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Corruption and the Criminal Assets Bureau

category international | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Tuesday September 19, 2006 21:57author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and Ethics Report this post to the editors

Criminal Asset Bureau, ARA,

The concept of power; absolute power


'The only conception of freedom I can have is that of the prisoner or the individual in the midst of the State.
The only one I know is Freedom of Thought and Action

Albert Camus (1915-1960) French Writer

A number of months ago, the CAB raided offices and properties in Louth, Dublin, Meath and Wicklow as part of an investigation of alleged IRA money laundering.

McDowell uses the phrase the IRA have established a 'State within a State'. This begs the question where all this is coming from.

I am neither Sinn Fein nor Republican minded. I have been accused on this site as being the K. Walsh in Castlerea prison which I laugh at.

These raids, I talk about tonight - they also have occurred in the North of Ireland. The one's in the North amaze me, particularly the timing of them.

Then we have Dermot Creaven. Mr. Creaven, who is a successful business man was raided by the Assets Recovery Agency in October 2005. This man has been 44 years in business and one day he says 'my reputation was sullied for life'.

He says we still get people calling us gangsters and abusing the staff. The ARA is the North of Ireland is headed up by PSNI Chief Constable Alan McQuillen. McQuillen has a deep obsession now and during his years in Special Branch - the obsession has grown into bitterness, bigoted and dubious well planned raids. As he says himself, information we receive from unknown sources. The ARA claim that 250 properties operated by Manchester based company run by Creaven were owned by South Armagh IRA leader Slab Murphy. The value of these properties was estimated at Stg30 m.

5 months later and no charges were ever brought against Mr. Creaven. The man only had an Irish name and that was the only connection he had with Ireland.

These Police officers led by McQuillen knew before hand there was nothing to be found illegal and as inquiries concluded - nothing was found only damage to Mr. Creaven's reputation and his company in Manchester.

I again ask the question is there a connection deep between McDowell's foot soldiers down here and McQuillen's men, up North. What is the Agenda?

In January of this year, the CAB raided more than 20 properties in Dublin, Meath and Dublin, again as part of IRA Money Laundering. Some of these people were decent accountants, lawyers, business people.

Some solicitors who were raided were acting for the owner of a Dublin hotel and who also owned a number of pubs. Again no charges, nothing found just total harrassment. Well planned and Why?

In December 2005, the Stormont spyring case collapses - we all know now - Denis Donaldson RIP (exposed as a British spy) so that put pay to the Spy Ring Allegations. Now if I am wrong, correct me, if anybody was to be charged with this Walt Disney situation, it was the British themselves. Put McQuillan in the Dock.

March 2002 - Break-in at Castereagh. Ronnie Flanagan at the time, Chief Constable said 'Inside Job'. Special Branch said the IRA were behind the job and then said they wanted to speak to an American Chef, Larry Zaitchek, as one of the main suspects in the raid. Was this Chef cooking the Books!!! Four years on there are no extradition warrants for him to face charges. Quite amazing.

What is the agenda in all of this. This has gone beyond Politics, the IRA, Republicanism, it now could possibly affect any decent Irish citizen who has relation, in law, cousin, neighbour suspected of any Republican links. How safe is the ordinary person's career.....This is not democracy.

Just one more interesting point, who runs the IMC on Republicanism or the IRA? This organisation challenged the international commission on decommissioning. It's report suggested that the IRA held on enormous amounts of Arms, it did this to the contrary intelligence of the Garda Siochana down South - This was totally incorrect. But now here is the dark shadow - McDowell allows three members of the PSNI branch to come to Dublin to work with An Garda Siochana - McDowell refers to it as cross border policing. Who gave a mandate for three foreign police men to come to work on foreign land (Ireland). Where is our Constitution?

I beg the question that no-one questioned this. Enda Kenny, Pat Rabbittee, the Greens. And Sadly, the people of Ireland.

How safe our we in a Police State (Donegal, Wheelock, Rossiter and others in our prison service) and last the inept mental health provision and the death of John Carthy in Abbeylara. Then there is the new form of landlordism i.e. Corporatism. We must ask serious questions about the Rossport 5 imprisonment.

Kevin T. Walsh

author by Jack Russell - Social Justicepublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Read this most interesting article. By chance I did a search under Criminal Assets Bureau on the Search button and there sure is some interesting reading here.

author by worriedpublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yesterday there was a roadblock in Wellingtonbridge Co Wexford. Three streams of traffic converge at the bridge. One stream, the one that I was in was being stopped and interrogated by a plain clothes Garda with a machine gun across his arm. I found it scary and disturbing.

It was my understanding that the armed, plain clothes guys were deployed as back-up for uniform guys. Yesterday one was operating directly with public in frontline. Is this OK?

author by Righteous Pragmatistpublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 14:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Have you committed a crime?

If not then you have nothing to worry about

author by Big Macpublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 15:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Of course the innocent have to worry you Righteous Prat! In recent times the Gardai have proven to be just as corrupt as ever the RUC/ PSNI ever were. I am no supporter of Sinn Fein but it seems that both Police forces have got together to clamp down solely on Republicans ignoring the drug dealers joyriders and other scum who inhabit our areas.

Don't forget that these scumbags thrived in the South and it took the murder of Veronica Geron before there was any movement against them.

Corruption has long been rife among Politicians in the south but you don't see raids on their homes and the homes of the ultra rich who pay for their services.

author by maurapublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 16:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cab should target these courrrupt TDS and politicians as wellas drug dealers and the like, they seem to have political reigns, after all there here 10 years, and target a couple of politicains ray burke, george redmond, what about flynn ,lowry, dunlop haughey and the rest who funded there careers on corruption and held power. millions where waste on tribunals for these people and there richs are left alone. its a sick joke that cab have not gone after them, when ordinary people like the wheelock family cant get an inquiry in to suspicious circumstance on there sons death, goes to show were states priorites are,
seems that cabs decisions are politically motivated and were is all this money going? not going in to the drug ravaged communitys were it was accumullated? Who polices the cab?

author by Big Macpublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 19:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The CAB is a Political smoke screen to hide the short comings in the main parties whose only interest is self interest. While I believe that Sinn Fein has to a certain extent become corrupted by it's participation in Politics as what happens to most parties no matter how well intentioned they start out. The purpose of CAB is to reintroduce a criminalisation policy against Republicans in particular Sinn Fein because they fear that party's threat to their own Political power base and their ability to profit from corrupt Big Business.

Believe me I have no love for Sinn Fein but while the Governments concentrate on discrediting that party Criminals in both Parts of this country, whether they be Catholic or Protestant Scumbags or merely Corrupt Politicians or for that matter Police officers, continue to grow in strength.

author by Michelle Clarke - Criminal Assets Bureaupublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 20:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am aware that people have sought funds gathered by the CAB from drug dealers for problem areas and particularly those areas blighted by drugs.

Does anyone know how the funds collected are spent and who gains the interest from same in the mean time.


author by Big Macpublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 21:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Motivation but how much money is collected. Sorry Michelle but I'm confused. Motivation? What motivation?

Why do you sign yourself as a member of CAB? Are CAB trawling Indymedia for hidden assets? Surely not?

author by Michelle Clarke - Criminal Assets Bureaupublication date Wed Sep 20, 2006 21:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am aware that people have sought funds gathered by the CAB from drug dealers for problem areas and particularly those areas blighted by drugs.

Does anyone know how the funds collected are spent and who gains the interest from same in the mean time.


author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Sep 22, 2006 02:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Something caught my eye today in a newspaper. Mention was made of Operation Anvil. This was concerned mainly with arms not illegal drugs.

The interception of arms and proceeds is only a small proportion of illegal drugs......

Surely, this merits attention viz a viz CAB also. Our society sure needs money invested to deal with the murders and social ills.


author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Sep 22, 2006 03:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

To those who read my article on Tuesday 19th September 06 in relation to corruption and CAB and their first cousins, the ARA, across the invisible border, I add

Today on the news, for the first time I saw a shaken Bertie Ahern. The questions arise for Bertie about favours done for a developer who gave huge donations to Fianna Fail in 1994, when Bertire was Finance Minister.

It all started in March 1993 when Bertie, then Finance Minister, in relation to the designation of lands at Blanchardstown and a Tax Exemption scheme was blocked to benefit the Cork property developers plans, for a rival development at Quarryvale in West Dublin.

Now the pigeons are coming home to roost for Bertie. Not Martin Cahill's pigeons just ordinary pigeons and the news they carry is this. Bertie Ahern was scheduled to meet Bankers in Los Angeles in 1994 in an effort to progress another of the projects of Owen O'Callaghan.

Hello out there.......Where am I going with this (alleged corruption, of course). The figures on papers now state that O'Callaghan gave Fianna Fail a 100,000 euro donation; screwed Tom Gilmartin, threats were made to him that he would be found in Liffey by an unknown man posing as a Garda. A year earlier O'Callaghan allegedly gave Bertie Ahern 30,000 pounds.

According to Gilmartin, O'Callaghan told those present at the board meeting later, that he had assurances from the horses mouth that Blanchardstown would not get tax designation. Bertie Ahern will soon be asked by the Tribunal why the designation was not granted to Blanchardstown shopping centre. Then let us recall Mr. Haughey's RIP words about Bertie 'being the most devious of us all'.

Bertie Ahern has no recollection of this meeting in Los Angeles. Former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds is also involved heavility in this. In relation, to a Los Angeles based law firm Chilton and O'Connor, which had been approached by O'Callaghan and Frank Dunlop, the former Government Press Secretary. The purpose was to raise funding for the Neilstown Stadium venture.

I find this all very interesting. Bertie and Albert who haven't talked for years in relation to the nomination of presidency some years ago. Albert now has the chance to bring down the 'devious' Bertie but has he got the b...s to do it. Sadly I don't think so. He is now claiming amnesia re. any meeting in Los Angeles.

Bertie Ahern is also expected to face serious questions about the alleged movement of files from his department relating to 'other' proposed designated destinations (while Minister for Finance).

Could Barry and his fan club out there cut back on history dialogue and focus on this..... and others too.

We can get back to spooks and 007 another time. This is serious stuff presently.

The Planning Tribunal has heard claims that the files were shown to a group of certain developers in a certain hotel. How as a nation of people can we not take whats going on around us with some form of outrage. Bertie Ahern is the man who gave Bertie blank cheques to fly his lover to Paris by government jet. Haughey was a crook - he also was one of the best Ministers for Finance, this country ever produced but you see crooks always have a good nature. The old Irish adage fits in so well....yes, we all love the rogue.

Now we have a question in relation to my previous article on this topic. Who really runs CAB - Criminal Assets Bureau? Who is the watchdog over CAB?

Tony Hanahoe, lawyer, former football player - won an award against CAB in the High Court in relation to a CAB raid on his offices. Why was never explained in court!

Legally, Bertie Ahern, as Taoiseach is head of CAB - that really worries be. His old friend Ray Burke, who he defended for years in relation to corruption, got the free ride in the Garda van. I wonder will Bertie get a similar free ride....down the road.

Phil Flynn's Brother, an honest decent business man was destroyed by CAB. No reason ,,, nothing. Police State yes.

CAB are very selective about the offices raided....it is all about politics. Sadly now we live in a country that is en par in both ethics and accountability similar to Columbia.

