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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Had a quick read of it. Very interesting stuff that answers a few questions about where eirigi has come from and where they're going. Looking forward to reading more from you. Great website by the way, very comprehensive (and no I'm not a member of eirigi, or connected to them in any way ;-) )
Pretty much the traditional Socialist Republican analysis. Noticed the news item cut and pasted below on their website. Looks like they are building outside of Dublin too.
"The Reclaim the Republic campaign reached Cork city on Sunday 21st January with the distribution of almost a 1,000 copies of the 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic. The full colour, poster-size Proclamations, were handed out on a not-for-profit basis between 2pm and 4pm on Patrick Street. The response was, as ever, hugely positive with many people stopping to engage with the éirígí activists, presenting a great opportunity to explain the background to the both the campaign and the formation of éirígí.
Speaking after the distribution éirígí activist Paul Hayes, from Nenagh, Co Tipperary welcomed the arrival of ‘Reclaim the Republic’ and éirígí to Munster. “It’s great to see the warmth of the reaction that we received today. There is undoubtedly a huge interest and support for Republicanism out there. People know that the Ireland of today falls way short of the one that Pearse and Connolly hoped for when they fought and died in 1916. Today was just the first step in building éirígí in Munster. We hope, over the coming weeks and months, to roll out not only the ‘Reclaim the Republic’ campaign but also the other éirígí campaigns”
Encouraging others to get involved Paul continued “éirígí represents the best vehicle for people at this time who are interested in promoting the politics of Socialist Republicanism and challenging the political status quo.”
Ó! go maith.
Léifidh mé an leagan Gaeilge nuair a aimsím é
Is mór an trua é nach raibh an deís againn leagann a fhoilsiú thrí mhean na Ghaeilge ach, chún a fhirínne a rá, tá obair óllmhór le deanaimh againn agus mar sin, gan a bheith ag iarraidh leithscéal ar bith a thabhairt, ní raibh an déís againn aistriúchain a dheanamh in am. Ta sé i gceist againn (i gceann tamailín) go m-beidh gach ruid atá againn dha-theangach. Aontaionn muidne go h-iomláin leis an realachas go dtosnoídh ath-ghabáil na h-Eireánn le ath-ghabháil an teanga. Brón orm a chara.
An mbeadh tusa sasta aistriúcháin a dhéanamh duinn?
Ar bpointe eile? Cád a cheapainn tú de cad ata a ra againn? dar linne tá an papéir seo an coitionta agus riochtannach inniu? Ta muidne ag iarraidh bheith b-pairteach i n-gluaiseacht nua i treo an Phoblacht Soisialach. Tá an papéir seo foilsithe chún dul chún cinn a dheanamh san treo sin.
Go raibh maith agat
Very good stuff. Much food for thought. Very timely indeed. Will add very much to debate re: future of Socialism and Republicanism in Ireland. Will send e-mail to youse.
The Belfast Agreement was in 1998, how come it took you 6 years to leave Sinn Fein? Maybe Gerry didn't need a cunning diversion or honey trap for potential “dissidents” at that time.
Nice one a chomraide. The paper says it all. Con el enemigo nunca hay tregua
éirígí abú
A Dhuine Eile,
Tuigim go mbíonn deacrachtaí ag baint le dhá leagan de aon rud a chur ós comhair an phobail. ACH muna ndéanann sibh é, bíonn imir den fhimínteacht ann. Tuigim go bhfuil dea-rúin fúibhse, áfach.
Is fíor a scíobh mé: níor léigh mé na hailt ; go mbíonn Gaeilge orthu. Ar an drochuair, níl am agam ar ala na huaire Gaeilge a dhéanamh díbh agus níl fonn orm dul i bpáirt libh ( go fóill) .
Ní fhéadaim trácht go sonrach ar a scríobh sibh; ach bíonn gá i dtólamh le súil úr, le fuinneamh úr is le daoine úra.
Go néirí libhse
Mrs Spain,
I’ve been following the growth of éirígí closely since its foundation and find your SF front / Honey trap thesis idea a bit hard to take. Below I’m going to list the factors that lead me to believe without doubt that éirígí is a bona fide organisation.
Before I do I’d like to question the motives behind your posting. What exactly does “lots of waffle but no action" mean. I take that you believe that the only way that éirígí can proove to you that it is not a SF front is by taking "action" . I would ask readers to consider who would stand to benefit from one group of republicans taking "action" in relation to another group of republicans? I think your agenda is becoming clearer.
By the way your maths are a little bit out. The GFA was signed in 1998 and it is now 2007. That's a gap of 9 years, not 6. (éirígí was founded in 2006)
1. Direct contact with éirígí:
I know a couple of lads who are members of éirígí and nothing they have done or said would suggest to me that they are involved in some elaborate front. It is possible that éirígí are such a front and the lads don't know it but they are fairly sharp boys and I think that scenario unlikely.
2. Direct contact with SF:
I've spoken to countless people in SF, all of whom have told me that the éirígí is genuine. Again it is I suppose possible that they are ignorant of some master plan but once again I think it unlikely.
