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Dialogue & Peace "The Process must be"
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anti-war / imperialism |
Sunday January 28, 2007 17:57 by iosaf barcelona

This morning as thousands of delegates went to the Ard Fheis of Sinn Fein in Dublin to discuss policing matters & shock the unionists by saying "yes" & of course include plastic bullets in the list of lethal weapons - elsewhere the road to peace, dialogue & inter-community relations seems as daunting as ever before.
The Basque moderate nationalists PNV who hold and have held the democratic majority in Euskadi launched the counter-offensive against the Spanish state judiciary who have put the Lehandakari (taoiseach) in the dock "for talking to Batasuna". Meanwhile thousands of people including many hundreds of "heavy weights" from the world of culture & intelligentsia concentrated in Barcelona to demand dialogue more than 80 entities took part including all left wing parties & Catalan nationalist formations & many Basque peace groups.
 Though not present Alec Reid noted Belfast pacifist & cleric (RC) got the message & sent support. this is the complete text of the PNV's statement (in castillian) this is not only a statement from the political party but also an institutional statement on behalf of the Basque government.
I am reminded of Alex Reid's words in the documentary "pelota vasca" made in 2003 (information in english ) Alec Reid expressed his astonishment that the then government of Aznar would not even enter in dialogue with the PNV.
Since the set backs of December 30th and the Barajas Madrid bombings for which ETA accepted responsibility whilst also regretting "collateral damage" (2 Ecuadorian migrants died) it has become clear yet again that the Spanish Right wing now in government opposition but still holding sway in the Judiciary have no real intention to foment dialogue & thus peace. Their's is the word no! as much as any Ulster unionist of Paisley's tradition.
It is hoped on the general left not only in Catalonia but much of the Spanish state that the suggestions by the moderate Basque nationalists for "laying the table" & ending violence in Euskadi will be taken to the centre of the Spanish state´s government policy. It is hoped that the new tactics will highlight as in 2003 Alex Reid noted as an Irishman - one impediment to the peace process. The intransigence of the Judiciary who increasingly appear to interpret laws such as the "political party" legislation with right wing Spanish bias.
The PP (Spanish right) are alone in to accepting the need for dialogue and the move to democratisiation and democratic representation of the so-called "abertzale" denominations. Which count not only on Batasuna and its recently illegalised 3 youth wings but also the main trade union & many other social organisations.
Finally I would like to quote (in translation) Raimon, one of Catalonian cultures most celebrated & loved "folk-singers and poets" who this morning in Barcelona's Jaume square quiped that if he had not written the poignant "pais basc" during the dictatorship of Franco (which he performed today to the assembled crowd as the closing act of the event) he would have had to write it in 2007. Its simple words still strike chords not only with the Catalans but with whomever truly appreciates the hunger & thirst of the people of Euskadi for peace. Peace which will come with Dialogue. Dialogue which will come through the patience of those who wish to speak not the intrasigence of those who wish to silence dissent or murder & main for absolutist nationalist paradigms (be they castillian or basque).
All the colours of green
under a leaden sky
which the sun wants to break
All the colours of green
in that month of May
The wind carried the strengh
of a people who have suffered much
The wind carried the strength
of a people who have been hidden.
All the colours of Green
under a well closed sky.
& water is always life
between mountains & valleys
under the greyness of the sky.
All the colours of green
in that month of May.
it so old and rooted
so ancient as time
the pain of that people
it is so old and rooted
as the colours of green in that
month of May
Gora Euskadi! they say strongly
the people, land and sea
There in the Basque country.
my translation of Raimon's text : Pais Basc : Tots els colors del verd
sota un cel de plom que el sol vol trencar. Tots els colors del verd en aquell mes de maig. Portava el vent la força d'un poble que ha sofert tant. Portava la força el vent d'un poble que ens han amagat. Tots els colors del verd sota un cel ben tancat. I l'aigua és sempre vida entre muntanyes i valls. I l'aigua és sempre vida sota la grisor del cel. Tots els colors del verd en aquell mes de maig. És tan vell i arrelat, tan antic com el temps el dolor d'aquella gent.És tan vell i arrelat, com tots els colors del verd en aquell mes de maig. Tots els colors del verd, Gora Euskadi, diuen fort la gent, la terra i el mar allà al País Basc.
I will use the comments to update news as it happens this week.
My previous piece on the peace process in Euskadi may be read here along with update comments, though it is worth noting that the site indymedia ireland suffered a prolonged period "offline" & thus the comments were not as thorough as they would otherwise have been. But now we are back on track & in a sense it as much as sentiment that "the Spanish Right stop" as "ETA stops". It is more important now than ever before for groups who work for ordinary people in the Basque lands and the support hinterlands internationally to redouble efforts to bring about dialogue.
Siochan agus Saoirse = bake prozesuaren aldeko.., = si al proces
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19paragraph 5 of main text : "The PP (Spanish right) are alone in to accepting the need for dialogue and the move to democratisiation and democratic representation" should of course read "The PP (Spanish right) are alone in not accepting the need for dialogue and the move to democratisiation and democratic representation."
in the translation of Raimon's song "The wind carried the strengh of a people who have suffered much The wind carried the strength of a people who have been hidden." ought of course to read "The wind carried the strengh of a people who have suffered much
The wind carried the strength of a people who we have hidden." (being a reference to the links and affection which grew between Catalans and Basques during the dictatorship replacing the mutual antagonism which had previously existed between the two nations resulting from the opposing sides they took in the Carlist wars.
& the link to my last piece on the Peace Process -
and these useful background links for those readers who have not yet realised that the Irish peoples have much to offer the Basque and furthermore it is our duty to help them.
"Laying the table" brought us through the parallels between the IRA & ETA processes & multiple ceasefires from 1998 to 2005.
The Absent reminded us of all the The conflict in Ireland from 1969 and 2001which saw 3523 killed & the deaths in the Spanish state from 1960 to December 28th 2006. There were 1278 names. There are now 1280.
The ETA Ceasefire was reported here :-
"How the Basques voted & not voted"
noting the PP now argue for the illegalisation of EHAK the basque communist party.