McDowell is very quiet on this issue....there isn't a murmur....now there is a question in itself.

Tonight though I wonder who is the poodle again or the Rothweiler?

This country is in a sewer of corruption and yet we accept them as role models.

I ask people tonight to answer me - We need Transparency, Ethics, Accountability, Social Justice, provision for people with disabilities, a health service that works, and police force that has sufficient members to be effective. We need to root out corruption at every level.

Tribunals to date are costing over 250 million. There are no deadlines to be met. Outcomes tend to result in no criminal charges.

Tonight, I read in the Herald of a Mum and her young daughter and their little dog. The dog was not on a lead and the Gardai Siochana summons her. Then our so called law officers, after numerous summons over a long period, I grant you, At Drogheda District court - Judge Flann Brennan ordered the woman to pay legal costs of over 1000 euros....... Maria O'Donoghue does not have the money to pay. Maria said I broke the law by not having the little dog on a lead......in two weeks time I am facing a month in prison - why? This is so harsh and unjust.

Now I ask the question again about corruptioni and over 200 people in this country who became millionaires in this country based on the wink and the nod. I can name at least 80.....Can someone help me out here?

Justice - what has happened in Ireland? I would be interested in the views of others.

Where is the equality for this Mother, Child and Dog? What a waste of administration time...........a Judge's time......a Gardai's time.

After all, this is but a little dog.....a friend to a family, to a child.....

Kevin T. Walsh

'Nero fiddled, (did he not?) while Rome burnt'

author by Jack Russell - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In relation to your article on corruption Kevin and the CAB - well researched and well writtten. Would you now agree we have a selective Due Process in Ireland?

The facts you stated last night are on this morning's papers (22nd September 2006).

No other country - globally would accept the level of Government, Corporate (entwined) corruption on this Island. We have a major discipine crisis in An Garda Siochana. Freddie Morris (Tribunal) put it in so many words that the running and administration of our Police Force is nothing short of a disgrace. The shooting dead of a manic depressive young man at Abbeylaraw was an assassination by the state....McDowell had to embarrass Noel. Conroy into making an apology to John Carthy's family.

Whjat is coming out now about Bertie Ahern is not news to me and I am sure not news to you Kevin. I have said this before and I will say it now - there are at least between 15 to 29 members of Leinster House up to their necks in multi-millillion euros of corruption.

The idiot from Leitrim with the ten acres and two goats, Paul Williams, who lately I note is called a criminologist makes me laugh. Serious journalism, as Eamonn Dunphy pointed out to him on the Pat Kenny show last week is not about 'glorifyinmg the drug crime lords as Al Capone leaders and selling newspapers. Its about rooting out the source, educating the yooungsters; not tagging the youngsters as would be future criminals. A small equationL Could someone explain to me.

A youngster in Finglas say 10 years from now goes into drug deatling and Paul Williams calls him a drug dealing scum bag. A young boy goes to Castleknck College today and 10 years from now, he joins a political party and makes a million on the wink and nod justice Irish style. What does the Goat from Leitrim call him...

This country is in a mire of corruption and the people sadly do not have the stomach or the bottle to face up to it.

You are right Kevin, McDowell has gone totally silent in the last 24 hours. I am now on top the spiral - I am shouting - Where are you Michael, the famous D6 Barrister. I should again, where are you Michael? Sadly, to no avail.

I will finish by saying that I read about the woman, (facing prison), her little daughter and the 'lead issue' and I ask myself what about P. Flynn, Collins in Limeric, Frank Fahy in Galway, the Bailey Brothers. Then I ask myself - how many barristers in D4 have bought foreign holiday homes on the backs of taxpayers in relation to the tribunals and corruption.

Would people on this site stop the bickering about Spooks and Agents and enter the real world. E

'Evil domains when Good Men do nothing' E. Burke

By the way, I wonder did Bertie get Cecilia to hide the 30,000 behind the Grreat Wall of China.!!!!!! I don't think so because 'who flung dung would have found it' flown to Dublin and opened a Chinese Takeaway in Drumcondra.

Jack Russell

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Sep 22, 2006 15:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Michael Smurfit; the tax payer's money and Corporatism - at its best for the Ryder Cup.

I don't want to sound anti-Ryder Cup but now with Bertie 'hot under the collar' and corruption lurking behind.

I read K.T. Walsh's article on corruption and CAB. I would like to ask some questions.

Gardai in Limerick stated they are seriously under resourced. At the moment, Limerick is under another gangland war threat - the latest victim was buried yesterday. Now I am baffled. Who really runs this country? There is approximately 2,000 Gardai policing the Ryder Cup. The taxpayer is paying for it and Michael Smurfit and cohorts smile. Why?

What are the priorities in Ireland. Are we establishing the bipolar society, like the US of Corportism (the new landlord) and an underclass, left open to the ravages of crime, drug addiction, gangland, murders.

What about our young people in prisons? What about their 'social mobility'? How many suicides of such young people do we hear about? What despair have they in cells with too many in them? What about Restorative Justice. What about the number of children and teens awaiting appointments with psychiatrists and psychologists - a waiting list is absurd? If you believe in Cognitive Behaviour then you know where self harm is involved, early intervention is vital.

As we alll know, Ireland was the second City of the British Empire, hence the magnificent stately homes, certain people now benefit from. I recall the 1960's and 1970's anfd these homes became a massive burden to owners, the combination of high rates and death taxes on both spouses. Properties could scarely be given away.

What change and Why? Has Ireland taken up its former status 'as a Playground for the Rich'


What contribution will the Ryder Cup be prepared to make to the young people of Ireland with specific focus to Restorative Justice and the establishment of programmes to give those forming the underclass Opportunity........Opportunities

A close friend Irene, always used to quote to me a line that Michael Smurfit's father used.....It was recession time in the 1980's when so many of us emigrated.

It reads

'Opportunity comes to pass not to Pause'

Michelle Clarke


author by Jack Russell - Social Justicepublication date Mon Sep 25, 2006 21:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good to hear that all went well.

Let us not forget Social and Corporate responsibility!!!

What about Young Offenders and Moyross - Let's aim for change.

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justicepublication date Wed Sep 27, 2006 21:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In Brussels, a stash of drugs. Method of importation.

By private Jet to Ireland - landing location with no form of Customs and Excise.

How can this be and why?

Do I recall that our Authorities fail to record the details of those entering and exiting Ireland? How tax beneficial for the select few?

Is Ireland to become the Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Switzerland and some people suspected was a muse of C.J. Haughey and his 'buddies'.

Drugs are serious. We ought to hold our head in Shame that people are hostile to pharmacies providing methodone to drug addicts in remission. We need to be inclusive in order to assist young people and others to become drug free. This means inclusiveness.

Pharmacies like Boots research these proposals and we need to open our minds to options.

Government - we need to be included in this society. Where are the funds from these drugs raids.......We need this money back at community level and countrywide.

Question Again:-

What is the Ryder Cup going to do for vulnerable people, young, addicted, underprivileged, under nourished with small children.

All we can do is try to empower these people out of the hell hole addictions can place them in.

Michelle Clarke
Jean Paul Sartre
'When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die'

author by George Hill: - Privatepublication date Sun Oct 01, 2006 15:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

16 long years with out and credible type of law and order it's time for Change and for all of this to end.

-------Original Message-------

From: George Hill
Date: 09/27/06 17:36:04
To: Bertie Ahern TD; Minster for NO Justice for Protestants
Cc: Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA; [email protected]; FAIR; ulster protestant movement for justice; [email protected]
Subject: Southern Irish family's Victims of State Terror.

Sunday 24th September 2006

Just got back from Church had an interesting morning on my way to Church

We got a Garda Helicopter escort to Church. During the service I could hear

A Helicopter doing a fly past, either I am a very important person or someone’s

Cage has been rattled good and proper.

My Wife Nora is still a worry as her weight is still down to 7 stone, she receives

Counselling from the Church which is helping but there is still a long road ahead yet.

We are still under Electronic surveillance by the O’Sullivans. Any movement on our property or in our home causes an alarm to go off It can be set to different frequencies and turned on and off at will. It is set on the ultra sonic/ PIR frequency range and works the same as a motion detector works it scans all our property & Home.Who do we phone and ask for help??

PRESS RELEASE www.crookedlawyers.com


Southern Irish family's Victims of State Terror.

One lady say's that her mother carried her as a small child along the hedgerows in Cavan to cross into Northern Ireland. "She was desperately afraid that I might make a sound and we would be betrayed. She never forgot the terrible experience", she said.

That woman said her mother had never been a bitter person and had steadfastly refused to become bitter. "She was a dedicated Christian and taught her children to be the same. But she never trusted republicans after that and said they could never be expected to respect the rights of Unionists and Loyalists to promote their culture and ideas".

Their suffering was intense and barbaric, and nowhere more so than in 'rebel' Cork where dozens were taken out and shot on the roadside.Only recently that excellant writer Peter Hart took the lid off the planned murder and intimadation of Cork Protestants in his book 'The
IRA in Cork and its enemies'.A descendant of another of another Southern Irish family, which moved to the Bainbridge area, said few people realised the extent of the suffering of the Protestants from the South.
My father was not a bitter man,and was more bewildered than anything else by the treatment the

family received."They had been well thought of in Cavan, were on good terms with
their Roman Catholic neighbours Only a handful of those Irish refugees of the 1920s are now alive,
and their children and grandchildren are now citizens of Northern Ireland and other parts of the UK, or of Canada and Australia.The decision to postpone the Queen's visit to the South show that in spite of the 'Cetlic Tiger' and the claims of a more 'liberal' society, there is still precious little evidence of parity of esteem or recognition of the rights of Protestants in the Irish Republic.

"That was the sad thing about it", he said. The intimidation and threats were bad enough, but it was the fact that their plight was largely ignored.

"The Darkley Gospel Hall Massacre"
20th November 1983 - 3 people dead

The Massacre of Protestant Church Worshippers as they were at a Sunday evening service was described by the leaders of the four main churches as "an act of sectarian slaughter on a worshipping community which goes beyond any previous deed of violence". As the congregation sang the hymn "Are you Washed in the blood of the lamb" the Provisional IRA/Sinn Fein gunmen arrived and murdered three Protestant Church elders.

Then the Hill Family 1990---2006 Two Protestant family's terrorised for sixteen long years with the full Knowledge and consent of the Irish Government of the day and the Garda commissioner who are supposed to be impartial and uphold law and order turned a blind eye and did nothing. Who gave the order to burn us out? Who cut the brakes on our car? Who made the phone calls that said I'm going to kill you all and burn you out again? Who tampered with the tractor so I came close to being killed? Who fired shots at our house and put nails into the back wheel of our car every Sunday to stop us from going to Church. Who do we turn to for help? I and my family have been prescribed tablets by our doctor to help us through this unlawful and brutal affair. We are a family that have been mentality tortured for 16 years by members of the Gardai and the O'Sullivans /Mansfield relations of Bertie Ahern.

A Helicopter was used to hover over our house:

On Tuesday 21st March 2006 at 12 noon we were followed by Garda Helicopter (Blue and White) from our home in Brittas to Rathcoole 3 miles away. It was like something out of a war Movie.

Protestants in the Republic are treated as badly as the Nazis treated the Jews.

A few days later much the same we were watched from a distance by the same helicopter who then flew over us a few times and then flew off.

