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Mc Garry breaks promises to Sligo IFA

category sligo | consumer issues | opinion/analysis author Tuesday January 23, 2007 17:51author by a rock Report this post to the editors


Labour canditate for Sligo/Leitrim Jimmy Mc Garry used his casting vote to bring in water-meters after telling IFA he do everything to stop them

Labour Cllr J Mc Garry went back on his word and used he casting vote as chairman of Sligo co co to bring in meters for every farmer big or small in Co Sligo. Not a good move with a election on the way

author by red alertpublication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 18:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

this is not unexpected remember when he was mayor of sligo town in 1990 he used his casting vote then to bring service charges . a leopard sorry blueshirt never changes its spots.

author by J. B. Goodypublication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 19:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This Guy is a LABOUR member. Get used to it. Labour will bring in cuts. Just look at their last Governments with FF and FG (which Declan Bree vote for in the Dáil twice). Labour brought in Water Rates, Tax Amnesty, etc. Declan Bree supported that government then, if in Dáil don't be fooled to think he would differ from his time in 1992-1997. Sligo people dumped him out for a reason, same reason they won't elect this lastest Labour candidate (or Independent Bree)

author by Dairy maid - Dairy maidpublication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 20:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

McGarry reneged on his commitment to farmers to block water meters. We now know he is a fraud.
This thread is about water meters not a platform for individuals to attack or air their petty dislikes of cllrs. Bree was attacked on a another thread by someone else talkin shite and trying to make this a wedge issue.
McGarry had the final say on this. He is the Labour candidate and he has now delivered the entire farming community over to Fine Gael come the election.

author by a rockpublication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 20:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

well hello SF are up out of bed mr goody should know all about service charges The people of sligo knows who voted for them in past I see this time SF sean mc manus had the good sense to follow d bree in this vote Any person that believe any thing jimmy the rat said must think tv soaps are for real

author by Patrick Fallon (Sligo)publication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 20:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a rock is right. Both MacManus and Bree as well as McGarry have all supported service charges in the past. Just shows there is damn all difference between any of them.

author by Red Peasant.publication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 20:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"This thread is about water meters not a platform for individuals to attack or air their petty dislikes of cllrs. "

You dont get to decide what the thread is about. If McGarry can be attacked then so can others.

"Bree was attacked on a another thread by someone else talkin shite and trying to make this a wedge issue."

Not talking shite. Bree is an opportunistic Stalinist. Did he ever really leave the CP? He was just a mole in Labour. Bree went along with charges in the past. Its funny that he supported domestic charges but he is opposed to commercial charges for farmers and other business owners.

The Left have only ever opposed domestic rates. The Anti Water Charges Campaign and the Campaign Against the Bin Tax never opposed commercial rates.

author by Dairy maid - Dairy maidpublication date Tue Jan 23, 2007 22:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Peasant, if you have a wee bee in your bonnet over Bree take it up with him. He didnt renege any deals with farmers, McGarry did which IS what this thread is actually about.

You have a bee in your bonnet bordering on outright hatred of farmers too without as much as a clue of the plight of farmers in rural Ireland. You've peddled very out of date myths with regard farmers earnings and subsidies and claimed on another thread that PAYE employees actually pay for them which is an out an out lie.

As far as I'm concerned who supported what and when has nothing to do with that weasel telling my husband to his face that he would do all he could to stop this insane metering.

Labour and no doubt SF(whom I presume you represent) are doing us no favours. Hardly surprising considering the abuse you, as their appointed spokesperson, have just dished out on their behalf.

author by old red - sligo old labour partypublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 00:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As a life long labour man it saddens me to see jimmy the rat is at he's old tricks again It was a black day when he wormed he way in to the west ward branch on a 6to5 vote With the vast ranks of over 100 in sligo/leitrim against him He's lies force him to jump from FG before he was pushed He went to the PD's but they would not touch him with a barge pole Now labour people stop going to meeting For the first time in my 30 years of labour last year saw monthly meeting abandoned because there was no quorum God help the people whom have to go door to door with him

author by Marlboro Manpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"As far as I'm concerned who supported what and when has nothing to do with that weasel telling my husband to his face that he would do all he could to stop this insane metering."

The track records of candidates are something we should all be concerned about. If as Patrick Fallon stated "Both MacManus and Bree as well as McGarry have all supported service charges in the past. Just shows there is damn all difference between any of them" This needs to be out in the open to give voters a better informed choice.

One thing I do agree with you on is that McGarry is a weasel.

author by m collins - FG sligo townpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A number of years ago in a vote for mayor of sligo Clr lyons of FG put he name forward along with Clr mc manus of SF Clr mc garry then a member of FG with a eye on deputy mayor (salery of around 10k)voted for the SF Clr. I think jimmy the Rat is the right way to discribe Clr mc garry

author by Daniel Jacksonpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A lot of cllr bashing going on here. Bree(if he goes independant) and McManus have no chance of a seat in Sligo/Leitrim regardless of transfers from Harkin last time out.
McGarry has sold out the farmers (just what he has his eye on this time is anyones guess) and sunk whatever wafer-slim chance Labour had at a seat as well.

This is very short sighted of McGarry and demonstrates his petty parochial understanding of politics. Labour made a big mistake with this guy but in the scheme of things they had probably resigned themselves to the fact that there was never a Labour seat here anyway.

FF an FG will be delighted with this news as it will copperfasten their strangle hold on the region.

author by Patrick Fallon (Sligo)publication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 13:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Whether or not McGarry voted for these charges or not makes no difference to the outcome of the election in Sligo/North Leitrim. Labour never had a chance here no matter what. On his best day, McGarry would still be well behind MacManus and behind Bree (if he stood as an independent) too.

author by Daniel Jacksonpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 13:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That being said, it is safe to conclude that third seat up for grabs will go to FF or FG.

I disagree slightly with your analysis in that with the FG/Labour pact alot of rural transfer could have gone to McGarry had he played his cards right. As I understand it Bree and McManus are urban cllrs so would have polled poorly outside of Sligo itself.

SF (SMcM) are polling in and around 5-6% across the region and Declan Bree(Is he going independant? I'm not if he has declared) was returned as a TD in the 90's and failed to impress.

In any event neither have a realistic chance in the GE.

