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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38"There appears to be growing discontent within the Republican Movement .."
The provisional movement, not the Republican Movement. Adams' party is NOT Republican.
Can't believe it takes mature, educated Provos this long to realise they're being sold down the river. And even now they only get outraged because the "staff car" is removed. Thunderheads.
Could be a case of too little too late.
I doubt any dissident groups would touch any of these people, after all these years. Maybe the young'uns who were lied to, but not these guys.
While it may have taken poor oliver a while to come to his senses, a better sign for Republicans is found in the younger members of the Hughes family. Theres a video from the RSF Hunger Striker Commemoration held last month in Bundoran that i came across on-line. In the begining of the video there are two young lads handing out fliers from the RPAG (Republican Prisoners Action Group), one of those young men is Francis Hughes's nephew. A guest of Honour at that very Comm. took time to canvass for todays Republican prisoners, prisoners who like his uncle are Republican political prisoners.
The provos do not support the prisoners, but who does? Republicans do. RSF,RPAG,CABHAIR, NFE, etc. They support Republican Prisoners, because these groups are Republican. The provos don"t /aren't
Do you?
...Are you?
Gerry McGeough was a speaker at the Bundoran commemoration. The August 2006 issue of the Searchlight, an international anti-fascist magazine, exposes the fascism of McGeough and of his publication, the Hibernian.
Irish republicanism is part of that great movement for human liberation initiated by the French Revolution. The English Quaker, American revolutionary, and Citizen of France, Tom Paine, was also a member of the Society of United Irishmen. He was Wolfe Tone's housemate in Paris.
McGeough and his associates in Republcan Sinn Fein have more in common with the Blueshirt movement than with Irish republicanism.
Some years ago, McGeough and his close political associate, John McDonagh, of WBAI's Radio Free Eireann, organized an 'Irish Race' convention in New York City. Shades of Fr. Coughlin.
Tthe Hibernian and McGeough are a fascist fundamentalist Catholic reaction against the great movement for human liberation, of which Irish republicanism is a part.
Promoting political troglydites such as McGeough calls into question the republicanism of 'Republican' Sinn Fein.
Fundamentalist Catholicism and extreme Irish Catholic nationalism are opposed to Irish republicanism. So its clear who the real usurpers are.
Gerry McGeough is not a member or "associate" of Republican Sinn Fein. Neither is Anthony McIntyre, editor of the on-line journal "The Blanket", yet he spoke at the commemoration at Bundoran.
It's good to see that 3 more have caught on to the sham that is the Adams/ McGuinness leadership.This will come as a blow especially the former Hunger Striker Bernard Fox And the brother of Frank Hughes.
Slowly but surely the old guard are abandoning ship, soon any connection with the Hunger Strike / Blanket protest will be those who have done well in monetary terms because of their association with Sinn Fein and those who have made Political careers for themselves.
They'll probably be replaced with former SDLP, Fianna Fail or RUC people.
No matter what Sinn Fein does, they will either be labelled as traitors by one side or as terrorists by the other.
Adams is doing a great job and renegades have always been part of political life.
French Jacobin, by the sounds of him/her, must be a defector from the SDLP. You won't find many differences between your old leader Hume and your new leader Adams.
If you think that Adams is doing such a good job maybe you can explain how he will achieve an United Ireland from Stormont when Paisley has decided he and his party are cleansed enough to a part of his DUP controlled 6 county Government?
The problem that Unionism as a political movement faces, is its lack of adopting to change . Unionism is artificial and will eventually suffocate on its own intolerance.
Gerry knows that and by having the IRA taken out of the equation Unionism finds it even harder to justify the current status quo. By offering Paisely to share power is more like humiliating the DUP as breaking ones own principles.
That's why the DUP has no interest in devolved government for Northern Ireland, they know that the train goes in one direction only. All Sinn Fein has to do is making sure Stormont is working and then lean back and watch. Demographically and politically an united Ireland is more and more likely. Calling Gerry a traitor is pure fundamentilism and comes from people who support the failed terror tactics of the last 30 years.
I think that its about time that the former Hunger Striker Bernard Fox resigned from SF. Those other former Hunger Strikers still with SF should also reconsider their positions. For too long The Adam's Family have been allowed to abuse the images of the Hunger Strikers for their nefarious propagandising.