I guess this is how the Irish Police get their kicks terrifying pensioners on there way home from the shops. I went to my Church on Sunday last; the doors were kicked in and the place wrecked what a mess. Where was the blue and white helicopter when our Church was been wrecked, no prizes for answering this one.

Church-sponsored oppression and slavery from 1869 to 1973. (And 1973 was at a time of the Civil Rights Movement and oddly in the era for the demand of Catholic rights in Ulster.)

What about our rights?

We urgently need a new Police Force to represent our community, one that can deal with terrorists.

16 long years of terrorist’s attacks on our home and Family’s and to date not one person has been brought to Justice for serious crime.

What civilised Country in the world would tolerate such uncivilised behaviour.


It is surely time for The Chief of Police or the Garda commissioner in the Republic to investigate these ongoing attacks and criminal abuses by Mansfield/O'Sullivans who are related to Bertie Ahern and are protected by the state to carry out their evil deeds? Jim Mansfield is a convicted criminal who served time in

Mount Joy Prison for his crimes. And they say crime does Not pay!!!! LOOK at Mansfield?????

We are up against a STACKED DECK and on those terms we would not get Justice in an Irish Court.

It’s all a question of keep your head down and let them walk all over you or risk loosing everything you ever worked for

And be forced out. 2006 Republic of Ireland Style??

The Southern Irish Protestants had produced great people like Henry Grattan, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Edmund Burke, and many others, but it did not save them from intolerance and persecution. If there is ever to be true peace in Ireland, and the establishment of democratic, completely peaceful and unarmed society in both parts of the divided Island, then the truth must be acknowledged, genuine repentance offered and forgiveness sought.

Britain has apologised to Ireland for the Famine, the Pope has apologised for the atrocities and crimes committed against the Huguenots. Is it not time for others to do likewise for the violence and intimidation carried out against the Protestants of Ireland down the centuries?

It is too late to help those who suffered, but it would acknowledge that great wrongs were perpetrated and must never happen again.

What has changed today in 2006?

George Hill.



County Dublin

Republic of Ireland

PRESS RELEASE www.crookedlawyers.com

Protestant Discrimination in the Irish Republic by Relatives of Bertie Ahern. 16 Years of Cover up!!! 1990 - 2006

Dear Minister for Justice,

On the 24th of March 1998 we met with Mr Brendan Ward, Pte Sec to Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach. Present at the meeting was myself George Hill, my brother David Hill and the Reverent Michael Tardive. We asked for this meeting because of Protestant discrimination caused by the O’Sullivans and others. They are related to Bertie Ahern through Mrs O’Sullivan (Anne Conroy), and also related to Jim Mansfield, multi-millionaire, and are above the law of the land. Jim Mansfield is one of Bertie Ahern’s best pals and is related to him. The filthy rich developer-hotelier is a big Fianna Fail supporter.

On Saturday the 25th of October 2003 on the M50 going towards the toll bridge, a gunman approached me from behind. I was in the passenger side of the car and my wife was driving. He had on a balaclava and all that I can remember is those piercing eyes as he stared at me. The gunman was a passenger in his car with his window down ready to fire to the right of our car, cut into traffic about ten cars in front of us and vanished. If the cameras are working at the toll bridge there should be a picture of him. If I had been driving the car and not a passenger, I might not have been here today. I heard a car horn and looked behind me, he lost the element of surprise, stared at me what seemed ages, then drove away at high speed. I can only remember part of the reg - 94 LH ??? Small silver or grey car. Numberplate was high up as on the boot door. Looked like a hatchback and wide for its size. I make this statement believing the facts to be true and know if I should make a false statement I may be liable for prosecution.

The intimidation started in 1990 and has continued to date. From gunshots to brakes being tampered with and death threats made on the answering machine. The tapes have been handed over to police. The local police sergeant said: "If I hear another word out of you I will find something to charge you with." For months we were followed around and generally intimidated by the police from Rathcoole station. Who gave the order to put our family under surveillance? We were treated like common criminals and not victims.

There are a lot of questions that need answering. Orders came from the very top - who gave those orders? Who said that crime does not pay? We in the Protestant community are not treated as equal citizens. (My bank statements and War Pension were steamed open and pushed through the letterbox).

We do not have the same rights as other citizens: Shots fired into our home and the police think the bullet holes are caused by rats. Anyone who served in the Armed Forces knows the difference between two-legged rats and four-legged ones! The two-legged ones are related to Government Ministers and are above the law. I was also run down by a car and the police came up to charge me with obstruction.

Another example is that we are discriminated against in planning permission. See ref: 85A/722 refused, 87A/1577 refused and 88A/304 passed after we contacted Mr Charles Haughey, Taoiseach, and complained after our neighbours' planning reference - Sean Walsh, the same C.C. Chairman who was also acting on our behalf passed 87A/1377 first time for the O'Sullivans. We were turned down three times; only 100 ft distance between the two properties.

My brother's farm was set on fire and he had several of his mobile homes set on fire. Who gave the order to burn us out? Who cut the brakes on the car? Who made the phone calls that said I'm going to kill you all and burn you out again? Who tampered with the tractor so I came close to being killed? Who fired shots at our house and put nails into the back wheel of our car every Sunday to stop us from going to Church? Who do we turn to for help? Who registered our private laneway as a public road and put the lives of our family in danger? People have killed for less; the police see nothing and know nothing and will turn on you if you ask for help.

There are a lot of questions that need answering and we could do with your help in getting justice. I have tried over the years to ignore the problem but that is not the answer, it will not just go away so I have to face the problem and deal with it. We need closure so we can we can rebuild our lives. This has been 16 years of sheer HELL!!!

Hoping you can address the injustice caused to our families and bring closure to this nightmare.

Yours sincerely,

George Hill


Cover up of serious crime by Irish Gardai:

1. Car burnt out.

2. House burnt to the ground.

3. Horse covered in petrol and set alight.

4. Hay barn burnt out.

5. Five Chalets burnt out in one night.

6. Told to get out of Brittas in a telephone call.

7. Refused planning permission on several occasions. (On one occasion the site was sold off cheap because planning was refused. The new owner built a house on it within one year of purchase and sold it for a nice profit).

That was my Brother David Hill.

Now me, George Hill:

1. Death threats made on the answering machine, tapes given to Gardai and never returned.

2. Part of the Ferguson 20 diesel tractor unscrewed causing the tractor to rev up out of control while working in the field. I was nearly killed. That was after a meeting in Bertie Ahern's office where we (George Hill, David Hill and the Rev M.Tardive) met to discuss discrimination against Protestants.

3. The brakes were cut on our Ford Fiesta car, and we were nearly killed trying to get to Church. My wife was driving at the time.

4. Back right hand wheel of our car was punctured every Sunday over a period of several months.

5. A car driven by the O'Sullivans would try to block the way out of our property on a Sunday to keep us from going to Church.

6. Run down on private property by Mrs O'Sullivan and charged with obstruction.

7. Cars driven onto our property at 3 in the morning skidding around blowing car horns, screeching brakes and screams until we woke up and put the light on to see what was going on.

8. As a result I phoned 999. It took 4 days to get the call answered.

9. Bank statements and RAF War Pension steamed open and crumpled up and put through the letterbox.

10. Rocks thrown at our roof and a tile broken late at night.

11. Shots fired into our home and on Sundays for a long time.

12. Shots fired late one night when I was finishing off some painting outside; it was dark.

13. M50 Gunman on the way to do our shopping on a Saturday.

14. Noise nuisance: The use of scrambler motor bikes and a quad for the young fellow. Revving up and down all the time, it's a nightmare.

15. When I took a photograph of the noise nuisance, she sent up her private plainclothes Garda squad who abused me and threatened me with all kind of things. They said that I was taking an unnatural interest in the neighbour's son and put me under caution. After a phone call from our Baptist Pastor all charges were dropped. The Gardai here are pure scum and have no manners.

16. Going around with a bucket with weed-killer and a paintbrush killing off my plants which took years to grow. I caught him last year and he ran off.

17. Plants that I spent half the summer putting in stolen and months later he put in plants that looked familiar. I grow a lot of my plants from slips so it's not too hard to identify them.

18. Knocking on the bedroom window late at night when the lights are out. I get up and dressed to investigate, see nothing, then without warning the sky lights up with rockets and crackers, thunder flashes.

There is a lot more - I have built up a large file over the last 14 years. My wife and I are nervous wrecks, she finds it hard driving the car as she is always looking in the mirrors to see if someone is trying to kill us. The M50 gunman has upset us all. And the ignorant plainclothes Gardai - I am on two lots of blood pressure tablets and nerve tablets proscribed by my Doctor.

I get very little sleep at night and it's not uncommon for me to be at my computer at 3 a.m. as I can't sleep. I am better up with a cup of tea. I also have to take painkillers for my back. The above is only part of what has happened to our two families.

It's no joke to be sick and have to live on a war pension and have to put up with this.

Criminal neighbours and corrupt Garda Officers who could not give a damn if we lived or died. The O'Sullivans are Bertie Ahern's relatives and belong in jail.

I have a lot of letter-headed correspondence from the different Government departments. The Gardai see nothing and hear nothing and do nothing.


George Hill



Co. Dublin

Related Link: http://www.crookedlawyers.com
author by George Hill - Privatepublication date Mon Oct 30, 2006 20:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

30 October 2006

Dear Mr. Hill,

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your recent e-mail which has been referred
to the office of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr.
Michael McDowell T.D. for his attention and direct reply to you.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Reddy
Assistant Private Secretary
to the Taoiseach

Mr Reddy will you please bring back law and order to Brittas so we can get on with what is left of our lives.

I would like you to schedule an appointment for me, my Wife and Church representatives to sit down with Mr Bertie Ahern to discuss

Protestant Discrimination and how to bring this unlawful sectarian terror to an end.

The sad thing about it", is. The intimidation and threats are bad enough, but it is the fact that our plight is largely ignored.

The Hill Family 1990---2006 terrorised for sixteen long years with the full Knowledge of the Irish Government of the day and the Garda commissioner who are supposed to be impartial and uphold law and order.
Protestants are second class citizens in the Republic of Ireland, and every appeal I made to the Irish Government and the Gardai to take steps to deal with those who threatened me and my family have so far been ignored.

"Garda see nothing and hear nothing and do nothing."

"If the Irish Government is sincere in its quest for a united Ireland, why has it denuded the country of its own Irish Protestant citizens by denying them legal, human or civil rights?"

it is a sad reflection that Mr Ahern seemed more concerned with the human rights of some people in Northern Ireland than he has with his own Irish Protestant citizens.

Please send me a written reply and appointment before Christmas so we can rebuild our lives.

Your Sincerely

George Hill

Related Link: http://www.crookedlawyers.com
author by George HIll - privatepublication date Wed Nov 01, 2006 14:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

From: George Hill
Date: 01/11/2006 13:08:31
To: Nick Reddy
Subject: Three Letters and no reply

Three Letters and no reply

Wednesday, 01 November 2006

Dear Mr Reddy,

I have written into the various Government departments for the last

16 years with little or no response. In particular the so called justice

Department who has turned a blind eye to our situation.

Because we are a minority we do not count and as such we do not have.

Any civil or religious rights. No and I mean NO civilised Country in the

World would tolerate what we had to put up with over the last 16 years.