So Perry and Devins will be joined by another FF/FG candidate to win.

author by Patrick Fallon (Sligo)publication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 15:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I agree fully with the last part of what you said. The last seat is down to FF or FG. The only question mark in this constituency was only ever about whether Harkin stood or not. In that case the last seat would have been down to between her, FF and FG.

author by red alertpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 15:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it;s interesting to note that the other labour councillor veronica cawley also voted t impose water charges on farmers. it;s quite clear that the labour party in sligo is split into two camps.the right wing i,m alright jack bob.s your uncle liam lawlor was dead right,section led by two faced jimmy.and the socialist wing led by declan bree.given the standered of candidate declared to run sligo/ntleitrim i know think it;s time comrade bree made his intention,s known.

author by old red rover - sligo/leitrim labour party (for now)publication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 15:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

old foot soldiers homeless
If the labour party in sligo/leitrim was a animal it would be put down
Four years ago the labour party in sligo/leitrim was in great shape Over 160 members 8 branches 3 in sligo town 3 in the county and 2 in leitrim It publish it own newpaper 3 or 4 times a year Handed in to every door in sligo town and other smaller centres Today only 2 branches are meeting One is the east ward sligo town (clr bree)made up of mostly the old soldiers and the west ward (clr mc garry)made up mostly of he's family Clr calwey area north sligo is dead Last year monthly meeting of the party were abandon because of no quorum(13 needed)The paper is gone

author by SP memberpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 16:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Woah there old timers,

J. B. Goody said this of Bree:

“This Guy is a LABOUR member. Get used to it. Labour will bring in cuts. Just look at their last Governments with FF and FG (which Declan Bree vote for in the Dáil twice). Labour brought in Water Rates, Tax Amnesty, etc. Declan Bree supported that government then, if in Dáil don't be fooled to think he would differ from his time in 1992-1997. Sligo people dumped him out for a reason, same reason they won't elect this lastest Labour candidate (or Independent Bree)”

Patrick Fallon (Sligo) said this of Bree:

“Both MacManus and Bree as well as McGarry have all supported service charges in the past. Just shows there is damn all difference between any of them.”

Daniel Jackson said this of Bree:

Declan Bree(Is he going independent? I'm not if he has declared) was returned as a TD in the 90's and failed to impress.

Red Peasant said this of Bree:

“Bree is an opportunistic Stalinist. Did he ever really leave the CP? He was just a mole in Labour. Bree went along with charges in the past. Its funny that he supported domestic charges but he is opposed to commercial charges for farmers and other business owners.”

Hardly the actions of a socialist are they or that he has as much support as you seem to think he has.
Seems they are all as bad as each other and recognised on the ground as such.

author by a king - sligo watcherpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 20:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If d bree runs in the election as a Indy its will kill any chance of mc garry or mc manus had With harkin out clr henry as the only woman in the fieid will take the last seat gaving the blueshirts 2 of the 3 seat What bree needs to take out he's arch rival mc garry is someone to take some hard core labour vote but not damage mc manus Someone with strong labour backround who willing to put them self up to be shoot down and stop the blueshirts getting 2 seats I wish them good luck

author by red alertpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 20:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I disagree with the venomous Trot bile spewed out by SP member in realation to Declan Bree.It was wrong of Declan to join the Labour Party in the first place. I beleive he would have won a seat as Indpendent Socialist in 1992 anway. I What,s important is that at local level he never voted to impose water/service charges unlike McManus McGarry and Cawley . Recent Opinion polls in the constituancy put McManus and MaGarry at level pegging respectively .McManus,s south leitrim support base has been cut off,and when Declan declares McGarry vote will evaporate and if Martin Forde enters the race my money is on Forde to get more votes than McGarry.

author by SP Memberpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Have you two been reading this thread at all?
Bree hasn't a hope in hell of seat, you two hypothesising if, whats and buts is never going to change that fact. Never.

And this is a case of shoot the messenger.
All I did was paraphrase a lot of other opinion about Bree. I dont see any scathing attacks at them.

Sean McManus has much more of a chance than Bree, so if you want to 'take out' McGarry get behind him.

But let me repeat this for you two because it doesn’t seem to have sunk in. Bree is finished. He will never get elected to Dail Eireann. Get used to it. And that’s not just my opinion.

author by Reality Checkpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 21:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Looks like the scraps from the Big boys is fuelling a little spat in Sligo.

No opinion poll has Bree or McManus with any chance of a seat.

This is FF/FG territory and if Bree thinks he has a smidgeon of a chance he should keep it to himself otherwise hes going to end up humiliated on the day and looking like a fool.

author by a kingpublication date Wed Jan 24, 2007 23:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So mr SP it's all right givin out your great opinons but if you live in sligo who would you vote for and dont give us any shit about not voting for any

author by O pinkington labour /corkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 09:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In the past any arguament about rights and wrongs of a Clr would have two sides when bad reports came in other people would jump in and defend the Clr For the last number of days I waited for strong and angry words in defend of jimmy mc garry I am very disappointed at this one sided story I myself met Clr mc garry and lovely wife in Dublin last year I found him a very nice man with great concern about violence on our streets and the important of the family unit He had a great smile and hand shake for my wife who he never met before I think it time for some Truth please will someone defend this nice man

author by Reality checkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 13:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hate to break it to you, but there is no story here. This thread is being manipulated by a couple of supporters of MacManus and Bree. They live in cloud cuckoo land entertaining notions that they might somehow get elected but as I said before no opinion poll has Bree or McManus with any chance of a seat.

You are also making a mistake thinking that is of any interest to anyone other than these said supporters.
Its pretty tit for tat stuff and is just kept bubbling over to give the impression that it’s an ongoing debate.
No body cares, least of all McGarry. He knows he won’t get elected but is welcoming the exposure the nomination has given him any way

author by a king - sligo watcherpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 18:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reality check I am nether pro bree or mc manus and I never vote FF or FG in my life so lets get some facts if we can As far I know bree did not appear in poll yet so where did you come up with your facts also no one had come on saying the storys about mc garry are untruth and to explain away the allegations finaly what old red rover said about the sligo labour is true

author by AF McGoldrickpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 18:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I’m not interested in getting into a slagging match - but I see that two contributors have alleged that Bree voted for service charges.

The allegation is untrue.

Bree has been a member of both Sligo County Council and Sligo Borough Council since the 1980’s. Never, in all those years did he vote in favour of service charges. (The minutes of the annual budget meetings are available for inspection)

In fact when Bree was Chairman of the County Council he voted against the charges and budget. That was the first and only occasion in the history of the Council that a Council Chairman voted against the councils budget.

author by Reality Checkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 19:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Reality check I am nether pro bree or mc manus and I never vote FF or FG in my life so lets get some facts if we can As far I know bree did not appear in poll yet so where did you come up with your facts also no one had come on saying the storys about mc garry are untruth and to explain away the allegations finaly what old red rover said about the sligo labour is true"

Here are Brees results from the last General Election.

