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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Did I just not get the joke, or does the author actually not realise which party McD is a member of?
I hope the people of Ireland think long and hard before casting their vote next year.
No doubt there are many important issues to consider, but I hope the issue of saving the heritage of Tara from the bulldozers of the current proposed M3 route is on most people's agenda.
The people of Meath deserve a solution to their transport woes. The people of the world deserve preservation of precious ancient heritage.
I understand both major parties are currently hell bent on building the motorway as fast as possible, and believe that digging up heritage and putting it in a museum is the way to go.
Will this election be the one that goes down in history as destroying Ireland's "Stonehenge"?
Or will the coalition minor parties save the day.
The world will watch with interest.
South Australia
vote and fuck off again for an other four years
"No doubt there are many important issues to consider, but I hope the issue of saving the heritage of Tara from the bulldozers of the current proposed M3 route is on most people's agenda."
The majority of people are concerned with low taxes, more affordable consumer goods such as alcohol, food, clothes, flat screen televisions, computers etc. , cheaper petrol and home fuel oil prices, clubbing, holidays, movies, socialising, getting laid and having fun.
They also want to get from A to B, faster and in comfort. The M3 will bring people from Meath to work in Dublin in the early hours of the morning and get them home before the sun goes down in the winter evenings so they can have some quality time with their kids during the week.
I care about the Irish heritage but I don't think the rest of the nation does.
I'm not an autocrat and I don't think I can force them to care.
On the button there Glenn, sadly most Irish care nothing for their heritage, only have to look at the level of spoken Irish, the steady anglisization of the country, and the filth and dirt to mention but a few. Most Irish would probably care nothing if the hill of Tara was to be bulldozed flat for that matter.
We can live in hope though, and through the efforts of the few maybe we can slowly wake people up. Voting for a four year dictatorship is hardly democracy.
When they said their aim was "to protect Irelands environment from the Irish" - Unfortunatly the prospects for real change in Ireland are limited for the foreseable future with the majority of the the Irish public wedded to the FF-PD-FG axis of evil - Its like a heroin addict knowing the stuff is bad for them but always going back for one last hit!! - Depressing to see last night on the news when Bertie and his merry band of crooks went walk-about in Westport, the number of gullible fools who shook his hand and stared at him as if he were some sort of messiah - The phrase "Banana Republic" came to mind!!
But that's just what i'm saying.
If the "few" go around talking about "heritage" then the immediate reaction of young people is boredom.I was taken to see Clonmacnoise and Glendalough and the Cliffs of Moher when I was a kid on a school tour. Most of my friends were more interested in the computer aracade and the MacDonalds we visited on the way home.
Me and my mates go to the Greek islands and elsewhere for their holidays just for the sun sea and sex. I might take time out to have look at the ancient temples and artifacts but my mates don't.
Its a joke. It's meant to mean that a vote for FF will bring back in the likes of McDowell, irrespective of their distancing themselves from him in the current mood. The jist of the piece is that FF are opportunists and ruthless and that they'll tack whichever way the wind blows at election time but at the end of the day they'll crack down on ordinary folks. it's a reminder that FF's true colours are neither republican nor socialist, as demonstrated by their willingness to get into bed with the PDs. I hope that clarifies. I shall try to make my attempts at satire less obscure in future.
Indeed Glenn!! - Apart from the odd exception young people today are in the main even less inclined to challenge wrong-doing and injustice than previous generations. Most appear to be selfish me-feiners obessed with all things material!! - The mass suffering of their fellow man or the living planet doesn't even register - most of them hardly ever watch the news for CHrist-sake!!! - All this of course suits the govenment who can simply get elected by appealing to people's baser intincts.
All of which bodes ill for the future of man-kind and the planet in general, particulary on the day when it has been revealed that CO2 levels in the atmopshere are now way higher than the've been in the last million years or so which means were about to enter dangeriously uncharted waters for the earths climate with potentially devastating consequeces for all its inhabitants.
I am incredibly saddened the more I learn about the Irish people having other priorities than saving their heritage.
I can't help worrying that its too late for Tara. Perhaps if Tara had been given a PR campaign over the last 30 years so she was as famous world wide as Stonehenge, then she could be bringing in mega tourist euros and the Irish government would sit up and take notice and re-route the M3 to protect their golden egg.
Just look at these stats and imagine the stats for the USA and Canada. "Up to thirty percent of Australians claim some degree of Irish ancestry - six of the seven Prime Ministers in the twenty years from 1929 to 1949 had Irish forebears. There are 50,000 Irish-born residents in Australia."