The terror campaign against our Family’s for the last 16 years has been well

Documented and laid out so you will forgive me if I feel a little fed up at the moment.

Terror Campaign:

It was well and truly designed to force us out of our home’s and off the land by threat’s of violence and the burning of our Farm and other property.

And more recently the refusal of planning permission for our son whiles his Neighbour on the adjoining property builds happily away. No Problems.

The Hill Family have been in Brittas for seven Generations of Farmers and can’t get permission to build a family home for our son.

A blow in relation to Bertie Ahern a 100 ft from our Property gets planning permission to build a bungalow.

This is the last straw trying to burn us out and trying to kill us and since all this has failed now it’s the Planning laws used to keep our

Family apart.

I have written three letters into your office in the last two weeks and I would like a written reply and appointment to meet

With Bertie Ahern face to face talks with representaves of our Church and ask him why he hates Protestants so much that he has

Used all of the State machinery to force us out of our homes while he rezones land for Mansfield and gets planning for the rest of

His criminal relatives at our expense

It is good manners for a Government official to reply to his mail. I would now like a full written reply to my letter an appointment date


Yours Sincerely,

George Hill

Related Link: http://www.crookedlawyers.com
author by George Hill - Privatepublication date Thu Nov 02, 2006 19:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Protestants second class citizens in Republic
Mon Oct 2, 2006 7:23 pm (PST)
Protestants second class citizens in Republic
"This is a story which appear in the Orange Standard and with their
permission has been copied to this site"

Joe Patterson, the Donegal Protestant forced from his home in the
early 1970s, refuses to go away, even though he lives in Canada, and
he continues to embarrass the Irish Government.

Joe, whose story of how he was intimidated out of Letterkenny where
his family has been in business for generations, has been told in the
Orange Standard, has campaigned unceasingly for justice during the
past 30 years.

He has used every lawful means to expose the situation where by
Protestants are often second class citizens in the Republic, and
every appeal he has made to the Irish Government and the Garda to
take steps to deal with those who threatened he and his family has so
far been ignored.

Recently, when Dr Martin Mansergh, regarded as the leading
Irish 'spin doctor' during the negotiations which led to the signing
of the Belfast Agreement, was giving a lecture in Canada, Joe
Patterson turned up and put some very searching questions.

Joe, in a letter to the Orange Standard, said Dr Mansergh, special
advisor on Northern, Ireland to the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, gave an
analysis in his speech, of the events in Northern Ireland from the

This was followed by a question period, and Joe Patterson prefaced
his question by telling Dr Mansergh about how he had been forced out
of Letterkenny by republicans. "I told him of threats to my family,
customers and myself, and of our countless complaints to the Garda
Siochana, and that not one charge was ever laid, also any legal
recourse was denied."

Joe Patterson's question to Dr Mansergh was: "If the Irish Government
is sincere in its quest for a united Ireland, why has it denuded the
country of its own Irish Protestant citizens by denying them legal,
human or civil rights?"

Mr Patterson said that in his reply, Dr Mansergh did admit that
Protestants in the border area did have problems, but did not
elaborate. However, he did pronounce that there was "no religious
discrimination in the south of Ireland.

Dr Mansergh went on to say he was a Protestant, and that a former
President was a Protestant, also two High Court judges and mentioned
a few Irish martyrs.

"He also reminded me that Dublin at one time had a Jewish Lord Mayor.
Funny thing is that when 1 was hounded out of my business in
Letterkenny I did not see any of these people around. Dr Mansergh did
not reply to my complaints against the Garda Siochana or the denial
of my legal or civil rights" he said.

Referring to a meeting that Gerry Adams had with the Taoiseach to
discuss "policing, demilitarisation and human rights", Joe Patterson
said it was a sad reflection that Mr Ahern seemed more concerned with
the human rights of some people in Northern Ireland than he was with
his own Irish Protestant citizens.


Mr Patterson said that some years ago he had a request from the
Ulster Young Unionist Council requesting permission to reprint copies
of his booklet 'No where to go'.

He added: "While I had no hesitation in giving permission I later
learned that this did not take place. 1 wonder why or who stopped
this. surely it would have been beneficial for Ulster Unionists to be
aware of exactly what Irish justice has in store for them.

He laid it was easy for Bertie Ahern to state: "There is no religious
discrimination in the south of Ireland", secure in the knowledge that
Northern Ireland politicians would remain silent.

He added: 'While David Trimble refuses to face reality, can the day
be far away when Gerry Adams will be pronouncing to the world
that 'there is no religious discrimination' in Northern Ireland.

Joe Patterson, who had campaigned unceasingly for his case to be
known, has appreciated the support and encouragement he has received
from many Orangemen. He is always glad to hear from people who are
keen to learn the facts about Southern Protestants and the
difficulties they face. He can be contacted at 11460, King Road,
Richmond, British Colombia, Canada.

Related Link: http://www.crookedlawyers.com
author by George Hill - Privatepublication date Fri Nov 03, 2006 14:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Justice is being denied to the minority community and in particular
George Hill.

We of the UPMJ believe that Justice is being denied to the minority
community and in particular George Hill.

This appalling stated of affairs was compounded by this Garda officer
and his other friends, by bringing fictitious allegations and charges
against Mr Hill which were later dropped. This is not only a policy
of attempted murder, destruction of property, stealing intimidation,
religious persecution, but is also aimed at blackening one's
character and standing in the community. There is a clear case of
negligence by the Minister of Justice here. This family must have
justice and compensation for 16 years of torture.

These ongoing attacks, and spurious allegations have had a
detrimental effect upon the persons standing in the community and
health. Mr Hill and his family have been prescribed tablets by their
doctor to help them through this unlawful and brutal affair. They are
a family that have been mentality tortured for 16 years by members of
the Garda and the O'Sullivans/Mansfield relations of Bertie Ahern.

It is surely time for The Chief of Police or the Chief Inspector in
the Republic to investigate these ongoing attacks and criminal abuses
by members of his force. Or does he want to protect such officers? Mr
Hill description of his plight is summed up by the words of "16


Bring Mansfield and the O'Sullivans to Justice.

George Hill, and his wife have accused the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern of collusion with Garda Inspectors in the Republic of Ireland to conceal and commit crimes. This has not been the first time that Garda members, politicians like Bertie Ahern, or highly placed State officials, have been accused of abusing the minority communities, "Human Rights" in the Irish Republic.

Protestants like, Joe Patterson, George Hill and numerous others who have contacted the UPMJ and who have bravely spoken out upon this subject are victims of a vicious campaign. These individuals have sent letters to various organisations to no avail.

Political parties have been contacted (DUP) (UUP) (Bertie Ahern) (Finegael) (Civil Liberties Groups) (Irish Council for Civil Liberties) (Unison Union) (Papers such as Belfast Telegraph) and others have remained silent upon this subject.

A deliberate and highly orchestrated campaign by influential people in the Irish Republic and other places are clearly involved in hiding evidence and protecting those who are practising this bigoted sectarian policy.

Recently the Rev M.Tardive, George Hill and others met Bertie Ahern's officials to highlight such ongoing abuse of Garda Collusion in hiding evidence, or of their criminal activity and the policy of limited investigations. Or investigations that are destined to go nowhere.


On March 1, 1992, the Dublin newspaper Sunday World reported on the systematic victimisation of a born again Christian couple by gangs of youths in Cork because of their religious beliefs and for preaching the Gospel in the city and country towns. The husband was shot through the head with a .22 rifle for preaching in the street, but survived. "I had to move out of the city centre," he said, "because a man threatened to throw petrol over me and set me alight. My children are terrified. They are afraid to go out into the street to play."

Burning our homes and Farm is a criminal offence in any Law in any civilised country
And any law enforcement that turns a blind eye to such criminal acts needs to be
Seriously looked at with a view to reforming or disbanding and the setting up of a new
Non sectarian police force which will represent all sections of our society.
Protestants are second class citizens in the Republic of Ireland, and every appeal I made to the Irish Government and the Gardai to take steps to deal with those who threatened me and my family have so far been ignored.

"Garda see nothing and hear nothing and do nothing."

"If the Irish Government is sincere in its quest for a united Ireland, why has it denuded the country of its own Irish Protestant citizens by denying them legal, human or civil rights?"
it is a sad reflection that Mr Ahern seemed more concerned with the human rights of some people in Northern Ireland than he has with his own Irish Protestant citizens.

A Case for the Irish Government to solve.

Monday,30 October 2006

Dear George,

Unfortunately in that case if they cannot help you then it is indeed between yourself and the Irish Government, I can only suggest looking to see if there are any victim support groups in Ireland which might be able to help you.

My Wife Nora is now down to seven stone in weight and is the talk of
her family.

She has lost all interest in life and the things she one held dear.

This is not a normal life for anyone to have to live or should have

We get three to four hours sleep a night if we are lucky.

We have a rotten corrupt system of Government in this Country that
some party will have to sooner or later do something about. Or the
gangsters and terrorists will take over. The writing is now on the

Some six months ago I was at the Funeral of a good friend my former
Baptist Pastor. When the service was over and people were talking I
noticed a chap I had not seen in years who knew about my situation
through my old solicitors

He said to me George how are thing with you I said much the same

What he said next made me stand up straight not surprised but taken
back a bit.He said well you know George Jim Mansfield is a Big Man and
there is nothing that anyone can do…he is well connected.

YES:Jim Mansfield is in deed a big Man a convicted Criminal who served
time in Mountjoy Prison for his crimes.

On the 24th of March 1998

We met with Mr Brendan Ward, Pte Sec to Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach.
Present at the meeting was I George Hill, my brother David Hill and
the Reverent Michael Tardive. We asked for this meeting because of
Protestant discrimination caused by the OSullivans and others. They
are related to Bertie Ahern through Mrs OSullivan (Anne Conroy), and
also related to Jim Mansfield, multi-millionaire, and are above the
law of the land. Jim Mansfield is one of Bertie Aherns best pals.
The filthy rich developer-hotelier is a big Fianna Fail supporter.

The above is only a fraction of what happened to us since 1990 to
date this is now 2006.

Related Link: http://www.crookedlawyers.com
author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice, Ethics and Inclusionpublication date Sat Nov 11, 2006 18:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Mr. Hill
I wrote reference above on CAB and Corruption.

Your reply is typically bigoted and planter mindset. I don't condone any harrassment of any people on the Island of Ireland. I actually condemn it. But your flaw as with your history of being planted here is one mindset. Now Mr. Hill I will go to Ballina now to Mr. Arthur West, RIP (timber merchant). A decent man who employed over 40 people then. He would go across the border and wear his sash on July 12th and nobody would bother him. I hope Nick Reddy in the Taoiseach's Office has an insight into Irish history (if not I will clarify some points of British tyranny in Ireland - for centuries, with him).

You see Mr. Hill, Mr. Reddy will be politically correct......I don't believe in that nonsense. Pre-1968 in the North of Eire you had no problems with the Establishment which was 95% protestant in the civil service infrastructure, particularly policing. The Catholic people had to hold their heads down, change their names - Do you recall the old questionaire? The question at the end of the job application was about 'Religious Persuasion' Do you recall that, Mr. Hill?

The 'B-Specials' Mr. Hill - a bigoted Protesttant sectarian group made lawful by the British in London. The RUC Mr. Hill and every summer your Protestant Brethern would freely walk through Catholic areas beating your drums - well that is all over - Mr. Hill. So get...the .....F... o.... it.