1st Preference: 2429.
Total transfer of second preferences came to 101 giving a total of 2530. He was disqualified after the second count.

Sean Mc Manus received 5000 first preference votes in the same election.


It would not be unreasonable to assume therefore that Bree, based on 1st preference votes, would poll 50% lower than S MacManus.

The latest TG4 MRBI Poll shows S MacManus at 6% ergo it would suggest that Bree would receive 3%

Granted this is based on the last GE but are you seriously suggesting that things have changed all that much?

This doesn’t even take into account that Bree would run as an Independent and would lose loyal Labour support. Especially when they find out he is trying to unseat one of Labours best-loved icons Michael D. Higgins in Galway by supporting Catherine Connolly. This will bring his numbers down even further.

I would admit that depending on how Harkins vote distributes and if Sean has an extremely good day, he is in with a very slim chance. But that’s a very very big 'if'

I will stick with FF of FG to take the third seat here. All analysis points to that.

As for the accusations made by old red rover, only the election results will tell if Labour has been irreparably damaged. It’s a far more reliable indicator than hearsay and anecdotes.

author by Reality Checkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 19:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well now it appears to be a case you your word against theirs and is becoming arbitrary.
In any case all this is beside the point because Bree will not get elected.
Or do you think otherwise

author by Tiernan Mannionpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 19:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

‘Reality Check’ obviously is not familiar with the political scene in Galway West. To suggest that Catherine Connolly is attempting to unseat Michal D is mind boggling.

O Cuiv, Fahy and Michael D will take the first three seats. It is also generally accepted that a second left candidate will be elected in Galway West this year. Given the disarray in FG, the PD’s might just hang on to their other seat

If Labour had the foresight it would have decided to run two candidates – Michael D and Connolly - and take the two left seats. But as we know that Party leader doesn’t want to take even the slightest risk.

Now the fight for the second left seat will be between Connolly and O’Brolchain of the Greens. (O’Brolchain had the edge in the last opinion poll in October)

SF are doing poorly and it will be interesting to see what percentage of their vote transfers to O’Brolchain and Connolly (and to FF!) In the event of Seosamh O’Cuaig throwing his hat in the ring as an independent it could be a three way fight between him and Connolly and O’Brolchain (Rumours that O’Cuaig will be added to the SF ticket are nonsense)

Sorry for “butting in” to the thread – I thought it was unfair to suggest that Connolly was out to unseat Michal D. In fact I figure most of her supporters will be giving Michael D. their second preferences.

author by Reality Checkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 23:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I will take this point by point

“Reality Check’ obviously is not familiar with the political scene in Galway West. To suggest that Catherine Connolly is attempting to unseat Michal D is mind boggling.”

Given the uncertainty of whether Michael D was running or not after his injury, Catherine Connolly assumed that she would get the nod to run in Galway west for Labour. Michael D cleared up any confusion and declared. Connolly was outraged and quit Labour to run as an independent (you should remember this, you were there). It is no secret that she was extremely upset at what she thought was an undignified move by Michael by not stepping aside to let new blood through. ‘Tiernan’ would now have us believe that the dust has settled and it was nothing more than a misunderstanding. It is well known on the ground in Galway that any votes Connolly receives will be at the expense of Michael D. There is nothing Mind blowing about this at all.
For the benefit of any genuine non-partisans it has been amply discussed here


“O Cuiv, Fahy and Michael D will take the first three seats. It is also generally accepted that a second left candidate will be elected in Galway West this year. Given the disarray in FG, the PD’s might just hang on to their other seat”

Minister O’Cuiv and Fahy are certs and Michael will hold (no thanks to you)
The rest of your analysis is totally at odds with what has been reported in the local media.


“If Labour had the foresight it would have decided to run two candidates – Michael D and Connolly - and take the two left seats. But as we know that Party leader doesn’t want to take even the slightest risk”

You have just exposed yourself

“Now the fight for the second left seat will be between Connolly and O’Brolchain of the Greens. (O’Brolchain had the edge in the last opinion poll in October)”

Broccoli has been a superb mayor and as reported locally is almost certain to get a seat.

“SF are doing poorly and it will be interesting to see what percentage of their vote transfers to O’Brolchain and Connolly (and to FF!) In the event of Seosamh O’Cuaig throwing his hat in the ring as an independent it could be a three way fight between him and Connolly and O’Brolchain (Rumours that O’Cuaig will be added to the SF ticket are nonsense)”

I see you’ve kept your ear to the ground but that does not change the fact that Catherine Connolly’s run will be nothing other than damaging to Michael D.

“Sorry for “butting in” to the thread – I thought it was unfair to suggest that Connolly was out to unseat Michal D. In fact I figure most of her supporters will be giving Michael D. their second preferences”.

No need to apologise. I was expecting it.

author by old red rover - labour/sligopublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 23:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If R C is useing what happen 5 years age in Irish politics as guidelines for today he not in the real world He want to get out there and met 2007 it wont bite What i said before about labour in sligo is sad but true It not hard to get the chairman phone number he a honest man he will confirm with a heavy heart everything i said

author by Reality Checkpublication date Thu Jan 25, 2007 23:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The results of every candidate’s last outing are used by political analysts the world over, I find it extraordinary that you would dismiss them so resolutely.

I was told that Declan Bree had not been included in the last MRBI poll conducted in the region. I filled in the blanks using data to hand. I admitted it was 5 yrs old. But as I said it is better then anecdotal evidence and the cursory interjection of one of his supporters.
I'm sure supporters of Bertie Ahern have an endless tirade of spin to project him as a wholesome principled character but that doesn’t make it true.

But on that note are you saying that Declan Bree will get elected?
Where is your evidence for this?

Based on my analysis and using the ‘5 yr old data’ I would wager if Bree runs as an independent he will receive fewer votes than he did last time out. You seem to disagree but only time will tell so it’s pointless to string this along any further.

I have said all I need to say here. I will be humbled or vindicated come Election Day.

author by old red rover - labour/sligopublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 00:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You have all the data at your fingertips it can be sligo or galway or what bertie can do your like a person working for a party i would guess the right wind east coast labour party well here one for you check this one out before bree ran for labour in sligo they poll less that 1000 in any genaral election I dont think he lost any sleep about sopporting clr connelly in galway

author by Tiernan Mannionpublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 03:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I welcome the fact that ‘Reality Check’ is confirming that there are two left seats in Galway West.

Having said that he is somewhat behind the times regarding the politics of the constituency.

He refers to the “Galway Advertiser” of the 28th September, which in turn refers to a poll "to be published" in the “Daily Mail” The said article refers to FG candidate Brian Walsh as likely taking a seat.

