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Bono to receive British knighthood for music, humanitarian work
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Wednesday December 27, 2006 12:31 by joeboy - James Brown Memorial Ceili Band

rock n roll royalty joins Sir Bob
Ruadhán Mac Cormaic
U2 singer Bono is to be awarded an honorary British knighthood for "his services to the music industry and for his humanitarian work", the British embassy has announced.
Bono will receive the award from the British ambassador to Ireland, David Reddaway, in a ceremony in Dublin in the coming weeks. A spokesman for the singer said he was "very flattered" to receive the award, particularly if it opens doors for his campaigning work against poverty in Africa. He will not be entitled to the title "Sir" as he is not a British national, but the British embassy said the agreement of the Irish Government was sought and granted for the award.
In an open letter to Bono, British prime minister Tony Blair said he was delighted that the award, which recognised an "outstanding contribution" to music and "remarkable humanitarian work", had been accepted.
"I'll leave it to others far more knowledgeable than me to talk about U2's music. All I'll say is that, along with millions of others right across the world, I am a huge fan. But I feel a little more qualified to talk about your personal commitment to tackling global poverty and, in particular, to Africa," he said.
"I know from talking to you how much these causes matter to you. I know as well how knowledgeable you are about the problems we face and how determined you are to do all you can to help overcome them. You have tirelessly used your voice to speak up for Africa."
Mr Blair also thanked Bono for the "invaluable role" he played in the run up to the Gleneagles G8 summit in July 2005, which focused, among other issues, on the lack of economic development in Africa.
In 2003 Bono was presented with the Légion d'honneur by the French government and in 2005 he was voted Time person of the year.
He follows in the footsteps of fellow Dubliner Bob Geldof, who received the award in 1986.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22The acceptance of an accolade from the Crown which built it's empire on impoverishment and continnues to sustain third world poverty, excludes Bono from speaking for the poor.
Bono provides a smokescreen for the continnued rape of Africa. He knows more than most of the system in place to facilitate the centuries long asset stripping of Africa. The day Geldof and Bono announced there 'Live 8' gig their pals in Anglo-American Gold announced £16.8 billion profit in the previous six months, in the Congo from one of their 67 gold mines -known in mining circles as 'the richest place on earth' as Bono and Geldof went looking looking for £12 billion over four years in 'Aid' , from the richest nations on the plannet .This would not even cover inflation.
Not to mention the silver, pearls, diamonds, platinium, steel, cobalt, coal, and above all, the 'oil and gas extraction which supplies about 21% of the energy needs of the West' , which always seem distant from Bono's agenda.
Bono and his pals have long supported the idea of Africa being a 'developing' Nation, rather than a nation systematically being impoverished by the west.
He may feel genuine empathy for the poor of Africa, but if he wants to improve their lot in life he should address the issues which have sustained the systemic impoveishment of Africa's poor and not cloud them by talking about easing the debt imposed by the world bank created specifically to maintain this same poverty and then accepting a Knighthood from the Queen.
By any other name (or disguise) it always was and, it is still, facisim.
He hasn't (yet) taken dual citizenship in order to use the title (or allow a wife to improperly use the title "Lady"), as many great worthies of Irish public life have, in the press and elsewhere.
NB: "Sir" Bob has an honourary knighthood and does not hold dual citizenship.
Confused... mabey you should wake up .........Wether or not he is a citisen of the queen or not, is immaterial to his being 'flattered' at the announcment.
If you want to shut anyone up in any establishment just give them a title. The man who coined the phrase 'three chords and the truth' has not uttered a single truth in any part of a droll mediocre carreer he calls music.He also said of Bliars attack of Iraq ...'anyone can make a mistake'...., poor, poor Tony. And that Bush is the most 'generous' of all American presidents. Generous with the ammo.
Calling Bono a fasist is putting it mild. He is actually worse than that because he abuses the trust he has acquired in his position as someone who pretends to speak for the oppressed while watching them rip off Africa and Central America. I wouldent trust him as far as I could throw him..I could throw him a lot further than most people given his height challenges.
