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What is Socialism and how can it be achieved?
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Wednesday August 30, 2006 14:17 by The Sun Burst - Ógra Shinn Féin osfnational at yahoo dot ie

Article by Ógra Shinn Féin activist Brian Keane
Socialism as a concept cannot be summed up as easily as its opposite, capitalism. Capitalism is quite simply the pursuit of wealth by many individuals; the strongest will succeed while the weakest fall by the wayside. At present, this is the dominant social, economic and political ideology in global politics. We, of course, recognise that the basing of a society on such a negative human condition as greed is inherently wrong. We look to build a better system, one where all are cherished equally.
The broad term socialism describes the range of ideas that seek to find an alternative to capitalism. It is very easy for those on the left to get sucked into the isms within socialism, treating the writings of their preferred writer as dogma, a text that is perfect and one must not deviate from the proscribed path. This neo religious concept of politics has in the past, and continues in the present, to restrict the growth of the left in Ireland and throughout the world.
The defining value of socialism – and of Republicanism - is equality. That is the aim, the motivation and the end. It therefore stands to reason that socialism is the system that can best achieve that aim. We in Ógra Shinn Féin, as socialist Republicans, seek to achieve a 32 County Democratic Socialist Republic. This Republic will be based on – but not limited to - the Proclamation of 1916 and the Democratic Programme of the First Dáil, probably the two most radical and progressive documents in Irish political history.
The Republican Movement is, and always has been, a broad church in terms of its socialist outlook. There is no huge consensus within the Movement about the exact makeup of the socialist Republic to which we aspire, but all members are united by our dream of equality. The only debate is therefore how best to achieve that equality, and capitalism, the status quo, is not going to achieve that.
The Republican Movement is at the coalface of our communities, dealing with the daily problems that ordinary people face in their day to day lives arising from the type of economic system that has been imposed upon them. Poor housing, education, health and working conditions can all be traced back to the fact that, in this capitalist society, money is power. By working with communities to deal with the consequences of the system, we also work to open their eyes to the cause of their problems. We seek to empower communities, to help them to help themselves. We need to empower communities, give them responsibility and control over their own lives.
If and when we seek to bring the means of production under social ownership, we need to have a clear idea of what we mean by social ownership. We do not feel that having all sectors of the economy under State ownership is the best way of working. As well as empowered communities, we need empowered workers, who can own and operate their businesses by way of cooperatives and other progressive ownership models. This is true democracy, democratic ownership, not what passes for democracy in the two statelets on this island. This is a decentralised socialist model that allows for the true ownership of the wealth of the nation by the people, not purely by the megalith known as the ‘State.’ All too often the state and the people are confused and interchanged words. As we have seen in the past, many so called socialist countries in the past, the ‘state’ was certainly not representative of the people or working for the people, rather working towards its own self preservation.
Now we must begin to look towards how we achieve socialism. True socialism can only be achieved with and through the consent and cooperation of the people, through the democratic system. We must therefore work in every legitimate way possible to influence the process in order to maximise the socialist mandate. That process is not limited to elections, but also encompasses street protests and popular demonstrations, empowering communities and workers and any other way that may influence public opinion and support. That is why all socialist political parties must not only have good politics, but also good strategy.
The best practical way in which we can achieve and preserve a Socialist Republic is by putting in place a socialist constitution. The 1937 constitution of the 26 Counties most certainly is not one that meets this need. The best opportunity for us to create a socialist constitution is when – not if, but when – we finally drive the foreign imperialist occupation from the north-eastern 6 counties of our country. At this juncture in our history, the Irish people will be faced with the establishment of a new state. Republicans do not want to see the absorption of the 6 counties into the 26 counties, preserving and expanding the conservative, corrupt and downright criminal status quo of the south. We would not wish to inflict that upon our northern comrades. To accept such would not be worth even one life or one day in prison for any Republican. Luckily, neither would our Irish brothers and sisters of the Unionist persuasion. This would therefore mean that there would be a brand new constitution needed, new structures and new Government. One where all would feel equally respected and cherished. It is at this point that the socialist Republic can be achieved by ensuring that we have the maximum mandate for that Republic, strengthening our hand in negotiation.