& this reminder that the process is not only about "ETA" but also about ordinary young basques.
meanwhile Basque support groups in Ireland have published these updates on Batasuna related news -
Whichever it's clear a lot of ordinary Basque people feel strongly enough about their Lehandakari facing questions & possible charges under terrorism legislation for holding meetings during 2006 with Batasuna.
Joining the march were ex-Lehandakaris Jose Antonio Ardanza and Carlos Garaikoetxea who at the end of the march denounced the charges against the current Lehandakari J.J. Ibarretxe (who will face questioning on Wednesday this week) as blatent politicisation by the Judiciary, no more than a non-constitutional ploy by the Spanish right to silence all Basques.
& that is how it looks.
For their part those political groups which did not participate in todays march ( the pan-spanish PP and PSOE and Batasuna) had a few things to say -
PSOE think it is all about getting votes.
PP think it is about cocking a snook at the judges.
Batasuna said the basques dont need a march in favour of either Otegi (their leader) or Ibarretxe - they just need all party discussions.
& thats how it looks as well.
Though since it was announced 30 minutes (as I write) that Otegi, Barrena & Petrikorena of Batasuna are in the dock tomorrow morning, i suppose there will be few more marches yet.
Incidently many people in Ireland may be unaware that every time Otegi and chums are reported on telly or radio or in newspapers as telling us what Batasuna think (such as the statement after the last ETA attack telling us it will all still be ok) they are "breaking the law" according to the interpretation of the current judges "Because they are acting as spokespeople for an illegalised and proscibed organisation and that constitutes contempt of court".
One last thing for Basque watchers - one of the 3 arguments put forward by lawyer Alvaro Reizabal for clemency for ETA hunger striker Juan Iñaki de Chaos so that he be released from prison and allowed house arrest if not full release was the health condition of his mother Esperanza Chaos Lloret. Her death was reported yesterday at 83 years.
Bilbao Monday evening - thousands march to support their institutions and stop the criminalisation of their regional prime minister.
19th April 2006 Batasuna & the Lehandakari meet. All those 4 people are facing terrorist charges for doing that.
Yesterday Batasuna were called to explain their meeting with the Lehendakari to the Spanish Judges.
They "took the 5th". This being a reference to the 5th ammendment of the US constitution 1791 which guarantees the right of a citizen not to give evidence against him/herself. Of course this is a concept which doesn't exist in most legal systems, especially those based on Roman Law or (as the Spanish) the Napoleonic codification of those laws. But they did refuse to answer questions nonetheless. Thus a session which the Spanish prosecutor Roberto Saiz had scheduled for four ahd half hours was wrapped in forty minutes.
Meanwhile Zapatero in response to the demonstration by supporters of the Lehendakari's right to hold official talks with Batasuna last April spoke on TV of "the right to expression" & the "right to criticise" (which as close ZP came to the right to "dissent" I touched on in the text above but that's coz I'm particularly interested in expanding such concepts to embrace the right to civil disobedience &c.)
This morning the Lehendakari had his turn - & he didn't go for the 5th. If we continue the silly analogy of the US bill of rights & subsequent amendments - He more played the "presidential privelage" role. & He had lots to say. The April meeting wasn't the only one he had with Batasuna. & it seems like he'd have more too. One of the things he said which is being reported widely now was this :- "My actions are controlable to a political seat [meaning the Basque parliament] not a penal one [meaning the Spanish Judges]". He also affirmed that he had been "working for and seeking peace"....."I give my word that I went to speak to everyone about everything to seek an exit to the conflict and achieve peace. [ & in a reference to the coalition he leads of local PSOE and his own party PNV c/f "how the basques voted and not voted" " ] "In the coalition agreement it was clearly stated what was going to be the political objectives [of the Basque legislation]. I will continue talking with all the political sensitivities of this country [probably means Basque country] because one can not criminalise dialogue."
___________________________these are my thoughts____________________________
It's easy for the Lehendakari to say you can't criminalise dialogue. Meanwhile Rajoy of the PP had gone on telly to counter ZP's "right to expression" with a "no-one has a right to contempt of court". Which oddly puts the silence of Batasuna's group yesterday in a new light. Some political commentators here (in the Spanish state and Catalonia) think the silence of Batasuna yesterday incriminates the Lehendakari more. Obviously they're not culturally based on anglo-saxon law or find their thoughts on liberty influenced by the US bill of rights like you or me. & yes you are influenced by those concepts even if you didn't know it. Which is why I would argue for the first time since the "law of political parties" and Garzon the "super judge" illegalised Batasuna, the refusal by Arnaldo Otegi, Pernando Barrena and Juan José Petrikorena to testify or answer questions yesterday actually constituted "legal obedience" - they didn't express opinions - they weren't in contempt of court by representing their organisation's views..... I am reminded somewhat of the legal and jurist arguments which brought Lilliput to such awful war with her neighbour....
Roberto Saiz the Judge who seems to want to walk in the footsteps of "super prosecutor" Garzon but instead has left himself more open than "super" Garzon ever did to accusations of political bias & inteference ( Saiz hasnt done anything to Pinochet or racked up genocide cases or lectured the Americans on how to prosecute terrorists without banging them up in Guantanamo & he lacks Garzons indisputable fetishised adherence to legal priniciples even if at first glance he seems to have a fetishised interpretation of same) - will now call on the media to surrender their notebooks, photos and videos of the meeting last April.
I am so glad I didn't go. Once you get me talking - there's not stopping me.
Today the Basque independence newspaper "Gara" published an interview with Ibon Meñika & Olatz Dañobeitia who are presently "on the run" after the Spanish judges ruled the Basque youth groups Jarrai, Haika and Segi to be terrorist organisations.
They have rejected "any legitimacy of a foreign court to judge the youth of Euskal Herria" and called on those youngsters "to continue in the struggle".
Both the youth organisations and "Askatasuna" (the ETA prisoner network) have planned a march for this weekend which as of an hour ago has been "prohibited" by "super judge" Garzon.
