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EU REFERENDUMS - HOW TO WIN THEM![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Some interesting points Don't agree with everything in this press release - especially where they go on about the 'need' to exclude 'extremists' from the NO Campaign. What is an 'extremist' by their definition? Does this mean that the Workers Solidarity Movement and other Anarchist organisations are to be excluded from the NO to Nice Campaign because they are too 'extreme!? Does this mean that the Socialist Party and other genuine Socialist organisations are to be excluded from the NO to Nice Campaign because they are too 'extreme!? EU REFERENDUMS - HOW TO WIN THEM
Tel.: 8305792 Friday 12 July 2002
This has been produced by TEAM, The European Alliance of EU Critical Movements, which is a network and information exchange between some 50 political party and non-party organisations in 17 different European countries, inside and outside the EU. PANA(The Peace and Neutrality Alliance) and The National Platform, are the two Irish organisations affiliated to TEAM. Not all the ideas in the Guide are appropriate to Irish circumstances, but many of them are. We think you will find useful strategic and campaigning ideas here. This TEAM Referendum Guide is given in plain text below, following this e-mail letter, and it is given as an e-mail attachment above. July and August are the key months for setting up the cores of local campaign groups around the country, with the aim of engaging in canvassing,leafletting and postering operations in September and October in the lead-up to the Nice Repeat referendum proper. Every concerned democrat should seek set up such a group, in whatever organisation you are in. If you are not already in a No-side organisation, get together with your friends and neighbours NOW to set up a local No-side campaign group. If you are not in touch with a No-side campaign group already, get in touch with us and we shall do our best to put you in touch with one. The Dail will be recalled to discuss the Nice Repeat referendum in the first week in September, and the Nice Repeat itself will probably be held on the third week of October. The central issue in the Nice Repeat/Re-run is whether the people have the right to control the Government or whether it is the Government that controls the people. What the Governemnt and its allies are trying to do is to overthrow a perfectly valid constitutional referendum result, with the encouragement and cooperation of the other EU Member States. If they succeed, it will make EU referendums meaningless in future, not only in Ireland but in every other EU country that might have them. It will show that if the people do not deliver the result the Eurocrats want, then they must be made to vote again until they give the right answer. This has never happened before in the history of the Irish State: that an Irish Government has tried to overthrow a valid referendum result. To do this the Government in effect is allying itself with foreign governments against its own people. This is a momentous moment in our history as a State. It puts a question-mark over the basis of our democracy, and poses a challenge to every democrat. That is why every democratically minded Irish citizen, whether they voted Yes or No to the Nice Treaty last year, or did not vote at all, should come out in October to defend Irish democracy, and democracy in the EU, and to assert the principle that it is the people who control the government, not the other way around. And everyone should start preparing now at local level to win a mighty victory for democracy in October. Yours faithfully Anthony Coughlan _______________________________________________________________ _________THE TEAM EU REFERENDUM GUIDE________
In 2002 and 2003 several EU Member and Applicant States will be facing referendums - on the euro-currency, the Nice Treaty, EU military policy opt-outs and the various EU Accession Treaties. Even if the particular issues and the background political culture differ from country to country, EU-critical campaigners everywhere can learn from the experience of countries that have won EU-related referendums against all odds: Norway, Denmark and Ireland. Norway rejected membership of the EC/EU on two occasions, in 1972 and 1994. Greenland, a self-ruling part of Denmark, left the EC after a referendum in 1982. Denmark said No to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 and the euro-currency in 2000. Ireland rejected the Nice Treaty in 2001. Democratic activists who have campaigned in these countries for over 20 years have useful lessons to teach us on how to run a well-organised referendum campaign. We can of course also learn from the experience of countries that have lost EU-referendums. Winners and losers have contributed to the notes below. We hope you will find them useful, so that we all can be winners in future EU referendums. The notes are partly based on presentations at TEAM's Annual General Meeting in Prague in March 2002, by Kjell Dahle (Norway), Lave Broch (Denmark) and Patricia McKenna (Ireland), as well as suggestions from various other people. If you have any useful referendum tip or ideas to share with us, please let us have them and we can include them in a later version of these notes. Good luck with the campaigns! Brussels, April 2002 Henrik Dahlsson TEAM Secretariat E-mail: [email protected] _____________ 1. BEFORE THE CAMPAIGN
Will the referendum be a choice between two alternatives? Yes or No? What is the official question? How can it be interpreted? The phrasing of the question affects the message that you and your opponents have to give to the voters.
To be able to launch a successful campaign you need to know your opponents' situation. Who are they? Do people trust them? What arguments do they use? Where do they get their money from? How much do they have? Compare it with what you have and go public with the information. A fair referendum cannot be held without a fair distribution of money. The same goes for radio and TV time.
