5.271 immigrants dead at the frontiers of Europe
At least 5.271 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers.

Among them 1.747 were missing in In the Mediterranean sea, and through the Atlantic Ocean towards Spain, 4.092 migrants died. In the Sicily channel 1.815 people died along the routes from Libya and Tunisia to Malta and Italy, including 1.088 missing; 1.272 people died sailing from Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria towards Spain, through the Gibraltar strait or off Canary islands, including 281 missing. Then 392 people died in the Egean sea, between Turkey and Greece, including 159 missing and 474 people died in the Adriatic sea, between Albania, Montenegro and Italy, including 136 missing.
369 people were found dead in Albania, France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, U.K., Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain and Hungary after being stowaways in the trucks or hidden in the containers loaded on the cargo vessels.
In Libyia at least 560 people have been killed during the anti-foreign riots in the northwest libyan city of Zawiyah, which erupted in September 2000.
In the desert 146 persons died from dehydration when trying to cross the Sahara towards the Mediterranean sea, from Sudan to Libyia and from western Africa to Algeria through Mali and Niger.
In the mine-fields 86 people died over the mine-fields along the Turkish Greek border
And then: 51 persons drowned crossing rivers delimiting the frontier between Croatia and Bosnia; Turkey and Greece; Slovakia and Austria; Slovenia and Italy; 34 people froze to death in their tracks through the icy mountains at the border in Turkey, Greece and Slovakia; 20 people died under the trains in the Channel tunnel trying to reach England; 20 people were shot dead by Spanish and Moroccan police along the fence at the border of spanish enclaves in Morocco, Ceuta and Melilla; 11 people burnt after a deportation centre in Holland caught fire; 9 people were shot dead by Turkish and Yugoslave soldiers and 5 people were found dead hidden in the undercarriage of the planes
More info at "FORTRESS EUROPE": http://fortresseurope.blogspot.com