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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15What a great start to the attacking of the imperialist British occupying force in Ireland. What are the plans for when Orde speaks in favor of endorsing the imperialist PSNI/RUC at the upcoming Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis in January? I suggest picket lines, press releases, leaflets, and disrupting civil disobedience such as the action that was just performed. Great work, now continue what you started!! Keep the pressure on imperalism!
"Henry McDonald, Ireland editor
Sunday November 12, 2006
The Observer
Chief Constable Hugh Orde has offered to address Sinn Fein delegates at a special conference in the New Year during which republicans will be asked to endorse policing in Northern Ireland.
Orde said yesterday he was prepared to speak directly to Sinn Fein's rank and file in order to persuade them that the Police Service of Northern Ireland has the most accountable policing structures in the world."
see link for full article on Orde's desire to speak at the upcoming Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis
It's in a NEWSPAPER.
Logically therefore, it must be true.
The reality is that Sinn Féin has no plan to hold a Special Ard Fheis in January, and one will not be held until a timetable for devolution of powers has been agreed and the structures for such a devolution.
Best of luck to Ógra whenever that happens.
"It's in a NEWSPAPER.
Logically therefore, it must be true."
End to Abstentionism - Ceasefire - Not a bullet, not an ounce - Agreeing to Stormont - proposing Paisley as First Minister.
I'm sure even you can appreciate our cynicism.
"It's in a NEWSPAPER.
Logically therefore, it must be true."
Well if it is untrue, then Hugh Orde must be planning on a libel suit against that paper and the other newspapers that printed he was offering to speak at the Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis. Sinn Fein should also file suit against the papers for incorrectly announcing an Ard-Fheis. I guess time will tell us very soon what will really happen.
By the way the definition for imperialism: the policy and practice of forming and maintaining an empire, characterized by the subjugation and control of territories.
Therfore I hope OSF continues their protest against imperialism by continuing protest at places where the British police speak about accepting the British police force in Ireland including the possible up-coming Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis on accepting the PSNI.
Sinn Fein press statement on November 6, 2006
"Justice and the fair and impartial rule of law are essential elements of a society at peace with itself. We want to see democratically accountable civic policing and we will continue to work until we achieve this. Gerry Adams will propose to the Ard Chomhairle that we convene a special Ard Fheis as soon as these matters are resolved."
full article from Sinn Fein's website on link below
Can't help feeling this is purely a publicity stunt!
Does anyone from PSF know what was discussed between Orde and Adams in their private meeting in Downing St. December 2005? Did Adams raise the issue of collusion? Fair play to the Ogra protestors, but don't be afraid to ask Adams at the coming Ard Fheis about what was discussed or where are the minutes. Surely he's nothing to hide!
I must say I'm impressed with Ogra's protest, It at least shows that there are those in Sinn Fein not willing to allow the Brits and Unionists to dictate to Republicans, even if it is the youth.
Ogra must realise that if they don't want the sacrifices of the Hunger Strikers and other Volunteers to be in vain that they must have their voices heard at leadership level and to hell with the consequences. Those in charge of Sinn Fein have got away with too much for too long because the grassroots were too timid to speak out.
Hopefully the youth can be the beginning of a new era in Republican politics were the leadership are held accountable for their actions
Keep going and don't be beaten down.
Fair Play to Hugh Orde who obviously persisted in making his contribution to the debate. Debate is what happens in democracy, where people of different opinions and outlooks are allowed to express themselves. I suppose OSF thought that they would completely disrupt the debate with their action? Fair Play to Orde for ignoring them and continuing to speak. Just goes to show that for all their guff SF still dont know what democracy is.
"at least you can praise ógra for higlighting this and letting people know that the RUC/PSNI is not accpetable in the north!! "
well said, and I hope OSF continues the civil disobedience disruptions and protests all the way to and including the upcoming special Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis on policing.
It would be wonderful to see an official press release from OSF expressing their view on the ideas you have expressed in your statement as well as their views on the unacceptable RUC/PSNI and the republicans who would support the unacceptable RUC/PSNI. OSF should also in the name of anti-imperalism, request that their members never ever join a foreign police force ran by a foreign British government.
This is a breathe of fresh air, after listening to Sinn Fein slogans of "RUC=SS Bully Boys" "Brits Out" "Ban the RUC" change to today's slogan of "No Political Policing".
Thank you OSF, continue to speak out against the foriegn police force in Ireland and speak out against those republicans that would endorse them, swear an oath to them, and enforce their laws upon the Irish people. The British law, army, and police have not gone away you know!
Here is some footage of the protest....... Enjoy!
We must resist the final moves to bring us into a position where we will be administering British rule. It is time for all ógra members to stand up and be counted now.
Say No to the RUC/PSNI
it is brilliant ot see that ógra are active on this issue because it is a massive issue through out ireland
52 out of 102 of the people killed in acts of collusion were the ages 15-29 , thats just over half of the people killed in collusion that were the same age as ógra members!!
it is ógra that is suffering at the hands of the RUC, from ógra members bein pulled of buses to ogra members being given road side beatens and also being subjected to sectarian comments "fenian b*st*rd", "f**king taig" how can you accpet this police force knowing what they are like, infact i wouldnt even call them a police force because they are far from it!
Is this your legitimate police force?
End this harrasment now!!
End sectarian policing now!!
................................................. "ARISE"............................................................
It is some what reassuring to read that there are members of Ogra who are not mislead by Adams and McGuinness's lies about Policing.
The recent allegations about the threat to the lives of Sinn Fein members are just the latest of their many lies. These allegations, supported of course by Hugh Orde, the Shinners new friend, are purely a distraction to draw attention away from Adam's moves to support the Fascist PSNI. The only people under threat are those opposed to the Sinn Fein sell out and that includes anyone in Sinn Fein itself. Ogra members who are speaking out about moves to back policing should watch their backs, as Sinn Fein have ways to deal with such dissent, like blacking names and peddling lies about those individuals. Soon you'll notice one time friends shying away from you and you'll see them talking about you in groups. These people will mainly be the lick asses seen regularly hovering around the leadership.
Those in Ogra opposed to the latest sell out to the PSNI murderers of Republicans and Nationalists, keep up the good work, but watch your backs the only ones you have to fear are your own leadership.
Are the whole membership of Provo SF totally stupid lackeys? Why can't they see through the lies of Adams and McGuinness? It has to be because they have a hold over them financially through their Brit founded jobs which they must hold on to even if it means going along with a sell out.
Shame on the SF grass roots because like grass roots you're there to be trampled on.
By the way ask yourself this why would other Republicans, Real Republicans want to kill those who are destroying Provo SF and driving many good men and women into the ranks of Dissidents. Like they used to say about Paisley, Adams is a good recruiting agent for Republicans opposed to the Big Sell Out. He'll hold on to the lackeys but hopefully many will see sense and abandon the floundering ship.