The IRA emerged, Mr. Hill to protect the Catholic areas against the UDA, UVF, RUC by day and UDA by night and the B-Specials (Black and Tans ...Bast.ards. You see Mr. Hill I have neighbours who are protestant and they have lived amongst their Catholic neighbours all with respect all through the Troubles. Now we are coming to a crossroads where the Catholic people hold their heads high - Go to Queens University and now the balance of power within the infrastructure is begining to equate with the word called Justice.

Let us go back in history Mr. Hill. You mention a man called Hart, with a tendency towards bigotry. Tom Barry is an Irish hero in every county on this Island. Kilmichael was a brilliant ambush even Bertie (our Taoiseach) toasts to Kilmichael on his birthday. His father came from Cork and was an old IRA man.

You mentioned the atrocities against the protestants - some points I agree with you. What about Bloody Sunday? What about the Halloween Massacre of an old man having his pint? A man in his eighties. Just because he was a Catholic. What about the Shoot to Kill policy with Hermon behind it - Chief then of the RUC. When Stalker came to find out the truth - you sought to destroy him but he totally was exonerated against all the evil against him. Mr. Hill, if you want a lesson on Irish history, please respond to me.

This island now is becoming totally Irish shortly with a touch of multi-culturalism also and people are very welcome and so are you, Mr. Hill, and all your brethern - Come and Join us.

Kevin T. Walsh.

author by Pat O'Grady - Private Citizenpublication date Thu Jan 04, 2007 01:16author email ballylong at aol dot comauthor address 47 Keswick Rd. Boscombe Manor Bournemouth BH5 1LR UKauthor phone 01202 396422Report this post to the editors

I am appalled at the harassment of George Hill and his family by the Garda and members of the Government but of course not surprised as I am well aware of the high level of corruption existing within the echelons of Leinster House.
The mega rich support a party which ensures that their style of living is maintained at all costs.
No doubt Bertie Aherne will be re-elected to keep the tradition of corruption firmly embedded in the elite classes who have become expert in the art of self preservation and further accumulation of riches.

I suppose miracles do happen and Bertie could shoot himself in the foot and only if the electorate decides enough is enough.

author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and inclusionpublication date Sat Jan 06, 2007 00:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hello Pat

Out walking my Jack Russell, this evening, in Lenane, Co. Galway, about 6.30 p.m., I was startled by a UFO that landed in my field. E.T. jumped out and asked to borrow my mobile phone to phone home again.

Now back to George Hill. I read Pat, George Hill's letters in great detail. I would wish no harm on any of my fellow Irish citizens but after making strenuous enquiries in Dublin, Wicklow and the North, I can't find a foundation for his findings. Mr. Hill to me sadly, is a bitter man but yet remains and lives in Wicklow among us. I take great offence to your negativeness about Ireland.

We may have tribunals at the moment and corruption, I agree but we also have a flowing economy across Europe. We have nearly full employment and we house 280,000 non nationals. I wish Mr. Hill would grab some of our diversity and get away from the past........in his stories, be they make believe, or not. You see Pat, you live in Bournemouth, a nice seaside town and it is very easy to criticise. You are now paid in Sterling with Tony Blair's stamp on it - a compulsive liar and will live with the legacy of Iraq and death of women and innocent children for the remainder of his life. You live in a country that for centuries pillaged and caused destruction to many countries and Ireland was sadly among them. But now, Pat, we have arrived to our self beliefs and are now a powerful economic nation but history will not be kind to Britain in years to come.

Some weeks ago in a BBC documentary, Al Faaed of Harrods, called Prince Philip a murderer, in relation to his son and Princess Diana.

We are now coming to the closure of the Conflict in the North of Ireland and now Paisley for once in his life is not throwing stones on the ditch. He is on the main road Pat, and he is worried by the enemies in his own party. So the ghost tonight of Collins, Tom Barry, Liam Mellowes, Ernie O'Malley and many of that calibre are looking at Sinn Fein with admiration.

I will close by saying I hope George Hill seeks out a good psychiatrist. I recommend Dr. Cooney, nephew of Paddy Cooney, Minister for Justice in the 1970's - the time of the Heavy Gang. If he can't get Cooney, I would gladly recommend Dr. Dolittle.

One more point, I responded in detail to Mr. Hill and asked him to reply to me. He chose not to do so.

Slan agus Oiche Mhaith

K.T. Walsh

author by Pat Rabbitte T.D - Privatepublication date Mon Jan 08, 2007 19:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Name: Pat Rabbitte T.D
IP Address:
Date: Thu Dec 14 11:09:00 GMT 2006
Dear George
I refer to our discussion on Saturday and find the matters you raised with me very disturbing.
I accept from what you showed and told me that you are at the receiving end of someone with both financial and political muscle. The problem is that the active involvement of the Gardai in an even-handed fashion is necessary before evidence can be assembled that would stand up in Court. If you believe for the reasons you stated that the local Garda Sargent is disinterested or partisan, then I urge you to set out a file for the Garda Commissioner.
I will certainly raise the matter with the Minister for Justice. I am, of course, chastened in my expectations in the knowledge that such as Alan Dukes and John Bruton apparently got nowhere on the issues. However I will press the matter and again I urge you to make contact directly with the Garda Commissioner.
It is truly appalling that this kind of harassment, reminiscent of a bygone era, should revive in the 1990s.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sacked by my union ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Mon Jan 08, 2007 23:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Pat Rabbitte,

I'm delighted to see that you're fighting someones battles: it's why you were elected!

Suffice to say had this man's complaint been against a Trade Union you would not have helped. In my book this make you a corrupt hypocrite.

In the first letter I received from you, you stated: "Dear Mr Murphy, I have studied with interest the many letters that you attached to yours of 3rd of July to me. If a fraction of what you allege is true then the situation in the ITGWU Belfast docks branch was to put it mildly, far from satisfactory".

You make a further few good points, then say " A further factor mitigating against you it seems to me is the issue of jurisdiction. The Irish authorities with whom you are pressing your suit can in the end simply say that while SIPTU is domiciled here the alleged actions being complained of were in another jurisdiction".

Obviously, Pat Rabbitte, this is why SIPTU and ICTU won't meet Arthur Rafferty who has contacted asbestosis because of the CORRUPTION of ITGWU.

You go on to say " I do think that there is a case to be made for an independent Ombudsman for the trade union movement".

You finish by saying, "I will see what I can establish but if serving Ministers in Justice and Enterprise and Employment can't give you any meaningful response, I'm not sure what I can do after all these years".

PAT, as you well know, shortly after this letter you cut off contact with me, claiming that my letters were becoming abusive.

I'm sorry for piggy-backing on this poor man's story but the chance to prove Pat Rabbitte is a CORRUPT HYPOCRITE was irresistible.

I offer you the same challenge as the other corruptions - sue me!

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Wed Apr 04, 2007 20:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

.......................be the in prison or attending methadone clinics and rehabilitative centres.be allocated a percentage amount (a substantial amount) of the funds collected by the Criminal Assets Bureau. Now is the time to Ask those looking for votes........

We have the Criminal Justice Bill in abeyance.....a bill that nearly got through to being legislation ..... express delivery......but people, barristers, solicitors were prepared to say no.

Take this to the next stage. One of the worlds most lucrative drugs lords was caught and brought to court in the UK. He emigrated from Cork (Wright) to the UK where he established his his intricate empire over decades.....at what human cost, I ask.

Aged 60, he has received a sentence that puts him to prison literally for the remainder of his active life - 30 years ........ Release aged 90 does not sound an attractive proposition....

Investigative teams similar to the CAB have sought this man through a weave of deception and deceit and thereby reveal so many people's lives lost through drug addiction or destoryed. The man's operation was worldwide and vast sums of money found their way to his wealth megastore in hidden accounts, property, assets, yachts, and all that goes with such a sordid mindset.

Shame to all who have facilitated this money.......this is blood money........and why.........Dealers abound now - possibly it so that they do not even grasp what it is in fact that they are really doing. This man hopefully will learn. Shame on all who empowered him and facilitated him in his endeavours.

I read that the CAB were involved in some dimension of this search. If so, congratulations to all involved.

However, I ask the Government to put in place an allocation of funds to those blighted by the hideous illegal drugs in circulation. This in itself becomes the incentive and motivation for the CAB to focus on catching these drug lords.

I live near a methodone clinic and as a person with neuro-psychiatric health problems, I feel for the young people attending the clinic. They appear so young; so thin; so malnourished; many are but children with children. I noticed that public dental care is no longer. Shame on all concerned in this decision. From personal experience, I can assure you that teeth are the first to suffer from consistent use of drugs be they legal or illegal. Why would be people think of adding to people's affliction of addiction and mental health related drugs by having a rotting teeth and poor dental hygience as a blemish that highlight their disadvantage. Does anyone really think things through..........? Let us be consistent and motivated to really halt drugs at every level.

Today is a day of history. Revd. Ian Paisley has extended his hand to Mr. Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach, Ireland. What a day make a change?

I noticed a comment in a recent Medicine Weekly. The Oireach told that Health Reports are ignoring cross-border opportunities. There is a message here.......Let's share and deal with the Illegal Drug problem.

Michelle Clarke

'Live as if you are going to die tomorrow but learn as if you are going to learn for the rest of your life'

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Thu Aug 16, 2007 19:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Big Mac

Criminal Assets Bureau.

I note your comments, in particular the comment about the purpose of the CAB being to collude with politicians and basically criminalise the activities, of Republicants, etc. Reading through the postings, I am wondering has there been any more transparency, accountability and ethics in relation to the CAB and those employed by it?

After the recent amazing haul of drugs in Cork; and other drug raids, I ask does the CAB take account of the financial value on the open market of these illegal drugs? If so, do they then allocate a proportion of funds to fund programmes for vulnerable people with drug addiction problems, from all people in society.

Living nearing Baggot Street and witnessing young people attend the clinics; often under nourished, without real support, and with children, I ask who forms Support system that will allow them an opportunity to be empowered and sent back to education? Another question - what about funds that emanate from corrupt practices......how are these allocated directly back to support the more vulnerable people.

Michelle Clarke (in memory of Isabelle - if only our Health Services were organised and funded, she would have received a kidney and she would live today........

'I asked a man in prison once how he happened to be there and he said he had stolen a pair of shoes. I told him if he had stolen a railroad he would be a United States Senator'

By Mother Jones (Mary Harris Jones, 1830-1930)
US pioneer labour organizer known for her feisty spirit

Related Link: http://www.mentalhealthprisons.ie
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Sun Oct 14, 2007 20:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, that will condemn corruption. The Pontiff will denounce the use of 'tax havens' and offshore bank accounts, since this reduces tax revenues for the benefit of society as a whole. (Does this mean no more Cayman Islands)?

Wakey Wakey time. The Budget approaches and Minister Cowan is tasked to be equitable, distributive, transparent, ethical......Good to know, he May have the backing of the Pope.

...As St. Exubery quotes 'What is essential is invisible to the eye'

The Criminal Assets Bureau - and the objective of wiping the slate of corruption clean, a deterrence and retributive. Positive aspirations for the treasury, we hope....