In the words of a real artist.....'I wouldn't trust that fucking family with a sharp stick let alone a sword'.....guess who? The family are the Windsors....who is the artist .
Aaaah, back to sleep.
Onward Christian soldiers
Maybe the Dutch government will award him a gong since YooToo have shifted their finances to Holland . . . .
Fred Johnson wrote a glowing piece about what a nice guy Prince Albert of Monaco is a while back. So who is he to criticise Bono for kissing royal bums?
How nice!! - Bono now on the same list as Tony O'Reilly, Edward Haughey and other enemies/deniers of our Gaelic culture/history !!!
He should dispose of his worldly goods, give some funds to the Rossport Five, and move to a monastery in the Himalayas. Then I'll take his sainthood seriously.
Bone-head and activists.
This after providing Bush with cover in Africa with his tour with Bushite O'Neill. Not to mention his "fine work" disabling the anti-globalist work in Scotland. Lets not forget his blaming all of the troubles in the north of Ireland on those rotten provos, Sure the Brits were a fine bunch, trying to spread democracy in the north.
Bone-head, fuck him.
Sir Bob Geldoff also received a knighthood from the British Parasite Queen for supporting murder in Somalia in their secret way on Islam.
Geldoff organised, along with British Intelligence, Live Aid, to fund the American created warlords in Somalia. The pretext was to feed the starving people who didnt even know it was Christamas. In fact the shiploads of supplies were sent directly to ports controlled by US, British and Zionist backed Somali Warlords. This was called an error afterwards.
It was the only way to fund the warlords without direct government intervention and Sir Bob did a spiffing job.
This week the Ethiopian Army has had to invade Somalia again to help the Puppet government in Somalia and return control to the Warlords after Islamists overthrew their criminal regimes in rural areas earlier this year.
Geldoffs warlords who have raped, murdered and stolen for decades on funds raised by Live Aid are now again being assisted by the US and UK. This time however Islam is much stronger and the Jihad that is about to be unleashed in the Horn of Africa will rock the world and US power in the region.
Bono, who is the devotee of a fanatical US Christian Cult is just another agent of the Empire. He is only where he is becaue he backed the Empire all along from when he stated Sunday Bloody Sunday was "Not A Rebel Song".
To hell with U2 and their Christian Crusader Prince. Let him take the title from the Queen. It only brands him like Geldoff and Tony O'Reilly as the worthless vermin they are. Let them take it to the next life and see if it holds any currency there.
Somalia today
Protect Israel - Bob and Bono the Beavis and Butt-hole of bleating musicians
"American fears of Africa becoming a sanctuary for terrorists were further heightened by terrorist attackson an Israeli airliner and Israeli tourists in a hotel in Mombasa in November 2002. Reports have notedthat American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents are collaborating with Somali warlords inpursuit of terrorist suspects inside Somalia."
"Geldoff organised, along with British Intelligence, Live Aid, to fund the American created warlords in Somalia." ! Give us a break Yusuf. I have no particular time for Bob Geldof, but this really is just paranoid shit. The next thing you'll be saying is that it's all part of the international Jewish conspiracy.
John Scarlett, MI6 Chief who defended the report on which the UK went to war against Iraq was knighted yesterday. Scarlett told the Hutton inquiry that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and that it was capable of launching an attack against Britain in 45 minutes. Both have since been proven as lies but he still gets a knighthood. This is the sort of company Sir Bob, Sir Tony and Sir Bono are involved with.
Sir John Scarlett MI6
Where did the Live Aid money go?
To Somali Warlords backed by the CIA.
Who organised Live Aid and the shipments?
Sir Bob Geldoff
You do the maths!