To win a referendum you must get the votes of 50 percent of the voters plus some more. The biggest contribution you can make to this is to win the votes of the particular interest group that your organisation exists to attract - workers, women, farmers, young people, environmentalists, church people, peace activists, pensioners, the political right, the political left etc. The support of these organisations is also important to get money for the campaign. It is essential at the same time that your organisation does nothing that would alienate voters of different backgrounds, whom other campaigning organisations on your side may be seeking to influence. You can often reach different target groups by having more than one leader or spokesperson for the campaign.
Most people are most comfortable campaigning alongside people they agree with. But if you want to win the referendum you must appeal to lots of people whom you do not agree with and who do not agree with you! Or if you cannot appeal to them, at least try not to alienate them or put them off, and hope that other organisations on your side will succeed in winning their votes. You may already have committed or radical opinion on your side, people who know about and feel strongly about the issue. But to win, it is essential to win the middle ground of opinion, people who do not have strong views, or who do not know the issues, or who have voted against your side in previous referendums. The approaches and arguments needed to win middle-ground opinion are likely to be very different from those motivating the strongly committed. It is essential that a special effort is made to target the middle ground, either by the national alliance of campaigning organisations,if there is one, or by specific organisations that are geared to the middle ground, if there is no national referendum campaign. Otherwise there is no chance of winning a national referendum.
If you can gather many different organisations in your campaign, your strength will increase, as well as your credibility. But keep extremists at a distance, if you want to keep the people's good opinion. Keep extremists out of the mainstream alliance, but try to make a pact of non-aggression with them if there are such people involved. Then you can focus on fighting the europhiles instead of one another. If you want to deepen your cooperation in a multiple-group alliance you may be able to agree on a common political platform. There are pros and cons to that strategy. Your voice may be stronger or louder in the debate, but you might also exclude useful supporters who cannot fully support such a platform, or who do not like some of the organisations that do support it. If a formal alliance or umbrella group is impossible, then try to work in parallel with other organisations and interests, avoiding overlap and duplication of effort as much as possible by means of informal contact and agreements. And hope that the combination of votes won by the organisations appealing to different constituencies will combine to give an overall majority - that magical 50 percent plus. 2. DURING THE CAMPAIGN
In sport it is usually said that the important thing is not to win, but to participate. When it comes to referendums, the opposite applies. If you do not believe in winning - who will believe it?
What are your best arguments (Democracy, welfare, environment, peace, global issues, economic issues, trade, centralisation etc.)? What issues are important for the voters? Focus on the issue of the referendum and do not allow yourself to be distracted by other, controversial, debates. Think also about how you can get fast and reliable information.
If you do not answer a comment or statement from the europhiles straight away, quite soon it will be considered the truth - even if it is far from it. The other effect of not reacting rapidly is that the voters will not realise that you exist.
Most citizens these days have a lot of scepticism about the political Establishment and mainstream politicans. Use that anti-Establishment or anti-politician sentiment to get your message through. At the same time, you should not devalue the impact of your message by using simplistic or populist slogans. Put your points in reasonable sensible terms. It is easy to speak to the converted in a dogmatic way. Remember that you should not be speaking primarily to those who are already with you, but should be trying to get the already "converted" to convert others.
You have to know your arguments well, because your are taking on Establishment people who claim to be more reliable. Know the facts as well as the sources for them. These have to be credible. A campaign cannot be won by good arguments alone, but without them you will never win. Find who are the counter-experts on the referendum issue and use them.
In the end it is not well-documented reports or command of statistics that pave the way for victory. You not only need to win people's minds with good arguments, but also their hearts with humour and a human touch. A humorous note in your campaign literature or when talking to people can be hugely effective. 2.7 Get Your Message Through to Ordinary People The national mainstream media are not the best way to get your message through, for they are likely to be hostile anyway. We just have to accept that. One way to counter that is to be professional and imaginative enough to make the national media interested. Another way is to focus on regional and local media, whose attention is often easier to get. The most important way to counter the bias of the mainstream TV, radio and newspaper media, is to contact ordinary people where they live and work - in pubs, shopping-centres,at sports meetings, by lobbying them on their own doorsteps and in their own homes. Strength of numbers on the ground can make up for much media hostility.
Even if it is important to talk and write simply and clearly, the message has to be balanced. The heaven- and hell-descriptions of the EU and the EU Treaties are not convincing to most people. Most people are balanced and reasonable, and they expect the people they trust when it comes to voting to be just that. Recognise frankly that there are positive aspects to the other side's arguments, while making clear that the negatives outweigh the positives.