In this constitution, we must enshrine economic and social rights and an economic system that has the pursuit of equality – not profit – at its core. Once that constitution is in place, it is only the people who can then change it by referendum.
Ógra Shinn Féin will continue it’s work as part of the Republican Movement to achieve the aim of a 32 County Democratic Socialist Republic, based on the Proclamation of 1916 and the Democratic Programme of the First Dáil, cherishing all the children of the nation equally.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11You're flogging a dead horse. Socialism has been tried and found to be entirely useless. No doubt you'll tell us that it hasn't been tried, that the various 'socialist' countries weren't really socialist and that what you are offering is 'new improved socialism' of a form that hasn't actually been tried anywhere in the world before and therefore, highly conveniently, can not have its record examined and compared to that of capitalism. If you think more than about 10 per cent of the population are going to buy your version or any version of socialism, you're seriously deluded. What is more, your obsession with socialism is standing in the way of a United Ireland which most political parties want to see. Its a realistic hope, although by no means a certainty, that a continuation of the Celtic Tiger economy in the Republic could within a decade or so lead to living standards being so much higher here than in Northern Ireland that the unionist population there will come to see the advantages of an All-Ireland State. That's what most of the sensible parties like FF, FG and the PDs are striving towards. Already many unionists in Northern Ireland are starting to notice how much higher social welfare benefits are down south than in the north, how many more new houses there are down south than in the north, how many more new industries there are down south than in the north, how the roads are becoming better and better down south compared with the north, a complete reversal of the situation a few decades ago. Given time, this feeling could grow to the point where most unionists would feel their best interests were served by an All-Ireland Sate, a capitalist free market one, a 32-county version of the Celtic Tiger. Given time, that could become a very attractive proposition to the unionist population. But then you come along telling them that this is not on offer, telling them that any All-Ireland State has to be based on prehistoric socialist ideas that the rest of the world has long ago rejected. In your world a future All-Ireland State won't be an enlarged version of the current booming prosperous 26-county State that has full employment, rocketing living standards and is attracting hundreds of thousands of immigrants from all over the world. Instead its going to be a Celtic version of Cuba or North Korea. No wonder the unionists prefer to stick with the United Kingdom rather than throw their lot in with us.
...coming from John. Man I wished I lived in whatever country he's living in, oh sorry he's in a different class. Not a different country. I always get those two mixed up.
This character should write a book "Fairy tales for capitalists" - I'm sure IBEC would gladly fund it though it would be published as a serious work under some title such as "Dinosaurs in the workplace- how regulation of employers is crippling the Celtic Tiger
Still though you already have a recruit like Simon above, fresh from the pond.
As usual no attempt to address real issue on how the socialist future will unfold. Just vague things about how this will happen and then something else happens after that... and how the workers will be happy ever afterwards
If you support an ideology or an approach, such as the type of socialism being proposed here then it is up to you to tell us how it will work in practice and what are and will be the implications for everyone and not just hurling abuse...
But it is for those who struggle to create socialism, the working class, who will decide what it will be like. There is a vague outline of course, where society is controlled by democratic workers councils and all representatives of the people take a workers' wage and are subject to recall at any time. The nationalisation of the top major companies, using the money to meet the needs of ordinary people. Can't think of anything else right now, but that's the basic gist. I'm sure you'll find some fault with it.
That Brian guy was at a debate I was at recently, with Socialist Youth and Labour Youth. He used that exact speech and got absolutely slaughtered.
There's NO way Ireland would be able to take over the six counties at the present time anyway! ESPECIALLY under capitalism. The United Kingdom pumps bucket loads of money into that place, we simply wouldn't be able to do it. Our economy would collapse!