Brian Walsh has since pulled out of the race and FG has been in disarray since then. If ‘Reality Check’ checks the October TG4 MRBI Poll he will see that it is clear that O’ Cuiv, Fahy and Michael D will take the first three seats. Grealish may hold his seat and either O Brolchain or Connolly will take the additional left seat.

It would appear unlikely that there is even one left seat in Sligo!

Sorry again to "butt in"

author by Reality checkpublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Last time I will post on this thread.

“I welcome the fact that ‘Reality Check’ is confirming that there are two left seats in Galway West.”

If you include the Greens there are two left seats in Galway West. Broccoli and Michael D. HIggins.
Nobody said otherwise so you making a point of it is a little puzzling.
Or do you think there is room for Michael D, O'Brolchain and Connolly.
Which would suggest that you think there are 3 left seats available.

“He refers to the “Galway Advertiser” of the 28th September, which in turn refers to a poll "to be published" in the “Daily Mail” The said article refers to FG candidate Brian Walsh as likely taking a seat.”

I referred to that article in particular to illustrate, to those who are interested in Sligo, the popularity of Broccoli especially due his marvelous tenure as Mayor.
May I remind you that you yourself admitted that the last seat in GW would be between O'Brolchain and Connolly?
Quote “Now the fight for the second left seat will be between Connolly and O’Brolchain of the Greens. (O’Brolchain had the edge in the last opinion poll in October)”
Brian Walsh’s departure won’t change that fact. This is precisely why I didn’t mention it.

But on that note.

“Brian Walsh has since pulled out of the race and FG has been in disarray since then. If ‘Reality Check’ checks the October TG4 MRBI Poll he will see that it is clear that O’ Cuiv, Fahy and Michael D will take the first three seats. Grealish may hold his seat and either O Brolchain or Connolly will take the additional left seat”

You have confirmed again that this is a contest between Broccoli and Connolly and that Walsh’s withdrawal will have no impact on that whatsoever.
Or are you saying those floating right wing votes, even second preferences would go to Connolly and boost her chances? Even with the bust up with Michael D I cannot see that happening.

Due to Michael D's enormous grassroots and cross-party popularity that episode could only have damaged Connolly.
Michael D 2nd preferences will go O’Brolchain helping him further and those who would normally vote for Catherine at local level may well abandon her too.

“It would appear unlikely that there is even one left seat in Sligo!”

I will be extremely difficult for Sean McManus to get elected but it is not beyond the realms of possibility.
And I wish him and every other candidate the best of luck.

As for Galway-West I call it

O'Cuiv (FF)
Fahey (FF)
Michael D (L)
O'Brolchain (G)
Grealish (PD)

In that order.

author by A king sligo watcherpublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 13:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No answer for old red rover then I take it he hit the nail on the head

author by Reality checkpublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 14:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

OK a king/old red, I'll bite. But this is the last time. There is no point in stringing this along.

"check this one out before bree ran for labour in sligo they poll less that 1000 in any genaral election"

Labour had imploded nationally throughout the late 70's and 80's and was in around 6% for years. Hence the poor showing.
Stagg went ballistic about coalition pacts with FG/FG(see any similarities here) and this triggered the clear out of the Socialist radicals in the party (Joe Higgins among them) at the Tralee conference (surely you where there)

In 92 the left in Sligo was consilidated by labour and Brees ISP merging. And Bree was put forward. Reynolds was looking shaky and Bree correctly identified him ripe for a topple and so he was returned as TD. There a myriad of other permutations regarding the restoration of the '48 boundaries and to be quite frank am not going to go into them (their significance are questionable anyway)

Old red is suggesting that is was Bree alone that made the Labour Party what it was post 92 when in fact it was a number of converging factors.
Declan Brees subsequent outings in the constiuency have been much more sober affairs and he has failed twice to get a seat.
Proof positive if any was needed that he failed to deliver.

Old red has gastigated me for using old data as guidelines for analysis yet does the exact same himself.

Old red claims to be an old soldier of Labour. Why does he not know any of this?

Labours present difficulties in Sligo are none of my concern. Dont expect me to come up with solutions for you.

Now. That is definately my last contribution to this thread.
If anything I have said here fails to materialise I will re-post after the election and humbly apologise.
Again I wish all the best of luck in the forth-coming GE.

author by Boomtown Twatspublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 15:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Stagg went ballistic about coalition pacts with FG/FG(see any similarities here) and this triggered the clear out of the Socialist radicals in the party (Joe Higgins among them) at the Tralee conference (surely you where there)"

I see one glaring similarity i.e FG being very similar to FG

author by Reality checkpublication date Fri Jan 26, 2007 15:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thanks for pointing out the type-o and in good humour.

That should of course read FF/FG although come to think of it, there is as damn all difference between them.

author by ProKpublication date Sat Jan 27, 2007 13:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reality Check states that it is not beyond the realms of possibility for Sean McManus to be elected in Sligo/Leitrim!! This is a three seater and McManus received 6% of first preference votes in the most recent poll – 1% behind mcGarry of Lab and 2% behind Henry of FG who is virtually unknown.
It strikes me that Reality Check would want to take a Reality Check

author by Daniel Jacksonpublication date Sat Jan 27, 2007 16:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

“Reality Check states that it is not beyond the realms of possibility for Sean McManus to be elected in Sligo/Leitrim!! This is a three seater and McManus received 6% of first preference votes in the most recent poll – 1% behind mcGarry of Lab and 2% behind Henry of FG who is virtually unknown.
It strikes me that Reality Check would want to take a Reality Check”

Not so.

Reality Check said that it was highly unlikely that Sean McManus would get elected and qualified it by saying this:

“I would admit that depending on how Harkins vote distributes and if Sean has an extremely good day, he is in with a very slim chance. But that’s a very very big 'if'
I will stick with FF of FG to take the third seat here. All analysis points to that.”

Which led to him saying this:

“It will be extremely difficult for Sean McManus to get elected but it is not beyond the realms of possibility”

These to me and other readers appear to be reasonable and considered statements and fall far short of what would be regarded fantastical.
So why the need for ‘Reality Check’ to take a Reality Check?