People of Irish descent world wide could make their pilgrimage to the Irish 'Mecca' spiritual and ancient capital. I toured Ireland in 1990 and there was no mention in the guidebooks of Tara, or Newgrange for that matter. I was very upset years later back in Australia when I discovered their existance and my lost opportunity!
I am still trying to get my head around Irish politics. Today I see FG and Labor releasing joint policies. FF promising more of the same but better. People feeling so disillusioned with the lack of choice that they opt out of voting altogether. Sigh.
What a sad lesson and loss for the world if the unmodified M3 has its way.
p.s. the Cliffs of Moher are fantastic!
I got married at stonehenge in the 70's and it was gift. We both cared our names in runes on one of the stones (the one that got moved to the glastenbury festival a few years later as a stage prop for the last english appearance of jimi hendrix [peace be upon him])
Like I was there man.
But you know stonehenge has lost a lots of its mystique now that cable telly gives you the likes of stargate atlantis & a complete new battlestar galactica with cheaper & less sun-tanned cast. Tara at end could only rival something like Uluru / Ayer's rock if we not only make it a Taboo but also dump toxic waste on it & both stray travellers and ryanair blackleg scab tourists come away with something worse than flouridisis.
This is an issue so great it needs more than gibberish. It needs its own website.
The Lia fail was in Westminister Abbey.
Someone put the big erect stone on a fragile mound in Tara and called it Destiny.
It belongs in Tara, but not where it is.
maybe if it was moved from the interpreted position, wherein it stands to where it should be
it would not dominate the mind of the limited little men who are selling it piece by piece.
Now what has the Lia fail got to do with Big swinging Mickey Mac Dowell- I hear you say?
He is placed on the graphic above, high priest of capitalism in Ireland. The ones who run
the government unmandated: the proponents of greed, race to the top and globalised meritocracy.
The proponents and writers of the legislations that the puppets in the Dail pass through
as law, that betrays an image of Ireland as equal and welcoming to all people.
The proponents of Progress, prosperity and peace- who would buy that with a two
tier system in which 50% of the population eat the
branded pap that passes for democracy in the name of nostalgia for an image
of Ireland that is constructed in an ad-man's room.
*other notable erections: the 'Spire', the British Obelisks.
We have traded old blown up Nelson for globalised eunuchism.*
One thing you may not know about in far away Australia, and which you may not be taking proper account of, is that the legal profession in the Republic of Ireland appears to be red-rotten with corruption at the present time: certainly as far as such things as environmental law and human rights law are concerned. Instead of dispensing justice, in their role as the custodians of the law and the legal system, the judges are much more inclined (it seems to me) to dispense such things as injustice, arrogance, ignorance, stupidity, bullying, and so on.
Consequently, anyone who appears before the courts in the hope of receiving justice in connection with human rights and/or environmental matters, is likely to have their problems grossly compounded with a very large helping of additional injustice. That, unfortunately, is how things appear (to me) to be at the present time.
If interested, you can get a taste of the kind of abuse I mean - by viewing the "Judge Mary Fahy describes the Lawlessness of Procedures in her Galway District Court as - 'Normal' ! " article at the following address:
By way of I providing you with some further evidence of the extent of the corruption problem in our legal system, you may also be interested to know that I am still waiting for a reply from Justice Minister Michael McDowell TD to the letter I sent to him through the registered post on August 4th 2006, which can be viewed at the following address:
People joke about Australians having to live upside down - citizens in the Republic of Ireland have to live with a legal profession whose thinking appears to be upside down, inverted, and perverted: as far as human rights law and environmental law are concerned.
The basic information in my September 7th Indymedia item just above, regarding rampant corruption (as I see it) in the legal profession in the Republic of Ireland, was yesterday passed on to Professor Monica McWilliams, Chief Commissioner, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.
According to a recent newspaper article in The Irish News (Page 23, September 6th 2006), Ms McWilliams is at present working very hard it seems on the Bill of Rights connected with the Good Friday Agreement.
As some readers will already know, the Good Friday Agreement has now been deeply embedded into "Bunreacht na hEireann" (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland): under the title "Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution Act, 1998".
My hope is that Ms McWilliams will take account of situations like mine - whereby the only way I can avoid being corruptly criminalised in the Republic of Ireland, and yet remain on the Island of Ireland, is to live in forced exile in Northern Ireland: in rented accommodation, while the home which I am the legal owner of in County Galway lays empty and grows derelict.