Meanwhile the older woman in the illustration who negotiated with Aznar's government in 1998 at the meetings held in Switzerland faced trial on Monday for attacks on Madrid carried out in 1995. The prosecutor Ignacio Gordillo is asking for a prison sentance of 485 years (under the 1973 law which would see 30 years served under the democratic constitution penal system). He is also seeking compensation of 540,900eu to the mortal victim of the attack (a US citizen) on the "placa argentina" Guardia Civil barracks on 8th September 1995. The prosecutor is also seeking compensation to the 16 members of the guardia civil injured in the attack - amounts which oscilate between 3,065eu and 617,000eu. "Carmen" naturally rejected "the legitimacy of a foreign court to judge Basque militants". But then also made a statement which called for the full implementation of Spanish state legislation dealing with "national rights" & move to "immediate dialogue" as the "only road to Peace".
This reflects the changing legal structures which have followed the Catalan "estatut" throughout the 17 autonomous regions of the Spanish state - but also highlights the strategy of ETA since the ceasefire last March. It may surprise many Irish observers or those interested in Basque affairs that the focus of the strategy has not been prisoner transfer or even release, even with the de Juan Chaos hunger strike or the prisoner suicides which preluded the ceasefire of 2006. Rather the strategy has been to initiate immediate all party talks. Second to that, the participation of Batasuna in the municipal elections which fall within four months. This is contrary to what many expected or would advise - but for what's worth I see this as the evidence of the "pan-nationalist front" lesson of the early Anglo-Irish peace process being learnt.
I chose "Carmen" as the "ETA case" to draw attention to today, simply as she seemed signigicant for her past role in negotiating "prison relocation" with Aznar.- something he agreed to in 1998. Though she wasn't the only ETA member to face the courts this week. There have been a total of 6 noteworthy cases (all for offences committed in the 80's or 90's - signalling to the public not only the "weight" of the Judiciary but its memory.
& with those municipal elections looming in 4 months it ought not come as a surprise that the PP are going to hold an "anti ETA" march with thier usual pals the "some victims are more important than others" AVT (who didn't acknowledge the ecuadorian migrant victims of Dec. 30th though secretly delighted it played into their hands) and of course the radio COPE (the voice of the looney right and opus dei in Spain*). The slogan for tomorrows march in Madrid is quite simple "For liberty - let us end ETA together NO! to dialogue". In case you've forgotten the slogan that drew neither AVT or PP to the cross party rejection of the Barajas airport bombing December 30th 2006, it was quite simply "no to terror- yes to peace & liberty". That wasn't good enough for them. The PP have comissioned a fleet of over a 100 buses to ensure their supporters can attend from all over the shop.
[***] Since radio COPE are now also pushing their agenda in english - I've decided to prepare a radio thing on these issues of "dialogue" for broadcast here in Catalonia on our activist radios but also for webcast. It will include interviews with various basque and non basque people of the whole age band - if anyone in Ireland (irish, basque or catalan or whatever) is interested in contributing or wish register opinion "gimme a call" - 0034 636 105 231 - - - iosafmacd[at]
ETA member Belén Gonzales Peñalva ("carmen") & interlocutor with Aznar for the 98 'ceasefire at her trial on Monday. called for dialogue & peace.
A "photo-maton" is one term put to the excellent activist tactic of asking members of the public to pose for a photo with a slogan or one of a variety of slogans. There's a wonderful example of this type of activism in the Shell to Sea campaign (c/f ). Here are some more from a housing campaign:-
Today the right wing bus people into Madrid to say "No to dialogue!" and as the Basque police force gather in Donasti (San Sebastian) to stop an illegal march by Askatasuna & the Batasuna youth wings - "yawn don't we know it?"
But ordinary Basque people will also go to the street. My kind of Basque people. Basque people who simply have had enough of being a football. Basque people who know they are Basque & know where they've come from. Basque people who don't need the song in the article above translated for them - they lived it. Basque people who wherever they go, be it in the Spanish or French state or beyond in the greater world must jump the first hurdle of national stereotypes. oh you're a basque are you? ETA? you hate the Spanish no? Just as most Irish people must pass through the do you come from northern or southern Ireland?
the campaign Milakabilaka began in January - it's the current feature on Basque indymedia -
The message & manifesto is simple / you can read it on their website
A summary would be this :-
In april 2006 thousands of people filled with hope filled the streets of Bilbao (Bilbo) to call for dialogue without exculsion between all the citizens. We are thousands and thousands who wish a future for Euskal Herria which reflects the free decision of the Basque people.
[.................] it will require work, numerous forces, impulses and setbacks.
[.................] for that the people without excluding anyone must be allowed speak.
[...............] above all and in face of all obstacles, thousands of people in all Euskal Herria unite with the courage to show our faces and voice to hope.
[............] to not leave this process to the politicians alone.
We only insist on these points
Respect for Euskal Herria
Respect for all the rights of all the citizens.
Respect for the decision of the citizens.
I respect Basques. I hope as I continue to constantly write about their political problems the stage has gone past that off several years ago during the Aznar years when I was dismissed as an "ETA sympathiser". But I don't care anymore. I just want people in Ireland to respect & help them. Give them voice! All of them! Especially now when Irish people have some of that "respect" they sought so long.
I'm not asking you to go there & walk down the streets with flags. I'm just asking you to respect them. To learn about them beyond their political problems. To go beyond the simple "it's all about how Irish catholics and Irish protestants and how they can't live in peace". To mention them favourably as often as you can - but not in the same breath as you say the Spanish are fascists. Because many millions of Spanish respect the Basques too, & want this to end. It is gone past time we avoid this topic. Respect - Dialogue - Peace.
"Milakabilaka. Errespetua Euskal Herriari" = "Thousands looking for Respect for the Basque country"
I don't want to update the readership every other day. But there is news which has a bearing on the Basque interest groups in Ireland especially those who support the youth wings of Batasuna. & there is also a difference which I'd liked those who are less well-informed of the full spectrum of Basque politics & their process to reflect on as I continue the theme of Respect for all Basques. I could have left thousands of words (since yesterday having writting so many on the kernal of this comment) but am going to keep this as brief and as lucid as possible. All this news follows directly on the last "comment / update".
1) The Spanish commercial press showed absolutely no interest in the photomaton of Milakabilaka the "respect" thing I reported on in the last comment. Instead the thrust of their coverage of the weekend kept the Spaniard focussed on the large party political organisations & of course the illegalised march yesterday by Batasuna & company. In short - they left politics where it most certainly festers - with the professionals & extremists rather than the ordinary citizen. The march by the PP and AVT saw them reject any dialogue, & then quite a few of them joined in a session of the rosary so that God and his blessed mother / chosen womb might help their cause for it is just.