Tomorrow we await the outcome of a whistleblower, a solicitor who is engaged in property deals living on the South Side of the City.........We are addressing White Collar Crime here.........30 million Euros involved...

I note the Criminal Assets Bureau is to be enhanced so it can wage war against White Collar Crime. We are talking about Fraudsters and Organised crime gangs. We can include Mr. Michael Collins, former TD, Fianna Fail, as a prime example last week that politicians are also not immune from the CAB. Let us give some praise to Nora Owen, former Fianna Gael Minister for Justice, who set it up.

The focus will ensure more staff employed and a bigger focus on public officials - and others who make large profits from corruption.

'Unjust Enrichment', Proceeds of Crime Act, provides the Charge.

By the end of 2007, an amount of Euros19,192.06 in tax and interest was collected by the CAB (note the amount includes social welfare figures).

The Bureau has wider scope for Fraud, Bribery, Insider Trading, Forgery, and Public Corruption.....

We only have to look at all the tribunals to know that pastures will be green for the CAB to investigate white collar crime.

Financial Crime analysts are to be employed by the CAB.......they will review kickback situations, counterfeiting, money laundering......fraud and evasion.

The question is whether the CAB will be able to seize and freeze assets of the real elite.....the untouchables.

The CAB has been challenged by civil liberty groups.....yes, because of its capacity to seize assets from people who have been acquitted and never charged.

For the people who fear negative equity in the housing market, spare a thought for money burried in properties also.


Quotation. Memory (apt given the antics of the Tribunals of late)
'It's a poor sort of memory which only works backwards'
Lewis Carroll (1832-78) British mathematician and author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

author by Jack Russell - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Oct 19, 2007 21:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Criminal Assets and its extended powers. I would suggest the above posting on this subject.

The Legal Profession stand challenged. They send in their own investigators to the Mr. Lynn and associated company transactions in 2004.

The did not progress the matter at the time.

Look at what lies ahead now........many people will lose money laid aside for pension, investment, etc........Some say the loss could be as much as Euros 35 million. The investment in properties are mainly abroad at least the currency exchange is euro only but why did some for of regulation/identification agencies not kick into place.

What will unfurl here?..........Why was there no watch?........Euros35 million is a lot of money and the spin out in time, administration is nothing but a shame to those who try to maintain the equilibrium of the Scales of Justice at Dublin Castle.......

'The salary of the chief executive of the large corporations is not a market reward for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself'

Well known economist JK Galbraith (b.1908) - Canadian born author of The Affluent Society........

Related Link: http://www.common
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Thu Nov 08, 2007 20:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Criminal Assets Bureau - active and much in the media.

A surprise twilight interlude with Mr. T. Murphy, whose tax returns are not in order.......The morning news reports, all newspapers report; the evening news reports, and now we know that when arrested on return from a GAA match in Drogheda, he (Mr. Murphy) was brought to a Garda station. The news states that the doctor that examined him indicated that the neurological symptoms displayed by Mr. Murphy were 'Feigned' and again when admitted to Drogheda hospital, the neurologist indicated that he too thought that the neurological symptoms were feigned........this did not affect Mr. Murphy's decision to sign himself out of the hospital. The report that his neurological symptoms by two professionals in the media were feigned personally disturbs me. What has happened to confidentiality in the medical profession?

Am I getting something wrong but why such impetus by the CAB as distinct from the say the Revenue in relation to administrative matters of non return of tax returns. The court hearing resulted in freedom to leave the court for Mr. Murphy provided bail terms adhered to. Surely the time of the CAB is valued in monetary terms. It too is involved in Follow the Money but it includes motive also to prevent crime ...... addiction drugs.....high cost to Irish society.

Tonight I look forward to the RTE programme on the drug scene in Ireland, with particular emphasis on cocaine. Ireland is in a state of seepage with drugs and arms into our water surrounded country. This programme, I hear, will focus on the professionals who are hooked into the cocaine. They buy at high prices and layers sell on and on at a lesser price. Hence Gang Wars, death and hardship.

Media now appears to be on high alert on certain emotionally rousing topics. Is it not time for focus, in a more learned and intelligent way by reporters, RTE, Newstalk 106; on Podcasts. Surely reporting media information ought to be balanced as in line with the Scales of Justice positioned at the gates at Dublin Castle - the sword and the Scales of Justice with objective of Equilibrium.

They say Horses for Courses. Well, we have severe problems with our health service here in the South, our banking system and legal profession stand dischevelled through flatulence of mindset in the months to come.

If so, perhaps we should take stock of the positives - as they appear to be doing up North (Dana with Dr. Paisley, Martin McGuinness and John Hume celebrating the launch of a book) versus raking up emotionally traumatising recent history that has evolved into the Unity of Ireland.

Why such prominence in this case to the Criminal Assets Bureau with a media in tow, seeking revenue returns.......Is there not a more politically astute approach i.e. the same way as I ended up with the sherriff for failure to make returns due to serious ill health.

Has anyone a view?


Sonnet to Liberty by Oscar Wilde

Not that I love thy children, whose dull eyes
See nothing save their own unlovely woe,
Whose minds know nothing, nothing care to know
But that the roar of thy Demoracies,
Thy reigns of Terror, thy great Anarchies,
Mirror my wildest passions like the sea
And give my rage a brother - Liberty !

For this sake only do thy dissonant cries
Delight my discreet soul, else might all kings
By Bloody knout or treacherous cannonades
Rob nations of their rights inviolate
And I remain unmoved - and yet, and yet
These Christs that die upon the barricades,

Related Link: http://www.Common
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Wed Dec 05, 2007 01:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It appears from the piece in the newspaper that they have become highly adept through their years of experience and getting to grips with money laundering and seeking the money trail relating mainly to Gangland Ireland.

They appear to be making progress in the building of the fraud case against Mr. Lynn........

I wonder will there be much money left......who knows the markets might make their way back....!!!!!!

Good luck

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Wed Jan 02, 2008 19:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What powers have the Criminal Assets Bureau?

Let us all remember the words of a man of wisdom in the 18th Century - Lord Mansfield

'Absolute power kills, and power kills absolutely'

There is a fine balance .......


Related Link: http://www.Common
author by aristotlepublication date Wed Jan 02, 2008 21:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oh dear, Michelle, if you are to regale us with hackneyed cliches you should do your homework first......

The quotation you have mangled is:

"power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

The CAB was established under act of the Oireachtas and all it's investigatory and confiscatory powers are limited by that legislation and are subject to supervision by the high court. It is hated and feared by the gangster classes because it hits them where it really hurts - in their pockets.

author by Bennypublication date Thu Jan 03, 2008 18:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The Pontiff will denounce the use of 'tax havens' and offshore bank accounts, since this reduces tax revenues for the benefit of society as a whole"

Does this mean he will take a swipe at St. Bono?

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Jan 04, 2008 00:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Forgive me, the head injury takes me back to aphasia, muddling words, and Quotes.

I am surprised I have done this so often Artistotle.

By the way I submited a few articles over Christmas that seem to have been sidelined.

One was New Years Resolutions and a little synopsis on Restorative Justice.......and the Church and its fiefdom. I asked the question about Vatican City and its power - does the fact we have sold Church lands to mainly developers - do the financial assets transfer to Vatican City or are the re-invested in Ireland.

Another post it was about Mr. Ahern and Ground hog day.

The third was a response to Gothic on the Ogra Shinn Fein site?

Anny ideas or will I left words into the mist.

Enjoy your New Year Aristote. And thanks for re-arranging the words to get the message accross.

Let's keep Peace Going in Ireland - Kenya, and Zimbabwe where I lived and then Pakistan.........We need to stop arms as commuication and form reconciliation.

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Thu Jan 10, 2008 22:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors


The Pope......Will he swipe at the funds of Bono as well!!!!

Why not, he might be luckier than the Irish Revenue. It appears when Ireland was no longer a great tax haven viz a viz his tax...., altruism for his greater good, said move my accounts to Europe......better tax prevails.

The date is set:

Tax Returns which have Mr. Murphy is deemed to have failed to submit to the Irish Revenue, merits the decision of our Judiciary, except in Mr. Murphy's case, for some reason, he is called to the Special Criminal Court (no jury, I think and 3 Judges)..........

and to add to this.

The Mahon Tribunal appear to have found that An Taoiseach also had problems submitting his annual tax returns or if he had, that there could be incorrect figures.

Michelle Clarke

'I am a hero with coward's legs'

by Spike Milligan born 1918. British humourist, animal rights activist.

Related Link: http://www.mentalhealthprisons.ie
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Tue Jan 15, 2008 20:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Aristotle......thank you for clarifying the Criminal Assets Bureau for me and commenting that it is feared and hated by the 'ganster' classes. You are right, it makes the hit......where it really hurts them. The greed for money that drives them ..... the elimination of fear......but surely this legislation cannot only apply to the 'Gangster Classes'..........why such a narrow definition?

Is it correct that Criminal Assets Bureau was established by Nora Owen, then Minister for Justice in 1997? It was established following the death of Veronica Guerin, at a time crime/drugs/murders were out of control (I suspect crime is far worse now, with murders being higher now than at any time since the formation of the State).

Why does the legislation remain limited in its capacity for investigation and confiscatory powers? Why does it appear that this legislation is disjointed and is evolving in a non specific way........this goes back to Aristotle's reference about the hackneyed cliches....

Crime and Punishment causes harm in Society. The Legislature have the responsibility, along with the High Court, in the case of the Criminal Assets Bureau, to instigate policies, people and control sources of crime.

Is the term 'Gangster not to narrow'?

What about the Lynn case......etc.? The Law Society is a self regulating body but why was this not in the remit of the CAB?

Surely this case is about corruption.........an undefined corruption......that involves major banks/building societies in Ireland, an Irish solicitor who entered into business relations abroad, that are not covered by the Irish Jurisdiction.

Will all people who purchased property through Mr. Lynn have their so called 'Tax Certs' to present - or is it a lapse routine for such people as it is for the Taoiseach about his tax affairs? The Criminal Assets Bureau appears to have huge power to avert its eyes. The Bailey's settled with the Revenue for 21m euros. Why was the DPP able to drop charges for corruption? The DPP is bound perhaps by the 50/50 rule but 21 m.....paid over surely means charges of corruption........Where was the CAB?

Can you have one law for one person and another law for say the Taoiseach? Why can it be that the Law Society could be self regulating (and under the scrutiny of Mr. McDowell's Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform), another branch to the Tree of Justice. Personally, for a self regulating profession, providing a bond, in a time of maximum earnings for the legal profession, did those in High Places (Justice, Law, Cab) not scrutinise and make equitable judgement about self-regulation. What about the Scales of Justice at Dublin Castle......?

The Lynn case, I predict will be one of many. Lax behaviour, avenues to fraud, corruption, becomes deep seethed and pentrates to the core of society. It has to be dealt with in a harsh fashion with a retributive sting, that forges a message in the minds of people to embrace Justice, Ethics, Accountability Transparency. This is about Change......This is about Attitude.....but the problem is the human factor and greed. How do we deal with this. How do we deal with people who are corrupt and are willing to deprive their fellow man of a fair chance. Why should one person show compassion to a person be paid a paltry sum, while another.......

Day after day, we are hearing young people with Cystic Fibrosis on the Joe Duffy show who are being treated in an inhumane way. Facilities specifically designed for them and planned for say 2000, are lost in administration and potential greed/corruption. This is not fair. 6 people died at Christmas.......