Bono praises the mass murderer Bush
"Well, I think [President Bush has] done an incredible job"
"In one year that's being done. … Yes, there's a lot of pressure on President Bush. If he, though, in his second term, is as bold in his commitments to Africa as he was in the first term, he indeed deserves a place in history in turning the fate of that continent around."
Watch Bono speak at Christian meeting with Bush and the apostate "King" Abdullah of Jordan. Get a sick bag before listening to this ass, his America accent and his Christian Rubbish.
Geldoff also praised Bush.
"George W. Bush has done more to help Africa than other U.S. presidents". Bob Geldoff
Bono and Mass Murderer Bush
Bono and fellow "Christian" Bush
suus stilus es amo fimus ex bestia they vilis parum ut unus per sane sententia
There is an interesting photo of the late Dr David Kelly and Mr Scarlett somewhere in
News Archives. The whole Kelly debacle which led to the death of one man and
the knighting of another can be traced through varied public record resources.
am including two 'taster links'
Re Geldoff, I saw a documentary some years ago on British television about Ethiopia, and a non-national aid-worker stated that Geldoff didn't have a clue aout the situation in that country when he visited it around the time of Live-Aid. The aid-worker also stated that most of the Live-Aid money went to the Ethiopian Army. Because of the way power and the media works, we don't hear the voices of the ordinary people, we only hear or read what western governments and media want us to hear and read, with a few exceptions (if you don't believe me, read Chomsky -- but you'll probably never buy a mainstream newspaper again).
We need to be very skeptical about these 'Celebrities' like Geldoff and Bono, who profess to be acting for the poor and downtrodden and then accept Knighthoods from imperial masters. Apart from that, who has ever heard Geldoff make a rational statement about anything political.
Elite imperium intelligence muneris pro suum tutela.
The Elite control the Intelligence services to maintain the status quo. It is not for the peoples protection or the protection of the country, it is to protect their masters, the old Feudal rulers. As they say in England, "In Her Majestys Secret Service". In Ireland we follow the lead of US and British Intelligence services who have controlled the state since it's formation.
Bono and his playmates have been members of an ultra-right Christian group since the 1980's and the hand of their US leaders has protected and made their way clear for decades. How many bands like Therapy, who were much better, found thier play limited because they were not of the right politics and a religion of the right?
U2 Good - Therapy Bad!
Hi Paul (O'Toole)
No surprise here mate. This is the same man whom you may recall, also glibly hijacked the Armed Struggle for his own PR purposes, screeching "Fuck the Revolutionaries" and so on and so forth.
See here:
What offends me is the way even journalists who should no better are willing to fall into the trap of saying : "oh maybe ths (multimiillionaire corporate rock star and one of Ireland's richest men) guy's just naive" Naive? ha ha ha ha
As Marvin Gaye says: "When I look at the world, it fills me with sorrow... " ;)
I am not an Irish man... t hoses stupid fools pay taxes.
With my friends, the Queen tony and bush we sing...
'this is not a rebel song'... nor a rebel life. How could it be with friends like this.
So buy my music you Irish fools and make me a whole lot richer,
I'm one of you from the North side... anyone can do it, just pat the head of
a starving child and pretend you care, sing a song and get a gong, if geldoff
can do it why not me.
Pay me respect you shower of bastards... show me some respect,
and drop the sur I know what you're doing... Im Sir... I'm Sir I'm
I'm the rich Sir feckless country-less tax less Bono... who lives but doesn't live in Ireland.
Victory to PAYE.
Caithigí uaibh an cáineadh.
An té nach bhfuil inár gcoinne, tá sé ar ár son.
Sir Bono abú!
I read a few months ago that there are dozens of evangelical/fundamentalist christian churches in the USA who use U2 songs/lyrics as part of their sermons. They actually call it the "U2-charist" !? and Boner was flattered about that too. Again he's doing his bit for the forces of opression by smokescreening their real agenda.
What was the name of that irish bishop (maybe priest?) from a few years ago who went "nuts" and thought Bono was the antichrist? thanx
FOR $$$!