2) The Basque government coalition parties including Arala (split from Batasuna on armed struggle) but excluding the PP (naturally they had gone to Madrid in buses) met with the RC leadership of the Basque & reaffirmed their objective of "peace & dialogue" & then quite a few of them joined in a session of the rosary so that God and his blessed mother / chosen womb might help their cause for it is just.
= I hope the casual Irish reader sees how Protestantism really helped our sectarian conflicts simplify.
But both sides of Marian devotees felt their prayers would further ritualise their refrains & creeds on "how best to stop ETA".
& then Batasuna went ahead with their illegalised march & 18 members of the now illegalised youth groups Segi, Jarrai / Hakai came out of hiding (c/f last comment) and snuggled into the front rows of the march, whereupon they were spotted by the security forces, arrested & are now in prison.
That's the facts. Now my comment which will be as short as possible. You're busy readers.
Respect is a very strange & fluid concept. All too often it doesn't mean "respect" but rather "fear". The kid who steals the lunch-money is not only on to a quick earner but seeking respect. As one involved in teaching the "young" & having gone past the age of "untrustworthiness" (30+) I'll be honest and write very few young people earn Respect. It tends to come instead with maturity & through the honing of time & experience. Perhaps this is why so many youngsters spend such an inordinate time seeking respect even to the extent that it has regularly appeared in the slang & argot of various "youth cultures" since they emerged in Western culture.
It is quite clear "peace & dialogue" mean different things to different people, just as the rosaries of concession to the Blessed Virgin Mother or Blessed Womb of God are intended sometimes not as genuine rogation or prayer but rather political lobbying on a supernatural level. I suppose that's why it is vitally important to get all these different rosaries & versions of "dialogue" around the table. I have supposed so a very long time. I called it the process of "laying the table". (c/f ) Young people hold respect in much higher esteem than it really merits, because their lives are generally bereft of it. Of the 23 individuals who were on the run after their sustained arson attacks (which totalled over 600) on transport, political party offices, etc... in the Basque and Navarra last year were rescaled as "terrorist offences" and their groups (some see as equivalent to "ogra SF" - only 2 are now "missing".
The rest are now for their peer group whom they respect "basque political prisoners". Which as I told you above is not the tactical priority of the "Abertzale / ETA leadership" in this peace process (whereas of course it was the main focus in the 1998 negotiations).
The ogras have been "reined in", (as I told the readership was important not only to the leadership of Batasuna but many other elements who are most keen to see this table laid so carefully not go to waste. I told you that before their youth groups were illegalised as their "support" for the Hunger Striker de Juana Chaos (whom they really respect) began to really push the envelope of what had previously been considered "a tolerable level of street violence". Of course MR de Juana Chaos has now appealed for "dialogue" in the English Times newspaper published today in which you can see his feeding tubes which as we know are preventing him (in breach of human rights) dying much slower than any of the 25 people whose deaths he was found guilty of.... so that Euskal Herria free herself from the yoke of Spanish contempt & have "respect". Many people use the phase "you must earn respect" really meaning "you mostly endure hardship & contempt". Yes indeed. The Basque radical independence youth are reined in & banged up & the structures of organisation they left behind are in tatters & no doubt a few kiddies have nothing to do of an evening. "Respect" is such a strange word isn't it? it covers a multitude of disemblance & sins.
I'll go back to talking to my puppet hand & let the readership know when the next "step" is taken by any of the damned politicians of any hue - or the next "initiative" by the ordinary people or of course if Holy Mary sees fit to manifest her opinions.
I hope ye know what I mean by "R-e-s-p-e-c-t", but am beginning to doubt it. Back to the drawing board new slogans & prayers are needed........ some of my best friends are Basque never had any trouble with 'em!
as a non catholic I have to be wary of showing dis-respect to herself.:. She didn't look like that. She doesn't do politics.
The english interview published yesterday with ETA member Iñaki Juan de Chaos whose various petitions for release, clemency and ultimately - house arrest with medical care & an opportunity to see his mother before he died -
was allowed & facilitated by the Spanish ministry of the Interior.
& so today ERC the independence republican party of Catalonia called for an end to this "state revenge" on the part of the PP dominated judiciary. Whilst the vice-president of the spanish government has properly said that the PP are moving further right every day.
Oddly it seems to me, that the first Marian apparition was in Zaragosa in the first century. Christianity had not absorbed Hellenic or Roman traditions of "depiction". Semitic cultures did not illustrate their God (or his womb, partner, mother, friends) in art. She appeared on a pillar. Very "greek". Since then on the 12th of October the catholic faithful pile flowers around a pillar. Colombus landed for the Catholic Crown in the Americas on the 12 of October 1492 which was also the deadline for all jews to leave Spain. Franco adopted the 12th of October as "spanish national day" which it still is. The hospital de Juan Chaos lies not being allowed to die (as he is now force fed a breach of his human rights) is the October 12th hospital of Madrid. I have my own thoughts as to the significance of Oct 12, as each year the fascists gather in Barcelona. Spain is unique in continental europe that has no "far right" party in congress. This is simply because the PP brought the "far right" to the centre.
The change is this :-
Batasuna has gone through a "crises" after Barajas & is now since the weekend the unitary organisation it was before. De Juan Chaos was never Bobby Sands as I wrote months ago. He brought suffering to 25 families & has seen his mother die & now only now in English - he has come back to the fold of "dialogue & peace". & accordingly the ZP regime has played a trick... they set up this photo.
But this article is entitled "peace & dialogue".
Many people in Ireland signed petitions supporting him. So thus I suppose his words in English are interesting :-
He called for war. They kept him in prison. His mother died. He now calls for peace.