Of course, there is no need. I think ProK just doesn’t like what ‘Reality Check’ is saying.

author by ProKpublication date Sat Jan 27, 2007 17:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For the record my post should have read that McManus with 6% was only 1% ahead of McGarry of Lab and 2% ahead of the unknown Henry of FG.
For McManus to get elected may not be beyond the realms of possibility – it would be a miracle.

author by Boxtypublication date Sun Jan 28, 2007 22:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would like to thank all the contributors on this thread who have made the last 25 minutes so enjoyable.I have read it all from start to finish and could,be very easily get sucked in to the churlish comments made by the majority on this topic but I dont get as riled up as I used to, and feel less of a need to score points with some well pointed barbs at some of the morons who hide behind their PC and who what I can see,have never campaigned or canvassed in any real way in their lives.But enough of what I think of you all...Having been more then slightly involved in the political scene in the North West for over 10 years(now well and truly retired!),I am surprised that you havent looked at all the other possible candidates.It is my understanding that Councillor Margret Gormely(IND) is currently considering her options for this general election(having polled in excess of two quotas in the last locals).Her strategic location in south Sligo, between tweedle dum(Perry) and tweedle evendumber(Scanlon), would give her a great chance of inflicting some damge to both of them and put herself in the frame for what could be a tight run for the last seat.Her father before her held a council seat and while she might not be known too well north of Ballisadare,her reputation for hard work on the ground in south Sligo is second to none and she is a proven vote getter.Even "Poor Mattie",the former Fianna Fail poll topper, in his hayday was left trailing behind her in local elections, when he held a council seat in the Tubber. electoral area.As it stands I would agree with the opinion that its between FF and FG for the three seats.........unless we have a surprise package!

author by Colette Gallagherpublication date Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Boxty' asserts that unless you have spilled blood on the campaign trail then you are not entitled to a political opinion, have neither the faculty nor savvy to make a political analysis and are, by his definition, ‘a moron’ for attempting such.

Such elitist chauvinist nonsense from a self professed seasoned campaigner who isn’t content with insulting the contributors above but practically everyone who posts on Indymedia.

That kind of self-righteous pique has been pumped out by every deluded megalomaniac since time immemorial and has been part of many a robust defence of incompetent politicians the length and breadth of Ireland.

The next time ‘Boxty’ stares down his nose at a thread I would advise him to take a deep breath and count to ten before he butts in with abuse and insults.
Maybe then he won’t make such a Horses Ass out of himself by criticising those who post anonymously whilst doing the exact same bloody thing by posting under the pseudonym 'Boxty'

author by Boxtypublication date Mon Jan 29, 2007 15:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Funny thing happened to me this morning Collette.I woke up and it was still a democracy.Freedom of speech and mutual respect of opinions...even if you did'nt always agree.I dont expect people to agree or even like what I have to say but please Colette or what ever your real name is,have a little respect, and spare us the ranting,raving and venemous bile that you seem to have for people who live outside your little box. Learn to argue and debate the issues and offer us a little insight as to where your comming from.If not ....get some professional help.

author by Boxty's shrinkpublication date Mon Jan 29, 2007 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Learn to argue and debate the issues and offer us a little insight as to where your comming from.If not ....get some professional help."

This is just what I said to you a few weeks ago son, but you're off again, calling people "morons" because they disagree with you. You haven't been taking the pills I prescribed now have you?

author by Colette Gallagherpublication date Mon Jan 29, 2007 18:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How can you expect anyone to take your chastisement seriously when you continue to make a hypocrite of yourself? The first thing you did upon entering this thread was to dismiss its contributors as ‘morons’. After that you don’t get to lecture anyone on respect.

You then ridiculed posters for ‘hiding behind theirs PC’s’ and you are doing the very same thing yourself! How blinkered can you get?

I’m sorry Boxty but no-one with a shred of cognitive reasoning is falling for that shite.

Thanks for the laugh though, it was funny. But feel free to have a long debate with yourself according to your zany rules of discourse. I’ve a funny feeling you do that a lot anyway because I imagine you are the only one who understands them.

Love Colette xxx

author by brother in law - none nowpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 20:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just to finish from all i read and from all i know myself i think the name jimmy the RAT is just about right

author by LP Memberpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 20:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its clear whats happening on this thread. A couple of Bree supporters are posting ad hoc trying to give the impression that there is massive unrest amongst Labour supporters in Sligo.

This is simply not true. The vast majority of Labour supporters are behind the parties chosen candidate.

Readers can judge for themselves what sort of people theses are from the type of critique being slung at councillor McGarry.

author by Non LP memberpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yup, I'd say most readers have drawn a few conclusions about Cllr McGarry by now. Not flattering ones mind. Can't say I'll be sorry if he gets a pounding at the polls

author by red alertpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 21:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So Sorry labour Party member i did,nt think their were any members left in Sligo or Leitrim. Wee Jimmy look,s very lonely going around canvassing with stranger,s to the area.

author by LP Memberpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 22:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I rest my case. More bile, no substance. People from the sidelines throwing abuse without the guts to stand for election themselves.

All this is driven from a small local disgruntled group of Declan Bree supporters who who have fallen for his stalinist nonsense and only understand the politics of the gutter and mud-slinging,
Cllr McGarry represents a meeker face of Labour that will through pragmatism deliver what Bree has so decisively failed to deliver to date. A fairer cohesive society.

author by Non LP memberpublication date Tue Jan 30, 2007 23:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fine talk about "mudslinging", which seems to be all you and your camp have to offer. As I said, I'll be delighted when I see McGarry take a pounding at the polls. Not so "meek" when it comes to travellers I guess. And b4 another paranoid rant, I live in Dublin and I've never met Declan Bree

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 00:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Really? Someone from Dublin taking an avid interest in the political fortunes of a Cllr in a town on the N-West coast of Ireland? Said Dubliner who also claims to have an intimate knowledge of the Cllr McGarry’s dealings with Travellers, Said Dubliner who curiously will take delight in CllrMcGarry taking a ‘pounding at the polls.’ Something by virtue of where he lives would have absolutely no impact whatsoever to his life or area.
You say you have never met Declan Bree yet display an almost frenetic hatred of the very Cllr who put him to pasture.

Something doesn’t add up. Oh, it must be my paranoia.

author by A king /sligo watcherpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 00:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is what old red rover says about the labour party in sligo (Comment, labour sligo RIP) true or not

author by Non LP memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 00:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yup, it must be your paranoia alright. Or maybe it's some kind of inverted self-hatred "sure nobody in Dublin cares whether people live or die in Sligo, it might fall off the end of the country and they wouldn't notice."

Funny as it might seem, left-wingers in the capital keep an eye on developments around the country, because we need to build a national movement, not just one for the Pale. Anyone who's been following left-wing politics over the last few years will be familiar with Declan Bree as a left-leaning LP cllr and ex-TD who's disagreed with the party leadership over various issues. And anyone who hadn't come across Bree before, certainly did after Pat Rabbitte launched a remarkable attack on him in the pages of a national newspaper. Do you really think nobody outside Sligo was following the details of that controversy?