3. Other Republicans:
I know one member of the 32 CSM who shared your suspicions initally but is now of the view that they are genuine. In addition Gerry Ruddy of the IRSP and Francie Mackey of the 32 CSM have both contributed articles to thier 'What the Proclamation Means to Me' section of their website - an unlikely scenario if they thought that éirígí was some part of a SF plot. The same would go for Tommy McKearney.
4. What non-Republicans are saying:
Once again I know no activists within other left-wing groups who regard éirígí as an SF front. éirígí are working with the WSM, the SP, the SWP and the CPI through the anti-war and Shell to Sea campaigns. Nobody that I have heard of in any of this groups are saying that éirígí is anything other then a genuine group, in fact most of them are highly impressed with same.
4. What journalists, the cops and the IMC have said:
Whatever you think of the above they are are no friends of Republicans so it would seem strange that none of them would have attempted to blow this elaborate SF front strategy out of the water. Tom Brady, unofficial garda spokesperson, has written several articles on éirígí none of which suggested that they are anything then the real deal, as have several other journalists.
Even the International Monitoring Commission has mentioned éirígí and I quote in the section relating to the Provisional IRA in the Oct 2006 report - 'it has encouraged some disaffected members to resign. Some people in Dublin have established a small political grouping on revolutionary socialist principles called éirígí'
5. éirígí's political analysis:
When first founded their analysis other then 'socialist republican' was a bit sketchy. Since then they have adopted a number of postions that put oceans of blue water between them and SF on a number of fronts including their demand for the nationalisation of Irelands natural resources, Policing in the north and the GFA .
If as you suggest above (and have suggested on other occasions under other pseudonyms) that éirígí is designed to 'hold' disgruntled members of SF until policing is out of the way then it would make no sense to take contrary positions to SF as this would make it almost impossible to re-integrate éirígí members into SF.
6. SF need all the help it can get:
Knowing some members personally, and others by reputation, the calibre of activist within éirígí is pretty high. If éirígí were a front those heading it up would need to have absolute loyalty to the SF leadership and they would have to be credible enough to attract people who were pissed off with the current direction SF is headed - just the kind of people you would need onside as you tried to get the policing motion passed and fight an election in both the north and the south.
éirígí started in Dublin and by all accounts has attracted quite a number of long-term SF activists to its ranks. At the same time the SF vote in Dublin has (according to the opionion polls) plummeted. This is really where the SF front/ Honey trap idea comes apart. Elections are a central part of the SF strategy. Surely in the run in to the general election you would use your best and most loyal people to promote your strategy, build your membership and your vote and not off on some elaborate ruse?
That told him!! Now maybe he'll grow up. Chance would be a fine thing I suppose.
Anyways, back to the substantive. The paper gets a thumbs up from me. As the quote says: from a revolutionary socialist party alone can the salvation of Ireland come
Cut the bullshit. Answer my original question, why did it take 9 years after the Belfast Agreement for Eirígí to split(?) from Sinn Fein?
If they were to answer this question then maybe people could take them a little more seriously.
Given the provos reaction to any type of dissent or split, (the Real’s threatened at gunpoint, Jo Jo O’Connor killed, Paddy Fox battered, McIntyre threatened, etc…) I find it hard to believe that any group could leave or be let leave on good terms.
See Geraldine Adams article in The Blanket and ask Eirígí what they think of the points she makes?
Eirígí appear out of nowhere, with a well designed website and plenty of high quality posters/leaflets, engage in the most innocuous campaign of distributing the Proclamation and expect us to believe that they are genuine opposition to the route SF is taking. At what point did they discover that membership of SF wasn’t compatible with their beliefs? When all opposition was threatened or beaten or when Mary Lou McDonald or Joanne Spain was imposed over the heads of the local organisations or where there other reasons? Until this question is answered they will not be taken seriously except by those who would love to believe that SF is falling apart.
If anything SF are getting stronger, despite the levelling off in support in Dublin, the ability to get a huge organisation to fully accept the most anti Republican policy of support for the PSNI/RUC and generally accept british sovereignty over the 6 counties indicates that the Adams leadership is untouchable.
A couple of other points…. Ruddy, Mackey, McKearney would all be willing to write for any publication (quite rightly) which would carry their stuff……….your definition of ‘a number of long-term SF activists’ would probably be different from mine………. ‘I've spoken to countless people in SF, all of whom have told me that the éirígí is genuine’ ah well then it must be true!
Their policy document on Imperialism contributes nothing new to the debate, it could have been written by any number of organisations from the IRSP to the 32’s to the nuts in Social Democracy
The reality is that a number of middle management SF members have apparently left to concentrate on delivering copies of the Proclamation to households in Dublin. Yeh, that really makes sense.
Anyone know if eirigi are organised in Sligo yet? Or whether there are any plans to do so?
éirígí are not yet organised in Sligo but I would think that they will with time, given that they are starting to organise in other parts of the country. If you are interested in getting involved, or getting something started in Sligo you should e-mail [email protected]
Thanks for that. I would be interested in getting involved alright. Well impressed with what they are doing.