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Shell to Sea activists disrupt Dempsey at oil bosses conference![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Secuity breached by activists to deliver message to potential "investors"
Activists from Dublin Shell to Sea disrupted the "Exploring Atlantic Ireland" conference in the Burlington Hotel this morning as Minister for the giveaway of Natural Resources Noel Dempsey was on stage giving his speech. Titled "Exploring Atlantic Ireland 2006", the two-day conference is highlighting the "exciting development opportunities" in Ireland's offshore gas. The minister was addressing 130 people from the oil and gas exploration industry, many from overseas. Despite a heavy presence of 30-40 Gardai as well as private security, the activists managed to gain access, with two getting into the main conference hall - and delivering a clear message that any development of Irish natural resources could only take place with the benefits of the project going to the Irish people, and with their consent. Indymedia readers will be well aware that the terms of gas exploration licences mean that multinationals own all the gas they extract from Irish waters, paying no royalties and paying only a low rate of tax on whatever profits they declare many years after they sell the gas. However, defenders of Ireland's extraordinarily generous set-up argue that the exploration that results from such positive terms give Ireland "security of supply". The next step in the Shell to Sea Campaign is a International Day of Action against Shell on Friday November 10thThis argument was rendered void by a comment from conference chairman, Martin Brennan, who is Assistant Secretary at the Department of Marine and Natural Resources. "There are now three interconnectors between Ireland and the UK, so if you do hit a gush, there's plenty of market out there," he said. Clearly there is no requirement that companies supply the gas to the Irish market. Several other activists were in the building at the same time in a well-executed manoeuvre to outwit the masses of security. The protesters were removed from the premises after a short time by the Gardai who took names and addresses but no arrests were made . A camera was confiscated by Donnybrook Gardai but was soon returned when the Gardai realised it could not be held for evidence as the individual carrying it was not in breach of any trespass legislation. On a busy day of action for Shell to Sea this first action was a great success and Mr Dempsey was left in no doubt of the determination of the campaign to continue seeking justice and safety or Rossport and a fair deal for the Irish people.
There are two more protests today-one at the Gresham at 1.15 (
For more info on what is happening at the Burlington today, the people who are attending and the reason to be concerned and to voice protest see- Onwards!
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10The assembled "investors" were reminded of the various obstacles to exploiting gas and oil in other parts of the globe: Hugo Chavez and the horrid "resource nationalism" or "Chavezism" he is instigating across Latin America; "Putinism"; terrorism; civil unrest. Ireland, in contrast, was presented as a paradise for the hydro-carbon giants, thanks to its generous "fiscal terms".
During this morning's session, there was no mention by the speakers of that niggling issue: community consent. No reminder that local people need to be consulted about bringing the gas ashore, nor that the environment needs to be considered.
No mention of Rossport or Bellanaboy, nor of the need to use hundreds of police to facilitate the building of your terminal. No mention of the growing outrage in Ireland to the give-away of our natural resources... Except for the brief interjection by the Shell to Sea activists of course.
He's addressing the BCI tomorrow in the Conrad.It's in events...
He should be proud to have a 'fan-club'
The utter indignity of the scale of this bare faced theft makes me so angry . Its clear the free state politicians are little more than the compliant middlemen between imerialist multi national thieves and the potential andgry natives . Irish people must oppose this for the skae of their personal dignity if nothing else . Utterly gutwrenching
See you tonight.
Very well managed by all involved! Lovely to see shits in suits (Tadhg excepted of course - collar and tie only way to fool the fools/knaves) discommoded in their own territory of choice.
Does anyone have access to the pictures of the mini-riot at the burlington a few years back, almost certain the guy pictured above with the tash was seen wielding a baton back then.
It would do no harm to keep focused on a F.O.I. route to try and see what exactly Ray ( no cross over the line) Burke agreed to with the original contract to the Shell corporate charity. Remember he was/is Ahern's boy. Up trees or down holes or whatever. Knowledge is power. Bionn blas searbh ar an bhfirinne!D
"Noel Dempsey has decided not to stand as a candidate in the general election next year."
Irish Times today
My treasonous work is done. The people of Ireland will wake up every morning in perpetual debt peonage. I'm getting out while the Irish people are still stupid enough to give me a big payoff for fcuking them up the ass..
Dempsey is just leaving while the terms are still good. One last snout in the trough eh Noel?
I wonder is there a numbered swiss bank account somewhere where little piggies can stick their little green snouts after retirement?
It's the only possible explanation I can conceive of for the decisions these guys have taken while in government.