Even if you have to react to your opponent's actions (see point 2.3 above), you should not be the one commenting on others' comments all the time. That will make your campaign look weary, defensive and without creativity. Your main focus has to be to set your own agenda and force your opponents to answer your questions. A suggestion: Put forward new questions every week to your opponents. If they do not answer, use it against them.
Concentrate on simple basic campaign messages in your leaflets, posters and press statements. But be sure that you can back them up with complex facts and argument if need be. Try to establish a campaign website which will give your latest press statements and campaign material, as well as your basic arguments and analysis. Interested members of the public may contact you through that.
To keep morale high during the campaign, you also need to use your strength wisely. Otherwise you will have no strength left for the last part of the campaign. This is especially important for the EU-critics. The Yes-side is often ahead in the polls early in the campaigns, due to massive and well-financed information efforts. But EU-critics have often a better chance to win a referendum after a long debate. So, try to start the debate early and see that you have strength left for the finishing stretch. 3. AFTER THE CAMPAIGN
You have probably made new useful contacts and networks during the campaign. Be sure to take care of them. They can be useful for the exchange of information, for building political alliances and to prepare for future referendums.
The campaign does not end on referendum polling day. Even if you have won, you cannot be sure that the No result will be respected by your government. After the Danish No to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, treaty opt-outs were given in the following areas: Single Currency, Police Cooperation, Foreign and Security Policy and EU Citizenship. Gradually it has become clear that these opt-outs were not worth much. The second referendum on the Nice Treaty in Ireland, which will be held during the autumn of 2002, will show the same phenomenon; The country's government ignored the will of the people. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Watch out for TEAM - they are dominated by groups such as the "UK Independence Party" - pro-business, pro-Crown, anti-"political correctness" (they think that minority groups are getting unfair treatment under human rights laws), tough on crime, generally anti-immigrant (opposed to the Geneva convention), in favour of extra benefits for "traditional" married families, in favour of removing many environmental regulations, and much more...
If one penny of their money or even an iota of assistance reaches the National Platform or Irish "NO" groups then we have the right to know about it. Irish anti-Nice campaigners who believe in a democratic and just society should shun any assistance from the British right.
Given that the National Platform and similar groups will just be arguing for a different form of capitalism, its not likely that the WSM or other anarchist group would want to form a common campaign with them. The anarchist campaign against the first Nice referendum also argued against the ideas of 'national sovereignty' that the National Platform hold so dear.
bob geldof-now thats extreme
The National Platform appear to be the voice of the petty bourgeois nationalists in the Nice Treaty debate. The National Platform just want a return to a nation-based capitalism
To think that Anthony Coughlan used to be in the Communist Party- just shows what the CP were like, and how far degenerated their members have come since the fall of their beloved stalinism.
Has anybody read Mr Anthony Coughlan's correspondence in the Irish Times letters page in recent weeks? The man is an unreconstructed racist, attempting to frighten people into voting 'no' by saying that 75 million eastern Europeans will have the right to enter and work in Ireland the moment enlargement is ratified.
I oppose the Nice Treaty and will most definitely vote 'no'. But my reasons are the usurping of power by the larger states, the attmept to colonise 10 new countries and the contempt which the Government has shown to the electorate.
Mr Coughlan would be better off joining Aine ni Chonaill and her band of immigrant-haters than pretending to be left-wing.
Agree with all the comments posted here. It's very safe to say that the National Platform and TEAM are at the very least ultra right wing nationalist capitalists. Many would say fascists. I mean any campaign that wants to exclude people and organisations because they might be too 'extreme' for their 'liking' is not very Democratic is it? They would certainly exclude me and I would suspect a very large number of contributors to this IMC site from participating in their campaign because we're too 'extreme' for their liking! I'm very disappointed that PANA - the (Peace And Neutrality Alliance have decided to hitch their wagon to this group. Perhaps someone from PANA might care to elaborate for us here why they have decided to hitch their cart to the TEAM/National Platform campaign.
I believe the Nice vote is a globalisation vote. I believe that the removal of trade negotiating rights from my elected representatives is a significant part of a long term, dangerous, phase of capitalism. I will tell people to vote no to Nice.
But other people have different reasons. I believe we are fatally compromised on neutrality and Nice is not where this battle will be fought. I get scared of the xenophobia that plays up the opt outs of the free travel - are we supposed to be happy with not allowing free travel? that's the price of a yes vote?
But I really want to see this defeated. I want to tell people why I am voting No. I want to hear why others are voting No. And to be honest - this article is not some fascist manual- it's a spindoctors memo. And some people will spin this referendum - but I reckon loads of us should fight it.
National Platform of there 3 candidates for the general election they didn't even get over 100 first prefences, they repersent nobody and are a joke, nobody should even take them seriously.