A lot of people would wonder why one of Murdoch's editors (Robert Tomson) was interested in doing a piece on someone the Spanish press don't really touch unless they have to. which is of course exactly why the Spanish government set up the interview, & exactly why they are now investigating "how it was set up". How could a British hack journalist get into October12 hospital to record an interview with one of the most secure prisoners in the state? It has made big time news in Spain hitting all front pages and putting ETA "the people they thought were just going to prison to be finished with" back on the agenda. Many spanish people are wondering why ETA was described as a "seperatist group" instead of "terrorist organisation" like the IRA used to be called. Of course that term has been "agreed" by the BBC for years now & one of the right wing Spanish 5 conditions for supporting Zapatero's peace initiative is that he go back to his pals who said they help him anyway he needed to end violence for good - pals like Blair, and the EU. No-one in their right mind expects Zapatero to go to the EU parliament and say he fucked up. He won't do that because the spanish right wing would never let him hear the end of it. Just like he made a DVD and posted a video on "youtube" last autumn in an attempt to remind everyone Aznar called ETA "the basque liberation movement" in 1998 which really seemed very sweet at the time since they had tried to blow his car up 3 years earlier. This is what the Times has to say about it all today. They're using the word "outrage".
Here's some german reaction in English (but not in Spanish) on the "force feeding" thing which the Right Wing judiciary ordered. Under the Spanish constitution the 3 pillars of government are supposed to be independent. Normally in any state or society which historically has suffered as much division it is vital to maintain the legitimacy of the 3 pillars. If the executive and legislature is undermined the health of the democracy suffers, as indeed if the judiciary is thought to be less than legitimate - democracy suffers. We all know that. We do that in civics class just after our first class rep. election. But what we don't learn is what happens when the forces the de-legitimise the actions of each pillar of government are in fact _the other pillars of government_. Here we may see a crack in the judiciary pillar as one prosecutor _again_ calls for reduction and openly gets upset about how this is all being decided.............."and whom"................"and why".
German media got wind of it too. Here's some german reaction in English (but not in Spanish) on the "force feeding" thing which the Right Wing judiciary ordered. It is now 92 days into this hunger strike, & the Germans report how the judiciary has granted doctors in October 12 hospital the right to restrain him. So that those tubes stay in there. Remember a french and swiss group have already done and dusted the breach of human rights issue on forcefeeding this man. Yet some judges of the Spanish democracy think they may pass a ruling that he now be immobilised. One can almost hear "dignity - right to life" debates.
The Times think De Juana Chaos & their article is "dividing Spain". That's very glib of them. They also seem to be taking the credit which puts the glib into smug. Spain has always been divided. Which is why the idea of 3 pillars holding the whole thing up was such an attractive idea once "you know who" died in 1976 & [I'm not talking about De Valera]. It was a long time ago and the place was in shite. Modern Spaniards and the other national types who live in their state don't really like to admit anymore how shite the place was. Funny thing is it goes that way a lot. The Spanish have always had to be put a lot of work in democracy. Despite their obvious dedication to some of its principles it somehow doesn't seem to come naturally to them. But as an Irishman I admit they're not unique in that. But I take comfort in the belief that we Irish are an example to the world in peace and dialogue.
By now the english language reader will have had ample opportunity to learn about the developments in both Spanish State and the Basque seperatist "armed struggle" tradition. Thus is the "table laid".
It has taken almost 2 years. But there are many to take their seats. You ought now know the PP will destablise the state to stop any process at all, favouring encarceration & blanket illegalisation as the way to "stop ETA" ignorant of the factors which have globally "begun or reviitalised such terrorism in younger and new generations" & of the pivotal role prisons (or internment) play in such. You will also have realised the total rejection of this strategy by all other constitutional parties with elected representatives in the Spanish state, from the regionalists of the Canary islands - to the post-communists, to the nationalists of Galicia or Catalonia to the republicans etc.., But you will have also learnt about the extreme reticence on the part of "pan-Spanish" political organisations be they the rightwing PP or more specifically the ruling leftwing PSOE to devolve enough powers to any "national entity" as the adjustments to the Catalan "estatut" proved. As "socialists" they resent any reduction in fiscal funds to the poorest regions of their state. They have yet as a party to digest completely the "pluri-nationalist" theories of their own richer fringes. Here in English you can read all documents relating to the criminal charges against the Lehendakari which started this article & step by step "bring you through it gently" :-
Today as reported here :- Batasuna unveiled proposals which if there was an all party table of negotiations would be their "agenda". It is an agenda which envisions huge institutional & historical changes and which will provoke the ruling "Navarran regionalist" party who have long rejected any attempt to "annexe" their territory. (a quick guide to Navarra ) this sentiment has underpined te linguistic divide as less and less of Navarra (the "cradle of Basque culture") speaks Euskera. The first obvious difference to the proposals of the Lehendakari in his last government is that Batasuna propose establishing a new entity within the Spanish state whereas the Lehendakari had proposed a free referendum on an entity external to the Spanish state with free association to same. . We may also note the movement made, 2 years ago the Lehendakari proposed his "home rule" for only Euskadi not Euskal Herria whilst Batasuna rejected any solution within the Spanish state. You may download the pdf of that proposed "estatut" in english here Which of course was shelved as a result of the last elections in Euskadi ( ) but if & when an all party negotiation happens we may presume that plan will form part of an agenda too.
It is now time to read all the material, go through the links & wait for the others "at this table" to react. For this table exists now. The process is obviously a reality. Even if it isn't institutionally admitted to. So this may be the last comment here for a while. Until we hear from the Euskadi Taoiseach "The Lehendakari". I will now move on to explaining the "Navarran Question" in another article. Navarra is as complex as the Basque & the Navarrans will no doubt have quite a bit to say. Their regional premier Mr Sanz has already hit "Europress" rejecting any common institution with Euskadi adding the only thing really needed is the end of armed struggle & decomissioning. [Sanz leads a regional party which relies on the PP for its majority ] Oh yes. They all want so much which takes such a long time to get :-
over the meeting they had for peace which you can see a photo of above.
They both came out smiling at their supporters. They both propose and have proposed really big changes on how people see "basque-ness".
anyway. they're both looking forward to municipal elections which will yet again reflect their combined (counting those always willing to cover their asses in coalition or solidarity to a limit) majority in the Basque.
I'd be too politically prejudiced if I told you which way that's going to go. I'd be stretching the normal latitude given an anarchist theorist, merchant of humbug & future nobel prize winner - to predict results of those elections. But of today's court proceedings (or yesterday's at time of writing) Ibarretxe confirmed in court that he had met with Batasuna in January of 2007 (as he said he would - you go check - it is up the page - he has a mandate a responsibility and duty. For their part the two accused of Batasuna refused to answer the court (which they did the last time - you go check - it is up the page.). Only people who get answers out of Otegi these days are Madrid courts if they fly him. oh I was sarcastic there wasn't I?