It not only stops there but they are now selling them on eBay. Only recently a banner depicting the 12 Hunger Strikers was put up for sale on the site with the proceeds going to Cllr. Felix Gallagher's 2007 election fund. You can also bid for Hunger Striker hats and book markers.
Nothing but lies and dirty INLA / IRSP propaganda.
Only a fool and a die hard Adamsite would recognize that it has been Sinn Fein who have and continue to be humiliated in their scramble to be a part of some sort of Government. Weren't the Paislyites having such a good laugh at their humiliation by Adams.
The fact is that the more demands Paisley makes the more Sinn Fein gives and it seems that the Policing issue is the next compromise. I don't call that a position of strength although Adams might convince those who would listen to anything he says that it is.
How long have we been spoon fed these HISTORIC Developments now?
Just sit back and wait you say. Wait and wait and wait like De Valera's stepping stones to a United Ireland we'll go through quite a few generations waiting.
Better than decades of bloodshed, terror, poverty and senseless murder.
Totti you seem to be crying out " Tell me it's not true Daddy!"
What about the Hunger Strike T-shirts and the plates?
I'm not a member of the INLA / IRSP but 3 of the Hunger Strikers were. What right has SF to selling their images?
Sinn Fein's Republican facade is collapsing in around them.
Get over your frustration!!!
In Palestine they selling pictures of Arafat on every street corner and in Cuba t-shirts of Che Guevara. What's your problem with selling hunger striker memorabilia over here.
So the IRA, including Bobby Sands and Frank Hughes were blood thirsty senseless murdering terrorists were they Totti?
By your reckoning we should have started waiting for a United Ireland free from the discrimination of the Unionists from 1969?
No one said that Bobby Sands is a terrorist and at the time force was a legitimite thing to do. But the last decades have been a cul de sac with no winners in side.
What is wrong by trying the peaceful road? For to long people like you have given the Unionist an excuse for the oppression of the nationalist population.
the problem Totti is that it makes people sick to see a group like the provisionals make a living off the deaths of Republicans. Men who died for the Republic being used to finance a pro-paritionist/reformist non-Republican party like provisional "sinn Fein".
They didn't die for profit so no party has the right to profit from their deaths.
Where do you get all this non-sense from? About Sinn Fein being partionist and reformist?
Besides I don't see a problem with reforms that bring about real change instead of turning Ireland into a war zone.
Violence is the language of the unarticulate and real republicanism respects the will of the people. About 99.9% of irish people don't want your senseless and endless holy war. Have you already forgotten the Omagh bombing? But you are probably proud of it.
Learn what Republicanism is, Tooti, before you try to defend those who arent.
Here are some excerpts from McIntyres speech at Bundoran"
“To proclaim that the republican dead would endorse Sinn Fein the Peelers Party is not to tell any truth about men such as Michael Devine and Tom McElwee. It is to provide cover for those who cannot walk erect, head held high to the partitionist destination that they have now chosen. They want to take the hunger strikers with them, to lean on them, use them as a crutch. We don't demand that they have the courage of the ten dead men. That comes to few. We simply ask that they have the honesty of the fallen. They would be better thought of. Perhaps, in a world governed by organised lying, methodical lying, where there are those who lie like the rest of us breathe, honesty is as rare as the courage of the hunger strikers. A fitting epitaph to be engraved on the headstones of those who would use the memory of the hunger strikers for their own scrofulous ends would be 'here they are, lying still.' The meaning would be clear to all.”
“….see in the hunger strikers a cash cow rather than a sacred one. And they are determined that it will graze in no field but their own. Blankets were being sold at the Casement Park political rally so that a corpulent crowd could march up the Falls Road and provoke the sarcasm of the press who lambasted it as resembling a Friar Tuck convention more than it did the austere era of the blanket protest and hunger strikes. The contrast between the easy corpulence of today and the hard emaciation of twenty five years ago was no more stark than it was on the Falls Road at that political rally. In a sense the imagery mirrored perfectly the ethical decay that has come to beset republicanism. The screws at least gave out the blankets for free.
Our dead hunger strikers are sacred to us. They occupy hallowed ground within our minds. The commercialisation of their memory is a travesty. It is a crime against republican sensitivity and our own natural intellect.”