The situation outlined in the paragraph above has been going on for over 20 months now so far (i.e. since December 7th 2004); and, despite strong support from my GP in Omagh (Dr McCavert) and a senior social worker (Mr Madden), between the three of us we still cannot find a lawyer willing to even discuss the human rights aspects of my case: in EITHER of the two jurisdictions on the Island of Ireland.
The full text of the e-mail sent yesterday to Ms McWilliams, which was copied to Dr. Maurice Manning (President, Republic of Ireland Human Rights Commission), can be viewed at the following address:
I am unfamiliar with your situation but will read your info.on same soon.
The biggest threat to this Country and the People is from within. The biggest violaters of our Constitutional rights are the Courts.
Dont expect 'justice' from members of the BAR.
WHY? Because they are primarily sworn to British Accreditation Research--commonly know as 'THE BAR'.
Even most of 'them' are unaware of the fact. Go ask them. Betcha they cant tell you.
They should be sworn to Bunreacht and nothing else. But they are not. According to their hidden Masters,this Bar elite club superceeds all Constitutions wherever the Jurisdiction.
But, don't tell the People whatever you do. That would spoil the massive gravy Train of open Court Pagentry to extract massive Fees for sweat F all.
It seems yo need to go into the High Court and invoke the Constitution yourself. WITHOUT lEGAL REPRESENTATION.
A reply has been received from the Private Secretary to Mr Noel Dempsey T.D. (Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources) regarding the "rampant corruption" issue referred to in the September 9th posting by me above.
A copy of the full text of the reply can be viewed at the following location:
As might be expected in the circumstances, some quick checks made recently on the Internet strongly suggest there is a "rampant corruption" problem in the European Union as well.
"Birds of a feather flock together" ?
"The European Union is rotten to its core, and it is time it was thrown in the dustbin of history to lie alongside the USSR and all such attempts to gerrymander, hoodwink and plunder the peoples of Europe."
The conclusion in the quote just above appears to have been reached some months ago by a Mr Christopher Arkell, who describes himself as a "forensic accountant".
Mr Arkell continued: "The crisis brought on by the French and Dutch No votes in their referendums, and the severe difficulties agreeing the Commission's new budget (which have resulted in huge pressure being put on Britain to give up its rebate) provide us with a unique opportunity to demand the abolition of the entire EU structure and its re-founding on the straightforward principles of honesty and plain-dealing. For the present arrangements do not merely invite fraud and corruption and the plundering of our tax moneys, but they are fraudulent in themselves. It is simply wrong for an institution such as the European Commission to set up a court of auditors and yet, by design, to prevent that court from ever carrying out its purposes."
Additional information on Mr Arkell's observations regarding corruption in the European Union can be found at:
A woman who lives in the United States, possibly in a rural area, and who knows of my efforts to try and do something about the way corruption is running wild all over much of the world, recently wrote the pieces of text below (which have been selected from her e-mail):
"Everyday in the news here (i.e. the United States), there is more and more corruption exposed. Just when we think it's been all uncovered, there is another rotting layer of abuses by the current political and religious leaders."
"United States citizens might just have to live with the horrible stench of corruption until it finally falls away, in order to realize that we will have to take every precaution to keep the current mindset of aggression and abuse towards others at bay."
"There is a saying here among farmers that once a dog kills a chicken, it cannot be broken of trying to kill chickens in the future. Most will put the dog down. However there is one other possible cure and that is to tie the dead chicken around the dog's neck and let it stay there... rotting and stinking up the dog until it finally falls off. The stench, flies and maggots from the rotting carcass will make the dog adverse to the desire of getting involved with chicken again."
With the contents of the paragraph immediately above in mind, I sent some "NAME & SHAME" type e-mails which can be viewed at the addresses provided below, and which (hopefully) might yet become the equivalent of the "dead chicken" mentioned above, or a small part of it at least:
Tara corruption issues ("bad bankers, lawyers, politicians, and "establishment" media):
LAS (Legal Abuse Syndrome) corruption information to a senior social worker, and several politicians and lawyers:
Copy of LAS information to a selection of international media organisations (and people):
Copy of LAS information to a selection of MEPs, European Union and Council of Europe Bodies, and Human Rights Organisations:
Much now depends on whether John Glynn, who is the principle lawyer at "Hogan & Co" will do what I believe he should do: which is to take legal action on my behalf (without undue delay) against Minister for Justice McDowell TD for the reasons stated in the text at the address just above.
If Mr Glynn does initiate the required legal action, then corruption would in all probability become a major issue in the run-up to the general election during the coming few months - something which I believe is VERY badly needed at the present time for the "common good" of the citizens of the Republic of Ireland.
Much now depends on how Mr Glynn (who is a barrister) acts.
Time will tell.