We all know about McGarry's voting record when it comes to halting sites, and we also know about other stands that he's taken (supporting US troops at Shannon for example). So I can't say I'll be sorry if he gets a pounding at the polls - "pragmatism" seems to be your word for "right-wing", and I've no interest in your "mellow" approach. You seem to have nothing but bile and venom yourself for people who support or sympathise with Declan Bree ("put out to pasture" indeed, what bitterness you must be carrying around with you). Maybe you're his daughter, the one who had such charming things to say about Bree in the press?

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

by A king /sligo watcher:

The latest TG4 MRBI Poll for the Sligo/North Leitrim constituency has Councillor McGarry (Lab) with 5% of first preference votes.
General Election results in 2002 gave Declan Bree (Lab) 2.429 first preference votes.
In other words 4.96 %.

If the Labour Party is RIP in Sligo it happened long before Cllr McGrry took the reigns. This is exactly why Bree was put out to pasture.

Non LP member:

Having a pop at the mans daughter now are we. Contemptible.

"sure nobody in Dublin cares whether people live or die in Sligo, it might fall off the end of the country and they wouldn't notice". That is exactly the kind of puerile rubbish we have heard out of Bree in the past.

And people of the left in Dublin don’t bother themselves with a jumped up wannabe Stalinist like Bree so dont presume to talk for them.
As for his laughable botched attempt to get himself expelled out of the Labour party in true Emmet Stagg style(only without the content of character), that was so opaque that all Pat Rabbitte had to do was slap him on the wrist and let him stew in his own maligned indignation.
Job done.

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oh and so everyone can see how full of shit you are, here is a link to the so called offending Article in the Sligo Weekender featuring Charlene McGarry which according to you is “the one who had such charming things to say about Bree”.

Guess whose name isn’t even mentioned, not even once. That’s right folks Declan Bree.


author by Non LP memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

God this is actually insane. I mean seriously, deeply insane, frothing at the mouth, completely bonkers. That's the only way you can explain the stuff you come out with here. I will happily speak on behalf of left-wingers who live in Dublin, since I am a left-winger who lives in Dublin, and as well as myself, every other Dublin left-winger I know is familiar with the recent events in the Sligo Labour Party with Bree and McGarry - this included LP members, SP members, anarchists etc. We all keep an eye on Indymedia and we all keep an eye on what's going on in the rest of the country, for the blindingly obvious reasons I've already given. Besides, this whole row is quite entertaining. Once your national leader threw his oar into the row, it became an issue that every left-winger in the country kept an eye on. And your delusions aside, that pathetic little witch hunt ended with defeat for Rabbitte.

The rest of your ravings make no sense whatsoever. You appear not to be able to understand a word that I wrote. I was referring, of course, to the nasty anti-Bree outburst by McGarry's daughter (details here http://www.indymedia.ie/article/71870). What the Miss Sligo contest has to do with this I really don't know. But I'm beginning to suspect that you are Jim McGarry himself - that would explain the paternal pride and the personal bitterness ("put out to pasture" again, you really are carrying a lot of hatred around inside aren't you?).

Whoever you are, your antics on this thread have hardened my view of McGarry and I'm really looking forward to seeing him lose badly in the election this year - if/when he does, I'll come back to this thread to gloat, and that's a promise. And b4 you come out with more blather about my hateful attitude, you've shown more than enough of that already yourself. And b4 you try telling me that I'm not really from Dublin at all, take the trouble to look up the Indymedia archives and you'd see that Declan Bree was speaking at a Labour Youth conference in .... Dublin last year, having been invited by LY because they supported him in his clash with the leadership. You may delude yourself that nobody outside Sligo knows or cares about what's happening there, but that's all it is - a delusion

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

“God this is actually insane. I mean seriously, deeply insane, frothing at the mouth, completely bonkers”

Yeah of course it is. Any one who disagrees with Bree must clearly be insane. Off to the Gulag with them.
And there you go again, speaking on behalf of the Left of Dublin. Bree’s name is not one that resonates around bars in the capitol, I think it is you who has ‘deluded’ yourself in that respect.

And speaking of delusions.”That pathetic little witch hunt ended with defeat for Rabbitte.”
Exactly what pillar do you have Bree up on. Do you think Pat Rabitte has missed even a second’s sleep over that little ‘spat’ (quoting the village there)
Defeat for Rabitte? What are you talking about? It is commonly known within the Party that Bree is an opportunist and was desperate to have himself thrown out of Party to trade on a Martyr ticket for the GE. He even tried to spin the whole episode as an affront to Travellors. Such rubbish, and it was utterly dismissed and Bree kicked into touch here.


“Whoever you are, your antics on this thread have hardened my view of McGarry”

So what? You live in Dublin (allegedly) you won’t have any say in the matter.

“I'll come back to this thread to gloat,”

So will I when Declan Bree receives less votes than Cllr McGarry.

“And b4 you try telling me that I'm not really from Dublin at all, take the trouble to look up the Indymedia archives and you'd see that Declan Bree was speaking at a Labour Youth conference in .... Dublin last year”

This proves you’re from Dublin how exactly?

“You may delude yourself that nobody outside Sligo knows or cares about what's happening there, but that's all it is - a delusion”

What happens to Bree is of little Interest to anyone outside his own little box. Especially Dublin.

Which leaves this:

“and as well as myself, every other Dublin left-winger I know is familiar with the recent events in the Sligo Labour Party with Bree and McGarry - this included LP members, SP members, anarchists etc.”

Are you suggesting SP members have a solidarity with a Stalinist like Bree? How off the wall is that? Joe Higgins was kicked out of Labour for being too radical. This is the same Labour party Bree was more than happy to join some yrs later btw. The SP has no time for Bree. To suggest otherwise is laughable. Bree supporters have already attacked SP members on this sight as Bile spewing Trots. So really man, catch yourself on.

author by A king /sligo watcherpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dont make me laugh mc garry at the reigns In the last 12 months he turn up for 4 monthly meeting and your wrong about the party Just before mc garry snaked into the weak west ward the was party was very strong. The party now is on its knees the proof will be in the running of a gen election campaign

author by Non LP memberpublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 17:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Completely off his rocker, foaming at the mouth, completely unable to perceive facts he doesn’t want to see. What a character!

One last time – yes, I am from Dublin. I was born there. I have lived there all my life. My accent is a bit of a giveaway. My non-Dub girlfriend considers me a “typical jackeen”. My favourite moment as a Dubliner was the time they tried to blow up the nurses’ building in the grounds of Vincents Hospital and just managed to tilt the yoke onto its side. I even use the word "bowsie" from time to time, albeit with a certain irony.