What price/value are the plain people of Ireland prepared to pay to put a halt to corruption, crime and moral wrongs?

Michelle Clarke
Consuming Passions
'In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves; the prisoners of addiction......and the prisoners of envy

Ivan Illich (b. 1926) Austrian born philosopher, theologian and Author of Limits to medicine.

Related Link: http://www.mentalhealthprisons.ie
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Tue Jan 22, 2008 01:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Tribunals are costing huge sums of money and has the time not come to learn the intended lesson of Anti Corruption particularly in the public services. The dirty line is out on the line daily in Dublin castle, to be thrashed by the media.......I ask who has kept trace of all the proceedings.

Let us not create a sewer, let's re-appraise and establish values and norms and try to move on.

What is equitable?

Mr. S. Murphy is pending trial in Green Street - the Diplock Court, no jury.
His offence is failure to supply tax returns. It appears to be unfair given another person who is Government may have to be altering his tax form. Will he too be sent to the Diplock Court.

Is this the funny games of polictics.

How high is the cost from silly buggers re. tax forms. Sureley given the Peace Process, the hand of friend ought to be outstretched ........with commication to follow.

Non violence Aung San Suu Kyi (1945.....) Leader for the National League for democracy in Burma

'Non violent' opposition has led to the results in a large number of countries. It will also be the case here.

Related Link: http://www.animals.ie
author by larry sweeneypublication date Sat Feb 09, 2008 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

having just read your article about corruption and the infamous cab,i make my comments perhaps a little late.here in the uk recently we have had a lot of press and discussion about the ever growing and more powerful state indeed comparisions have been made between our society and that of the former east germany stasi controlled state.the citizens of the irish republic should be in no doubt whatsoever that a very powerful clic run the corrupt state but behind the acceptable face of democracy is the long arm of the corrupt garda siochana a pervasive invasive force which without real accountability monitors the phone conversations e mails etc of alland any citizen regardless of who they are, this snooping takes place without any check or balances and without the knowledge of the general public .time and again the irish police force have themselves proved that they are an unaccontable band of thugs ,yet your local garda is hail fellow well met ,one of the lads., a stalwarth of the local gaa club ,a sound fellow,when in actual fact he is a member of s secret society who considers themselves above the law and loyalty to another so called member takes precedence over anything else.the difference between the uk and irl is that here we are discussing the snooper state but in ireland its over dune and dusted and without any interference from the public.a very sad day for demoracy compliments of the garda siochana.

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Fri Dec 19, 2008 19:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now I feel it is necessary to reply to you and your interesting commentary about the divide between those in power and with power and the vulnerable. Let me say that since you wrote about the CAB, about Gardai, about phones, boundaries, the Island of Ireland has excelled itself and the divide rich and powerful to vulnerable is moving in leaps and bounds. We thought the planning was a problem that implicated notable politicians so we called in a Judiciary of notable intellect surrounded by highly paid assistants, devils, researchers. Ironically, even though members of government were subject to judicial enquiry, the obvious factor of ring fencing the proceeding to say 2 years, was abandoned and 10 years later, the sullied are named and one main player, Mr. Dunlop (who in the intervening period gained his Trinity Law Degree).

This man in his 60's now faces 16 charges for corruption. Will his punishment be a payment of funds? or will he go to prison for a number of years and cost the State more money. Personally, I would go for some restorative justice and hit him where it hurts most and that is an embellished sense of wealth borne of a greedy love of money and the power it ensures. His abilities could be best used to reform the prison system with a sense of empathy for his fellow prisoners.

Planning, property, corruption, deception, development.....these were the buzz words of the 1980's......Ireland was in recession, people emigrated, and many were unemployed. There was poverty. The Think Tank mindset hit a group of Cats in Dublin and they saw opportunities. They looked at the Quays and they took note of the comments made by a group of German tourists who said they didn't realise that Ireland and Dublin City was so badly bombed during the war. It wasn't.......it was dereliction that caused shame.

These people needed power and money and access to planning. What we the people expected was that these Big Cats would have a code of honour, a sense of equity, the ability to avoid corruption and charge fair prices. Not too much to expect, I would have thought. The people are gaining employment, the funds are flowing, exports and imports are on the up and up and the IR£ goes Euro, a move away from the main trading partner, Sterling.

The Banks - yes banks can go broke, like Barings but Ireland it ought to have been different. Ireland was moving upwards from deep recession and had an entrenched Central Bank, Allied Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland and in the outside lane, travelling at speed, the competitive Anglo Irish. All of these would have witnessed the fall of banks in the earlier decades.

So we have the big boys. The 1990's saw them humble with lower share prices. In 1993, I know BOI cost IR£1.50 and followed with a rights issue. It was around 1995 as we moved to the Euro some spark hit Bank shares and they rocketed and as they did so did the shares in other Irish companies , these all sing from the main broad sheet, I would have thought. Just think of Ansbacher accounts and who knew and didnt' Were the Banks and their officials above criminal charges then, possibly not, because if so a halter would be placed on the appetites of bankers......If not, Why. Did they now know of Corporative Governance, if not, they knew about the Tribunals and the powers of the legal officials?

Surely there was an awareness of the aims of the Financial Service Centre, the attraction of world leading banks for attractive tax benefits and how this create competition between banks like Anglo Irish and Citibank.

Exxon one of the largest oil companies in the world got too greedy and their executives who were held accountable were charged and sent to prison for two decades. What is more, the Auditors, suffered severe penalties.

In Ireland I ask where are the auditors; what is their function. Have they been bullied by their avaricious clients of the 1980's?

I cannot understand how Mr. Fitzpatrick in 2008 could have the Brass Neck to think he was entitled to remove funds strategically to cod the Auditors. Who is he? Euros 87 m in a loan to another bank and making sure staff and auditors knew nothing. How dare he? He has had the experience of seeing how the CAB came into operation for drug dealers, criminals, etc. Did it not enter his head that his deceit conjured up the same outcome of criminality.

Had he an agreement with the other account bank executive? What did they intend to do? It looks as if they could have been taking a lead from the Solicitor who successfully tripped up a number of bankers with a paperwork slip of the tongue.....Here we have Solicitors, Bankers, Criminals, ARA, CAB, all bedfellows. What are we the people expected to do?

I say widen the circle of the Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996 and ensure that Corporate Governance, Transparency, extends to include all involved in corporate corruption be included for payment of funds and a handful of shame..........

I would suggest that the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation that investigates serious crime thoughout the country. Linkages exist no doubt with the laundering of money and they might find clues from investigating what has gone on in Anglo Irish.

Auditors. It is necessary to make a stand now..........This is your code and contribution to Ireland.

Related Link: http://www.plainpeopleofireland.ie
author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Sat Dec 20, 2008 17:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Very interesting Michelle. The CAB yesterday won the right to sell off Gilligan's properties and lands. It will retrieve some money for the taxpayer but the barristers will have their prime portion of monetary beef in the equation. I would like to see the CAB looking now at the hierarchy of the Banking system in this country and also looking deeply into FAS - its first class flights and the puzzle of the car raffle (the car is missing). Amazing but sadly true Michelle. The CAB are doing a good job but I ask the question tonight - What is the real cost to the taxpayer. The CAB to me are one dimensional i.e. gangland - I would hope somebody would re-brain them into banking ethics and above all, the morals of money that the taxpayer has to account for.

Banking particularly the higher echelons, and in the last two decades, people are paid perks, salary, pension, bonus, often guaranteed income and perks for 3 years. If something inappropriate happens, the tendency is immediate dismissal and payoff. The pension secures the life time income.

This ought to be reviewed. If there is an illegal inpropriety, the Government ought to redress the matter and seek repayment of an agreed amount and cancellation of the pension. We are are talking about deterrence factor and protection of the National Interest.

Related Link: http://www.common
author by Idontthinksopublication date Mon Dec 22, 2008 03:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

CAB are only authorised to investigate and go after assets that were obtained through criminal actions not through mishandling or negligence.
The various bigwigs in banking paid themselves very well and were then paid off despite making a mess of things and thats how they got their cash,
They did not obtain their assets through illegal actions such as drug dealings.

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Tue Dec 30, 2008 18:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The powers of CAB, I agree, are limited to criminal actions. Yes, I agree mismanagement, or negligence are insufficient to attach to the newly forming mode of 'criminals' that have been born out of the vision of the Celtic Tiger. No these people will not not be sought out of the CAB accredited with funds collection Vehicle that has successfully rounded up funds from a widening range ''criminal clients'. However, it is a model that has worked, where necessary as recently in the Gilligan case, its rights and powers have been extended to seize properties belonging to Gilligan which is to be sold and the proceeds paid to CAB.

CAB has scope and probably the scope stops here with Gilligan. However, the initiative and vision of those who reacted to the growth of gangster crime in the 1980's has been a success story - In the North, something similar was established with the ARA.

The challenge exists now in 2009 to form another Body with Teeth, that will respond to the media release of 'criminal potential' dealings by people involved in Banking but protected by spurious laws and who also abused their power and gained too much control of sections of the markets that permitted them to gross misappropriation of shareholders funds, clients loans forfeited. These people abused their fellow human beings for Greed and selfishness. People now suffer. Developers who had secured loans and who in confidence of the Code of Bankers relied on their boundaries for maximum loans. Dublin 4 is so let down. Record loans were given out by people who were supposed to know if the market place would be able to generate development, employment in a setting suitable for a international like Ballsbridge Quarter.

Now what have we got: The potential of sites for maybe several decades, no employment source for the construction industry, jobs lost in planning, finance.. Who is thinking these days in Ireland........They extended the banks to deal with the potential regeneration of the area, at the cost of those they were lending money to, namely several top developers.

What did the Banks do with monney? It is worth reading (follow the money and common currency) on site. It may be a conspiracy theory but maybe not. 1995 and the Irish £ says goodbye to Sterling and we entered Europe. Core to this are the learned and the bankers. Will we find out as we clear through the wasteland of Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish and Allied Irish Banks (now en route to nationalisation) that a select core decided that it was a good time to take up a risk averse avenue.....it is plausible to take a tranche of Irish funds and keep it off books.........Needless to say, it would be the vested interest. It is worth considering that the 1990's was the practice of overseas accounts and CAB has already been here and the Revenue have rounded up on these funds.

The CAB perhaps ought to widen the bands of what is criminal or else an alternative model ought to created. The time seems right .......... It is worth recalling the dedication of our Revenue services to seek out monies where people failed to report and pay tax on. A decade down the road, let us remember, just how much entered the Irish coffers during the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern reign. Details are available on revenue site.

I would like to know how much CAB has cost the taxpayer in reigning in the criminals and a couple of million of cash a year. I would say - CAB is good to a point but the taxpayer are paying barristers, solicitors, in appeal cases - I wonder what John Gilligan's legal team cost the state.

We are now in a recession but it is a New Year and a time for new Resolutions. We ought to have learnt a considerable amount by now and some revisions are needed. I think I read an article by Kevin Myers and he mentioned that the Tribunals made 102 barristers millionaires. Where is the Justice? I fail to understand all those Tribunalists who headed to Dublin Castle on a regular round up and their inability to soak up the concept of the splendid Scales of Justice on the gate and the importance of weightedness, equality and fairness.

