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Maura Harrington singled out by Sunday Independent
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Sunday November 19, 2006 18:53 by R. Isible

Mark Garavan quoted as appearing to criticise Harrington
A story in today's Sunday Independent would appear to reveal an attempt to fracture the Shell To Sea campaign. The story focuses attention on Maura Harrington who (among others) can be seen to be assaulted by Gardai in many photos on e.g.
Mark Garavan is quoted as criticising some "unnamed person" as being "violent". I wonder what he actually meant and whether Daniel McConnell understand him to be talking about Sgt. Connor O'Reilly or some of the police officers that were responsible for these assaults early on in the protests? The Independent Group produces highly politicised propaganda (as detailed in this story ) for people with financial interest in seeing the dangerous Rossport pipeline go ahead.
Interesting to see the attempt to sow division in the campaign. I wonder does anyone know if the anonymous parents really exist and if so whether they've been spotted around the local FF Cumann.
(c) Sunday Independent, 19th Nov 2006, Daniel McConnell
School principal criticised for protesting against Shell
Maura Harrington, the school principal at the heart of the Shell to Sea protests, has been heavily criticised by some parents of her pupils, who feel her high profile in the campaign is not in the best interests of the school. Harrington is the principal of the 61-pupil Inver national school, which was the recipient of a recent Department of Education report, calling for substantive change in how the school is run.
The report said a new management structure is required and that meetings are lacking defined agendas, forward planning and proper record keeping.
Parents of children attending the school now feel Harrington's continuing involvement in the protests which have turned violent on several occasions and in which she herself was badly hurt, are affecting standards at the school.
Several parents contacted this weekend indicate they are putting together a letter detailing their complaints and hope to present it to the school and its board of management in the coming days.
"Over the past number of weeks, we have seen her in papers and on the television in situations that people in positions of authority should not be behaving. She has a right to protest, but we feel that at present, the school is suffering as a result of her involvement," said one parent of an eight-year-old child at the mixed school.
Harrington was forced to take extended leave after sustaining head and neck injuries during a violent protest on October 12. She was injured as Gardai tried to clear demonstrators blocking an access road used by Shell workers.
Last Sunday, she was given a rousing endorsement at the Republican Sinn Fein Ard Fheis during the presidential address of Ruairi O Bradaigh. Harrington, in fact, addressed the hard-line republican conference in 2005.
Harrington has repeatedly refused to discuss her role as principal in public but has insisted that she never allows politics to enter the classroom. Despite repeated attempts to contact her this weekend, Harrington was not available for comment.
Harrington's actions have not gone down well with the more moderate elements of the Shell to Sea campaign.
Dr Mark Garavan, sociologist at nearby Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, and spokesman for Shell to Sea said: "While not speaking about any one individual, the violent actions or the days of action have only served to muddy the waters and deflect attention from the main argument. There is no place for such violence from anyone and we want to move forward in a peaceful way."
Dr Garavan explained that the Shell to Sea includes a wide scope of people with differing beliefs, and is bigger than anyone individual.
"We have scheduled a solidarity day for next Friday and we want to make it clear that we don't want a repeat of the shocking and ugly scenes that took place previously. Relations with the Gardai are quite poor already down here."
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12I should point out that the above is cut and paste in its entirety because access to the Sunday Independent requires a log on.
If Maura Harrington is in the public eye and is claiming to be acting in the best interests of the public then surely the public has a right to know about the endorsement she received from Republican Sinn Fein, the alleged concerns of unnamed parents who have questions to ask about whether her involvement in the protest is affecting her role as school principal and also the opinions Dr Mark Garavan spokesperson for Shell to Sea.
... from the Independant?
To claim to know something is to claim to know the truth about something.
The Independant promotes lies?
If you chose to believe those lies it's because you are not vigilant enough even about your 'own 'right to know' and correctly informing your own self.
We understand that smear from 'Oil & Gas newspapers' such as the Independant & Sunday World etc mean nothing, and we refuse to allow their propaganda to misinfom our opinions about our friend Maura Harrington.
Stay strong Maura sweetheart. Beir Bua.
Allowing for the fact that media baron Sir Anthony O'Reilly owns Independent Newspapers, and for his massive financial interests in gas and oil reserves off the coasts of Ireland, it all seems very obvious to me as to why he might like to see people like Maura Harrington rubbished.
Personally, I'm far more impressed by Maura's activities than I am by those of Sir Anthony's and his puppets.
I dont normally enertain idiotic uniformed commentary but this was too good to miss.
"acting violently towards the state"
Oh Im sorry ,can you substantiate that comment in ANY way?I expect,that unlike me,you have not been to Rossport during the protests and thus have not witnessed the many =acts of violence,all perpetrated BY the state.Maybe you didnt see Maura being knocked to the ground for having the audacity to peacefully protest.
"She is violent and undemocratic "
I think you are confusing Maura with the two personalkities below,violence and undemocratic practices are the lynchpins of their appraoach to thsi issue.
Now go and troll elsewhere.
I will have to scan in the hilarious Provo bogey man cartoon in the SIndo althought I think some might have already thrown it out or used it wipe their arse one or the other.
Declan Lynch using his impressive investigative skills to go back to 2005 for find his info on SF orchestration of the Rossport 5 campaign.
here's were he dug up the info from
If someone can remember the Rossport 5 were still in jail at the time and widest range of people were disgusted and conerned by Shells and Courts actions at the time. Listing Shell stations doens't exactly mean you dominated that campaign. It was a Sinn Fein Day of action, afterall what did he expect?
Look here some of them are, Boo scarey
It is a strange article it could be written by shelltosea supporter describing the corporates tactics in reagrd to the campaign
So if we see anything than looks or sounds like the North, or even gives the slightest impression that it is influenced by events which took place in the North at any time over the last 100 years or thereabouts, we are not interested. We do not want to know.
“We remind Shell and their Irish Government partner that imprisonments have historically and will always fail as a method to secure the agreement of the Irish people.”... At this point too, the cause was lost.
no sorry at this point the men were freed...
Here a Jim Colgan cartoon that accompanied a Declan Lynch article where he 'analyses' the association of SF, the cartoon and the papers editorial line unfortunalety are no joke.
A Joke or the Indo's Editorial line or both
Know what I mean ?
Sir Anthony is laughing ...
I wonder why ?
So who is pulling whose strings here ?
Who are the real puppetmasters ?
I come from Erris and now live in the United States. I had to leave Erris to make a living. Maura Harrington on the other hand has lived a life of privledge not available to many of us forced to leave to find work an live outside of our beloved Ireland. I follow this story with interest and it seems clear to me that this protest is being led by idealists like Maura who do not undersand what it is like to have no job and be forced to leave. With respect to Maura she has been controversial all her life and its hard to take her seriously. When I saw her name associated with this campaign it immediately lost any credibility it might have had for me. I see this as an opportunity for the people of Erris and if they worked with Shell not against them it could be a real win win all round. I mean her no disrespect but if I were the parents of Inver school I would have serious issues wiht such a role model for my children.
Maura Harrington supports the Shell to Sea campaign, not vice versa.
Anyone who think s that the paltry few jobs on the onshore refinery site will compensate for the huge losses to the tourist industry is crazy. As an example, there used to be divers who came to Pollotomish to scuba dive in the bay . It was a small but growing trade, with people coming from different parts of England and continental Europe. Then the work started and they stopped coming.
Is that Maura Harrington's fault?
Maybe you could find another fenceline community somewhere in the world that has a good relationship with Shell, or a good word to tsay about them...