If you actually are from Sligo, you must really hate yourself and your county, you’re completely unwilling to believe that anyone in the rest of the country could give two fucks whether Sligo falls off into the Atlantic or not. As I pointed out, Labour Youth supported Bree, one of their most prominent members wrote a letter to the IT backing him, and they invited him along to speak at a conference they organised in DUBLIN last summer.

And yes, I do know SP members who followed the Bree row with interest, and approved of the stand he took over traveller accommodation (one of them described him as an "honest reformist" to me). The SP members who post on Indymedia tend to be juvenile headbangers who denounce anyone who disagrees with them as sell-outs and traitors. There’s not many of them.

Anyway, I expect more paranoid ranting about how I'm actually Declan Bree himself or his mother-in-law or his sister's dog. Hate to disappoint you - there's plenty of things I'd disagree with Bree about, joining the Labour Party for one thing, so trying to paint me as a fanatical admirer of Declan Bree is a bit of a hopeless task.

I'd say the moment when the McGarry-Bree row ceased being a local matter was the time the Rabbit intervened - most Dublin socialists have a particular hatred for the Dear Leader of the LP, from Provies to ex-Sticks to Millies to anarchists. There's something about the man that really gets under your skin and makes you detest him, so once he threw his weight behind Cllr McGarry, we weren't exactly endeared to the man. And the seal was really set when he used his daughter to launch a nasty, personalised attack on Bree (I notice you were in no rush to comment on that, surprise surprise).

Anyway, it looks certain that McGarry won't win a seat come election time, and that's all politics means to people like him, so I'll be back to this thread of a bit of a gloat.

author by SP member- Teresa's Gardenspublication date Wed Jan 31, 2007 19:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

LP member- You look very silly trying to defend a political parasite like McGarry. Judging by what has been said of him, and yes- I beleive it all-Hes ex-FG for fucks sake, the man is a protégé of the Bertie Ahern School of politics and as such has no principles or anything resembling them. McGarry does support the US militaries use of Shannon -a little thing called Google comes in very handy. Agrees with privitisation.
Approached the fucking PD’s before swaying labour. He is a blueshirt and is a friend of big business. I believe they call him the rat. That sounds about right to me.The LP/FG pact has messed up the LP big time.
What amazes me is that people in Sligo actually vote for this idiot. Given the absolute hatred for him by posters here (except for your-clearly deluded-self of course) it’s astonishing that he would have any base at all. Labours humiliation is set to be complete with this worm on their ticket. He is the epitome of everything that is wrong with Irish Politics.

Non LP member- Where do you get off calling SP posters on this site juvenile headbangers. I don’t give a fuck where you’re from or who you are but you don’t speak for the left in this town(Dublin). Bree is an opportunist and a Stalinist. It’s his way or the highway. He is actually considered a bit of a joke really(which is a shame because back in the day he had his moments) and when he shoots for political points by taking a swipe at that gobshite rabbitte we will cheer him on from the side-lines simply because the hatred of Rabitte among the left is universal. Bree let this go to his head and he made the mistake of thinking it was a surge in support for him. I’m afraid not Declan. You will never be forgiven selling out with your pathetic stint in the Dail. Never

Both are muppets, both have lofty opinions of themselves with absolutely nothing to back it up. Both will do as bad as each other in the election. So give it a rest.

author by greengrass - IFApublication date Sat Mar 10, 2007 20:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I see now that FF Cllrs were up having dinner with the minister no doubt having a good laugh at sligo(not for the first time) After voting for charges they now play the game and come back with great news of a small cut in prices. They pull the same stunt every election year

author by ned the redpublication date Wed Apr 18, 2007 13:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Willie Penrose Labours spokersperson on Agriculture offically launched Wee Jimmy,s hilarious campaign in that great workers venue the S I P T U Offices surely a more appropriate venue for the friend of big Business Speculators and Developers would have been the offices of the Chamber of Commerance,IBEC or ISME.Im sure Willie cogratulated Wee Jimmy on using his casting vote to increase the water charges to farmers,no doubt Wee Jimmy and his Blueshirt Labour Party will enthusiastically obey their Masters in Europe when they receive a directive to once again impose Domestic Water Charges on the Irish People.According to the photo in the Weekender only eight turned up for the launch including Willie and Jimmys family,bet Willie couldnt wait to get back to the sanity of the Midlands after this debacle.

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Apr 18, 2007 13:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Acording to the weekender "The event, which was held at the SIPTU offices at Cleveragh, was attended by a large group of party members and supporters."

Full article:

Ned would you ever run along now and take your silly little vendetta with ya?

Nobody cares

author by LP Memberpublication date Wed Apr 18, 2007 14:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oh and by the way I note you made this less than endearing comment

"no doubt Wee Jimmy and his Blueshirt Labour Party will enthusiastically obey their Masters in Europe when they receive a directive to once again impose Domestic Water Charges on the Irish People"

What was Declan Brees excuse when he was part of the Government (Blueshirt led funnily enough) that actually DID impose Domestic Water Charges on the Irish People?

No words of contempt for him no?

Would ya catch yerself on.

Oh and according to Bree himself there is nothing in that EU water directive that will force the imposition of domestic water charges on anyone. Or has he changed his mind?

author by Jolly Red Giant - Socialist Party/CWIpublication date Wed Apr 18, 2007 16:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

LP Member

Bree was not actually in the LP when domestic water charges were introduced. Water charges were originally introduced during the FG/LP coalition government from 1982-1987 by Labour Minister for the Environment, Liam Kavanagh. (Incidentally the LP conference in 1986 passed a vote of no-confidence in Liam Kavanagh and demanded he be sacked by Spring - needless to say the motion was ignored).

Each individual council subsequently began introducing water charges over the following years culminating with Dublin introducing the charges in 1994. The charges were eventually scrapped by another LP Minister for the Environment, Brendan Howlin after a widespread public campaign against water charges and the Dublin West by-election showing the government that they would take a thumping on the issue if they didn't dump them.

Bree joined the LP prior to the 1992 General Election - fool that he was. He had a record of consistantly opposing charges on Sligo council. But, like others, he sold his soul in the LP never to get it back.

You really should accuse Bree of stuff he was actually responsible for and not make stuff up.

author by Paddy O Brienpublication date Wed Apr 18, 2007 17:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

But Declan served as a TD in two Governments (FF/Lab and FG/Lab/DL) that maintained Water Charges.

