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Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2Rather it focussed on videotapes & written statements that electoral booths saw multiple voting as well as ballots which were never counted.
99.4% of ballot offices were opened without incident, and 58.91% of the electorate voted. That meant an abstention of roughly 41%.
neither Obrador nor Calderon could be considered legitimate on a recount of an election with vote tampering (leaving aside the vote counting machinery human or otherwise). Especially not one with 41% average abstention, which did reach as high 51.53% in Chiapas (home to the zapatista communities) as I reported at the time. It was news the first day which then became "opinion". I called it "how mexico voted and not voted" & there the reader who expects something more indepth than MSNBC's website provided by the contributor above may find links to the electoral court, the parties, the wikipedia encyclopedia files on election counts and prior opinon polls as well as updates which have been appended since.
My personal tuppence to add to risible's reshake of yesterday's news is this :- Obrador as ex-mayor of Mexico City has played what ought be the most valuable card of the oppressed poor of Mexico or nay third world state - "the Legitimacy of the regime's elections". & he has not only wasted it but most probably spoilt it for the next & 3rd such election in Mexico's democratic history. 40% of those people you'd want on the street didn't vote anyway. It was quite clearly & still is a farce as the Zapatistas and Marcus so clearly termed it in their parallel "other campaign". At best the ex-mayor of Mexico city will get bored and see the constitution altered to allow run-off elections next time. At worst the Calderon regime will prove an "unpopular" continuation of the status quo. The same eagle rules Mexico as did before. The sort of eagle that writes MSNBC news come to think of it.
This was how yet another contributor (Fiachra O Luain) wrote about thier visit to Mexico City :-
I'm just passing on some interviews of Porfirio Muñoz Ledo who is considered by many to be Mexico's most able (parlimentary) politician. These were recommended to me by one of the most intelligent students I've met here.
Of course this is for Spanish speakers, I hope someone gets something from it.
I also include a message that was passed on to me from some Zapatista students over here, it was an address read out in Oaxaca on the 1st of the month. It's below the links. I think that I helps us understand that the Zapatistas are in solidarity with what is happening in Mexico City.
This goes beyond any cards being 'played'. I understand Iosaf's perspective but really what is happening in Mexico goes beyond Obrador too. I must emphasise, Obrador is not a Blair, Schroder or a Royall, and we must be careful not to draw easy comparisons. He has other defects but right now he's an important leftist leader who is defending his victory. One of most important things to remember is that Obrador is now openly calling for a revolution, something that he might not survive himself. Many of us do not vote in general elctions out of principle, and it's very easy to understand such a position, but if, out of the people that did vote then there is a winner and that winnner is robbed of his victory then surely he must be defended no? I think it is a luxury to reject parlimentary democracy on the one hand and then complain then not enough people voted in them. People have the right not to vote, and in fact in the recent election many people felt compelled to vote than before. AMLO, the Zapatistas, the teachers of Oaxaca, the people in the streets in their entirety offer a change, even more so now that Calderon, Ulises Ruiz and PAN in general will be their common enemy. It's time to debate but European cynicism is somehow out of place here right now. Anything could happen and I've never lived in such an environment. I repeat I think Iosaf is very well informed but I disagree with his view of the current situation. This is it, this is the instant, an instant to believe in and contribute something.
Hahaha I must laugh at myself I feel like Peter Pan who wants to believe in Tinkerbell, hahaha, excuse me. So there's my tupence after a day's classes. I'll try and actualizarme and pass on more information, opinion, propaganda......
te mando el link de youTube, donde ésta la entrevista de Pofirio Muñoz Ledo, esta dividida en tres partes.
En esa misma pagina vas a encontrar otros links interesantes, respecto del FRAUDE electoral.
Nómas dele Click carnal y ya estuvo.
Otras entrevistas de Porfirio Muñoz Ledo ( Porfirio uno) (Porfirio dos) (Porfirio tres)
lo de ildebrando que te platique del ilegal uso del Padrón Electoral.
y tambien en ésta pagina
Mensaje del 1o de septiembre al digno y valeroso pueblo de Oaxaca, en la 5a megamarcha por el último informe de gobierno de Vicente Fox.
Escucha el audio:
Copied and pasted song lyrics removed - ed