So instead of continuing with what may be construed as political commentary - I'll link you to coverage of our own Irish & Ulster democratic history making as seen through an interview granted by Martin McGuinness to Basque radio (link through article)
Democracy is not just about voting, or even about going to the street...(tell ye all regularly) it has roots in the declarations of man, (& later on women) it is as resonant today as for the sychophants of Greece or the presbyteries of dissenting faiths, or those whose Somme was closer to shores. Yeah right. You find a billion in sterling and you can do your bit for basques by offering your own "peace premium". I hope you do. Don't get me wrong. I'll do my bit as so will all the others, but somehow Democracy appears to need a petrie dish full of money before it gets far. I want it to get further - all anarchists do. 'tis our dream.
this looks cute & proves useful to kids and kiddy types who want to do inter-lingual banners.
peace = paz = pau = bake = siochain = saleen = shalom
don't complain to me if you don't understand the other words for peace.
Etasuna is a terrorist organization, anyway.
There is no war in Spain but a murderous gang, ETA. Talks with them legitimate murder.
Shouldn't that Irish priest stand with the victims instead of supporting the terrorists' claims? So much for Christian charity.
A few thousand people have gathered under the ANV / EAE banner today in a march to call for an inclusive political process and perhaps more importantly than that to reflect a mandate of around 200,000 people in a population of around four million. The march passed off peacefully and the Spanish right wing spent the day praising Polish people for saving part of Aznar's voting suggestions and stopping the reds on the beaches and in the parks.
The minister of the interior of the Spanish state commented on the discovery of a presumed eta car earlier this week at the Portuguese frontier during a visit to Dakar Senegal in Africa where he as minister for internal affairs chatted about the continuation of EU policing of Senegal's waters, migratory roots and various trafficking mafias. He said the suspected cell had no clear targets or objectives & whilst his party accuse Eta through its paper Gara of being upto they eyeballs in lame propaganda the BBC worldservice did a programe special explaining the Basque conflict to you. Coz it's a conflict quite right tippy toppy "not a war"- terrorism is in there, democracy is in there, ethnicity is in there. It's not just a case of "removing terrorists" and sending them to Polish prisons or CIA gulags.
As you can see It's a great little logo the ANV EAE have which reminds you that the people who were once called armed seperatists and Basque independence heads are now called the star of david meets a trippy swirly swastika with an old woman being radical. Of course the basques (& navarrans) invented all those symbols. They built Tara too & wrote brehon law. But of course they couldn't have done it without the African worker.
"Eusko Abertzale Ekintza" available to do posters,marches,t-shirts,conflict resolution,flyers,few councils,plumbing,minding kids,exam prep,tarot cards,ironing,gardening,massage,company accounts,websites,weddings,flatshare,nit-picking,pest-control
In it you can see many things. (1) roughly how many people marched (2) Basque flags (3) a Scottish flag (4) a Catalan flag. (5) There is no Irish flag. (6) you can get an idea of police handling (7) you can see the little old lady.
Of course the little old lady is so visible in this photo her discretion might just form the worse part of her valour. Spanish society when polled by the "el periodico" at the end of last week found a slim majority backing further negotiations, they also appear to be less worried about terrorism than before & like ZP a politician who is being called a "liar" by almost everyone outside his party this weekend. This is because "Gara" are utterly adament that the PSOE met with Batasuna and that the Spanish government met with Eta during the local and regional elections a few weeks ago. Since then ceasefire ended, Otegi and de Juana went to jail & Rajoy of the PP stopped throwing spanners in the works all the time. I'd spoil it for ye if I did any more analysis. But as an act of glib condecension I'll confess that my interpretive model has remained unchanged since Friday June 8th. We don't all need the details surely?
Just watch the little old lady.
She's in a brown skirt and mustard blaser at the moment.
& Navarra still has no pacted regional government.
spot the flags & little old lady
You must never take your eye off the little old lady.
The Lehandakari (taoiseach) of the Basque - meaning he is the president of the autonomous community of the Basque with tax raising powers, an efficient train service, none of the jaded run down infrastructure problems of Catalonia & thus less of the superficial Euro-fashion gloss, is for most purposes a centrist politician. A business man's leader. A Basque business man's leader. Anyway........ he announced recently a consultation, plebiscite, referendum (words matter) on his proposals for Basque self-determination for the 25th of October 2008.
Despite ceasefires & name changes & joseba this & joseba that - this is basically what he's been going on about for years. Madrid has brought him to questioning over it more than a few times. You do that Mr Lehandakari & you're in the dock again. They put him in the dock for talking to Batasuna. The PP accuse him of whipping up a tsunami of nationalism. They bluster.......they've called wolf too many times. & in Basque politics and linguistics wolf means quite a lot. In less than a fortnight he's going to explain face to face to ZP what he wants to do..........again.
Take out the centre politics and business and learning euskera at 40 years of age & never being photographed in a -shirt & generally only marching when it's condemning violence - The Lehandakari has consistently proposed "external association". That for the dimmest eldest or poorly educated youngest amongst you is pretty much what Mr E. De Valera turned Arthur Griffiths Home Rule into. It is the gap between the Free State & Eire state & UK of Britain & Ireland. He has consistently proposed the creation of a Navarra & Euskadi statelet - which was the last position taken by the "political wing" of Basque seperatism when people were still paying attention to them and they appeared to be holding a ceasefire. As you might know they are all locked up now on their way to Madrid to have their brains picked. All of them. Four days ago only their most prominent leader was serving a sentance, 2 days ago his replacement, 1 day ago they as usual went to the press releases & spoke of torture & politics & blaa blaa - Today the only Basque seperatist of the armed force tradition who is not detained is the little old lady. She's not wearing a brown skirt or mustard jacket now.
What's happening?
The Lehandakari never went away.
Many of you missed the secret of the little old lady.
The Lehandakari is the little old lady.
& ZP has to announce a date for a 2008 general election.