When water and sewage charges were eventually abolished he supported the decision by Labour Minister Brendan Howlin to maintain Refuse Charges.

author by pudsey - nonepublication date Wed Apr 25, 2007 21:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just read champion and find it unbelievable the whinging of Jimmy
and all because he wasnt made a fuss of at the rally meeting.
He is chair of Sligo county council not George Bush.Every body in that room were the same and he had a cheek to think people should
bow and scrape to him.I now think God help us if he ever got in to
dail eireann,

author by Union memberpublication date Thu Apr 26, 2007 08:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is understandable that pudsey has concerns at the prospect of the Labour candidate Alderman McGarry getting elected "to dail eireann", his fear is obviously based on the pathetic performance of the last Labour candidate elected, one Declan Bree. Bree went to Dublin and wined and dined all round him and completely forgot that it was the people of Sligo that elected him as their representative. He spent more time on the Garvaghy Road then he did looking after the people of the constituency.
But you can rest easy pudsey, McGarry won't make the same mistake. McGarry has a first class record of looking after the interests of the people and he is not in love with himself.

author by ned greenpublication date Thu Apr 26, 2007 21:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just heard latest opinion polls Blueshirts on course to form next government with new Labour.Cominsky will probab ly take the third seat.Ive just visited Imeldas video on youtube she has almost two thousand hits you have 56,if this is an oman of how the voting goes on election day im afraid its Imelda for the Senate seat and you,ll be left eating greengrass with Cake.

author by Curiouspublication date Thu Apr 26, 2007 22:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"McGarry has a first class record of looking after the interests of the people and he is not in love with himself."

That's funny now - I seem to remember "union member" saying a month or two ago that he thought McGarry was a lousy candidate and it was a pity he was the best Labour could muster in Sligo. My, your tune has changed.

author by A McCannpublication date Fri Apr 27, 2007 00:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thats funny, I remember a day or two ago ned saying cake had a very good chance of taking a seat, now he says cake will be eating grass!

All that talk of polls and the like. Seems ned has made a sport out of changing tunes.

Unfortunately though we wont get to see how Mr. Principled himself will get on. Bree has not declared and for good reason. He would be pasted by McGarry and all his bluff exposed as the bitterness it is.

author by Rhona.publication date Mon May 05, 2008 23:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now that the dust has settled on last years general election results,its time for the Sligo labour Party to build for the future.Undoubtly jimmy Mc Garry can be proud of the fact that he got a respectable vote considering it was hes first time to contest a general election,im certain both he and Cllr Veronica Cawley will both hold their seats comfortably,and if they are joined as promised by other bright talented candidates,im confident labour will increase its representation in Sligo/Nt Leitrim at the local elections next year.i also think that the Labour Party with an eye to the next general should consider running Cllr Jimmy Mc Garry in Connaught/Ulster in next years Eureoupean election,this would help to raise his profile and make him more electable.

author by Lorrainepublication date Thu Jun 05, 2008 15:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well said Rhona,

I hope that labour members will get behind their candidates next year when it comes to canvassing, and we have a clean campaign with no mud throwing...

I think it was a holy disgrace what took place last year during the general election campaign, We would have a labour TD in the Dail from Sligo town today if labour worked as a team. I hope the mud throwers put their energy into their own campaign next year instead of trying to destroy others.

It will be interesting to see who is going to run in the East ward.

I hope Jimmy considers running in the European elections it certainly would be the perfect way to raise his profile for the next general election which most members would like to see him run for again. He truely is the best candidate. Despite what some have to say.

author by Labour memberpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2008 00:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is great to see some positive attitudes towards labour for next year. Labour does need teamwork and positive thinking to the future.

Labour member

author by franciepublication date Fri Jun 06, 2008 23:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Jim is facing some minor difficulties at the moment,but without doubt he will soon overcome them and get on with the business of rebuilding the Labour Party in Sligo/Nt Leitrim.Jim was unjustly crucified last year by the Farmers over the water issue,but Jim who was then Chairman of Sligo County Council was only implementing a european directive,and I beleive an apology from the Farmers to Jim should now be forthcoming as even their own organisation,the iFA has recently given their full support to the Lisbon Treaty ,along with Labour, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.

author by earthwatchpublication date Sat Jun 07, 2008 19:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I heard Jimmy,s gone to Florida for a well earned break.I bet Veronicas sweating, hoping that he will make it back in time to vote for her, as its her turn to be Mayor.

author by labou memberpublication date Sun Jun 08, 2008 22:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know its hot in Sligo at the moment but it aint Florida. Bet Jimmy wishes he was in Florida at the moment instead of working his socks off here in Sligo.

author by franciepublication date Fri Oct 24, 2008 14:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Have the Labour Party in Sligo selected their candidates for next years Local Elections,and if so who are they and what areas are they contesting.If they run candidates in all areas they are certain of being elected.There is a hugh swing against Fianna Fail and the Greens and Labour in Sligo are sure to benefit.

author by davidpublication date Sun Oct 26, 2008 09:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hear there a row going on between mc garry and labour in sligo, very few are going to meeting. have anyone else heard anything?

author by jjpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the row is over mc garry wanting his brother, Frank to run in the north ward. the feeling in labour is one mc garry is one too must, none of the mc garrys turn up when there needed

author by LABWATCHERpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 20:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its now accepted by most people that McGarry will not be the Labour Euro candidate for Connacht/Ulster. Despite his SIPTU connections, recent events have damaged his chances of getting the nod from head office.

You can expect his buddy John McCarrick (McGarrys Director of Elections and SIPTU branch Secretary) to push for his nomination but the word is that there is little or no appetite among what remains of labour in Sligo for another election fiasco.

McGarry and McCarrick and Co are still trying to raise funds to pay off the debts from the general election.

(They spent more money on their campaign than Bertie Ahern, Cowen etc. McGarrys campaign cost €26,708. Bertie Ahern campaign cost €21,025. Cowens campaign cost €21,569. See Standards in Public Office Commission website)

Head office paid off some of the bills but the members remaining in the local organization are unwilling to help with fundraising.

It’s difficult to figure out where Cllr McGarrys colleague, Cllr Veronica Cawley, stands on all these issues.(She is the present Mayor of Sligo) She certainly isn’t rushing to organise fund raising to clear McGarrys election debts

There is no date set for Conventions for the local elections but the word on the street is that both Cawley and McGarry will again run in their respective wards. A guy called Alwyn Love is to run for Labour in the Dromore West area. Labour will not contest in any of the electoral areas in county Leitrim as it no longer has any organization in Leitrim.

author by jjpublication date Wed Oct 29, 2008 20:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it is also understood that labour had to one to run in the east ward , one is interested in a lost cause.

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