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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
EDGING TOWARDS JOINT CONTROL OF THE 'SICK' COUNTIES![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The anti-Catholic factions within Unionism may bring about the collapse of the GFA. In such a scenario the inevitable outcome may be joint authority. The British Government has already accepted in principal joint sovereignty for Gibraltar. Such a solution could represent an honourable and final compromise for the north's conflicting nationalisms. There is growing anger and frustration among many nationalists in the north of Ireland at the way in which the political process is moving. The UUP is threatening once again to collapse the executive and the DUP continue to pose as anti-Agreement while all the time laying the blame for this society's ills on Sinn Fein and the policies of the UUP. The DUP in particular have always been a deeply sectarian and destructive influence in this society. Their political ideology has created conditions in which violence was the inevitable result after which they wash their hands of the consequences of their hate speech and actions. They do this while hypocritically claiming to be true democrats committed to only peaceful means. It is my view that the political process cannot be held to ransom by sections of unionism refusing to accept the need for political compromise and this includes the issue of sovereignty. An alternative must be in place if the Agreement proves unworkable and nationalists should be looking at the various options. Joint authority I believe should be on the cards and presents in reality the only viable political alternative. Irish nationalism is at present confident and dynamic and according to most political analysts will remain in the political ascendancy. Unionism on the otherhand will likely continue to fragment and self destruct as numerous factions within it try to outdo each other in their anti -Catholic attitudes and objectives. Since the Agreement was signed there have been countless murderous attempts on the lives of Catholics. There have also been deeply sectarian attacks on Protestants which are to be condemned outright and with no equivocation. Unionism though seems unwilling to genuinely condemn violence against the Catholic community and recognise how their anti-Catholic rhetoric creates a culture of violence against that community . So -called respectable Unionists were able to give their support to a 'protest' in North Belfast which resulted in children being terrorised on their way to school. When people can justify this it is a very sad stage indeed in our history. Unionism must find people who are prepared to challenge the anti-Catholic hatred and mindset that permeates much of society here and is reflected in many churches, the Orange Order and other 'loyal' institutions. The Catholic community in East Belfast has been the latest community on the receiving end of this hatred and they have been made the scapegoats for any trouble in that part of the city. Joint authority will recognise nationalists as equals and would represent an honourable compromise for both traditions. Structures can be put in place so that parties in the north can influence the two governments on all-Ireland policies and initiatives. Such structures should reflect the essence of the Agreement itself through various north/south bodies and partnerships. A return to direct rule could not be justified as it would be widely regarded both here and across the water as a backward step. Joint authority would enable energies to be channelled into pursuing a fairer and more representative police service in the north, better human rights and equality legislation with severe penalties for sectarian speech and actions. A greater recognition in relation to the Irish language and Irish cultural identity could also be worked towards. Nationalists wish for a future as equals alongside Unionists in N.Ireland. The reality though is that ever since the foundation of the N.Ireland state the nationalist/catholic experience has been one of discrimination, marginalisation and second class citizenship. This can be and is no longer tolerated. Some Unionists may wish for the good old days to return when Catholics 'knew their place', but there is simply no going back now to the immoral practice of unionist majority domination. The days of following an agenda of domination over one community or another are over and this must be made abundantly clear by both governments and all parties. |