"...Posters calling for demonstrations tonight have appeared in Basque villages and the Basque newspaper, Gara, which sympathises with Batasuna, called the arrests 'a declaration of war'...."
Indymedia Euskal Herria / IMC-BASQUE : Democracia a la española: toda la cúpula de Batasuna arrestada por orden de Garzón
IRISH TIMES: Spanish police arrest Basque leaders
RTE: Call for protests after Batasuna arrests
IMC-Barcelona: INDY Euskalherria bloqueado. / IMC-EH blocked
K. Raveli 05 oct 2007 10:57:01
Statement from : Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)
On October 2 the Spanish State arrested Joseba Alvarez, former MEP and actual International Relations Officer of Batasuna, Ohiane Agirre, spokeswoman of Batasuna, and Asier Tapia, member of the youth movement.
The accusations against them, apart from being a mere pretext and clearly unfounded, are hardly hiding the decision of the Spanish State to refuse any substantial dialogue with the Basque People, who has times and again expressed, democratically and persistently, its will to be recognized the right of self-determination.
We are now learning that an even more dramatic escalation of the repression against the Basque Patriotic Left took place, as 22 of Batasuna’s National Leadership have been arbitrarily arrested during a razzia last night. This constitutes another episode of the permanent (and unsuccessful) effort of the Spanish State to silence and exterminate the Basque Patriotic Left.
The Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) unequivocally condemns this full derailment of the Spanish State and its mechanisms. The efforts towards a political and democratic solution of the Basque question are once more dynamitized, and the Spanish government of Mr Zapatero bears the whole responsibility for this.
We are calling upon all the Left and Progressive forces, all the democratic citizens of our country, to protest the Spanish authorities against this last attempt of political extermination of a mass patriotic movement deeply rooted in the Basque society and representing hundreds of thousands of Basque citizens.
Athens, 5/10/2007
Communist Organization of Greece
We have started a campaign to report the arrest of near 20 Basque left wing independentist representatives.
If you agree with our manifest, join the campaing.
You just need to publish a post in your blog, instant messenger, e-mail, Myspace, Fotolog... wth this word: freebatasuna.
Looking forward to a democratic solution, words are more than enough: freebatasuna
Batasuna activist, Rufino Etxeberria, on his arrival at San Sebastian police station
Rufi Etxeberria
-Joseba Permach
-Mikel Zubimendi
-Imanol Iparragirre
-Xabier Albisu
-Egoitz Apaolaza
-Iban Berasategi
- Mikel Gotzon Berasategi
-Angel Elkano
-Juan Joxe Petrikorena
-Aner Petralanda
-Ana Lizarralde
-Joana Regueiro
-Ibon Arbulu
-Patxi Urrutia
-Jon Garai
-Juan Cruz Aldasoro
-Arantxa Santesteban.
-Asier Arraiz
-Maite Diaz de Heredia
-Maite Fernandez de la Bastida.
-Haizpea Abrisketa
Baja Navarra:
-Jean Claude Agerre.
and today :-
+ Tomasa Alejandro Gordaliza.
As I've often remarked it is the wonder that a political party which was illegalised has always convincingly held over 250,000 votes by proxy or annulment. & more remarkable, all the media & press go to their press conferences - & the TV tells us a bit of what they said. Strange laws for a strange situation. Today as a group of katalanders were released on bail for burning photos of the king of spain - a effigy in a boiler suit with a red stain where one supposes the heart is and a little Mc-meal party crown was hung over the door of the University of Barcelona. It remained there for quite a few hours, as decent people fill newspaper comments saying whatever for burning the King's photo I'm sick of my taxes being burnt. Tomorrow we have in the Basque, Madrid & Bcn a campaign for affordable housing - you might remember the slogan - real politics without borders of nationa flags - you'll never have a home in your fucking life. I'm tweaking that now - you won't have a palace in your effing republic either - no tindras una palau en tu puta republika.
It's not just about Batasuna.
It's about ordinary peoples' passions & how they are manipulated.
they may be detained for 72 hours "incomunicado" which may be extended by 48 hours if the charge is a terrorist offence. Oh well - it would be wouldn't it?
If it's all just a political game to make us all think about Batasuna, (or the Abertzale movement formerly called Batasuna) and not thinking about the Lehandakari's announcement to push again for a consulation [which last was approved all those years ago when Batasuna was called something else & Garzon hadn't got his Super- prefix] then it's the usual crap Spanish or crap Basque politics. All for show. No substance. No courage. No consistency. very little conscience of honour.
If it is meant to form part of an end to violence in both Basque & Spanish society it's as real as a gurgle. Most violence in either society happens in the home. If it is meant to form part of a strategy of preventing the "abertzale armed force tradition" presenting new candidates or structures & thus driving them all underground or out of recognisable social structures then it is bound to fail. For their part the PP (Spanish right wing political party) has welcomed the arrests (as fulfilling the amendments made under Aznar to the "political party laws" which illegalised the group as being a political wing of ETA. That "political party law" had introduced an electoral element into the transition of the Franco dictatorship to the present day constitutional monarchy) back in the 1970's.
But they wondered why it hadn't take place before...................
Garzon did this in February 1996, bringing 23 of the front bench of Herri Batasuna to court for including images of ETA in their propaganda, they were given a 7 year prison sentance in 1997.
It didn't stop a quarter of million people holding on to their beliefs, passions & hatreds or finding
political voice regardless of dubious legal status.
That was ten years ago. Babies were born. Boys and Girls then are men & women now. Neither Spanish nor Basque has achieved anything really worth writing about in their relations & battles since.
Victims of terror were offered an institutional moment of parliamentary time yesterday by the Basque government for the first time in the history of the Spanish state, complete with a little "sorry" for the politicisation of their suffering & lack of commitment & honesty to ensuring no future generation suffer such again. Quite a few them became victims the last time Super Judge Garzon arrested all of a former Batasuna front bench. Needless to say even that institutional moment was a politicisation of the victims. You'd think both Spanish & Basque had figured all that out by now. Maybe they're all just brain damaged.
Garzon has never really stopped terror you know, he couldn't even extradite Pinochet. Oddly enough though we all know he's "super" for plonking an extradition order on Pinochet, that man died peacefully enough in his bed - just like Franco.
