements, Bush at first denied ever knowing Bath, then acknowledged his stake in Arbusto and that he was aware Bath represented Saudi interests. In fact, Bath has extensive ties, both to the bin Laden family and major players in the scandal-ridden Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) [which had many branches in London] who have gone on to fund Osama bin Laden. BCCI defrauded depositors of $10 billion in the 1980s in what has been called "one of the largest bank frauds in world financial history” by former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. During the ’80s, BCCI also acted as a main conduit for laundering money intended for clandestine CIA activities, ranging from financial support to the Afghan mujahedin to paying intermediaries in the IRAN-Contra affair.
[US policy links to financing other governments in order to control raw materials world wide].

When Salem bin Laden died in 1988, powerful Saudi Arabian banker and BCCI principal Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his interests in Houston, Texas. Bath ran a business for bin Mahfouz in Houston and joined a partnership with bin Mahfouz and Gaith Pharaon, BCCI’s frontman in Houston’s Main Bank.

The Arbusto deal wasn’t the last time Bush looked to highly questionable sources to invest in his oil dealings. After several incarnations, Arbusto emerged in 1986 as Harken Energy Corporation. When Harken ran into trouble a year later, Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh purchased a 17.6 percent stake in the company. Bakhsh was a business partner with Pharaon in Saudi Arabia; his banker there just happened to be BIN MAHFOUZ.

Though Bush told the Wall Street Journal he had “no idea” BCCI was involved in Harken’s financial dealings, the network of connections between Bush and BCCI is so extensive that the Journal concluded their investigation of the matter in 1991 by stating: “The number of BCCI-connected people who had dealings with Harken—all since George W. Bush came on board—raises the question of whether they mask an effort to cozy up to a presidential son.” Or even the president: Bath finally came under investigation by the FBI in 1992 for his Saudi business relationships, accused of funneling Saudi money through Houston, Texas, in order to influence the foreign policies of the Reagan and first Bush [his father's] administrations.

Worst of all, bin Mahfouz allegedly has been financing the bin Laden terrorist network—making Bush a U.S. citizen who has done business with those who finance and support terrorists. According to USA Today, bin Mahfouz and other Saudis attempted to transfer $3 million to various bin Laden front operations in Saudi Arabia in 1999. ABC News reported the same year that Saudi officials stopped bin Mahfouz from contributing money directly to bin Laden. (Bin Mahfouz’s sister is also a wife of Osama bin Laden, a fact that former CIA Director James Woolsey revealed in 1998 Senate testimony.)

Ironic - isn't it?

We do not live in the sort of "democracy" we would like to think.
It is more a jungle (in charge is the symbolic "Lion" - symbol on Royal Arms - found in all UK courts) with deception as the key (the mythical symbolic "Unicorn" found chained on the symbol on the Royal Arms in all UK courts - ironic).
Deception is manipulated through the eye of those who control the media.

Blair - Bush - control of Oil supplies.

Compare with the previous overthrow of the democratic Iranian prime minister (Mohammad Mossadeq) by US and UK through the clandestine CIA and SIS/MI6 in 1953.
Reason: because the US was not prepared to be compromised in control of its sphere of influence over control of the precious OIL [Life blood to Western capitalist society].

Compare to IRAQ [# 2 Largest Oil Exporter in the World] policy.
US wants to divide IRAQ into 3 sectors: Shia/Sunni/Kurds
US wants permanent bases in IRAQ to control the Oil for the WEST!
US wants there to be division in the Middle East so they fight amongst themselves - rather than fight against us.

Compare to IRAN [# 4 Largest Oil Exporter in the World] policy.
NORTHERN sector covered by US 6th (Mediterranean)(nuclear) Fleet off Turkey
WESTERN sector covered by US forces in IRAQ
SOUTHERN sector covered by US 5th fleet based out of BAHRAIN by Straits of Hormuz [recently supported by second US nuclear carrier group]
EASTERN sector covered by US forces in Afghanistan [recently moved in place]
US special forces are now operating in IRAN.

More importantly, US covert funding is being given to the parliamentary opposition in order to begin to destabilise the regime from within. [Same tactics used in Iraq! Plus ca change!]
To give cover to the 'lie' that there has been active ongoing diplomacy there appears to the outside world that there is a so-called "dialogue initiative" (dialogue initiative phase) is now being pursued as a 'false' option.
The "(non meaningful) dialogue" is the smokescreen "psychological-operation (psy-ops)" to give the public the impression that "they" (the Iranians) are "at fault".

Clear Perceived Message:
We are "democratic!"
They are "NOT democratic!!!"

US want to install guess who?
A Monarchical dictatorship - like most of the other US controlled Oil exporting Middle East countries.
Step forward....
A Leader....
The Leader ... CHOSEN by the US President... SORRY - wrong script...
The REAL LEADER...Now being paraded on US CIA controlled CIA paid Voice Of America (VOA) Persia Service TV, 'Roundtable with You', REZA PAHLAVI of IRAN (funded by the US taxpayer before he is paraded and returned in triumph to IRAN) said: - "The alternative is quite clear. We are faced with a dictatorial, medieval and religious system of government that like all other dictatorships suppresses its own people . . . OUR GOAL (US GOAL) is to replace this system with a "DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT.... based on respect for...blah blah blah...

Now you know the outcome...

So much for "true" DEMOCRACY!!!

The US$2.2 TRILLION+ dollar debt [US$ 2,200,000,000,000] cannot continue.
Another reason why the US is obliged to control IRAN
One way is to control spending.
In democracies it is hard to go against "the people's" choice - it is far easier to just knock out a weak country put in a "puppet" client dictator and appropriate the essential resources.

6 Billion [6,000,000,000] people and rising on Planet Earth makes it unsustainable so a few million people that are killed is no big loss in relation to "survival of the the fittest - the name of the game". According to some in the political elite!

[i) US, ii) Russia, iii) China, iv) UK, v) France]

Russia will do nothing when the US invades.
Likewise, China will do has too much to lose...
It has massive Investments in US government bonds in the United States.
If China was to withdraw its control over its holding of US government bonds, the US [McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon, Boeing, Halliburton, Texaco, Exxon, Aramco, McDonalds, Britney Spears Inc., fast-food, drug culture, pop culture] would be toast...
No! China wants its investments intact, thank you!
It will therefore not raise a finger.

As for Russia, it does not want to embark on an armed conflict.

The obvious news that was perhaps too predictable coming to you from west London...
[email protected]

Do NOT vote for a corrupt LABOUR PARTY local government on 3 MAY 2007!!!

3 MAY 2007 - local elections in Scotland, Wales and England.

[WAR Cost to UK taxpayers: £1.8 Billion, Iraq: £1 Billion, Afghanistan: £0.8 Billion]

WAR Debate with 15 Cross-Party MPs on TUESDAY, 20 MARCH 2007 [4th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion] at Central Hall, Westminster between 2pm - 8pm.






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