I do feel that SF/OSF completely disregard the unionist viewpoint though. Also, struggle for socialism and struggle for unity are very much linked. I do not trust SF to be socialist. They're ridiculous.
Firstly I agree with John that conditions in the capitalist south are making new levels of connection with moderate unionists more possible.
However just when this is likely to move forward expect a backlash from the most backwoods elements of Orange extremism. Will John and others wash their hands when nationalists and moderate unionists wil then need to be protected.I dont agree that we cant afford a form of united Ireland at this time The British establishment are actually very tired of paying thier stipend anually to Ulster especially now that the security threat can be less used as an excuse . They may have pulled out years ago but for the fact it would have encompassed a loss of military face and that too much about collusion with loyalist groups would have come out to soon . As regards the parties I believe that the P.Ds are not in any way looking forward to the idea of a United Ireland and that F.G are at best luke warm about it and when you throw in the now arch partionist Pat Rabette then there is hardly momentum in Dail EIreann could we see some action on this.
All I can say is that as a 21st century socialist I believe in a new weave of ideas of many threads appropreate to our age and taking into acccount the lessons learned from the mistakes of socialists in the 19th and 20th century. I certainly believe that capitalism has made no particular improvement to the world in the last forty years possibly not since the contraceptive pill. Much of the worst of old capitalism still manifests itself in new ways contributing to misery and injustice. Some things can be taken as good from the thoughts of such diverse people as Trotsky Krotopkin Robert Owen Tom Paine and Simone de Beauvoir. I am against the simple nationalisation of everything or overreliance on old party structures. I include in my threads the green movement the rights of individual freedom the right to express free opinion the right to a given religion or not to have a religion for that matter.I believe in putting someting into the community and not whining all the time and seeking to work with others for the good without expecting ideological purism from them. Of course capitalism is gradually trying to abolish the idea of a community all together.
The Meaning of 21st Century Socialism for Venezuela by Gregory Wilpert
"In other words, for 21st century socialism to distinguish itself from 20th century state socialism, it would have to be a libertarian socialism, which assures that the "free development of each is a condition for the free development of all" (Marx)."
Is Venezuela Moving towards a 21st Century Socialism? Do we support the ascendant social agenda against the old rotten empire.. Should we?
The essay at the top is just embarrassing. Laughable even. However, no doubt the chap who wrote it will grow out of it as he matures and finds out what socialism really meant for the hundreds of millions who suffered under it.
As a republican he might also reflect on the fact that by engaging in such twaddle he is also lowering republicans into the sad undergrowth of mystic ultra leftism which is obsessed with the sort of nonsense contained in some of the replies to his original post.
The essay at the top is just embarrassing. Laughable even. However, no doubt the chap who wrote it will grow out of it as he matures and finds out what socialism really meant for the hundreds of millions who suffered under it.
As a republican he might also reflect on the fact that by engaging in such twaddle he is also lowering republicans into the sad undergrowth of mystic ultra leftism which is obsessed with the sort of nonsense contained in some of the replies to his original post.
You won't want to hear this but Yes and No.
I certainly would distance myself from some on the left who turn the Chavez movement into a personality fan club
whereby the observor is invited to be nothing more than a cheerleeder for an individual or a group of individuals.
No one state will create perfect conditions and if there was a blue print for making revloutionary fervour into successfull
work policy and jusitic then the world would be a very simple place. Howcver I dont see enough evidence that the current phase has
brought any ammount of repression with it small gains can be of huge significance to people who are used to having nothing.
Certainly in time more will have to be done to broaden out the progress in the country so that its destiny is completly in the hand of the
people themselves. Yet the current Government continues to be underthreat by The U.S administration and its nefarious collection of rich
frineds mercenaries killers etc. Chavez in the field has taken on some of the most reactionary forces on the Globe. The institutions of
Venezeula may need to be supported in the medium term so as progress isnt crushed before it gets off the ground.