Maybe there was nothing to distract from before...............
english language links to Basque TV
Joseba Permach one of Garzon's 23 prisoners..... we're all ears.
As of this afternoon 2 of the 23 have been released, & 18 are to be charged with membership of an illegal organisation.
so the magic number is changing.
Meanwhile the Lehendakari (taoiseach) of the Basque country speaking in Argentina asked would the British authorities have imprisoned the front bench of Sinn Fein. This the first time in history that the Lehendakari who as well as being "president of the regional government" is also leader of the "moderate nationalist" & "centre to rightwing" party PNV has mentioned Sinn Fein & more put those magical enough words of gaeilge together with the word Batasuna in one sentance.
Now the comment and forums of opinion which reflect the sort of people who not only read columnists in Sunday Papers in Spain but feel "they're too soft" have predicatably gone back to the divisive horror of "who bombed Madrid on M11?" & "if Batasuna are ETA now, why weren't they when they talked to Zapatero or the Lehendakari? when we were marching saying no process!?".
Thing is - Aznar talked to them to, & if we be honest offered them more prisoner transfers & concessions during his ceasefire than Zapatero offered during his. And we might remember the Lehendakari was brought to the courts for meeting Otegi of Batasuna & simply fulfilling his mandate to pursue all options for peace.
So what is this all about?
(a) -it is not algebra or advanced qabalistics, bear with me.
Simple - Garzon's ego is comparable in Irish terms to that of the man I called "big swinging mickey " the former minister of Justice, former Tanaiste, former TD Mc Dowell. As I wrote many times of Mc Dowell - there was too much power in one small mind. When that small, closed and narrow mind sits upon an apparent intelligence, all the more harm may be done.
Simple - The Spanish establishment & the two main parties the PSOE and PP don't want anyone to think about the Lehendakari's road map to resolution, which has announced he will put to open consultation (if not technically a referendum) as he has often commented "what is the point of my being lehendakari of this land if I can't ask basques how they want to define their future relationship with the Spanish state?".
Really a piece of piss-
The general elections in the Spanish state must be announced relatively soon. The march 14th elections which took place in the shadow of the March 11th bombing which was the act of individuals in the orbit of Islamist terrorism had been announced by Aznar in the Basque sa part of his long awaited announcement of retirement from politics (leaving the PP to Rajoy) one cold weekend of 2004. I wrote at that time on this website that "he had cried like a big girly or a politician whichever was more sincere". & so the Basque will also dominate the attempt by Zapatero to win as second term in Congress. But only that, the M11 conspiracy needs to be stoked, the Lehendakari yet again has to be sidelined, his words again :- "it is unjust and unacceptable that we may not discuss our future and end to conflict without reference to a ceasefire by the terrorists
I wrote long ago that the conflict & the peace process will need more than one "term of government". That was & is so with the Irish confict , despite any smugness or self-congratulation it is not fully resolved and by its nature requires more Stormont assemblies to discuss and reflect the peoples' wishes for more constitutional efforts on all sides. I have attempted to explain over the years that the conflict in Iraq and the global affront it provoked will take a generation. In Spain, the Basque as in Europe most people have the sense to define the Basque situation as a conflict except for the PP who argue the problem is merely the existence of terrorism. They do this without the apllication of intelligence (one would expect from a political party of middle class lawyers) to see that neither terrorism or democracy spring up out of the ground as autochthonous systems of human organisation or social interaction]
I could refer to so many other articles which have over the years brought readers through many aspects of this confict - I am proud of introducing the word "lehandakari (taoiseach)" to the general glossary, people with only a passing interest in Basque affairs know. I've done my best to explain elements of the route taken by Batasuna, even as I ruefully remember introducing the role expected in the future by the Joseba's. I haven't always got it right to the satisfaction of all, I remember my opinion that too much attention was paid to Iñaki's hunger strike at a crucial stage met with vitriol amongst those whose reaction to the arrests of the last week is illogical and irrational now : for no wonder they appear like chickens without their heads.
I could refer you to more than four years of material on not only this problem and conflict but other situations which must be considered along with it, the aspirations of some of the Catalans for independence & how it fits with the indignation of most Catalans at their undermining of even their most modest proposals for increased autonomy. Four years & all they've got is a police force which is more brutal and an internet adress which puts "dot cat" at the end of their websites. But the Basques still use "dot es"- I could refer you to the painstaking analysis of all elections in both the Spanish state and Basque which reported how the 15% held by Batasuna before its illegalisation so long ago has held firm if not grown despite proxies, abstentions & the most ridiculous pacts to hide the true wishes of an electorate. Those same reports illustrate clearly how the PNV held their majority & how their equivalents in Navarra moved to a vote share which ought have seen them in government had not the PP and PSOE of Spain conspired to ignore it. Maybe I ought also add those reports vindicate the anarchist sense of futility at all elections, for in them you can read how abstention went from below 10% to over 50% in the most recent municipal elections in Barcelona. I could refer you to the inimical hatred & hypocrisy of the right wing AVT, the RC church its radio & prelatures as they undermined not only a peace process but kept the M11 conspiracy alive to this very day - for obstensibly no more base reason than a change to the marriage laws which brought homosexuals to civil unions & adoption rights, the right wing of Spain declared war on civilised democratic values and loyal opposition without any need for a press statement.
But for the moment I'm not going to link to those articles, with their photos. I've written before that I'd be helping others who only see in this the opportunity to write a book. It is not my very considered opinion that this conflict may be served by another book now. It is beyond any doubt that I may ever have held that the Irish conflict was served by the copious bibliography it spawned. For the moment I am going to return to the first explanations I attempted so many years ago :-
let's listen to the Lehendakari - even if we don't like the games his party has played - we know that consultation is a legitimate step - we must not be distracted from it.
Yet again as I wrote at the top of this text & many times before - Dialogue & Peace - the process must be. The table was laid - it is not the ordinary person's fault that almost everyone found a reason to slink away from it. They will come back for their is no other option. The essence of all these conflicts which never appear to go away is the articulation of social forms and institutions which reflect pluri-nationality and parity of esteem. We so often use the language of theIrish conflict, quite simply because it threw up the best wordsmiths.
& then after your own tastes -
Garzon's ego.
the Spanish Congress elections.