Michelle Clarke

Related Link: http://www.followthemoney.ie
author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics: Dignity publication date Tue Apr 07, 2009 19:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The foregoing seems to pale into insignicance ........ it definite is about one rule for certain categories of people, and a completely different set of rules for another......yes, directors of corporates, private companies, regulatory bodies who are lax in performance, audtiors (just look at what happened to the Auditors for Enron (once world leaders). add add this payments made to professionals who have the opportunities to avoid tax i.e. cash; then add to this the bankers and stockbrokers (those whose word 'is their BOND'), down to the people of Ireland who have no sense of nationhood and choose to register overseas for tax purposes.


ALREADY THE FRENCH AND THE GERMANS HAVE TARGETED ILLEGAL ACCOUNTS IN SWITZERLAND, LICHTENSTEIN, CAYMAN ISLANDS.........ETC... These banks now challenge the bad debt decisions by banks made here in Ireland. Banks that have had to be nationalised and the budget speech that sweeps in with a TOXIC BANK - ALL BAD DEBTS TOGETHER with an independent body to ensure developers assets secured on debts to the banks are paid........highest amount please.

We need our funds from the banks abroad back in Ireland. We need those solicitors that are now struck off the register but abroad without sentence here in our country found and the funds returned. Lateral thought and incentives may be needed here.

Quotation approriate for the Irish Economy - the Budget and Easter
The Cemetery, 1821
Caspar David Friedrich
'To live one day eternally, one first must give oneself to death many times'

author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The final piece in the Bank Rescue Puzzle has now emerged. Its baffling, it is bewildering and as Richard Bruton, Fine Gael Economist, could be one of the biggest gambles in this State's history. It is called the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) which will take up to almost 90 bn. of bad loans off the banks books. This represents one of the final jigsaw pieces in the Bank's Puzzle.........

NAMA WILL BE USED TO PARK THE BAD LOANS OF THE IRISH BANKS.....these bad toxic loans are made up from builders and property developers on the books of 6 Irish owned banks.

Then in comes more bureaucratic dim lights......NAMA WILL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE NATONAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT AGENCY - yes, the State organisation which manages the National Debt and the National Pensions reserve fund will buy these bad loans from the banks AT A DISCOUNT!!! WHAT A CONUNDRUM? It will then hold these loans and the properties that have been pledged as securities against them..........WAIT FOR THIS BOYS, UNTIL THE PROPERTY MARKET RECOVERS!!!!!!

One question was asked 'Will NAMA BE A PROPERTY COMPANY'

YES......Its main job will be to manage the building land, the shopping centres, office blocks, industrial buildings, apartment blocks, hotels, golf clubs and other properties pledged against the loans. Then when the market recovers, they will gradually sell off the properties.

The Taxpayer is entitled to ask one vital question......how exposed is every taxpayer in Ireland exposed to NAMA. Potentially very exposed. No matter how you look at it 909 bn. euros is a hell of a lot of money.......almost the equibvalent of two thirds of the value of Ireland's National Output...............!!!!!

The only plus is, if the market recovers, the taxpayer is reasonably safe for the moment but what happens if the market does not recover for a long period.

Sadly we need NAMA - THE BANKS ARE CLOGGED UP WITH BAD LOANS AND HAVE EFFECTIVELY STOPPED LENDING. Until these bad loans are removed from their books, they will not be able to lend again, and the economy will be far worse.

Now the puzzle is quite simple, if the banks are paid too much for their bad loans, they will end up making huge profits at taxpayers expense. On the under hand, if they are paid too little, the banking crisis and the economic downturn will even get worse.

So my question is simple - this is some gamble.....it is nearly asking now, can we find Shergar? Maybe, I am pessimistic but can someone prove me wrong.

Another point: As Eamonn Gilmore said in the Dail yesterday, One Third of this fiasco of toxic properties are outside of this country and that is a national disgrace.........

Kevin T. Walsh

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics: Dignity publication date Fri Apr 10, 2009 18:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mr. Walsh

NAMA IS THE NEW BUZZ WORD......TO FOCUS OUR ATTENTION ON. THE CAB......WILL MOVE TO THE BACK SEAT OR MAYBE NOT......but there will be divided attention now.

Today's walk was to Camden Street, to get the intuitive feel of another part of the city.

Already, there are new names (my perception) appearing and Looking for Landlords, and their successful lettings form part of their adverstising.

What does this say? It is the conventional see saw.....the game is stay in the middle....rent is best if you own the property, because as yet nobody knows what will happen !!!!!! We are still talking about Market Forces and bear in Mind that widely acclaimed Peter Sutherland has conveyed his message via the media, and he has admonished the people for such negativity. I agree we need a little zest......

'NAMA' AND THE ABILITY TO PARK OUR TOXIC LOANS......FROM OUR ERRANT BANKERS WHO WERE INADEQUATELY REGULATED BY CENTRAL BANK (would this situation ever have happened under the reign of Mr. Moynihan or Mr. Whitaker......their wisdom is well documented for their experiences).

We tend to think of our homes as sources of loans and investments but the circle expands wider and wider, and this means there can be compensatory elements.

The word is Asset Strip. Share values are down but regarding banks and balance sheets, companies like Eircom - it worth considering the implications of the property value fall......it makes them rich pickings from other say oil rich countries......or say Australia......this is marketability and opportunities. In Harcourt Street, I noticed one estate agents so eager that they provide the website and free call number. Having been through negative equity in England, I can only ask one question here:- Are these involved in dealing with repossessed properties for say the Banks!!!!

Lets look to the Olympic Village in England where no doubt many Irish construction workers are already entrenched. Well, the European Bank have acknowledged their shortfall potential and the development wing of the European Investment Bank Euros250 m. bailout. Landlease, an Australian Firm, the Olympic Delivery Authority......so we can see already they have been on the ball.

This begs the question as to how the people appointed to this Board will seek funds, in a similar fashion to Olympic Village, to deal with the toxic Irish Banks crises.......

Wait and See but we will no doubt benefit....the Irish begging bowl is seasoned and receptive.#

Then we have had the G20 talks.......The word is that the UK controlled tax havens and their 'culture of secrecy' is a luxury that can no longer be afforded. These dependencies are now asked to fall in line with OECD suggestions and views of Gordon Brown as Prime Minister. The Guardian today indictes that Gordon has already notified these dependencies in writing.

More interesting is the focus will not only be:-

...Personal evasion
----but will tackle large corporations and their evasion
.........and the Super Rich Individuals' evasions.

The OECD went further and named 7 counties as the major offenders (Anguilia, Bermuda, Cayman, Monserat, Calicos, Brisith Virgin Islands).

Then there is Berlin and Hpos Bank......looks like it may be Nationalised.

These but a few of the ripples......so who knows what will happen to our 90 bn.......it could be a lot less or a lot more.

Michelle Clarke

author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I wonder how much economic thought has been put into the Toxic Debt Super Bank. As I have written before, NAMA IS THE NEW BUZZ WORD IN TOWN, but at Professor Brian Lucey, TCD, has said, it is a big gamble. The Sunday Tribune mentioned yesterday a very important comment - with a question. How could 120 developers create a debt of Euros 90 bn., beggars belief? The creation of this Super Bank called NAMA now could double the National Debt. The unprecedented decision to set up a National Asset Management Agency will see Ireland's debt accumulate way beyond a 100 bn.

Brian Lenihan, Minister for Finance, in the Dail, said 'this move was not a bailout for the banks or developers but for the rescue of the Irish economy'. However, Lenihan went on to admit that if the banks were not able to cope with the losses in the value of their loans, the taxpayer again would have to carry the burden.

This Agency is not set up yet but ironically Bank of Ireland shares plummeted by 10% while AIB shares fell by 8% after the announcement.

Green Party, Eamonn Ryan was literally forced in the Dail last week to admit that roughly 30 bn euros of this toxic debt is outside of Ireland. NAMA will buy between 80 - 90 bn. of property and development loans from the banks, naturally with taxpayers money. As Eamonn Gilmore clinically put it, they intend to buy back hotels in Dubai, retirement villages in Florida, and God Knows what else is coming down the tract, that we don't know about at the moment in relation to the Wild West Banking policies during the so called Celtic Tiger/Sewage period.

On top of all this, the Government are setting up the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA). This Agency will oversee NAMA. It will act as a semi regulator but neither the minister or anybody else in the Cabinet was able to give an idea of how long it will take to transfer all the property loans to the new Toxic bank.

I will not hold myt breath......

Kevin T. Walsh

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics: Dignity publication date Wed Apr 15, 2009 09:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

News bulletins and newspapers today have emerged with a story of a group of Investors from Ireland who bought into a student accommodation block in the North of England. An article today written by Galen English and Aiden Corkery states that our Taoiseach Brian Cowen and his wife Mary, were among a group of Irish Investors who took out loans from AIB, totalling 12.5 m. euros which was spent on this accommodation block in the North of England.

A group of Irish investors bought the property including Brian Cowen, when he was minister for Finance. His friend, the famous Offaly Hurler Johnnie Dooley - his personal secretary, in the Department at the time and Senator Paddy Burke, Fine Gael, from Castlebar is also part of the group. Now the problem is the flats, in Leeds, in Yorkshire, were let without written consent. This is baffling when Cowen was the Minister for Finance and now since AIB is to be nationalised - what lies around the corner? Fees of Stg120,000 are owed to Addison Group and also management fees.

We have had Haughey, we have had Bertie Ahern, now we have Brian Cowen speculating on a multi million pound property investment in England using money loaned to him, in 2005 by Allied Irish Bank. The problem for Mr. Cowen now is that he failed to mention this private deal with AIB last September when he and his Government gave AIB and the other Irish banks the kind of total, all encompassing 22 carat guarantee - the like of which Banks in other countries would only dream about.

Last week, when they announced the setting up of NAMA, when we now know 30 billion of toxic money is valued out of the country, Cowen again failed to disclose this deal that was done in 2005. It is believed that the University were going to send a court order to retrieve the fees owed by these investors. This must come as a shocking embarrassment to the Government in relaton to the setting up of NAMA, who is to collect 90 bn. euros within the next few years and it certainly begs the question how the checks and balances analysis applies to Government viz a viz NAMA.

The flats in questin that were bought by the Irish investors is not the most coveted address in Leeds. The large Carr Mills complex is in what one resident referred to as 'non area' stuck between the vibrant student village of Hyde park, and the more run down Chapeltown. The student building itself is an ugly seven floor block split into blocks of 10 flats. One young foreign student, Abi Olayloda, lives in block C. He said he has been living there for a year and I am paying Stg439 for one room, which is quite pricey. Another un-named student said - the flats are basic, they are pretty well finished off but they are too small and some people are making a lot of money in rent collections.

The main players in this are Enda Hunston, Racehorse owner and his name is on the list of recommended brokers on the Irish Nationwide Building society - website. He also sponsors races at the Curragh. Developer Ian Baggett built his fortune by zoning on thye Buy to Let craze triggered by the property boom, now demised. Baggett has slowed down his building empire and in his own words, he has said he has lost a lot of money.

The question goes back to what Professor Brian Lucey said, (Trinity College), the people of Ireland do not know the half of it yet but when you begin to nationalise banks - the taxpayer has the constitutional right to know who owes these toxic billions and who really is go to run the Independence of NAMA.

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