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Stuart Durkin: an english antinazi fighter jailed in Italy![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Support Stuart and smash fasces! I suppose my fight against that beast that goes under the name of fascism started when I was really young and used to go spend weekends with my gran who was a belgian jew that managed to escape to England when Hitler and his bunch of cut throat monsters were trying hard to wipe the jewish race from the face of the earth. I remember so many nights when could hear her sobbing in her room and I could’nt understand why. One day I asked her what the problem was and she sat me down and told me about the rise of the nazi party and the loss of her family. That poor woman felt so much pain and it ate up her heart. She never got married but had my mother went struggled to bring her up. I spent my first few years of life with my gran as my mother went to London to seek her fortune and could’nt handle the child that was me. For about four years my gran was my mother. We lived in the Chapeltown District of Leeds which at the time was maincy populated with immigrants. As I grew up my playmates where of non british origin, they came from India, Pakistan, the Caribbean, Africa and just about every nation on the planet. I saw at first hand the racial attacks and at school became knows as a “nigger lover”, someone who spends more time with non whites. To me colour did’nt matter a bit, white, pink, yellow or green were all the same. When I left school and became involved with the Socialist Workers Party and started to go on marches against the National Front and British Movement. While the party leaders were against the use of violence a few of us where sick of the violence inflicted upon us and started to fight back. I was thrown out of the SWP for my advocation of violence against the right wing. When “Rock against racism“ started up I and a few friends would hit the road and tour around the country watching gigs and rounding up a body of people willing to fight the fash head on. The “Anti-Nazi League” started up and the fight was on. Although we were always on the move, the police were forever onto us and it was like cat and mouse off and quite a few pubs were fire bombed or shot up. A good few NF Party members were beaten up as were any BM members who dared to walk the streets with their white laced boots and celtic cross insigna. People became awair that there was a growing group of able bodied people willing to fight and not just stand about shouting. The police got hold of me with industrial explosives and ammunition and I got twelve years, served just over eight years in the belly of the beast and throughout them years said to myself that I would newer again join a group of people that were infested with police informers and rats. Id not give up the struggle but would do things on my own. I intended to go big time and had some rather interesting plans but ended up in this ocean of shite. Still intend to strike at the heart of the right wing but that will have to wait until I’m once again free and able to put my bag of toys back together. Thats in the future, for now all a can do is bark back when being barked at and get on with what I have to do while at the same time not giving an inch to the beast. I’ll get through all this and come cut stronger. (…)
Stuart Durkin |