“During the Blanket protest one of our favourite acts of defiance was staged when the governor came around to impose punishment on us for refusing to wear the prison garb or do prison work. We would scream in his face 'up the Ra.' Imagine had we shouted 'up Paisley; jail the Ra.' The governor would have recommended our immediate release as the quickest possible way to secure the defeat of the republican resistance.”
It would do you a world of good to read the whole thing. Read it all here:
Totti and French Jacobin are obviously students of Adam's Sinn Fein for beginners class
Imagine Sinn Fein would not do the thinks you are complaining about. No one in mainstream Ireland and internationally would remember the Hungerstrikers and their cause. Who else on this island would be able to highlight what happened 25 years ago. In all fairness it is easy to criticise all and everything.
Who else if not Sinn Fein members flagged their houses all over the memory of the 10 hungerstrikers. No way Bobby Sands would like to be remembered by a gang of holy grail republicans only. He died lonely but should not be remembered by lonely tunes.
Unfortunately we do not live in a socialist society until then money has to come from somewhere. Maybe you can come up with a better idea of how to finance events.
What was the hunger strikers view on current environmental issues? ie. global warming, air polution etc.
and more will follow!
Oh Jez, sorry I did not intend to offend.
There are a lot of sinn feiners who seem to know plenty about making money. Look around your own area. shinners with big cars, building big houses, buying holiday homes in Donegal and abroad. Running their own businesses or running them on behalf of sinn fein. I even know a top shinner who has his own poker machines.
I don't think that they would want a socialist republic.
At least they understand how this money making society works. Only then you can change it for the better. You like to smash it all up with no outline of how to build a new and better society. You should join the rangs of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot.
What is wrong with a sinn fein member having a poker machine or money? Who says they have to live in social housing and and being on the dole. You sound more like a small minded petty bourgoise full of social envy. The aim is to let everybody have it not to let everone have nothing.
The difference here is that Sinn Fein wants a socialism that still rewards people with ambition while also providing everyone with decent housing, healthcare and education. What you want is stone age communism ala pol pot. No one should be allowed to have privat property not only a blood poker machine. Otherwise Gulag.
The lack of talk on the ground among Shinners seems to be Adam's imposing acceptance of the PSNI on the party.
When you bring it up in conversation in their company no more do you hear the "Not an ounce" rantings but silence and the look of people who are embarrassed and can no longer defend their leadership's unending stream of concessions to Unionism.
"The hand of friendship" must be very sore at the moment.
Have the whole Republican Movement become no more than lap dogs who accept everything their leadership tells them to do. We'll see very soon that they are just that.
Good on Bernard and Oliver. The sooner others follow the better.
When the Latest IMC report gets out that IRA members killed Denis Donaldson then Adam's attempt to appease Paisley by accepting the Psni/ RUC will be in vain as the DUP will have found yet another excuse to keep SF waiting in the hall.
Some victory.
It looks as if the Dup are sharpening the knives for more concessions from Sinn Fein.
"They'll stay there till we've checked behind their ears" Peter Robinson is more or less saying'
It must be a humiliating time to be a member of Sinn Fein.
Maybe we'll have a name change, Instead of Sinn Fein IRA we'll have Sinn Fein PSNI.
thecira i s littered with touts an hoods
They most likely are Tom-none but wasn't the Provos also littered from the top down with touts? Sure even their tout buster was a tout.
I suppose that when Paisley forces them to accept the PSNI they'll be encouraging Republicans/ Nationalists to inform.
... since when is abandoning Adams Sinn Féin "leaving the Republican Movement"? I wasn't of the opinion that the Adams/McGuinness/MI6 clique were the be all and end all of Republicanism.
the answers totti gives are an excellent example of the dangers and results of constant revisionism
and internnational media propaganda at work, for years on end. The goal being to wipe out history and truth such as what has happened and remains happening in the invaded land of our own. We must raise at least 3 million troops and take the six counties back overnight..using as much force as only the British or Bush could imagine...And take pride in it...The argument for Irish reunification can never be lost..we as a people will always be in the right ..there are alot people in this land living in the fog.. better to come out of soon are the irish people too afraid to fight for reunification and independance?? does totti think this is a good idea bad idea